{% ifversion fpt %}
- Navigate to the main page of the organization where your self-hosted runner is registered.
- Click {% octicon "gear" aria-label="The Settings gear" %} Settings. {% data reusables.organizations.settings-sidebar-actions-runners %} {% elsif ghec or ghes %}
- Navigate to where your runner is registered:
- In an organization: navigate to the main page and click {% octicon "gear" aria-label="The Settings gear" %} Settings.
- If using an enterprise-level runner:
{% indented_data_reference reusables.enterprise-accounts.access-enterprise spaces=5 %}
- Navigate to the {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %} settings:
- In an organization:
{% indented_data_reference reusables.actions.settings-ui.settings-actions-runners spaces=5 %}
- If using an enterprise-level runner:
{% indented_data_reference reusables.enterprise-accounts.policies-tab spaces=5 %} {% indented_data_reference reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-tab spaces=5 %} {% indented_data_reference reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-runners-tab spaces=5 %} {% endif %}