diff --git a/docs/03_lab_monitor/0303.md b/docs/03_lab_monitor/0303.md
index 50970e4..154edbe 100644
--- a/docs/03_lab_monitor/0303.md
+++ b/docs/03_lab_monitor/0303.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: '3. Application Insights'
+title: '3. Application Insights (Optional)'
 layout: default
 nav_order: 3
 parent: 'Lab 3: Enable monitoring'
diff --git a/docs/03_lab_monitor/0304.md b/docs/03_lab_monitor/0304.md
index 86aa549..80cc864 100644
--- a/docs/03_lab_monitor/0304.md
+++ b/docs/03_lab_monitor/0304.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: '4. Azure Managed Grafana'
+title: '4. Azure Managed Grafana (Optional)'
 layout: default
 nav_order: 4
 parent: 'Lab 3: Enable monitoring'
diff --git a/docs/05_lab_openai/0501.md b/docs/05_lab_openai/0501.md
index 386fd21..cb98b27 100644
--- a/docs/05_lab_openai/0501.md
+++ b/docs/05_lab_openai/0501.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: '1. Create Azure OpenAI resources'
+title: 'Create Azure OpenAI resources (Optional)'
 layout: default
 nav_order: 1
 parent: 'Lab 5: Integrate with Azure OpenAI'
@@ -23,19 +23,9 @@ To add AI capablities to the application, you need create an Azure OpenAI accoun
       --custom-domain $OPEN_AI_SERVICE_NAME
-2. Deploy language models in your Azure OpenAI service instance. Use the following commands to deploy two language models `text-embedding-ada-002` and `gpt-4o`.
+1. Deploy language models in your Azure OpenAI service instance. Use the following commands to deploy model `gpt-4o`.
-   az cognitiveservices account deployment create \
-      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
-      --name $OPEN_AI_SERVICE_NAME \
-      --deployment-name text-embedding-ada-002 \
-      --model-name text-embedding-ada-002 \
-      --model-version "2"  \
-      --model-format OpenAI \
-      --sku-name "Standard" \
-      --sku-capacity 30
    az cognitiveservices account deployment create \
       --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
       --name $OPEN_AI_SERVICE_NAME \
@@ -44,22 +34,13 @@ To add AI capablities to the application, you need create an Azure OpenAI accoun
       --model-version 2024-08-06 \
       --model-format OpenAI \
       --sku-name "GlobalStandard" \
-      --sku-capacity 30
+      --sku-capacity 10
 {: .note }
 > In Azure OpenAI, model availability varies by region. Please check [related information](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/concepts/models) to choose the model version.
+1. Navigate to your open AI instance and get the endpoint and api-key.
-3. To securely access Azure OpenAI API call, you need assign `Cognitive Services OpenAI User` role for your managed identity. 
-   ```bash
-   OPEN_AI_RESOURCE_ID=$(az cognitiveservices account show --name $OPEN_AI_SERVICE_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query id --output tsv)
-   APPS_IDENTITY_SP_ID=$(az identity show --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $APPS_IDENTITY --query principalId --output tsv)
-   az role assignment create \
-      --role "Cognitive Services OpenAI User" \
-      --scope $OPEN_AI_RESOURCE_ID \
-      --assignee $APPS_IDENTITY_SP_ID
-   ```
+   {: .note }
+   Ask the subscription administrator for help if you see errors like `{"error":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Failed to list key. disableLocalAuth is set to be true"}}`.
diff --git a/docs/05_lab_openai/0502.md b/docs/05_lab_openai/0502.md
index 5eae2cd..4427aee 100644
--- a/docs/05_lab_openai/0502.md
+++ b/docs/05_lab_openai/0502.md
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 title: '2. Deploy sample AI application chat-agent'
 layout: default
 nav_order: 2
+nav_exclude: true
 parent: 'Lab 5: Integrate with Azure OpenAI'