- Configure AWS account and Organization Unit
- Create a free domain name from http://www.freenom.com
- Create a hosted zone in AWS Route 53
- Go to the Route 53 Console
- Click 'Create Hosted Zone'
- For Domain name, enter the domain name you got from freenom
- Enter a description (if you wish)
- For type, select Public Hosted Zone
- Click Create Hosted Zone
- Click on the created hosted zone and copy the contents of the NS record
- Click 'Manage Domain' next to your domain name, and click Management Tools and select Nameservers
- Click 'Use custom nameservers' radio button
- Replace the content there with the items you got from Route 53 (one per line)
- Ensure to tag all resources you create (Project, Environment, Name etc)
- Create a VPC from the VPC Management Console use a large enough CIDR block (/16)
- Create subnets as shown in the diagram above
- For the public subnet, enable auto-assign IP by selecting the subnet (after you've created it) and clicking Actions button on the top right, then select Modify auto-assign IP settings and enable it
- Create a route table and associate it with the public subnets
- Select the route table you created, click Actions on the top and click 'Edit Subnet associations'
- Select the public subnets and click save
- Create a route table for the private subnets
- Repeate the steps above
- Create an Internet Gateway, select it and click Actions the click Attach to VPC and attach it to the VPC you created
- Add a new route to your public subnet route table
- Select the route table, click Actions and 'Edit routes'
- For destination, enter
- For target, select Internet Gateway and click the Internet Gateway you created
- Click Save
- Create a NAT Gateway for your private subnets (create one in each public subnet)
- Allocate three Elastic IPs and attach one of them to the NAT Gateway
- Add a new route to your private route table with destination as and target as the NAT Gateway you created
- Create a security group for:
- Nginx servers: Access to nginx servers should only be from the Application Load Balancer
- Bastion servers: Access to bastion servers should only be from the IPs of your workstation
- Application Load Balancer: ALB should be open to the internet
- Webservers: Webservers should only be accessible from the Nginx servers
- Data Layer: This comprises the RDS and EFS servers. Access to RDS should only be from Webservers, while Nginx and Webservers can have access to EFS
- Provision EC2 Instances for Nginx
- Create a t2.micro RHEL 8 instance in any of your two public AZs
- Install the following packages (we will be installing these packages a lot, so you can write a basic Ansible playbook that installs them)
epel-release python htop ntp net-tools vim wget telnet
- Create an AMI from the instance
- Right click on the instance
- Select Image and click Create Image
- Give the AMI a name
- Prepare Launch Template for Nginx
- From EC2 Console, click Launch Templates from the left pane
- Choose the Nginx AMI
- Select the instance type (t2.micro)
- Select the key pair
- Select the security group
- Add resource tags
- Click Advanced details, scroll down to the end and configure the user data script to update the yum repo and install nginx
#!/bin/bash yum update -y yum install -y nginx systemctl start nginx systemctl enable nginx
- Configure Target Groups
- Select instances as target type
- Enter the target group name
- Select the VPC you created
- For health checks, select HTTPS and health check path as /healthstatus
- Add Tags
- Register Nginx instances as targets
- Configure Autoscaling for Nginx
- Enter the name
- Select the Nginx launch template, click Next
- Select the VPC and select the two public subnets you created, click Next
- For health checks, select ELB too. Click Next.
- For Group size, enter 2 for minimum and desired capacity, 4 as maximum capacity
- For Scaling policies, select Target Tracking scaling policy and set the target value as 90
- Click Next and add Notifications, create a new SNS topic and enter your email under 'With these recipients'
- Add Tags
- Provision EC2 Instances for Bastion server
- Create a t2.micro RHEL 8 instance in any of your two public AZs where you created Nginx instances
- Install the following packages
epel-release python htop ntp net-tools vim wget telnet
- Attach an Elastic IP to each of the servers
- Create an AMI from the instance
- Right click on the instance
- Select Image and click Create Image
- Give the AMI a name
- Prepare Launch Template for Nginx
- From EC2 Console, click Launch Templates from the left pane
- Choose the Bastion AMI
- Select the instance type (t2.micro)
- Select the key pair
- Select the security group
- Add resource tags
- Click Advanced details, scroll down to the end and configure the user data script to update the yum repo and install nginx
#!/bin/bash yum update -y yum install -y ansible git
- Configure Target Groups
- Select instances as target type
- Enter the target group name
- Select the VPC you created
- For health checks, select HTTPS and health check path as /healthstatus
- Add Tags
- Register Bastion instances as targets
- Configure Autoscaling for Nginx
- Enter the name
- Select the Bastion launch template, click Next
- Select the VPC and select the two public subnets you created, click Next
- For health checks, select ELB too. Click Next.
- For Group size, enter 2 for minimum and desired capacity, 4 as maximum capacity
- For Scaling policies, select Target Tracking scaling policy and set the target value as 90
- Click Next and add Notifications, create a new SNS topic and enter your email under 'With these recipients'
- Add Tags
We have to create two launch templates for Wordpress and Tooling respectively.
