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Breinify: Leading Temporal AI Engine

Change log Breinify Java Api

This document contains a chronologically ordered list of changes for the Java Api library.

Version 2.1.5

  • Add support for firing multiple recommendations at one time

Version 2.1.4

  • Added singleton method to BreinEngine to reflect the singleton structure of the class.

Version 2.1.3

  • Additional constructor for RecommendedItem

Version 2.1.2

  • Support for OFFSET_HOLIDAY

Version 2.1.1

  • Rename "STATE_FEDERAL" holidays to "STATE" holidays
  • Rename "NATIONAL_FEDERAL" holidays to "NATIONAL" holidays

Version 2.1.0

  • Updated recommendation code

Version 2.0.4

  • Added toString() functions for each of the temporal data results.

Version 2.0.3

  • renamed M class to MapBuilder
  • additional documentation

Version 2.0.0

The architecture of the library was re-factored. With these changes, the general usage of the library is the same as before. Nevertheless, slight changes may be necessary to adapt to the new structure.

  • BreinTemporalDataResult provides detailed access to the different returned data-points of the \temporaldata endpoint.
  • multiple setters where added to increase usability of the library
  • it is now possible to shutdown and reuse the library

Version 1.3.2


Concurrency Support

With each activity or temporalData request the associated request classes are cloned before the request call will be invoked. This will prevent concurrency issues in multithread situations.

Flexible Maps

The method names have changed for the flexible Maps.

  • breinBase.setBase(..) instead of breinBase.setBaseMap(..)
  • breinActivity.setActivity(..) instead of breinActivity.setActivityMap(..)
  • breinUser.set(..) instead of breinUser.setUserMap(..)
  • breinUser.setAdditional(..) instead of breinUser.setAdditionalMap(..)

Version 1.3.1



Support of new endpoint temporalData

Request will be signed if secret is set

This implies that no additional sign flag has to be set within the call and has been removed from the appropriate:

  • activity
  • temporalData
  • lookup


Flexible Maps

The flexible maps now belongs to their related classes. This means that:

  • BreinBase has a map for the base level
  • BreinActivity has a map for the activity level
  • BreinUser has two maps. One for the user level and one for the additional level.


The constructors of class BreinConfig have changed.

Version 1.3.0


###Flexible Key-Value maps It is now possible to add additional maps on each level (base, user, additional) to the request.

final Map<String, Object> dataUserMap = new HashMap<>();
dataUserMap.put("enhancement-user-1", "user-value-1");
dataUserMap.put("enhancement-user-2", "user-value-2");

final BreinUser localBreinUser = new BreinUser()
      .setEmail("[email protected]")


Version 1.2.0


###Callback support

Within the activity request an error callback can now be configured. This one will be invoked if the activity request might fail.

// callback handler
final Function<String, Void> callback = message -> {
     // do any logic here -> e.g. stop sending requests
     return null;

// invoke activity call
Breinify.activity(breinUser, breinActivityType, breinCategoryType,
                  description, signFlag, callback);

###Flexible Key-Value maps

When creating the activity request it is now possible to add key-value pairs at each level instead of using the dedicated setter methods (e.g. actvitiy.setDescription("xxx") ).

The following levels will be supported:

  • base
  • activity
  • user
  • user additional
// base level
final Map<String, Object> dataBaseLevelMap = new HashMap<>();
dataBaseLevelMap("enhancement-base", "value");

final BreinActivity breinActivity = Breinify.getBreinActivity();
breinActivity.setExtraMap(BreinActivity.MapKind.MK_BASE, dataBaseLevelMap);

// activity level
final Map<String, Object> dataActivityMap = new HashMap<>();
dataActivityMap.put("enhancement-activity-1", "value-1");
dataActivityMap.put("enhancement-activity-2", "value-2");

final BreinActivity breinActivity = Breinify.getBreinActivity();
breinActivity.setExtraMap(BreinActivity.MapKind.MK_ACTIVITY, dataActivityMap);

// user level
final Map<String, Object> dataUserMap = new HashMap<>();
dataUserMap.put("enhancement-user-1", "user-value-1");
dataUserMap.put("enhancement-user-2", "user-value-2");

final BreinActivity breinActivity = Breinify.getBreinActivity();
breinActivity.setExtraMap(BreinActivity.MapKind.MK_USER, dataUserMap);

// user additinal level 
final Map<String, Object> dataAdditionalMap = new HashMap<>();
dataAdditionalMap.put("enhancement-user-additional-1", "user-add-value-1");
dataAdditionalMap.put("enhancement-user-additional-2", "user-add-value-2");

final BreinActivity breinActivity = Breinify.getBreinActivity();
breinActivity.setExtraMap(BreinActivity.MapKind.MK_USER_ADDITIONAL, dataAdditionalMap);

Version 1.2.0

Modifications &

Some fields and their appropiate methods have been moved from to Those are:

  • sessionId
  • userAgent
  • referrer
  • url (has been renamed from additionUrl from

Furthermore the following field is not available anymore:

  • ipAddress

Enhancements It is now possible to set a default category. This will be used whenever a category is not provided by the BreinActivity instance.

// create configuration
final BreinConfig breinConfig = new BreinConfig(VALID_API_KEY,
          .setDefaultCategory("DEF-CAT-TYPE"); Provides new methods to set fields that have been moved from Those are:

// user data
final BreinUser breinUser = new BreinUser()
         .setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586");

Version 1.1.0


Method setDataOfBirth(final String) has been removed. This has lead to wrong values when sending the date of birth. From now on only the following method is supported:

setDateOfBirth(final int month, 
               final int day, 
               final int year)

The following new method:

public static void activity(final BreinActivity breinActivity)

can now be used to invoke an activity request. This implies that the necessary properties must be set before the call itself is invoked.

This means that the following code is now possible:

// activity
final BreinActivity breinActivity = Breinify.getBreinActivity();

// set the appropriate properties
// invoke the activity request

BreinifyExecutor provides now a similar approach and this looks as follows:

 public void activity() 

This enables a similar mechanismn that is provied for and would look like this:

final BreinifyExecutor breinifyExecutor = new BreinConfig()

final BreinActivity breinActivity = breinifyExecutor.getBreinActivity();

breinActivity.setBreinCategoryType(BreinCategoryType.APPAREL);       breinActivity.setBreinActivityType(BreinActivityType.PAGEVISIT);
breinActivity.setDescription("your description");

// invoke activity call

One difference of class BreinifyExecutor is that it has an instane of BreinActivity.

The activity request contains now the following fields:

  • ipAddress
  • sessionId
  • userAgent
  • referrer
  • additionalUrl
  • tagsMap

The result of an activity request looks like this:

  "user": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "User",
    "lastName": "Name",
    "sessionId": "r3V2kDAvFFL_-RBhuc_-Dg",
    "additional": {
      "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586",
      "referrer": "",
      "url": ""
  "activity": {
    "type": "pageVisit",
    "description": "your description",
    "category": "apparel"
  "apiKey": "A187-B1DF-XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-4729-7B54-E5B1",
  "unixTimestamp": 1472765431,
  "ipAddress": "11.222.333.444"

The method:

public BreinBase setUnixTimestamp(final long unixTimestamp)

can now be set with a value before a activity or lookup request is triggered. This is an optional configuration. If this property is not set then the current timestamp will be computed and used within the request.


  • Method activity in class does not support the parameter BreinActivity anymore. From now on the member within the class will be used.


  • contained the lookup request twice
  • PAGEVISIT type was missing