This library is intended to be used on a Node.js server (it is not a client module). The in-browser client library is available at
npm install breinify-node --save
For a quick start, please have a look at the
The library provides several attributes, methods, and objects to simplify the usage of the Breinify API. Besides methods to actually send or retrieve data, it also includes general information (e.g., about the version and used configuration), as well as utilities. Thus, the following documentation is organized in three sections: General Attributes, API, and Utilities (UTL).
{object} Breinify.config():
Retrieves the current configuration of the library. The following JSON is a sample object return by this function.
{ 'apiKey': null, 'secret': null, 'category': null, 'debug': false, 'verbose': false }
Configuration Properties:
{string} apiKey: The API-key to be used (required).
{string} secret: The secret attached to the API-key (highly recommended when utilizing this type of library).
{number} category: The category is needed for a fallback.
{boolean} debug: This will include stack traces.
{boolean} verbose: This will console.log extra information.
{string} Breinify.version():
Contains the current version of the usage library. If an error occurred while loading the library, the version is set to be 'FALLBACK'.
Example Usage:
console.log('The current version of the library is: ' + Breinify.version());
Updates the current configuration of the library for the properties supplied.
{object} config: A plain object specifying the configuration properties to be set. If the validation of the configuration is activated, the passed values will be validated and an Error will be thrown, if the specified configuration property is invalid.
- apiKey: The API-key to be used (required).
- secret: The secret is needed for a key that requires a verified signature.
- category: The category is needed for a fallback. Take a look at categories
Example Usage:
Breinify.setConfig({ apiKey: '23AD-F31F-F324-6666-A12D-C506-DC29-BBC2', secret: 'weoijfsoidfsdfs==', category: 'apparel' });
Temporal Data (
Breinify.temporalData(user, sign, callback):
Retrieves temporal information for the specified input (i.e., a user instance, for a complete list have a look at the API documentation).- Breinify.temporalData(user, callback)
{object} user: a user instance, specifying the temporal data to resolve
{boolean|null} sign: if set to
, the request will be signed with a signature, using the secret specified in the configuration; iffalse
no signature will be created; ifnull
a signature will be created if an only if asecret
is provided by the configuration{function} callback: the callback used to handle the response
A full response contains currently information about: holidays, weather, location and time. Each individual part, contains different - content specific - information, e.g., the type of the holiday, the current temperature, or the city name. If information is not available, the response does not contain the appropriate field. A detailed list of the available fields can be found at the API documentation).
Breinify.temporalData(ipAddress, localDateTime, timezone, latitude, longitude, userAgent, sign, callback):
Retrieves temporal information for the specified input (i.e., an ipAddress or a pair of latitude and longitude, for a complete list have a look at breinify.js):- Breinify.temporalData(ipAddress, callback)
- Breinify.temporalData(localDateTime, timezone, callback)
- Breinify.temporalData(latitude, longitude, callback)
- Breinify.temporalData(ipAddress, longitude, callback)
{string|null} ipAddress: An ip address, e.g., the clients ip address, which can be resolved using
or if you are, e.g., behind a proxyrequest.headers['x-forwarded-for']
(e.g., nginx){string|null} localDateTime: the client's local date and time, which can be retrieved on client's side via
new Date().toString()
; if this information is available in the back-end the accuracy of the result may increase{string|null} timezone: the client's timezone, e.g.,
{float|null} latitude: the latitude of the location to be resolved (only supported if the longitude is set as well)
{float|null} longitude: the longitude of the location to be resolved (only supported if the latitude is set as well)
{string|null} userAgent: the user-agent is currently just used for analytical purposes; the api may provide further results based on the user-agent in the future
{boolean|null} sign: if set to
, the request will be signed with a signature, using the secret specified in the configuration; iffalse
no signature will be created; ifnull
a signature will be created if an only if asecret
is provided by the configuration{function} callback: the callback used to handle the response
A full response contains currently information about: holidays, weather, location and time. Each individual part, contains different - content specific - information, e.g., the type of the holiday, the current temperature, or the city name. If information is not available, the response does not contain the appropriate field. A detailed list of the available fields can be found at the API documentation).
Activity (
Breinify.activity(user, type, category, description, sign):
Sends an activity to the engine utilizing the API. The call is done asynchronously as a POST request. It is important that a valid API-key is configured prior to using this function.Parameters:
{object} user: A plain object specifying the user information the activity belongs to.
- sessionId
- deviceId
- md5Email
- phone
- additional {object}
/* * in node, userAgent is usually request.headers['user-agent'] * in node, referrer is usually request.headers['referer'] * in node, url is usually request.url */ "additional": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.3; C6530N Build/JLS36C) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.98 Mobile Safari/537.36", "referrer": "", "url": "" }
{string | null} type: The type of the activity collected:
- pageVisit
- login
- search .
- selectProduct
- addToCart
- removeFromCart
- checkOut
- logout
- If not specified, the default other will be used.
{string | null} description: A string with further information about the activity performed. Depending on the type of the activity, some typical descriptions are:
- type: search- the used search query
- type: selectProduct- the name and tagsMap of the selected product
- type: addToCart || removeFromCart- the item name, tagsMap, or summary
- type: checkOut- the amount of monetary value ($10 USD)
- type: pageVisit- the page name that the user visited
{object | null} tagsMap: An object of key value pairs where the value is a number, string, boolean, or a mixed array of either number, string, or boolean. No nested objects or array of objects.
"tagsMap": { "flavor": "chocolate", "texture": ["extra chunky", "crumble"], "double": true }
{string | null} category: The category of the platform/service/products:
- apparel
- home
- education
- family
- food
- health
- job
- sports
- services
- other
- If not specified, the configured type (see Breinify.config().category) is used.
{boolean|null} sign: A boolean value specifying if the call should have a signature generated. If this parameter is
, the system will automatically create a signature, if asecret
is configured.Robust Example
// grab the Breinify factory var Breinify = require('breinify-node'); // set configuration for Breinify var breinify = new Breinify({ 'apiKey': 'here-is-my-breinify-key', 'secret': 'here-is-my-breinify-secret' }); var user = { 'email': '[email protected]', 'sessionId': 'Rg3vHJZnehYLjVg7qi3bZjzg', 'additional': { 'userAgent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.3; C6530N Build/JLS36C) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.98 Mobile Safari/537.36', 'referrer': '', 'url': '' } }; var type = "search"; var description = 'brownies recipe'; var tagsMap = { 'flavor': 'chocolate', 'texture': ['extra chunky', 'crumble'], 'double': true }; breinify.activity(user, type, description, tagsMap, true);