Releases: Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components
Title: Release notes v3.5.0
Alfresco Application Development Framework (ADF) version 3.5.0 Release Note
These release notes provide information about the 3.5.0 release of the Alfresco Application Development Framework.
This is the latest General Available release of the Application Development Framework, which contains the Angular components to build a Web Application on top of the Alfresco Platform.
The release can be found on GitHub at this location.
See the ADF roadmap for details of features planned for future
versions of ADF.
New package versions
"@alfresco/adf-content-services" : "3.5.0"
"@alfresco/adf-process-services" : "3.5.0"
"@alfresco/adf-core" : "3.5.0"
"@alfresco/adf-insights" : "3.5.0",
"@alfresco/adf-extensions": "3.5.0"
Goals for this release
This is the fifth minor release of ADF since February 2019 when version 3.0.0 was released.
The highlights of this release include additional support for Activiti 7 and improved accessibility.
Please report issues with this release in the issue tracker. You can collaborate on this release or share feedback by using the discussion tools on Gitter.
Improved accessibility
This release provides fixes for some accessibility issues and improves the overall accessibility of ADF based applications. Refer to the list of issues for details of the enhancements and fixes.
The SSO experience has been enhanced by providing whitelist access to public routes and support for logout requests via the Alfresco Identity Management Service.
This release includes: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian (Bokmål), Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Swedish versions.
The following is a brief list of references to help you get started with the new release:
- Getting started guides with Alfresco Application Development Framework
- Alfresco ADF Documentation on the Builder Network
- Gitter chat supporting Alfresco ADF
- ADF examples on GitHub
- Official GitHub Project - alfresco-ng2-components
- Official GitHub Project - alfresco-js-api
- Official GitHub Project - generator-ng2-alfresco-app
Please refer to the official documentation for further details and suggestions.
Issues addressed
The following is the list of JIRA issues that were closed for this release:
Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 3.5.0
- [ADF-4919] - Reviewing the ADF documentation
- [ADF-4738] - [Process -Cloud] Move GroupCloudService to adf-core lib
- [ADF-4828] - [ADF] [ProcessListCloudComponent] Add action and context menu.
- [ADF-4829] - [ADF] [TaskListCloudComponent] Add action and context menu.
- [ADF-4854] - Cloud Task List should expose "stickyHeader" attribute
- [ADF-4878] - About Component refactor
- [ADF-4894] - Json datatable column and edit/view dialog
- [ADF-4822] - ADF with Identity Service
- [ADF-4814] - Improve About component to display current version running
- [ADF-4820] - CI/CD - Automatic github Tag on the release process.
- [ADF-4764] - The amount field placeholder is misleading after completing a task
- [ADF-4794] - Not able to attach a second file to a form after one has already been attached
- [ADF-4798] - [ADF] [adf-content-node-selector] File icons are not showing properly
- [ADF-4810] - Cannot access public routes, when authentication is OAUTH & silent login enabled
- [ADF-4824] - ADF should logout user when token request fails
- [ADF-4826] - [ADF] Process/Task list first displays "No Process/Task Found" and then loads the Process/Tasks
- [ADF-4830] - DocumentList - sort state is not being announced
- [ADF-4831] - DocumentList - filetype alternative text is not meaningful
- [ADF-4845] - Uploader - Expanded/collapsed state not exposed
- [ADF-4847] - Not able to find any user in Assignee field when creating a task
- [ADF-4848] - Visibility conditions on forms on ADF on APS1 is not working
- [ADF-4862] - Upload dialog - reading order
- [ADF-4865] - Upload Dialog - row actions not accessible by keyboard alone
- [ADF-4868] - [APS-1] adf-content-node-selector seems broken when we upload from External Alfresco content service
- [ADF-4887] - Value of invisible number field is not sent in the payload
- [ADF-4899] - Fix Community Edition Templates in Generator
- [ADF-4905] - ADF starts different process instance than process selected in the dropdown
- [ADF-4906] - [ADF] Not able upload file from ACS when start process with form
- [ADF-4909] - Hide the plugins section of About page when it's empty
- [ADF-4913] - [Regression] Text ellipsis in Gallery View
- [ADF-4914] - Fix update version script for Modeler and Generator
- [ADF-4922] - Fix update project script for Generator and Modeler
- [ADF-4926] - Cloud form attachments are not downloaded correctly
- [ADF-4799] - [E2E] Automate CardView clear date button
- [ADF-4801] - [E2E] Create automation for CardView dropdown None option
- [ADF-4807] - Automate Form date fields - Incorrect validation for date fields - Only YYYY-MM-DD date display format is working
- [ADF-4809] - [E2E] Automate test for non-editable form in completed task
- [ADF-4811] - Enhance notification service to handle translation params ...
Title: Release notes v3.4.0
Alfresco Application Development Framework (ADF) version 3.4.0 Release Note
These release notes provide information about the 3.4.0 release of the Alfresco Application Development Framework.
This is the latest General Available release of the Application Development Framework, which contains the Angular components to build a Web Application on top of the Alfresco Platform.
The release can be found on GitHub at this location.
See the ADF roadmap for details of features planned for future
versions of ADF.
New package versions
"@alfresco/adf-content-services" : "3.4.0"
"@alfresco/adf-process-services" : "3.4.0"
"@alfresco/adf-core" : "3.4.0"
"@alfresco/adf-insights" : "3.4.0",
"@alfresco/adf-extensions": "3.4.0"
Goals for this release
This is the fourth minor release of ADF since February 2019 when version 3.0.0 was released.
The highlights of this release include additional support for Activiti 7 and an Angular Material upgrade.
Further enhancements have been made to forms in this release including improvements to form field visibility and the ability to attach forms to standalone tasks. End users can now also take advantage of the preference service to store custom filters for task and process lists and have them accessible between different sessions and devices.
Please report issues with this release in the issue tracker. You can collaborate on this release or share feedback by using the discussion tools on Gitter.
