Challenge Automated Recycling
- Input
- images from a custom hardware scanner
- some data samples are already provided (via AWS)
- additional data can be collected with the available hardware
- seems only to be camera images (no fancy modalities like uv-scanner etc.)
- AI model
- self-learning solution that balances performance vs. time to deploy.
- Business aspects
- What business model patterns might be applied? Please develop a promising business model.
- Not clear if it is aimed to be a B2B or B2C solution
- User Experience
- Please design your solution and interface.
- image driven UI, in python or javascript?
- UI for end-user (B2C) or expert user (B2B)?
- I think they want us to design a system that can be deployed to customers and customers can easily perform a fine-tuning step
- e.g.: deployed to MA48 and they can provide sample images and the system quickly learns how to classify certain trash objects and gives rich feedback how to system performs
- the two key components seem to be the self-learning capability as well as communicating the models performance to the user (visualizing metrics, fail-cases, problem classes etc.)
understanding the problem
- in the first hours we focus on this
- we need more information to understand the problem and clearify some a assumptions we made (e.g. B2B vs. B2C)
- achieved when: We know what the challenge is and what the want from us
finding a suitable model & training process
- the more we know how the self-learning aspect could look like the sooner we can work on UX, prototype and business plan
- achieved when: We approximately know how our self-learning system could work & how we want the user to interact with it
user communication & visualization idea
- we have to think of how we want to visualize
- achieved when: we know how to visualize validation performance and inference to the user?
- we need a working prototype that shows how to interact with our system
- e.g. in order to retrain the model and get results how the model performs
- achieved when: we have integrated the model with a working UI that we can live demonstrate during our pitch
- we need a working prototype that shows how to interact with our system
coming up with a suitable business pattern
- after we know if B2B or B2C and how the solution should approximately look like we can think about business plans
- achieved when: we have a idea how to produce revenue with our solution, provided some case studies as well as calculated possible market size etc.
pitch presentation
- need to clearify if live working prototype is required or not
- achieved when: we pitched that thing
- research model & self-learning process
- Lisa, Reza, Matthias
- AWS infrastructure & deployment
- Reza
- metrics & validation
- Herwig, Reza, Matthias
- visualization of metrics
- Florian P., Herwig
- user interface (& UX)
- Florian P., Herwig, Florian K., Tai
- end-to-end integration
- Matthias, Florian P.
- business plan
- Tai, Lisa
- pitch planning
- Lisa, Reza, Florian K., (Tai)
- pitch presentation
- Lisa, Florian K.
random thoughts that are worth to be considered in future
- gamification to improve the UX
- e.g. supermarket deploys the hardware and offers discount for heavy users (who recycle a lot the correct way?)
- Saliency Map (and other XAI techniques for UX & visualization?)
- use LoRA for self-learning/fine-tuning (--> more stable, less catastrophic forgetting)