Search for an existing option in the code and do the same for the new option everywhere you find the old existing option. Use an existing option with a very unique name to avoid false matches.
Usually, you will need to modify these places:
baseImportCommand.h: (or baseExportCommand.h)
- Add the short flag
baseImportCommand.cpp: (or baseExportCommand.cpp)
- Add the flag to the syntax
- Document the new flag
- Add the token to the import or export tokens
- Add data item to the import or export struct
- Handle parsing the flag in the constructor
- Add default value to GetDefaultDictionary
- Add the type to GetGuideDictionary
- Add writing the value to the operator<<
- Expose the option to Python
- Add the new UI labels
mayaUsdTranslatorImport.mel: (or mayaUsdTranslatorExport.mel)
- Add new UI elements in mayaUsdTranslatorImport "post"
- Read the UI values in mayaUsdTranslatorImport "query"
- Add the UI in EnableAllControls
- Add filling the UI with data in SetFromOptions
- Maybe add some callback when UI valeu change when UI affect other UI.
Afterward, modify the import/export code itself to handle the new option and add new behavior during the actual import or export.