The following are the most important features of this release:
Form field visibility
Visibility conditions form fields has been enhanced to cover additional use cases within the Modeling Application. In this release of ADF the relevant components have been updated to support this new set of capabilities.
Preference service
The edit process filter cloud component and edit task filter cloud component were introduced in a previous release of ADF to support custom filters for end users. The limitation of the components was that the filters were stored in a user's local browser storage and only available until that session expired.
In this release a server side preference service now stores that information, so that task and process list filters can be stored on a user-by-user basis and be made available between sessions and devices.
Note This functionality is not available in the community edition, Activiti Cloud. Custom filters are still stored in the local browser storage for community implementations.
Forms in standalone tasks
Forms can now be used in standalone tasks and not just those that form part of a user task within a process. To be able to use a form in a standalone task, the modeler needs to explicitly allow it during its design.
The following is an example JSON of a form definition with the new boolean property standAlone
which toggles whether the form is available to attach to standalone tasks:
"formRepresentation": {
"id": "form-5601d74a-77b6-4fc5-88b3-3bdcd1e914cc",
"name": "holiday-request-form",
"description": "A form to request leave",
"version": 2,
"standAlone": true,
"formDefinition": {
Angular and Material upgrade
ADF has been updated to :
- @angular/material* 7.3.7
- @angular/* 7.2.15
This release includes: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian (Bokmål), Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Swedish versions.
The following is a brief list of references to help you get started with the new release:
- Getting started guides with Alfresco Application Development Framework
- Alfresco ADF Documentation on the Builder Network
- Gitter chat supporting Alfresco ADF
- ADF examples on GitHub
- Official GitHub Project - alfresco-ng2-components
- Official GitHub Project - alfresco-js-api
- Official GitHub Project - generator-ng2-alfresco-app
Please refer to the official documentation for further details and suggestions.
Issues addressed
The following is the list of JIRA issues that were closed for this release:
- [ADF-4776] - Release note for version 3.4.0
- [ADF-4777] - Creating the npm audit report for ADF 3.4.0
- [ADF-4778] - Generate the list of third party Open Source components for 3.4.0
- [ADF-4461] - Form Cloud - Refactor the formService and split validation responsibility
- [ADF-4590] - Cloud start task - Change the model
- [ADF-4694] - Not able to attach multiple files from ACS repository with an attach file widget
- [ADF-4699] - Allow a form to be used (or not used) in standalone tasks
- [ADF-4731] - [Process - Cloud] - Improve IdentityUserService
- [ADF-4755] - [CardViewDate&SelectItemComponent] Provide a way to reset date and add None option as default.
- [ADF-4614] - User preferences in process filters
- [ADF-4711] - User preferences in task filters
- [ADF-4713] - Number formatting for ADF based applications
- [ADF-4041] - People Cloud Component - preselected values not working to be filtered by username
- [ADF-4314] - [Process - Cloud] - can not claim a process task without any assignee
- [ADF-4424] - Password dialog does not close when pressing Escape
- [ADF-4480] - Viewer shows endless spinner for unsupported files
- [ADF-4574] - The form variable value is not displayed in a display value widget
- [ADF-4635] - [APA] - The Status drop-down is looking different for Processes than for Tasks
- [ADF-4682] - The Date is not saved correctly on Process-services form.
- [ADF-4696] - "Ownable" and "Lockable" aspect Owner property is incorrectly displayed
- [ADF-4704] - Unreliable unit tests - StartProcessCloudComponent
- [ADF-4709] - Fix travis run on the App Generator
- [ADF-4715] - Fix filter processes - remove CREATED status
- [ADF-4716] - Dynamic Table not working properly (regression)
- [
Title: Release notes v3.3.0
Alfresco Application Development Framework (ADF) version 3.3.0 Release Note
These release notes provide information about the 3.3.0 release of the Alfresco Application Development Framework.
This is the latest General Available release of the Application Development Framework, which contains the Angular components to build a Web Application on top of the Alfresco Platform.
The release can be found on GitHub at this location.
See the ADF roadmap for details of features planned for future
versions of ADF.
New package versions
"@alfresco/adf-content-services" : "3.3.0"
"@alfresco/adf-process-services" : "3.3.0"
"@alfresco/adf-core" : "3.3.0"
"@alfresco/adf-insights" : "3.3.0",
"@alfresco/adf-extensions": "3.3.0"
Goals for this release
This is the third minor release since of ADF since February 2019 when version 3 was released.
This release continues to provide additional support for Activiti 7, the next generation Cloud Native implementation of Activiti.
The functionality and enhancements of this release are focused on forms. Form field visibility has been improved, form validation has been implemented and it is now possible to use form variables. Multilingual support for forms has been enhanced and dropdown menus reading from a REST source have been updated. From an end-user perspective, a process can now be started using a form when the start event contains a valid form.
Please report issues with this release in the issue tracker. You can collaborate on this release or share feedback by using the discussion tools on Gitter.
The following are the most important features of this release:
- Form visibility
- Start a process with a form
- Multilingual support for forms
- Form validation
- Forms variables
- REST source for dropdown menu on forms
- Date format localization
Form field visibility
Form field visibility has been improved to respect the visibility conditions configured for each field in the Modelling Application.
Start a process with a form
The adf-cloud-start-process
component now contains the functionality to start a process using a form.
It is possible start a process with a form and variables:
[variables]="{ 'my-key1' : 'myvalue', 'my-key2' : 'myvalue2'}">
It is also possible to start a process with a form and pass in the form values at the same time:
[values]="[{'name': 'firstName', 'value': 'MyName'}, {'name': 'lastName', 'value': 'MyLastName'}]">
Multilingual support for forms
In previous versions it was not possible to translate a label that was defined as part of a form. Is now possible translate form labels using i18n files.
For example, when modelling your form you can now add a label such as FORM.FIRSTNAME
. In your en.json
this would be:
"FORM": {
"FIRSTNAME": "First Name",
"LASTNAME": "Last Name"
and in your it.json
"FORM": {
"FIRSTNAME": "Nome",
"LASTNAME": "Cognome"
Your app will now change the label of the form using the translations files.
