Shows rate and absolute limits for the project.
.. rest_method:: GET /limits
Shows rate and absolute limits for the project.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - reserved: reserved_query - tenant_id: tenant_id_query
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - limits: limits - absolute: limits_absolutes - maxServerGroupMembers: server_group_members - maxServerGroups: server_groups - maxServerMeta: metadata_items - maxTotalCores: cores - maxTotalInstances: instances - maxTotalKeypairs: key_pairs - maxTotalRAMSize: ram - totalCoresUsed: total_cores_used - totalInstancesUsed: total_instances_used - totalRAMUsed: total_ram_used - totalServerGroupsUsed: total_server_groups_used - maxSecurityGroupRules: security_group_rules_quota - maxSecurityGroups: security_groups_quota - maxTotalFloatingIps: floating_ips - totalFloatingIpsUsed: total_floatingips_used - totalSecurityGroupsUsed: total_security_groups_used - maxImageMeta: image_metadata_items - maxPersonality: injected_files - maxPersonalitySize: injected_file_content_bytes - rate: limits_rates
Example Show Rate And Absolute Limits: JSON response
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/limits/limit-get-resp.json :language: javascript