Lightweight OpenAPI complete request model validator. Fast, unopinionated, full featured validator for API requests that utilize OpenAPI docs for API documentation.
This is an open source project managed by the Authress Engineering team.
It is simple, and that's all there is to it!
npm install openapi-data-validator --save
const { OpenApiValidator } = require('openapi-data-validator');
const spec = require('./openapi.json');
const openApiValidator = new OpenApiValidator({ apiSpec: spec });
const validator = openApiValidator.createValidator();
// Configure this to the client's request. It will resolve the expected schema in the spec using the method and route defined, and validate the request parameters.
const newRequest = {
method: 'GET',
// Matched openapi specification generic route, this should be the generic `path` from the spec, such as `/resources/{resourceId}/`, it must match one of them exactly.
route: request.route
headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer Token' },
// Query string parameters from the request
query: { limit: 10 },
// Body already parsed to JSON
body: { field: true },
// Path parameters
path: { user: 'userId' }
await validator(newRequest);
For improved processing speed the validator can be pre-compiled from the spec
const openApiValidator = new OpenApiValidator({ apiSpec: spec, compiledFilePath: './compiledValidator.json' });
await openApiValidator.compileValidator();
// Later
const validator = await openApiValidator.loadValidation();
// ...
await validator(request);
Checkout the full: Async example
AJV is the best, but there are some things that just are very OpenAPI specific that don't make sense to be in the validator. Don't need them? Great, go use AJV.
- Top level defined Path parameters - AJV doesn't understand
- Inline request body definitions, AJV doesn't understand schema defined in the method, it has to be in a component
- Body Content-Type validation - Request bodies with multiple content types allowed