Form validation
Form validation will now display whether a form is valid or invalid.
Form variables
Form variables can now assigned to forms. When creating an application that contains a form, variables can be assigned and will correctly display as the appropriate values when the form is launched.
REST source for dropdown menu on forms
It is now possible to create a form that contains a dropdown widget that is configured to use a REST Service to populate its values.
Date format localization
Date formats can now be localized in ADF. By default all dates are localized to en-US
. This can be changed by adding the localization files provided by Angular. For more information refer to the internationalization user guide
All components have also been refactored to use the same date format and we have created a new localized date pipe to format dates and change locales.
This release includes: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian (Bokmål), Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Swedish versions.
The following is a brief list of references to help you get started with the new release:
- Getting started guides with Alfresco Application Development Framework
- Alfresco ADF Documentation on the Builder Network
- Gitter chat supporting Alfresco ADF
- ADF examples on GitHub
- Official GitHub Project - alfresco-ng2-components
- Official GitHub Project - alfresco-js-api
- Official GitHub Project - generator-ng2-alfresco-app
Please refer to the official documentation for further details and suggestions.
Issues addressed
The following is the list of JIRA issues that were closed for this release:
- [ADF-4618] - Update the tutorial on RTL languages support
- [ADF-4653] - Creating the npm audit report
- [ADF-4655] - Review the documentation for the release
- [ADF-4656] - Release note for version 3.3.0
- [ADF-4657] - Tutorial on how to upgrade from ADF 3.2.1 to ADF 3.3.0
- [ADF-4658] - Update the compatibility matrix
- [ADF-4659] - Generate the list of third party Open Source components
- [ADF-3126] - Automatic translation support for Info Drawer
- [ADF-4127] - Claim a task on the new generation of BPM engines
- [ADF-4342] - Date Format in ADF should be centralised
- [ADF-4349] - Cloud - task-form-component - Create a new component
- [ADF-4527] - Create a reusable HTML block for the buttons in the task form cloud component
- [ADF-4543] - Language Menu - set text orientation
- [ADF-4544] - Cloud Task From - Refresh the buttons and form after an action is complete
- [ADF-4545] - Context Menu - RTL support
- [ADF-4550] - Get the repository from the Process Storage instead of the app.config.jsonTask
- [ADF-4558] - Dialogs - RTL support
- [ADF-4631] - Start Process Cloud - Ability to start a process with a form as start event
- [ADF-4484] - Quick themable Snackbar notifications
Title: Release notes v3.2.0
Alfresco Application Development Framework (ADF) version 3.2.0 Release Note
These release notes provide information about the 3.2.0 release of the Alfresco Application Development Framework.
This is the latest General Available release of the Application Development Framework, which contains the Angular components to build a Web Application on top of the Alfresco Platform.
The release can be found on GitHub at this location.
See the ADF roadmap for details of features planned for future
versions of ADF.
- New package versions
- Goals for this release
- More on Activiti 7
- Five more languages supported
- List separator configuration in multi-value metadata
- Option to chose which panel to show first in info drawer
- Confirm Dialog third extra button option and custom HTML message
- Configuration option to change the default viewer zoom
- Drop events for DataTable component
- Sidenav Layout Direction property
- Custom local storages prefix property
- Datatable Component new Json cell type
- Localisation
- References
- Issues addressed
New package versions
"@alfresco/adf-content-services" : "3.2.0"
"@alfresco/adf-process-services" : "3.2.0"
"@alfresco/adf-core" : "3.2.0"
"@alfresco/adf-insights" : "3.2.0",
"@alfresco/adf-extensions": "3.2.0"
Goals for this release
This is the second minor release since ADF version 3 which was released in February 2019.
This release goes a step further in the direction of complete support for Activiti 7, the next generation Cloud Native implementation of Activiti. Also, some enhancements have been introduced to the Metadata viewer to properly manage multi-value properties, together with the event handling during header row action, to properly manage use cases like the drag & drop feature, requested from some developers.
We are pleased to announce that starting from ADF 3.2, five more languages are now supported, together with the other ten. The new languages are: Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Czech, Polish.
Please report issues with this release in the issue tracker. You can collaborate on this release or share feedback by using the discussion tools on Gitter.
Below are the most important new features of this release:
- More on Activiti 7
- Five more languages supported
- Event handling during header row action
- List separator configuration in multi-value metadata
More on Activiti 7
In ADF 3.0.0 (released in February) we announced the introduction of the new *Cloud
package. This contains a set of components to support Activiti 7, the next generation Cloud Native implementation of Activiti BPM Engine. With the ADF 3.2 release, the journey continues with more supported features, like:
Task Form component
This component is responsible to show the form renderer in case the task has a form attached or the standard standalone card with the Claim/Release/Complete buttons.
For more details refer to the:
Form Cloud
This component is responsible to render the form cloud definition attached to the task.
In case the form has an upload widget and the alfresco content has been configured*, the attached file will be stored into the alfresco repositoty.
Don't forget to set the providers
property to ALL
and ecmHost
value in the app.config.json
"ecmHost": "",
"bpmHost": "",
"providers": "ALL"
For more details refer to the:
New permission template to app list
A new message template is now displayed when a user doesn't have permissions
Cloud form definition selector component
Cloud form definition selector component is a dropdown that shows all the form present in your app.
For more details refer to the:
Start a standalone task with a form
The start task cloud is now using the cloud-form-definition-selector
that allows the user to attach a form to a task
Five more languages supported
Starting from ADF 3.2, five more languages are now supported, together with the other ten already in the list. The new languages supported are: Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Czech, Polish.
List separator configuration in multi-value metadata
As of this version of ADF, developers can configure the list separator of multi-value properties into the metadata viewer. Since this version of ADF, to customize the separator you can set it in your app.config.json
file inside your content-metadata
configuration. Below an example.
