List of projects made during DevJam 2.0
Team Name - "Your Team Name"
Project Name - "Your Project Name"
Project Description - "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris."
Github URL - Url to github repository
Team Name - fy_rocks
Project Name - "Face classifier"
Project Description - "predict age, gender in runtime with builtin webcam of laptop. -predict age, gender from any directory or any particular image. -can save predicted data in csv or json file format. [due to some modification csv code is under development and hence commented."
Github URL - ""
Team Name - ENIGMA
Project Name - CC Club MNNIT Website
Project Description - A one stop solution for tech/coding enthusiasts following CC Club, MNNIT Allahabad. Sign-up, choose categories which interests you and see related posts on top of your home page feed, comment on them to clear any doubts. Get E-mail notificitation about posts regarding scheduled events/classes. Get resources related to topics covered in class by accessing side navigation bar from your Home Page.
Github URL -
Team Name - NP Devs
Project Name - "MNNIT Central"
Project Description - This android project is developed for the welfare of students of MNNIT Allahabad. After registration in the app:
1.It provides facility of getting a cab (e-rickshaw) like popular cab apps which is seen by driver in different Driver app.
2.It provides for skipping mess food and get refund against it in our mess support section of the app.
3.It provides information of all the events of the college and provides notification of all classes and events when added by the Admin.
4.It provides an alarm for college classes which is controlled by groups during registration in the app.
Github URL -
Team Name - TeachMeSenpai
Project Name - "SnoozySnoozy"
Project Description - Its an Alarm Clock which lets the user choose beforehand what type of questions they want to answer and then when the alarm rings they have to answer the question before they can stop the Alarm. Can be used for students as a daily practice/awakening tool practising one question at a time side by side their daily activities. Also shows their history so they get to know what areas they need to improve upon and what results they got the previous time keeping track of their progress.
Github URL -