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SIP Number: 010

Title: Standard Trait Definition for Fungible Tokens

Author: Hank Stoever [email protected], Pascal Belloncle [email protected]

Consideration: Technical

Type: Standard

Status: Ratified

Created: 25 January 2021

License: CC0-1.0

Sign-off: Jude Nelson [email protected], Technical Steering Committee Chair

Layer: Traits



Fungible tokens are digital assets that can be sent, received, combined, and divided. Most forms of cryptocurrencies are fungible tokens. They have become a building block of almost all blockchains. This SIP aims to provide a flexible and easy-to-implement standard that can be used by developers on the Stacks blockchain when creating their own tokens.

License and Copyright

This SIP is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license, available at This SIP’s copyright is held by the Stacks Open Internet Foundation.


Digital assets can have the property to be fungible. A fungible token can be broken down into small units and added together. An owner of a fungible asset only needs to care about their balance, that is, the total amount of a particular fungible asset that they own. Most well-known currencies are fungible. For fungible tokens, there is no difference between any two different amounts of the fungible token.

For example, if a user owns 10 units of a fungible asset, they may send 2 units to a different user. At this point, their balance is 8 units. If they later receive more units, their total balance will be updated.

On blockchains, fungible tokens are a core component. Blockchains with smart contracts, including the Stacks blockchain, allow developers and users to create and interact with smart contracts that use fungible tokens.

The Stacks blockchain has a native fungible token: the Stacks token (STX). In addition to the native STX token, the Stacks blockchain's programming language for developing smart contracts, Clarity, has built-in language primitives to define and use fungible tokens. Although those primitives exists, there is value in defining a common interface (known in Clarity as a "trait") that allows different smart contracts to interoperate with fungible token contracts in a reusable way. This SIP defines that trait.


The fungible token trait, sip-010-trait, has 7 functions:

Trait functions


(transfer ((amount uint) (sender principal) (recipient principal) (memo (optional (buff 34)))) (response bool uint))

Transfer the fungible token from the sender of this transaction to the recipient. The amount is an unsigned integer. It is recommended that implementing contracts use the built-in ft-transfer? Clarity method. If the sender does not have enough tokens to complete the transaction, the transaction should abort and return an (err uint).

This method must be defined with define-public, as it alters state, and should be externally callable.

Contract implementers should take note to perform authorization of the transfer method. For example, a fungible token contract that wants to make sure that only the transaction's sender is able to move the requested tokens might first check that the sender argument is equal to tx-sender.

When returning an error in this function, the error codes should follow the same patterns as the built-in ft-transfer? and stx-transfer? functions.

error code reason
u1 sender does not have enough balance
u2 sender and recipient are the same principal
u3 amount is non-positive
u4 sender is not the same as tx-sender

Contract implementers should take note that in Stacks 2.0, the memo field won't be included in the event emitted by successful ft-transfer? operations. As a consequence, the implementer has to make sure that the memo is emitted by adding a print statement if the ft-transfer? is successful and the memo is not none. The memo should be upwrapped and emitted after the ft-transfer? operation.


  (try! (ft-transfer? token amount sender recipient))
  (match memo to-print (print to-print) 0x)


(get-name () (response (string-ascii 32) uint))

Return a human-readable name for the contract, such as "CoolPoints", etc.

This method should be defined as read-only, i.e. define-read-only.


(get-symbol () (response (string-ascii 32) uint))

Return a symbol that allows for a shorter representation of a token. This is sometimes referred to as a "ticker". Examples: "STX", "COOL", etc. Typically, a token could be referred to as $SYMBOL when referencing it in writing.

This method should be defined as read-only, i.e. define-read-only.


(get-decimals () (response uint uint))

The number of decimal places in a token. All fungible token balances must be represented as integers, but providing the number of decimals provides for an abstraction of a token that humans are more familiar dealing with. For example, the US Dollar has 2 decimals, if the base unit is "cents", as is typically done in accounting. Stacks has 6 decimals, Bitcoin has 8 decimals, and so on.

As another example, if a token has 4 decimals, and the get-balance method a particular user returns 100345000, wallets and exchanges would likely represent that value as 10034.5.

This method should be defined as read-only, i.e. define-read-only.

Balance of

(get-balance (principal) (response uint uint))

Return the balance of a particular principal (also known as "address" or "account"). Implementations should typically use the built-in Clarity method ft-get-balance.

This method should be defined as read-only, i.e. define-read-only.

Total supply

(get-total-supply () (response uint uint))

Return the total supply of this token. Implementations should typically use the built-in Clarity method ft-get-supply.

This method should be defined as read-only, i.e. define-read-only.