"content-metadata": {
"presets": {
"multi-value-pipe-separator" : " - "
For more details refer to the:
Option to chose which panel to show first in info drawer
Is now possible define which aspect show expanded by default in the metadata card applying the optional property displayAspect
For more details refer to the:
Confirm Dialog third extra button option and custom HTML message
Is now possible add an extra button in the Confirm Dialog
Dialog inputs
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
title | string |
Confirm |
It will be placed in the dialog title section. |
yesLabel | string |
yes |
It will be placed first in the dialog action section |
noLabel | string |
no |
It will be placed last in the dialog action section |
thirdOptionLabel (optional) | string |
It is not a mandatory input. it will be rendered in between yes and no label | |
message | string |
Do you want to proceed? |
It will be rendered in the dialog content area |
htmlContent | HTML |
It will be rendered in the dialog content area |
For more details refer to the:
Configuration option to change the default viewer zoom
You can set a default zoom scaling value for pdf viewer by adding the following code in app.config.json
Note: For the pdf viewer the value has to be within the range of 25 - 1000.
"adf-viewer": {
"pdf-viewer-scaling": 150
In the same way, you can set a default zoom scaling value for the image viewer by adding the following code in app.config.json
"adf-viewer": {
"image-viewer-scaling": 150
By default, the viewer's zoom scaling is set to 100%.
For more details refer to the:
Drop events for DataTable component
Drop Events
Below are the four new DOM events emitted by the DataTable component.
These events bubble up the component tree and can be handled by any parent component.
Name | Description |
header-dragover | Raised when dragging content over the header. |
header-drop | Raised when data is dropped on the column header. |
cell-dragover | Raised when dragging data over the cell. |
cell-drop | Raised when data is dropped on the column cell. |
Drop Events
All custom DOM events related to drop
handling expose the following interface:
export interface DataTableDropEvent {
detail: {
target: 'cell' | 'header';
event: Event;
column: DataColumn;
row?: DataRow
preventDefault(): void;
Note that event
is the original drop
and row
is not available for Header events.
According to the HTML5 Drag and Drop API,
you need to handle both `dr...
Title: Release notes v3.1.0
Alfresco Application Development Framework (ADF) version 3.1.0 Release Note
These release notes provide information about the 3.1.0 release of the Alfresco Application Development Framework.
This is the latest General Available release of the Application Development Framework, which contains the Angular components to build a Web Application on top of the Alfresco Platform.
The release can be found on GitHub at this location.
See the ADF roadmap for details of features planned for future
versions of ADF.
New package versions
"@alfresco/adf-content-services" : "3.1.0"
"@alfresco/adf-process-services" : "3.1.0"
"@alfresco/adf-core" : "3.1.0"
"@alfresco/adf-insights" : "3.1.0",
"@alfresco/adf-extensions": "3.1.0"
Goals for this release
This is the first minor release since ADF version 3 which was released in February 2019.
This release goes a step further in the direction of complete support for Activiti 7, the next generation Cloud Native implementation of Activiti. Also, some enhancements have been introduced to the DocumentList and the Metadata viewer, as a consequence of some requests coming from the eco-system of developers using ADF in complex applications.
Another enhancement introduced in ADF 3.1, is search pattern highlighting, considered as relevant in Share and now available to ADF applications as of this version.
In the area of accessibility, the new release of ADF takes advantage of some bugfixes and enhancements related to Section508.
Following the good number of requests coming from developers, we are pleased to announce the official support of Arabic and Right To Left languages in ADF applications. The benefit for the market is clear, opening up to a broader number of potential users and use cases.
Please report issues with this release in the issue tracker. You can collaborate on this release or share feedback by using the discussion tools on Gitter.
Below are the most important new features of this release:
- More on Activiti 7
- Enhanced DocumentList
- Enhanced Metadata viewer
- Search pattern highlight
- Facet Intervals
- SSO Role AuthGuard
- Improved accessibility
- Arabic and RTL languages support
More on Activiti 7
In ADF 3.0.0 (released in February) we announced the introduction of the new *Cloud
package. This contains a set of components to support Activiti 7, the next generation Cloud Native implementation of Activiti BPM Engine. With the ADF 3.1 release, the journey continues with more supported features, like:
Claim a task
<button adf-claim-task [appName]="appName" [taskId]="taskId" (success)="onTaskClaimed()">Complete</button>
Please for more details refer to the :
EditTaskComponent allow sorting and actions customization
You can supply various filter properties to edit that will determine
which tasks are found by a filter.
By default, the id, name, createdDate and priority properties are
displayed in the editor. However, you can also choose which sort properties
to show using the sortProperties
Please for more details refer to the :
EditProcessComponent allow sorting and actions customization
You can supply various filter properties to edit that will determine
which tasks are found by a filter.
By default, the status, sort and order properties are
displayed in the editor. However, you can also choose which properties
to show using the filterProperties
Please for more details refer to the :
Complete task directive
<button adf-cloud-complete-task [appName]="appName" [taskId]="taskId" (success)="onTaskCompleted()">Complete</button>
Please for more details refer to the :
Enhanced DocumentList
Following some suggestions from customers and partners, we enhanced the Datatable
and Document List
to allow a "sticky" header.
If you have a long table with many rows, you might want to fix the header in place so it is
always visible. You can do this using the following steps.
First, set the stickyHeader
property of your datatable to true
Please for more details refer to the :
Enhanced Metadata viewer
As of this version of ADF, developers can include the full list of types/aspects into the metadata viewer, without the need to specify all of them. The limit of the previous version was that developers were requested to specify the list of types/aspects or an asterisk to say "include all". The use case represented by "include all except X, Y, Z..." was not covered but now it is.
You can list all the properties by simply adding the includeAll: boolean
to your config. This config will display all the aspects and properties available for that specific file.
"content-metadata": {
"presets": {
"default": {
"includeAll": true
Futhermore, you can also exclude specific aspects by adding the exclude
property. It can be either a string if it's only one aspect or an array if you want to exclude multiple aspects at once:
"content-metadata": {
"presets": {
"default": {
"includeAll": true,
"exclude": "exif:exif"
Please for more details refer to the :
Search pattern highlight
As another example of good feedback we had from the developers on the ground about improving ADF, we introduced the custom highlighting of results in search. With ADF 3.1, developers can customize the pattern highlighting and the markers to use.
