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Set Up

We can set up the required databases and tools using Docker. We support the usage of PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQL Server databases as docker instances. Moreover, there is a docker setup for Adminer, a web-based simple GUI that can connect all these databases.


  • Docker must be installed

Mode / Profile - Database Setup

This repository provides the setup for two types of modes/profiles.

  • simple : This mode setup a minimal database structure with only three tables in University database. The scripts for tables in this mode is available under the directory schema/simple.
  • full : This mode setup a full database for University, which include minimum of 9 tables. The scripts for tables in this mode is available under the directory schema/full.

How to Use?

The docker configurations are available under the directory 1-setup/docker-setup.

Mode/Profile Variable

By default, the docker setup creates the simple mode which includes minimum number of tables. We can explicitly provide this mode in all the docker commands be prepending PROFILE=simple to all docker commands. If no profile variable is set, this uses the simple mode automatically. For full mode, use the variable PROFILE=full.

Running only required database

Depending on the required database, one can switch to the required directory and start the docker instance. For example, to run PostgreSQL, use the following commands:

cd postgresql
docker compose up

This starts the PostgreSQL database in the local docker with the necessary University database and tables using the simple mode. We can start the postgres in full mode by using the command:

cd postgresql
PROFILE=full docker compose up

To use the Adminer GUI, we can run the docker-compose file inside the directory adminer-gui:

cd adminer-gui
docker compose up

Once this is started, the database client is accessible on http://localhost:8080

Now you can connect to the database by providing the credentials which is available in the respective database docker-compose.yml files.

NOTE: In Linux machine, use the url localhost for the Server field. However, in Mac and Windows, we should use host.docker.internal as the value for host field.

Running all database and GUI

It is also possible to run all three databases and also start the Adminer GUI tool. For it, use the docker-compose.yml in the docker-setup directory directly:

cd docker-setup
docker compose up

This starts the databases in simple mode.

To use the full profile, use:

cd docker-setup
PROFILE=full docker compose up

This starts PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server and Adminer GUI in a single command.

Using separate GUI

Another way is to start all the databases manually using their on docker-compose.yml files. If you have a preferred GUI such as DB Visualizer, PG Admin or any other, you can use it to connect to the docker databases. In such cases, they can be accessed using localhost url with the correct port from respective docker-compose files.


Sometimes, when all the docker images are run together, there is a chance of some of them not starting. You may retry the same command 2-3 times to make it work. This is espcially the case with SQL Server.

If there is an issue, it is better to delete the installed docker images and rerun. For example, Microsoft recently changed the path for the tools in the docker and it caused issue. The path is updated now, but sometimes this might cause invalid combination of docker-compose file and the installed image.