- What do I already know about it?
- Java
- General Purpose Programming Language
- Cross Platform
- Java is compiled to IL (bytecode)
- Java compiled code runs on top of the JVM
- Anywhere the JVM runs... java programs can run
- Garbage Collected
- Statically Typed
- OOP - Objected Oriented Programming
- Spring
- Framework for building Java Applications
- Provides many guides / opinions / conventions / built in libraries for doing all the web service things we would want to do
- Web
- Similar to NestJS
- Similar to ExpressJS
- Java
- What is it?
- Spring is an ecosystem of packages / projects / modules
- Spring Boot
- part of the Spring ecosystem, provides an opinionated way of building backend web apps
- Spring Data
- provides data access
- Why should we use it?
- An integrated and full featured ecosystem
- Can do many things, microservices, serverless, batch processing etc.
- What can we compare it to?
- PHP / Laravel
- Python / Django
- Ruby / Rails
- C# / .NET Web API
- Node.js / AdonisJS
- Node.js / NestJS
- Download / Install
- Java SDK
- Maven
- With homebrew:
brew install maven
- With homebrew:
- Gradle
- With homebrew:
brew install gradle
- With homebrew:
- SDK Man
- Spring Boot CLI
- With SDK Man:
sdk install springboot
- With SDK Man:
- VS Code Spring Boot Extension Pack
- Quick Start
- Building a Restful Web Service
- Final Impressions
- Full featured
- Auto setup