Refers to sequence of occurances from the moment user faces the interface to having the first ready-to-submit bundle of transactions.
actor User
Note over User: Switches to safe account
participant Bundler UI
participant Chain Indexer
participant Chain Provider
User->>Bundler UI: Compromised address
Bundler UI->>Chain Indexer: Query address
Chain Indexer-->>Bundler UI: ERC20-721-1155<br/>'Transfer' Events
Bundler UI->>Chain Provider: Query all asset contracts
Chain Provider-->>Bundler UI: Balances of compromised address
Note over Bundler UI: Eliminates 0 balances
User->>Bundler UI: Selects assets<br>to recover
Note over Bundler UI: Auto-crafts recovery <br>transactions
loop 5 seconds
Bundler UI->>Chain Provider: Simulate all transactions
Chain Provider-->>Bundler UI: Gas estimations
Note over Bundler UI: Calculate total gas
At the end of the setup phase, user has a bundle ready to be submitted already. The gas estimation will require the transactions to be simulated, so failing transactions won't be included in this bundle. Examples include (so-claimed) ERC20 contracts that emit a Transfer event, but don't provide a 'balanceOf' function.
Automatic asset detection only relies on Transfer events, so assets that were minted (not transferred) to the compromised account may not show up in the bundle. These assets can still be included in the recovery bundle with little effort.
actor User
participant Bundler UI
participant ERC20 Contract
User->>Bundler UI: ERC20 address
Bundler UI->>ERC20 Contract: Query balance of<br>compromised account
ERC20 Contract-->>Bundler UI:  
opt balance = 0
Note over Bundler UI: Don't include transaction
opt balance > 0
Note over Bundler UI: Craft recovery transaction
Note over Bundler UI: Calculate total gas
actor User
participant Bundler UI
participant ERC721 Contract
User->>Bundler UI: ERC721 address + <br>claimed token id
Bundler UI->>ERC721 Contract: Query ownership of token
ERC721 Contract-->>Bundler UI:  
opt not asset owner
Note over Bundler UI: Don't include transaction
opt asset owner
Note over Bundler UI: Craft recovery transaction
Note over Bundler UI: Calculate total gas
actor User
participant Bundler UI
participant ERC1155 Contract
User->>Bundler UI: ERC1155 address + <br> multiple token ids
Bundler UI->>ERC1155 Contract: Query balances
ERC1155 Contract-->>Bundler UI:  
loop per tokenId
opt balance = 0
Note over Bundler UI: Don't include transaction
opt balance > 0
Note over Bundler UI: Craft recovery transaction
Note over Bundler UI: Calculate total gas
This bundler can also be used to send custom transactions from the compromised account, and we present a separate UI for this purpose.
actor User
participant Bundler UI
participant Bundler UI
User->>Bundler UI: Contract address + <br> function signature
Bundler UI-->>User: Render input form
User->>Bundler UI: Function arguments
Note over Bundler UI: Calculate total gas
Please remember that gas calculation will require communication with the chain provider (although not explicit here) and the crafted function call will be simulated remotely. This simulation will fail if the crafted transaction is poorly constructed. In that case, the custom transaction will not be added to the bundle.
This phase requires a set of activities that can be confusing to a web3 beginner. The user has built their bundle of transactions, and now is the time to sign and submit them. Not only the recovery transactions will be signed by the compromised account, but also a funding transaction will be signed by the safe address.
actor User
participant Bundler UI
participant Wallet
participant Flashbot RPC
User->>Bundler UI: Start signing
Bundler UI->>Wallet: Add personal<br>flashbot RPC network
Wallet-->>User: Prompt asking for network switch
User-->>Wallet: Switch to personal RPC network
Bundler UI->>Wallet: Propose funding<br> transaction
Wallet-->>User: Prompt to sign the transaction
User->>Wallet: Sign
Wallet-->>Flashbot RPC: Cache transaction
Note over User: Switches to compromised account
loop for every recovery transaction
Bundler UI->>Wallet: Propose recovery<br> transaction
Wallet-->>User: Prompt to sign the transaction
User->>Wallet: Sign
Wallet-->>Flashbot RPC: Cache transaction
participant Bundler Backend
Bundler UI->>Bundler Backend: Trigger bundle submission with personal RPC id
loop 10 times until bundle gets included
Bundler Backend->>Flashbot RPC: Submit bundle
Flashbot RPC-->>Bundler Backend: Included / not included
The motivation behind using a back end for submissions is that mev-relay-js does not provide CORS support, preventing access to its endpoints from a browser. Although workarounds like running a local CORS proxy exist, this bundler is built to be as beginner-friendly as possible, so it uses a small piece of serverless code for submissions.
After bundle submission, the UI checks if transactions were included in a new block for 10 blocks. A success message indicates that the transactions were successful and assets are recovered. Failure is not uncommon, and bundler UI asks user to increase the priority fee for all transactions. This requires that the user signs all the transactions again.
actor User
participant Bundler UI
participant Chain Provider
loop 10 blocks
Bundler UI->>Chain Provider: Is bundle included?
opt success
Chain Provider-->>Bundler UI: Yes
Note over Bundler UI: Terminate
Chain Provider-->>Bundler UI: No
Bundler UI->>User: Notify that higher <br>priority fee required
Bundler UI->>User: Remind to clear<br>activity data in wallet
User-->>Bundler UI: Ok
Upon failure, the UI takes the user exactly to the beginning of the 3rd phase: Signing and submission. User needs to perform those steps again, and not only that, they also have to clear their activity data to flush their nonce information. This is required because otherwise, the next submission will include the failing transactions as well, so the next bundle will fail as well. Wallets don't provide an interface to do this operation on behalf of the user, so they must do it themselves.