You can configure highlighting using the search
entry in the app.config.json
An example query for search highlighting could look like this:
"search": {
"highlight": {
"prefix": "¿",
"postfix": "?",
"mergeContiguous": true,
"fields": [
"field": "cm:title"
"field": "description",
"prefix": "(",
"postfix": ")"
The example above changes the highlighting prefix and postfix from the default to '¿?' for all
fields except the "description" field, which uses '()' instead. The highlight information will
then be added in each node entry response.
Please for more details refer to the :
Facet Intervals
These provide custom categories based on admin defined ranges inside intervals
You can specify exactly what you want for each interval in the config file and you can
use overlapping ranges if necessary.
FacetIntervals Properties
Name | Type | Description |
intervals | array | Specifies the fields to facet by interval. |
expanded | boolean | Toggles expanded state of the facet intervals. |
Note: the sets
parameter from the Search API (which sets the intervals for all fields)
is not yet supported.
"search": {
"expanded": true,
{ "label":"lastYear", "start":"2017", "end":"2018", "endInclusive":false },
{ "label":"currentYear", "start":"NOW/YEAR", "end":"NOW/YEAR+1YEAR" },
{ "label":"earlier", "start":"*", "end":"2017", "endInclusive":false }
Title: Release notes v3.0.0
Alfresco Application Development Framework (ADF) version 3.0.0 Release Note
These release notes provide information about the 3.0.0 release of the Alfresco Application Development Framework.
This is the latest General Available release of the Application Development Framework, which contains the Angular components to build a Web Application on top of the Alfresco Platform.
The release can be found on GitHub at this location.
If you want to be updated on the ADF roadmap, check the public page here.
New package versions
"@alfresco/adf-content-services" : "3.0.0"
"@alfresco/adf-process-services" : "3.0.0"
"@alfresco/adf-core" : "3.0.0"
"@alfresco/adf-insights" : "3.0.0",
"@alfresco/adf-extensions": "3.0.0"
Goals for this release
This is a major release of the Alfresco Application Development Framework, developed to speed up the applications running in production environments, thanks to a porting of the JS-API to Typescript. All the benefits of Extensibility, initially introduced in Alfresco Content Application (ACA) and the Alfresco Digital Workspace (ADW), are now available at the framework level and more enhancements are planned to be introduced in the following releases.
This new major version of ADF has been updated to the latest and greatest Angular 7, together with a first iteration of support for Activiti 7, the next generation Cloud Native implementation of Activiti. Also the Yeoman App Generator has been updated to let you create five small Angular CLI based applications to help get you started: one on content only, two on process only (using APS 1.6.4 or higher or using Activiti 7), two on content and process.
Please report issues with this release in the issue tracker. You can collaborate on this release or share feedback by using the discussion tools on Gitter.
Below are the most important new features of this release:
- Extensibility
- Search enhancement
- Single Sign On enhancement
- JS-API in Typescript
- Angular 7
- Create Library Component
- Tree view component
- Deprecation removal
- Activiti 7 support (experimental)
Extensibility was first introduced into the Alfresco Content Application (ACA) and the Alfresco Digital Workspace (ADW), and has now been moved to the main ADF framework, for the benefit of all developers.
The home of extensibility support in the framework is the @alfresco/adf-extensions library. Check the documentation here for further details on how to add extension features to any ADF application.
Search enhancement
Grouped facet queries
By default, the queries declared in the facetQueries
are collected into a single collapsible category.
This new functionality lets you group different facet queries under custom labels by using the group
property on those facet queries:
Please refer to the search filter component documentation for more details.
You can now choose to filter facet field results using 'contains' instead of 'starts with', by using the filterWithContains
boolean property (default is false):
"search": { "filterWithContains": true }
Single Sign On enhancement
SSO ticket fix
In order to make the SSO work completely with the new ACS 6.1.0, a new exchange token for alf_ticket mechanism has been introduced via a new flow in the JS-API that performs this operation.
For more details about this issue please refer to the this JIRA ticket.
The withCredentials
property has been added as a configuration Boolean parameter in the JS-API and in ADF.
This indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials.
This configuration is usually needed when you are dealing with Kerberos.
For more details please see the links below:
- App config withCredentials configuration
- Login component withCredentials behaviour
- alfresco-js-api withCredentials PR
JS-API in Typescript
The Alfresco JS-API layer has been rewritten in TypeScript. Note that the output of the project is still JavaScript code so you can use in the usual way.
This rewrite has been necessary to make the JS-API lighter and faster with the following benefits:
- Tree-shakable.
- Strong typing enhances code quality and readability.
- In the JS-API project, it is now easier to generate new code thanks our code generator template.
- TypeScript already provides a number of features that are planned for future version of JavaScript.
- Intellisense in your IDE will now work much better with the JS-API
Note that the following old package names have been deprecated: alfresco-js-api, alfresco-js-api-node.
The Node and Browser version are now both in: @alfresco/js-api
Refer to the official Alfresco JS-API documenation to learn more about this.
Angular 7
Alfresco ADF 3.0.0 has been updated to version 7.0.3 of Angular and Material.
Refer to the official project CHANGELOG files to find out what's new inside:
Create library Component
You can now create a new Content Services document library/site with the Create Library dialog:
For more information about the dialog, see the component documentation
Tree view component
Shows the folder and subfolders of a node as a tree view. For more information about the Tree View component, see the component documentation
Basic Usage
<adf-tree-view-list [nodeId]="'74cd8a96-8a21-47e5-9b3b-a1b3e296787d'"
Deprecation removal
Following the SEMVER 2.0 strategy, ADF 3.0.0 introduces breaking changes only in major versions like this one. For this reason, all the features, components and services, marked as deprecated in ADF 2.X, have been removed.
