. | . |
Course code | {{ code }} |
Course title | {{ title }} |
Instructor | {% for instructor in instructors %}{{ instructor.name }} {% endfor %} |
{% for instructor in instructors %}{{ instructor.email }} {% endfor %} | |
Office | {% for instructor in instructors %}{{ instructor.office }} {% endfor %} by appointment |
Credits | {{ credits.us }} US credits ({{ credits.ects }} ECTS credits) |
Module | {{ module }} |
Term | {{ term }} 2020-2021 |
Course level | {% for l in level %}{{ l }} {% endfor %} |
Prerequisites | {% for pre in prerequisites %}{{ pre }}, {% endfor %} |
Course drop |
{{ description.content }}
{{ description.relevance }}
By the end of the course, students will be able to
{% for outcome in learning_outcomes %}* {{ outcome }} {% endfor %}
The course will also help develop skills in the following areas.
Learning Area | Learning Outcome |
{% for area in learning_areas %}{{ area.type }} | {% for outcome in area.outcomes %}{{ outcome }}{% endfor %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% for reading in readings.required %}* {{ reading }} {% endfor %}
{% for reading in readings.recommended %}* {{ reading }} {% endfor %}
Learning objectives will be achieved through
{% for method in teaching_methods %}* {{ method }} {% endfor %}
Grading will be based on the total score out of 100, in line with CEU’s standard grading guidelines.
{% for task in assessments %}* {{ task.description }} ({{ task.weight }} percent) {% endfor %}
{% for tr in technical_requirements %}* {{ tr }} {% endfor %}
Session | Topics | Readings |
{% for row in outline %}{{ row.session }} | {{ row.topic }} | {{ row.reading }} |
{% endfor %} |
{{ instructors[0].bio }}