is a client-side JavaScript library for the read-only parts of the The TwentyThree API.
The library is designed to work across domains using JSON-P and it requires jQuery.
Make sure the library is including the HTML page:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="visualplatform.js"></script>
Making simple request to the open API:
var visualplatform = Visualplatform(yourDomain);
Methods can be called as:
The first parameter is always a JS object with the filter data described in the API documentation. The second and third parameters are callbacks in the event of success and error respectively.
If you are making a set of requests, you can boost performance by concatenating them. This makes a single HTTP request to the server and invokes the callback method for each contained api method:
var visualplatform = Visualplatform(yourDomain);
{name:'settings', method:'/api/player/settings', callback:function(o,name){console.debug(name, o);}},
{method:'/api/photo/list', data:{photo_id:2628325}, callback:function(o){console.debug('list of videos', o);}}
Visualplatform.js ship with support for the most common methods in the TwentyThree API, but can be extended with for any other API endpoint:
var visualplatform = Visualplatform('', ['/api/action/add', '/api/action/delete', '/api/action/get']);
A number of features in the TwentyThree API requires authorization through OAuth 1.0a signatures. The library supports this throug the oauth-1.0a signing library.
To sign requests, make sure the signing library is loaded alongside Visualplatform.js:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="oauth-1.0a/oauth-1.0a.js"></script>
<script src="jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="visualplatform.js/visualplatform.js"></script>
Then bootstrap with your API credentials:
var visualplatform = Visualplatform('', [], {
consumer_key:'<consumer key>',
consumer_secret:'<consumer secret>',
access_token:'<access token>',
access_token_secret:'<access token secret>'
After this, simply run requests as described above. Note that OAuth signatures do not work with concatenated requests.
The client-side JavaScript library does not support OAuth authentication and it does not allow for any method that requires write
, admin
or super
privileges. For this refer to the Node.js library for the server side.