Activiti 7 support (Experimental)
From ADF 3.0.0, Alfresco is excited to announce ADF support for Activiti 7. This is a first iteration and more coverage of the services will be added in the following versions of ADF. This is the reason why this support is marked as experimental for this release. The next release (3.1) plans on moving from experimental to standard ADF components with more complete coverage.
This ADF release introduces a collection of brand new components re-designed and implemented from scratch for Activiti 7.
Below is a list of all new components services and pipes added along with
links to documentation and source code:
Name | Description | Source link |
App list cloud component | Shows all deployed cloud application instances. | Source |
Group cloud component | Searches Groups. | [Source](../../lib/process-services-cloud/src/lib/group/components/group-cloud.... |
Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 2.6.0
- [ADF-3534] - Add Markdown versions of the release notes to the main repo
- [ADF-3577] - Content metadata docs reference the wrong class
- [ADF-3587] - Issues with deprecated tag and missing properties in doc tools
- [ADF-584] - Validation summary support for Form component
- [ADF-2640] - adf-tag-node-list with remove option configurable
- [ADF-2921] - Icons for smart folders, links and folders with rules
- [ADF-3308] - ProcessList Component - Provide a way to filter the list by fields
- [ADF-3352] - Viewer Component - Allow multiple side bar
- [ADF-3382] - Start a Process - Change the process definition from a dropdown to autocomplete
- [ADF-3397] - Task Filter - Doesn't show the right icon
- [ADF-3415] - Process Filter - Doesn't show the right icon
- [ADF-3422] - Process Services - Create settings tab
- [ADF-3438] - Task List Demo Page - Add page/size parameters
- [ADF-3443] - Move print from ACA to ADF
- [ADF-3499] - ACS APS Integration - Not able to upload a file in case the user has more than one alfresco repositories
- [ADF-3507] - Show more/fewer tags buttons in Tag List Component
- [ADF-3512] - SidenavLayoutComponent option to show the sidebar on the right
- [ADF-3553] - Cache management for application configuration file
- [ADF-3570] - Migration to APS2 - Add a interceptor to be able to use APS2 API
- [ADF-2460] - Incorrect entries in i18n file of process-services in ADF
- [ADF-2828] - Collapse configuration of "Header" form control not working in ADF
- [ADF-2996] - Process list - Sorting by column is not kept after changing the 'items per page'
- [ADF-3009] - Start task - form date error remains displayed after choosing a date from date picker
- [ADF-3119] - DocumentList CardView style issues
- [ADF-3155] - "versionComment" is missing in typings
- [ADF-3247] - Dynamic Table not working properly
- [ADF-3324] - Preview - unshared file breaks preview
- [ADF-3340] - adf-add-permission component search does not return the groups
- [ADF-3357] - Viewer does not scroll plain text files
- [ADF-3408] - Tasklist Component - presetColumn input change is not handled
- [ADF-3436] - The selected filter item "x" button from the toolbar is not working
- [ADF-3455] - Show More and Show Less buttons are always showed instead of be hided.
- [ADF-3482] - Alfresco JS-API fails to return URL with SSO mode on
- [ADF-3486] - [Start Task] Assignee label not properly displayed
- [ADF-3491] - CLONE - Logo link should be also on logo text
- [ADF-3492] - "No results found" is displayed when user search for an item
- [ADF-3493] - ADF 2.4 does not work Properly in MS Internet Explorer 11
- [ADF-3494] - DateCell component format ignored
- [ADF-3495] - 'cm:lockOwner' field contains literal string value '[object Object]' when requesting it via the nodesApi
- [ADF-3498] - Any search on add permission panel gets Internal Server Error
- [ADF-3500] - [Demo shell] Running processes aren't displayed when creating a new process
- [ADF-3501] - Viewer does not render fonts correctly
- [ADF-3508] - angular-flex needs to be updated
- [ADF-3509] - Dynamic Table overflows the form
- [ADF-3510] - Search facets date-range goes invalid when empty #3736
- [ADF-3511] - CLONE - The error message for "Created date" fields is not the correct one when are no inputs
- [ADF-3513] - Remove switch E2E in with task details
- [ADF-3517] - TaskList overflows container when empty
- [ADF-3531] - Implicit Flow Enabled - The iframe inject another app into the page
- [ADF-3532] - Document list scrolls down file/folders names when clicking on pagination dropdown.
- [ADF-3536] - Search categories get collapsed/expanded to initial state after applying filter
- [ADF-3546] - CLONE - TypeError when doing a Sign out while having something typed in the Search input
- [ADF-3552] - JS-API - When a page is refresh the js api remove the part after the #
- [ADF-3555] - Process selection isn't working properly
- [ADF-3561] - Save and Complete Outcome not translateable
- [ADF-3562] - PeopleWidget component mix rexctive/template syntax
- [ADF-3575] - Translation should fallback to English when browser is set to an unsupported language
- [ADF-3580] - Success event not fired when upload file is paused and resume
- [ADF-3582] - Roles other than standard roles don't show up in the permission component`
- [ADF-3610] - PDF viewer worker doesn't unregister when file is closed
- [ADF-3614] - The name of the file is not properly displayed on custom sources
Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 2.5.0
- [ADF-3288] - Update version upload documentation
- [ADF-2494] - Task Standalone - Provide a way to attach a form
- [ADF-2671] - When user doesn't have permissions, a tooltip should be showed
- [ADF-2927] - Add Clear all button to facet fields and facet queries
- [ADF-3103] - Task List - Provide a way to filter the list by ProcessDefinitionId
- [ADF-3141] - ADF-ProcessList Enanchement
- [ADF-3149] - Create fake Report Issues page for Error Component
- [ADF-3193] - CardView item key-value pair properties
- [ADF-3237] - Task Details - Create a way to change and remove a form
- [ADF-3267] - Dynamic Table - The boolean column should render Yes/No value
- [ADF-3268] - Dynamic Table - Add the datetime widget
- [ADF-3274] - Start Task - Use the people widget instead of the people list
- [ADF-3275] - ADF Card view combobox
- [ADF-3284] - ProcessFilter - the method ngOnChange doesn't check the property filterParam
- [ADF-3286] - NotificationService expose MatSnackBarConfig
- [ADF-3299] - Upgrade Angular
- [ADF-3300] - Upgrade Angular Material Design
- [ADF-3308] - ProcessList Component - Provide a way to filter the list by fields
- [ADF-3366] - Update Site details
- [ADF-3177] - General ADF Header component
- [ADF-2131] - Search sorting (P1)
- [ADF-2563] - Upload new version information options
- [ADF-3367] - Multi-selection on facets
- [ADF-3372] - Ability to hide/show "Properties" Content Metadata Card
- [ADF-2669] - Delete version confirmation dialog has wrong 'cancel' color
- [ADF-2765] - Card view has broken layout in demo shell
- [ADF-2769] - Search on document picker not working - when having custom dropdown defined.