Token URI

(get-token-uri () (response (optional (string-utf8 256)) uint))

Returns an optional string that is a valid URI which resolves to this token's metadata. This allows your token to provide off-chain metadata about the contract, such as a description and an image icon.

The JSON schema for this metadata is as follows:

  "title": "Asset Metadata",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Identifies the asset to which this token represents"
    "description": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Describes the asset to which this token represents"
    "image": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "A URI pointing to a resource with mime type image/* representing the asset to which this token represents. Consider making any images at a width between 320 and 1080 pixels and aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5 inclusive."

Clients that fetch this data should prefer any on-chain data, such as the name of the token, over metadata provided in get-token-uri.

Trait implementation

An implementation of the proposed trait is provided below.

(define-trait sip-010-trait
    ;; Transfer from the caller to a new principal
    (transfer (uint principal principal (optional (buff 34))) (response bool uint))

    ;; the human readable name of the token
    (get-name () (response (string-ascii 32) uint))

    ;; the ticker symbol, or empty if none
    (get-symbol () (response (string-ascii 32) uint))

    ;; the number of decimals used, e.g. 6 would mean 1_000_000 represents 1 token
    (get-decimals () (response uint uint))

    ;; the balance of the passed principal
    (get-balance (principal) (response uint uint))

    ;; the current total supply (which does not need to be a constant)
    (get-total-supply () (response uint uint))

    ;; an optional URI that represents metadata of this token
    (get-token-uri () (response (optional (string-utf8 256)) uint))

Implementing in wallets and other applications

Developers who wish to interact with a fungible token contract should first be provided, or keep track of, various different fungible token implementations. When validating a fungible token contract, they should fetch the interface and/or source code for that contract. If the contract implements the trait, then the wallet can use this standard's contract interface for making transfers and getting balances.

Downstream consumers of contracts that implement this trait should be aware that the get-name and get-symbol function are not guaranteed to be globally unique. Because of this, consumers should be advised that get-name and get-token are only hints to provide a more human-readable experience. Care should always be taken to verify that a contract's identifier matches that of the token a client is intending to interact with.

All of the functions in this trait return the response type, which is a requirement of trait definitions in Clarity. However, some of these functions should be "fail-proof", in the sense that they should never return an error. These "fail-proof" functions are those that have been recommended as read-only. If a contract that implements this trait returns an error for these functions, it may be an indication of a faulty contract, and consumers of those contracts should proceed with caution.

Use of native asset functions

Although it is not possible to mandate in a Clarity trait, contract implementers should always use the built-in native assets that are provided as Clarity primitives. This allows clients to use Post Conditions (explained below), and takes advantages of other benefits, like native support for these asset balances and transfers through stacks-blockchain-api. The reference implementations included in this SIP use the native asset primitives, and provide a good boilerplate for their usage.

The native asset primitives include:

  • define-fungible-token
  • ft-burn?
  • ft-get-balance
  • ft-get-supply
  • ft-mint?
  • ft-transfer?

Use of post conditions

In addition to built-in methods for fungible token contracts, the Stacks blockchain includes a feature known as Post Conditions. By defining post conditions, users can create transactions that include pre-defined guarantees about what might happen in that contract.

One such post condition could be "I will transfer exactly 100 of X token", where "X token" is referenced as a specific contract's fungible token. When wallets and applications implement the transfer method, they should always use post conditions to specify that the user will transfer exactly the amount of tokens that they specify in the amount argument of the transfer function. Only in very specific circumstances should such a post condition not be included.

Related work

Ethereum ERC20

Ethereum ERC20 standard

Perhaps the oldest, and most well known, standard for fungible tokens is Ethereum's ERC20 standard. It has become one of the strongest building blocks for the Ethereum ecosystem. When all fungible tokens follow the same standard, any wallet or application developer can interact with it without having to create custom logic for handling each individual token.

Fungible tokens have become so popular that the Clarity smart contracting language has support for basic fungible token operations built-in. In fact, as can be seen in this proposal's reference implementation, very little code is required to implement a fungible token. The important part of this standard is defining a Clarity trait that all fungible tokens can implement. Even though Clarity has fungible token operations built-in, it is important for each contract to define the same methods so that their contracts are easy to integrate.

Backwards Compatibility

Not applicable


This trait has been deployed to mainnet: SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE.sip-010-trait-ft-standard

This trait will be considered activated when this trait is deployed to mainnet, and 3 different implementations of the trait have been deployed to mainnet, no later than Bitcoin block 700000.

Reference Implementations

An example implementation has been submitted with this proposal, along with a Javascript client and tests.

Other examples of Clarity contracts that implement fungible tokens, although not exactly according to this specification:

Deployed Contracts