{% capture text %} We are a small group of dedicated software developers with the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Colorado Anschutz.
{% include button.html link="about" title="Who we are" text="Learn more about us" icon="fas fa-arrow-right" flip=true style="button" %} {:.center} {% endcapture %}
{% include feature.html image="images/ahsb.jpg" title="Who we are" text=text link="about" %}
{% include section.html %}
{% capture text %} We support the labs and individuals within the Department by developing high quality web applications, web servers, data visualizations, data pipelines, and much more.
{% include button.html link="portfolio" text="Our portfolio" icon="fas fa-arrow-right" flip=true style="button" %} {:.center} {% endcapture %}
{% include feature.html image="images/code.jpg" title="What we do" text=text link="portfolio" flip=true %}