This is a website for Feng et al. (2024).
Code for generating the statistics shown in tables and figures are stored in the R-script folder, and code and output for visualizaing and tabularization are stored in the res folder.
Results on average shares of time of heat exposure for children, shown in main text Figure 1 as well as appendix tables.
- Generate statistics: R-script/run_1a_mean_child_all24, R-script/run_1b_mean_child_6t22, and R-script/run_1c_mean_child_seasons
- Tabulate and visualize: R-script/tabfig_1_mean_child
- Tables and figures: res/res_mean_child
Results on share of children at risk of heat exposure, shown in main text Figure 2 as well as appendix tables.
- Generate statistics: R-script/run_2a_atrisk_child
- Tabulate and visualize: R-script/tabfig_2_at_risk
- Tables and figures: res/res_atrisk
Results on decomposing shifts in population and temperature distributions, shown in main text Figure 3 as well as appendix tables.
- Generate statistics: R-script/run_3a_decompose and R-script/run_3b_decompose_regional
- Tabulate and visualize: R-script/tabfig_3_decompose
- Tables and figures: res/res_decompose
Results on regional and provincial analysis, shown in main text Figure 3 as well as appendix tables.
- Generate statistics: R-script/run_4a_mean_child_all24_by_region and R-script/run_4b_mean_child_all24_by_province
- Tabulate and visualize: R-script/tabfig_4_region_prov
- Tables and figures: res/res_region_prov