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Embedded App Wallet

Apillon Embedded Wallet JS SDK.

More info can be found in the Apillon wiki.


  • React + TypeScript + Vite

  • Ethers v6 used internally


Build is done with vite library mode. Typescript support provided with vite-plugin-dts.


SDK is centered around the EmbeddedWallet class. This class exposes methods for working with Oasis Sapphire chain authentication.

Initialize the class once by using EmbeddedWalletSDK() utility, with optional configuration:

 * The Apillon integration UUID, obtained from the Apillon Developer Console
clientId: string;

 * Network ID for network (chain) selected on first use
defaultNetworkId?: number;

 * Configuration of available networks. Oasis Sapphire is always included (ids 23294 and 23295)
networks?: Network[];

 * Method for authenticating with passkey to make it global.
passkeyAuthMode: 'redirect' | 'popup' | 'tab_form' = 'redirect';

The class instance is then available on window (embeddedWallet) and can be obtained with the getEmbeddedWallet() utility.


The SDK exposes some events on its events property.

events has Typescript support and Events type from SDK can be used to add types to handlers:

import { Events } from '@apillon/wallet-sdk';

const onDataUpdated = (params: Events['dataUpdated']) => {
  // ...
  • signatureRequest e.g. display UI with message and approve/decline buttons

  • txApprove e.g. display UI with transaction details and approve/decline buttons

  • txSubmitted e.g. log the transaction in session storage or own backend'txSubmitted', tx => {
  • txDone Emitted by UI after a submitted tx is consisdered done (ethereum provider listener)

  • dataUpdated Emitted after state data changes, e.g. for keeping track of active account

  • requestChainChange Emitted when tx chainId is different from defaultNetworkId. Must be resolve()'d to continue with the tx execution.

  • providerRequestAccounts Triggered in 'eth_requestAccounts' provider request handler. Payload is resolver fn that should be invoked when user's account is available (after sign in / register)

  • EIP-1193 events: connect, disconnect, chainChanged, accountsChanged

  • open Emit to open or close Embedded wallet UI

  • addToken Emit to programmatically add an ERC20 token

  • addTokenNft Emit to programmatically add an NFT token

  • addTokenStatus Emitted when addToken or addTokenNft resolves.

Auth methods

  • register Create new "wallet" for username. Creates a new contract for each account on sapphire network.

  • authenticate Check that credentials belong to some account.

  • getAccountAddress Return EVM addresses (account and account contract) for username

  • getAccountBalance

  • getAccountPrivateKey

Wallet accounts methods

  • getAccountWallets Get all wallets added on user's account. Requires authentication.

  • addAccountWallet Add new wallet or import from privateKey.

Transaction methods

  • signMessage

  • signPlainTransaction Authenticate with selected auth strategy through sapphire "Account Manager", then return signed tx data and chainId of tx.

  • broadcastTransaction Send raw transaction data to network. If chainId is provided, the transaction is sent to that network (cross-chain).

  • submitTransaction Prepare transaction and emit txSubmitted event (to show tx in tx history in UI e.g.). To be used after sending transaction through anything else than broadcastTransaction. Doesn't do anything by itself, just for logging/parsing transactions.

  • signContractWrite Get signed tx for making a contract write call.

  • contractRead Get result of contract read. Utility function, this has nothing to do with Oasis.

  • processGaslessMethod Call a contract method with a gasless transaction (app owner pays for the transaction fees instead of user).


This parameter can be used for wallet actions that require user confirmation. If set to true, the event signatureRequest/txApprove will be emitted with resolve() method passed in payload. Once resolve is called, the action continues. This can be used to display tx confirmation UI e.g.

Use as EIP-1193

Initialize SDK, then get the provider using getProvider().

import { getProvider as getEmbeddedProvider } from '@apillon/wallet-sdk';

This can then be used as an injected ethereum provider, e.g. with ethers:

new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(getEmbeddedProvider(), 'any');

or wagmi:

const wagmiConfig = {
  connectors: [
    new InjectedConnector({
      options: {
        getProvider() {
          return getEmbeddedProvider() as any;

Use with ethers (v6)

SDK must be initialized first, then the EmbeddedEthersSigner adapter can be used to work with ethers api.

import { EmbeddedEthersSigner } from '@apillon/wallet-sdk';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';

const signer = new EmbeddedEthersSigner(ethProvider);

// Sign message
const signed = await signer.signMessage('Please sign here');

// Use contract
const testContract = new ethers.Contract(

Use with viem

SDK must be initialized first, then the EmbeddedViemAdapter can be used to work with viem.

import { EmbeddedViemAdapter } from '@apillon/wallet-sdk';
import { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, getContract, http } from 'viem';
import { moonbaseAlpha } from 'viem/chains';

const adapter = new EmbeddedViemAdapter();
const acc = adapter.getAccount();

// Sign
const signed = await acc.signMessage({ message: 'Please sign here via viem' });

// Use contract
const testContract = getContract({
  address: '0xb1058eD01451B947A836dA3609f88C91804D0663',
  abi: contractAbi,
  client: {
    public: createPublicClient({
      chain: moonbaseAlpha,
      transport: http(),
    wallet: createWalletClient({
      chain: moonbaseAlpha,
      transport: http(''),
      account: acc,

Wallet UI

A default wallet UI can be added by using EmbeddedWalletUI(). This includes a react app that handles logged in state and transaction confirmations etc.

import { EmbeddedWalletUI } from '@apillon/wallet-ui';

EmbeddedWalletUI('#wallet', {
  defaultNetworkId: 1287,
  networks: [
      name: 'Moonbase Testnet',
      id: 1287,
      rpcUrl: '',
      explorerUrl: '',
      name: 'Celo Alfajores Testnet',
      id: 44787,
      rpcUrl: '',
      explorerUrl: '',