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1293 lines (1031 loc) · 42.3 KB
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2024-12-19 20:58:55 -0800
Cong Le
MIT, CC BY 4.0

In this documentation, we will provide a comprehensive set of diagrams and illustrations explaining the functionalities and complexities of the Metal Primitives App. These diagrams are intended to serve as a reference for iOS developers who are interested in understanding the app's architecture, rendering pipeline, and how it implements advanced Metal rendering techniques across both iOS and macOS platforms.

Table of Contents

1. High-Level Architecture Diagram

This diagram provides an overview of the entire app's architecture, highlighting the conditional compilation for iOS and macOS platforms and how different views are integrated.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
graph TD
    %% Define styles
    classDef iOS fill:#43F6,stroke:#4285F4
    classDef macOS fill:#F4F6,stroke:#34A853

    %% App Structure
    A["MetalPrimitivesApp<br>@main App"]
    A -->|contains| B[WindowGroup]

    %% Platform Conditional Views
    B -->|Platform: iOS| C[iOS Views]
    B -->|Platform: macOS| D[macOS Views]

    %% iOS Views
    subgraph iOS Views
        direction TB
    C --> C1 & C2 & C3 & C4 & C5 & C6 & C7 & C8

    %% macOS Views
    subgraph macOS Views
        direction TB
    D --> D1 & D2 & D3 & D4 & D5


  • The MetalPrimitivesApp uses a WindowGroup to host the main content.
  • Based on the platform (iOS or macOS), it conditionally includes different views.
  • The iOS Views and macOS Views are grouped under their respective platforms.
  • Each platform includes a set of representable views that integrate Metal rendering into SwiftUI.

2. App Structure Overview

This class diagram illustrates the overall structure of the app, focusing on the relationships between the main app entry point, SwiftUI views, and UIKit/AppKit view controllers.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    %% Main App Entry Point
    class MetalPrimitivesApp {
        +var body: some Scene
    MetalPrimitivesApp --> WindowGroup

    %% SwiftUI Views
    WindowGroup --> iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView
    iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView --> ObjCMetalPlainViewControllerRepresentable

    %% UIViewControllerRepresentable Wrapper
    class ObjCMetalPlainViewControllerRepresentable {
    ObjCMetalPlainViewControllerRepresentable ..|> UIViewControllerRepresentable

    %% UIKit View Controllers
    ObjCMetalPlainViewControllerRepresentable --> ObjCMetalPlainViewController

    %% Typealiases and Base Classes
    class MySwiftViewController
    MySwiftViewController <|-- UIViewController
    MySwiftViewController <|-- NSViewController
    ObjCMetalPlainViewController <|-- MySwiftViewController


  • MetalPrimitivesApp is the main entry point of the app, containing the WindowGroup.
  • iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView is the main SwiftUI view for iOS, which uses ObjCMetalPlainViewControllerRepresentable to bridge UIKit components.
  • ObjCMetalPlainViewControllerRepresentable conforms to UIViewControllerRepresentable to integrate a UIKit view controller within SwiftUI.
  • ObjCMetalPlainViewController is an Objective-C view controller that handles Metal rendering.

3. Class Diagram of View Controllers and Wrappers

This diagram shows how the SwiftUI views, UIKit/AppKit view controllers, and Objective-C view controllers interact.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark

    %% SwiftUI Views
    class iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView {
        +body: some View
    class iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView:::SwiftUIView

    class iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable {
    class iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable:::UIViewControllerRepresentable
    iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable ..|> UIViewControllerRepresentable

    iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView --> iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable

    %% UIKit View Controller Wrapper
    class ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController {
    class ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController:::ViewController
    iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable --> ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController : UIViewControllerType

    %% Objective-C View Controller
    class ObjCMetalPlainViewController {
        +Metal rendering code
    class ObjCMetalPlainViewController:::ObjectiveCVC
    ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController --> ObjCMetalPlainViewController : adds Child VC

    %% Typealiases and Base Classes
    class MySwiftViewController
    MySwiftViewController <|-- UIViewController
    MySwiftViewController <|-- NSViewController
    ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController <|-- MySwiftViewController

    %%%%Note: GitHub does not support this ssyntax for now%%%%
    %% Define styles
    %%classDef UIViewControllerRepresentable fill:#E810F,stroke:#F54
    %%classDef ViewController fill:#FCE8E,stroke:#E51
    %%classDef SwiftUIView fill:#FFF7E,stroke:#F05
    %%classDef ObjectiveCVC fill:#E6F4E,stroke:#F53



  • iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView is a SwiftUI view that includes iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable.
  • iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable bridges the UIKit view controller (ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController) into SwiftUI.
  • ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController is a UIKit view controller that adds the Objective-C Metal view controller as a child.
  • ObjCMetalPlainViewController is the Objective-C view controller that handles Metal rendering.

