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What is HTMX?
What is it used for?
Making HTML pages interactive without extra JS
Everything is done through HTML attributes
What can we build with it?
Anything frontend....
Must have a custom backend that responds with HTML
Why should we use it?
Don't have to learn / use frontend frameworks
How do we get started?
Add htmx to an HTML page
Just like we would add any other JS lib
Setup SSR templating library
Autocomplete UI
UI with input and place to display suggestions
When filter changes, get suggestions
Show loading indicator
Show suggestions on page
If error, show error on page
Clear suggestions and error when filter is cleared
Debounce the input filter value
Abort / cancel requests when filter changes
Opinions / Results
We wrote 0 frontend JS
We wrote some server side rendered code
Docs are really good!
Inline examples are useful
Would I use it again?
You can’t perform that action at this time.