- [ADF-2854] - [Demo shell] User is not redirected to active process when completing the first task as initiator
- [ADF-2876] - Activiti Form - Complete button does not get enabled when logged in as Active Directory users.
- [ADF-2962] - Can't reach the Hide/Show password icon using tab key
- [ADF-3157] - Comma in file name causes problems in Chrome browser #3458
- [ADF-3172] - the task list is not correctly updated after creating a new task assigned to someone else
- [ADF-3199] - Datatable columns are not aligned.
- [ADF-3214] - PathElementEntity is missing properties
- [ADF-3255] - [Login page] -> The user remain logged on even the 'Remember me' checkbox unchecked
- [ADF-3283] - CLONE - Thumbs.db files are uploading with a folder upload
- [ADF-3289] - AppsDefinitionApi contains two methods with same name and different firms
- [ADF-3292] - CLONE - Filter category should be deselected when user makes a new search query
- [ADF-3294] - CLONE - DND - uploading folder into a folder fails
- [ADF-3298] - CardViewSelectItemComponent has the label twice
- [ADF-3301] - Error thrown when user downloads from DocumentList
- [ADF-3309] - Files with pptx extension are not generated first time
- [ADF-3324] - Preview - unshared file breaks preview
- [ADF-3328] - Page title not translated on reloads
- [ADF-3361] - Search on document picker returns 0 results after change in adf-sites-dropdown
- [ADF-3362] - Search on document picker with custom site list has problems
- [ADF-3365] - ADF search filter component doesn't provide the option to control the order of the facets
- [ADF-3373] - Refresh button is not displayed on the form
- [ADF-3383] - Incorrect datatype for password in PersonBodyCreate in index.d.ts
- [ADF-3386] - Task Filters accordion is not expanding / collapsing
- [ADF-3406] - Search chips do not remove queries
- [ADF-3424] - Start Task - the Autocomplete shows an Object
- [ADF-3426] - The translation not working properly
- [ADF-3445] - Document list is not refreshed after editing the name of a folder
- [ADF-3448] - Menu dropdown is not properly displayed after right clicking on a node
- [ADF-3449] - Reports calendar is not displaying day numbers
- [ADF-3450] - The colour of the custom toolbar enabled icons is changing to white when selecting other colour
- [ADF-3451] - Setting PageSize 0 to content mimeType of facet no type is showed
- [ADF-3452] - Show file - active form
- [ADF-3456] - Context menu is not displayed when right clicking on a row on document list
- [ADF-3459] - Putting invalid format date in Create Date Range filter doesn't show the correct error
- [ADF-3461] - Search results sorting by Author isn't working properly
- [ADF-3463] -...
Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 2.4.0
- [ADF-1848] - Article on how to use the ADF logService to feed web analytics systems
- [ADF-2437] - Provide instructions on Tomcat deployment
- [ADF-2525] - Documentation for the Faceted Search
- [ADF-2643] - Update CS and PS supported documentation
- [ADF-2688] - Content Node Selector component properties documentation
- [ADF-2789] - alfresco-js-api downlaodapi
- [ADF-2847] - Update all doc file structures to match script requirements
- [ADF-2969] - Move doc tools into the new tools folder
- [ADF-2989] - Pre-populating Start Process Form with multiple files from ACS doesn't work
- [ADF-3049] - Release Note 2.4.0
- [ADF-3087] - Better explanation of replacing i18n keys in the user guide
- [ADF-3142] - Login component should explain what "remember me" is for
- [ADF-3150] - Doc tool configuration settings should all be in one place
- [ADF-2303] - Conditional visibility for data columns
- [ADF-2503] - Customize Document List Content Action at a Row level
- [ADF-2556] - Search user/groups to add to the permissions component
- [ADF-2560] - Create an empty template for file and folders with empty permission list
- [ADF-2581] - Add the sidebar in the App Generator
- [ADF-2589] - [Document list] Data columns ngIf enabling
- [ADF-2618] - ADF UploadVersion component
- [ADF-2626] - Sidenav component should preserve its state
- [ADF-2627] - Provide icons-only mode for Info Drawer
- [ADF-2649] - Read only option for adf-version-manager component
- [ADF-2650] - Responsive buttons component
- [ADF-2753] - Error pages component
- [ADF-2795] - OpenID Connect Implicit Flow support
- [ADF-2852] - Create an about component
- [ADF-2930] - Introduce general purpose "Empty Page" component
- [ADF-2961] - Application config - Hard-coded protocols for ecmHost and bpmHost
- [ADF-2973] - Angular pipe to get application configuration settings
- [ADF-2975] - New "nodeType" input for Upload Button Component
- [ADF-2984] - Show date invalid message on search date range picker
- [ADF-3028] - Page Title Service should support i18n
- [ADF-3041] - TaskList Component - Empty State issue.
- [ADF-3066] - ProcessList Component - Empty State issue.
- [ADF-3095] - Upload and DragArea component events to intercept uploads
- [ADF-3118] - Notification Service should support i18n resource keys
- [ADF-1852] - Multi-select facet basic (P1)
- [ADF-1987] - Date range facet (P1)
- [ADF-1988] - Number range facet (P2)
- [ADF-2128] - Facet Container (P1)
- [ADF-2189] - Slider range facet (P1)
- [ADF-2327] - Multi-select facet config (P1)
- [ADF-2328] - Multi-select facet search (P1)
- [ADF-1934] - [Mobile] Tap on a content displayed in the Search Dialog is not managed on mobile devices
- [ADF-1997] - Custom stencils being registered twice causes errors
- [ADF-2044] - Login footer switch is not properly displayed when changing language.