- Provision two EC2 Instances one for Tooling and another for Wordpress
- Create a t2.micro RHEL 8 instance in any of your two public AZs where you created Nginx instances
- Install the following packages
epel-release python htop ntp net-tools vim wget telnet
- Attach an Elastic IP to each of the servers
- Create an AMI from the instance
- Right click on the instance
- Select Image and click Create Image
- Give the AMI a name
- Prepare Launch Template for Webservers
- From EC2 Console, click Launch Templates from the left pane
- Choose the Tooling AMI
- Select the instance type (t2.micro)
- Select the key pair
- Select the security group
- Add resource tags
- Click Advanced details, scroll down to the end and configure the user data script to update the yum repo and install nginx
#!/bin/bash yum update -y yum install -y git php php-fpm php-mysqlnd
- Configure Target Groups
- Select instances as target type
- Enter the target group name
- Select the VPC you created
- For health checks, select HTTPS and health check path as /healthstatus
- Add Tags
- Register Bastion instances as targets
- Configure Autoscaling for Nginx
Enter the name
Select the Bastion launch template, click Next
Select the VPC and select the two public subnets you created, click Next
For health checks, select ELB too. Click Next.
For Group size, enter 2 for minimum and desired capacity, 4 as maximum capacity
For Scaling policies, select Target Tracking scaling policy and set the target value as 90
Click Next and add Notifications, create a new SNS topic and enter your email under 'With these recipients'
Add Tags Repeat the above steps for Wordpress
- Navigate to AWS ACM
- Under 'Provision certificates' click Get started
- Click Request a certificate
- Enter the domain name you registered (*.<domain-name>.com), click next
- Select DNS validation and click Next
- Tag the certificate, click Review then confirm and request
- Click Continue
- Click 'Export DNS Configuration file'
- Go to Route 53
- Create a new CNAME record with items from the DNS configuration.csv file downloaded.
- Give a few seconds for validation to complete
Nginx instances should only accept connections coming from the ALB and deny any connections directly to it.
- Create an internet facing ALB
- From the EC2 Console, click Load Balancers.
- On the block for Application Load Balancers, click create
- Enter the name for the load balancer
- Since it's for the Nginx servers, add a HTTPS Listener
- Select the VPC you created, check the two AZs and add the public subnets you have. Click next.
- Select the certificate you created on ACM
- On the next page, select the ALB security group
- Configure routing, select the Nginx target group
- Register targets (unnecessary if you configured your target group correctly)
- Click Review and complete the process
The ALB for the webservers should not be internet facing. And we'll need two ALBs, one for Tooling and Wordpress
- Create an internal ALB
From the EC2 Console, click Load Balancers.
On the block for Application Load Balancers, click create
Enter the name for the load balancer
Select the VPC you created, check the two AZs and add the private subnets you have. Click next.
On the next page, select the webserver security group
Configure routing, select the Tooling target group
Register targets (unnecessary if you configured your target group correctly)
Click Review and complete the process
Repeat the above steps for the Wordpress ALB
- Navigate to EFS from your Management Console
- Click create file system from the right
- Click Customize
- Enter the name for the EFS
- Tag the resource
- Leave everything else and click next
- Select the VPC you created, select the two AZs and choose the private subnets
- Select the EFS security group for each AZ
- Click next, next then create
- Navigate to AWS KMS
- Click create key
- Make sure it's symmetric
- Give the key an alias
- For 'Define Key admininstrative privileges', select AWSServiceRoleForRDS and OrganizationAccountAccessRole
- Select the same thing for Key usage
- Click Finish
- Navigate to RDS Management Console
- Click the three horizontal lines on the top left
- Select Subnet groups
- Click Create DB subnet group
- Enter the name, description and select your VPC
- Under Add subnets, select the two AZs your data layer subnets are in and select the two private data layer subnets.
- Click Create
- Navigate to RDS Management Console
- Click Create database
- For Engine options, select MySQL
- For Template, choose Dev/Test
- Enter a name for your DB under DB instance identifier
- Enter Master username and passsword
- Choose the smallest possible instance class (to reduce costs)
- Under Availability, select do not create a standby instance
- Select your VPC, select the subnet group you created and also the data layer security group
- Leave everything else and scroll down to Additional configuration
- Enter initial database name (if you wish, or you could connect to it from your webserver and create required databases)
- Leave everything else, scroll down to Encryption and select the KMS key you created
- Scroll down and click Create database
- Create a CNAME record that points www.domain.com to the DNS name of your NGINX load balancer
- Create a CNAME record that points tooling.domain.com to the DNS name of your NGINX load balancer
- Create two config files (one for tooling, one for wordpress) for the nginx load balancer and add to a github repo so you can pull the config during a scale out
- The tooling config file should contain the following settings:
The wordpress config file:
server { server_name tooling.domain.com; # company tooling site location ~ { # case-sensitive regular expression match include /etc/nginx/mime.types; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_pass http://tooling-ALB-DNS; # aws-lb } }
server { server_name domain.com www.domain.com; # company tooling site location ~ { # case-sensitive regular expression match include /etc/nginx/mime.types; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_pass http://wordpress-ALB-DNS; # aws-lb } }
Final implementation video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fZvoYLMCEkAyBAKxc8TxmUzA_0aNA36h/view?usp=sharing
- I was getting a 502 Bad Gateway error, to solve this, I checked the logs for my nginx instance (I had to SSH into it) and noticed it was returning a permission denied error, so I did:
sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
- To solve 403 errors that may arise from the internal webservers, simply add the above command to the user data script.
- While settting up RDS to connect to Wordpress, I forgot to create a database for Wordpress. Also I couldn't get the webservers to connect to the db, so I executed the following:
sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1
- To deploy the applications, I used Ansible to configure tooling servers, manually configured Wordpress, from the Bastion instance.