{% ifversion fpt %}
- Navigate to the main page of the organization or repository.
- Click {% octicon "gear" aria-label="The Settings gear" %} Settings.
- In the left sidebar, click Actions, then click Runners. {% elsif ghec %}
- Navigate to your runner settings:
- In an organization or repository: Navigate to the main page, then click {% octicon "gear" aria-label="The Settings gear" %} Settings.
- If using an enterprise account: Navigate to your enterprise account by clicking your profile photo in the top-right corner of {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom_the_website %}, then clicking Your enterprises, then clicking the enterprise.
- Navigate to the {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %} settings:
- In an organization or repository: Click Actions in the left sidebar, then click Runners.
- If using an enterprise account: In the left sidebar, click "{% octicon "law" aria-hidden="true" %} Policies", then click Actions, then click the Runners tab. {% endif %}