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File metadata and controls

177 lines (111 loc) · 6.69 KB

Configure your device

Go to Configure your device page and setup your Pi for first-time use.

Get the tools

Install Git

To install Git, use the Homebrew package management utility by following these steps:

  1. Install Homebrew. If you've already installed Homebrew, go to step 2.

    1. Press Cmd + Space and enter Terminal to open a terminal.

    2. Run the following command:

      /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install Git by running the following command:

    brew install git

Install Docker

Go to Docker website. Scroll down and find the Get Docker for Mac link. Click it for download and installation.

Build C code using Docker

  1. Run below command to clone the repo.

    git clone
  2. Press Cmd + Space to activate Spotlight Search and search Docker. Choose the Docker application and start it.


    Make sure Docker is running before executing any Docker command. First try restarting Docker whenever meeting any Docker issues.


  3. Run below commands to do the build.

    docker pull microsoft/iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-build
    docker run --rm -v $PWD/iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-docker/samples:/repo -it microsoft/iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-build / --source blink
    • --rm is a Docker running option. For details, please check Docker reference.
    • $PWD/iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-docker/samples is your sample folder path if the repo is cloned to your current working directory.
    • -v option maps your sample folder to /repo folder of the Ubuntu OS running inside Docker container.
    • -it option allows you to interact with the running Docker container.
    • microsoft/iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-build is Docker image name. Reference dockerfile folder if you're interested in how it works.
    • / is the shell script name inside the Ubuntu container. --source blink tells that CMakeList.txt is under blink folder.


Deploy and run the built app

  1. Use SCP to deploy the built binary and sample code to your Pi's /home/pi folder.

Below <> parts need to be replaced with your own values.

cd </Users/user-name/some-path/iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-docker/samples>
scp -r blink <user name>@<device ip address>:/home/pi
scp build/blink/blink <user name>@<device ip address>:/home/pi/blink


  1. Use SSH to login in to the Pi device and run the app.

    ssh <user name>@<device ip address>


Debug the app

  1. Install Visual Studio Code

    • Download and install Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor.

    • Open VS Code and install extension named C/C++. If you have already installed it, please make sure you're using the latest version.

      a. Type code command in your Terminal.

      b. In VS Code, press Cmd + P and type ext install c/c++ as below. ext.png

      c. Click Install to install the extension and reload VS Code as prompted. install.png

  2. The C/C++ extension needs a pipe program to communicate with a remote shell for remote debugging. Here we choose SSH. To avoid password input, we generate SSH key and upload it to Pi.

    a. Run ssh-keygen command in Terminal to generate SSH key.


    b. Run brew install ssh-copy-id to get the SSH key upload tool.


    c. Run ssh-copy-id <user name>@<device IP address> to upload the SSH key to device.


  3. Generate lanuch.json.

    • Run below command to open blink folder.
    code blink


    • Press F5 key. VS Code will prompt for environment selection.


    • Choose C++(GDB/LLDB). launch.json is generated automatically.


  4. Config launch.json.

    • program is the full path of the deployed app on device. The built binary blink, under build/blink folder of host machine, is deployed to device's /home/pi/blink folder. So the full path value should be /home/pi/blink/blink.

    • cwd is the working folder on device and should be /home/pi/blink.

    • pipeTransport is for authenticating pipe connection. Paste below properties to launch.json and update the user name and IP address accordingly.

      "pipeTransport": {
            "pipeCwd": "/usr/bin",
            "pipeProgram": "/usr/bin/ssh",
            "pipeArgs": [
                  "<user name>@<device ip address>"
            "debuggerPath": "/usr/bin/gdb"
    • sourceFileMap is for mapping the path of where the code exists on the remote shell to where it is locally. Please add this property and update these two paths accordingly.

      "sourceFileMap": {
            // "remote": "local"
            "/home/pi/blink": "</Users/user-name/some-path/iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-docker/samples/blink>"
    • osx specifies the debugger, which should be gdb instead of lldb. Simply replace its value with Linux's.


  5. Debug main.c.

    a. Open main.c and insert breakpoints by pressing F9 key.

    b. Start debugging by pressing F5 key. Code execution will stop at the breakpoint you set.

    c. Press F10 to debug step by step. Enjoy debugging!


Send message to Azure IoT hub

If you're interested in how to send messages to IoT Hub, please check Azure IoT Hub tutorial.


This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.