- [ADF-2238] - 'Created by' changes when adding an assignee in a task
- [ADF-2319] - Cancel button is displayed for a completed checklist
- [ADF-2323] - [File viewer] Title max length is not 35 characters
- [ADF-2449] - VS Code intellisense not working for changes in ADF (demo shell)
- [ADF-2467] - [Destination Picker] Breadcrumb is not displayed
- [ADF-2481] - Large files fail to upload
- [ADF-2529] - Unselect single element doesn't work
- [ADF-2551] - Content actions not correctly disabled
- [ADF-2582] - [Manage version] Image preview shows old version even if the image gets changed
- [ADF-2593] - [Demo Shell] App list Icon is overlapping the search
- [ADF-2595] - Pagination settings not supported
- [ADF-2601] - Can edit file properties as consumer user on moderated site
- [ADF-2603] - getVersionContent type definition missing parameters
- [ADF-2608] - [Demo Shell]The table from content services is loaded twice when navigating to a folder
- [ADF-2621] - Document List - When enabling infinite scrolling after page 1, we can't load previous files
- [ADF-2672] - Version Manager does not disable actions based on permissions
- [ADF-2677] - [Process] Can't attach large files
- [ADF-2678] - [Tasks] Can't attach large files
- [ADF-2685] - [Demo shell] The Gallery view...
Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 2.3.0
- [ADF-2360] - Wiki test style
- [ADF-2451] - Initial doc review
- [ADF-2456] - Document List documentation for properties needs enhancements
- [ADF-2458] - Overhaul doc file
- [ADF-2463] - Organise doc files into library subfolders
- [ADF-2526] - Fix interpolation markers in doc code samples
- [ADF-2596] - Properties of renamed input/output are wrong
- [ADF-711] - Drag and drop doesn't have the acceptedFilesType property
- [ADF-2197] - 'Process Heat map' is not showing the proper informations related to the dropdown.
- [ADF-2431] - Support Content Projection for Card View
- [ADF-2433] - Calling custom REST end points with JS API
- [ADF-2434] - Rename file and folders
- [ADF-2435] - SSO AuthGuards
- [ADF-2452] - Task Standalone component
- [ADF-2457] - Comment component - Hide the table header
- [ADF-2459] - ADF Pipeline build - is not running the production mode
- [ADF-2477] - Message bus in log service
- [ADF-2493] - alfresco-js-api search api regeneration
- [ADF-2504] - Provide Option to Disable Metadata Edit
- [ADF-2528] - Share Directive
- [ADF-2540] - Lock and Unlock directive
- [ADF-2542] - Permission display component
- [ADF-2559] - Import the Sidebar component in ADF
- [ADF-2588] - Make comment components compatible with content service
- [ADF-2609] - Provide a way to change the BPM context
- [ADF-2614] - Edit icon misses in Info-drawer Assignee
- [ADF-2632] - Version Manager should support application configuration settings
- [ADF-2430] - Enable Data Table to provide a card view
- [ADF-1294] - CS 5.2.1 - Search - JS-API update
- [ADF-2128] - Facet Container (P1)
- [ADF-2561] - View comments on previous versions
- [ADF-2562] - Download a previous version
- [ADF-2567] - Delete a version
- [ADF-1714] - Task List and Process List does not react properly on Enter key
- [ADF-1787] - [Mobile] for upload dialog text overlapping, not displaying full file name
- [ADF-1814] - [Mobile] Files/folders is not deleted when selecting multiple
- [ADF-1816] - [Mobile] Cannot view folder correctly when moving/copying folder/file
- [ADF-1828] - [Mobile] if navigating to folder with long filename all items are pushed off the screen
- [ADF-1913] - [Mobile] 'Category' link is overflowing on Process page.
- [ADF-1932] - [Mobile] [Demo Shell]Settings button on login page is not displayed properly
- [ADF-1935] - [Mobile] Long content on widgets is not properly displayed.
- [ADF-2018] - [Mobile][Demo shell] Info drawer for Versions is not properly displayed
- [ADF-2124] - Should be able to login with security.csrf.disabled=false
- [ADF-2255] - SelectBox field does not render the data in ADF form
- [ADF-2320] - Complete button is visible on an involved task
- [ADF-2337] - [Viewer] Dark Theming color are not working properly
- [ADF-2358] - Copy action for consumer user on demo shell denied
- [ADF-2368] - Manage file version is updating wrong files.
- [ADF-2373] - User should be able to see just the sites in which is member in SiteList drop-down
- [ADF-2393] - Error when deleting a folder when Infinite scrolling is enabled and all items are loaded
- [ADF-2397] - Sometimes Load more on Content Node Selector does not load next page of results
- [ADF-2414] - Translation missing for warning message on Login Page
- [ADF-2421] - CLONE - Unable to copy / move a file from Recent or Favorites when user has only granular permissions on the file
- [ADF-2428] - [Demo shell Unable to view document metadata from document list view
- [ADF-2429] - Viewer - media file full screen
- [ADF-2442] - Search Service has wrong types for the 'search' API
- [ADF-2443] - Typo in the UserPreferences service
- [ADF-2444] - CLONE - Incorrect Items per page values on all lists after upgrade to ADF 2.2.0
- [ADF-2448] - Wrong type definition for RequestPagination
- [ADF-2450] - Search api type definition is not defined
- [ADF-2454] - Login dialog icon and header text not centered correctly
- [ADF-2455] - Document List does not render thumbnails
- [ADF-2461] - Pdf viewer worker are not unregistered
- [ADF-2465] - Sometimes, navigating using the breadcrumb opens another folder instead of the clicked one - after search performed on the Content Node Selector
- [ADF-2...