4. App Initialization Sequence Diagram

This sequence diagram illustrates the flow of control during the app's initialization, highlighting how views and view controllers are created and connected.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    participant App as MetalPrimitivesApp
    participant WG as WindowGroup
    participant View as iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView
    participant Wrapper as iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable
    participant VC as ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController
    participant ObjC_VC as ObjCMetalPlainViewController

    App->>+WG: Instantiate WindowGroup
    WG->>+View: Instantiate iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView
    View->>+Wrapper: Instantiate iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable
    Wrapper->>+VC: makeUIViewController()
    VC->>+VC: viewDidLoad()
    VC->>+ObjC_VC: addChild(ObjCMetalPlainViewController)
    ObjC_VC->>+ObjC_VC: viewDidLoad()
    VC-->>-Wrapper: didMove(toParent: VC)
    Wrapper-->>-View: UIViewControllerType is VC
    View-->>-WG: Body content is View
    WG-->>-App: Display window with content


  • The app starts by instantiating the WindowGroup.
  • WindowGroup creates the iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView.
  • The iOS_SwiftUI_RootContentView initializes the iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable.
  • iOS_ViewControllerRepresentable creates the ObjC_MetalPlainViewController_UIKitWrapperViewController.
  • The wrapper view controller adds ObjCMetalPlainViewController as a child.
  • Each view controller's viewDidLoad method is called appropriately.
  • Control returns up the chain, and the window displays the content.

5. Metal Views and Renderers Class Diagram

This diagram shows the relationship between the Metal views and their respective renderers.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    %% SwiftUI Representable Views
    class Metal3DViewRepresentable {
    class MetalLightingViewRepresentable {
    class MetalTexturingViewRepresentable {

    Metal3DViewRepresentable ..|> UIViewRepresentable
    MetalLightingViewRepresentable ..|> UIViewRepresentable
    MetalTexturingViewRepresentable ..|> UIViewRepresentable

    %% Underlying Metal Views
    class CAMetal3DView {
        +device: MTLDevice
        +renderer: RendererFor3DView
    class MTKView

    Metal3DViewRepresentable --> CAMetal3DView
    MetalLightingViewRepresentable --> MTKView
    MetalTexturingViewRepresentable --> MTKView

    %% Coordinators (Renderers)
    Metal3DViewRepresentable --> CubeRenderer : makeCoordinator()
    MetalLightingViewRepresentable --> TeapotRenderer : makeCoordinator()
    MetalTexturingViewRepresentable --> CowRenderer : makeCoordinator()

    %% Renderers
    class RendererFor3DView {
        + device: MTLDevice
        + draw(layer: CAMetalLayer, time: (now: Double, display: Double))
    RendererFor3DView <|.. CubeRenderer
    RendererFor3DView <|.. TeapotRenderer
    RendererFor3DView <|.. CowRenderer

    CubeRenderer ..|> RendererFor3DView
    TeapotRenderer ..|> MTKViewDelegate
    CowRenderer ..|> MTKViewDelegate


  • Each representable view conforms to UIViewRepresentable and integrates a Metal view into SwiftUI.
  • Metal3DViewRepresentable uses CAMetal3DView, which utilizes a custom renderer (CubeRenderer).
  • MetalLightingViewRepresentable and MetalTexturingViewRepresentable use MTKView and custom renderers (TeapotRenderer and CowRenderer respectively).
  • Renderers conform to either RendererFor3DView protocol or MTKViewDelegate.

6. Metal View Rendering Flow Sequence Diagram

The following sequence diagram demonstrates how the Metal views are created and rendered within the app, showcasing the interaction between SwiftUI, UIViewRepresentable, and the Metal rendering pipeline.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    participant SwiftUI as SwiftUI View
    participant Representable as UIViewRepresentable
    participant MetalView as CAMetal3DView / MTKView
    participant Renderer as Renderer (Coordinator)
    participant Device as MTLDevice
    participant Queue as MTLCommandQueue

    SwiftUI->>+Representable: makeUIView(context)
    Representable->>+MetalView: Instantiate Metal View
    MetalView->>+Device: Acquire MTLDevice
    Device->>+Queue: Create MTLCommandQueue
    Representable->>+Renderer: makeCoordinator()
    MetalView->>Renderer: Set delegate / renderer
    MetalView->>Renderer: draw(in: MetalView)
    Renderer->>MetalView: Render Frame


  • The SwiftUI view calls makeUIView(context) on the UIViewRepresentable.
  • The representable creates an instance of the Metal view (CAMetal3DView or MTKView).
  • The Metal view acquires the MTLDevice and creates a MTLCommandQueue.
  • The representable creates a coordinator, which acts as the renderer.
  • The Metal view sets its delegate or renderer.
  • On each frame, the Metal view calls the renderer's draw method to render the frame.

7. Platform-Specific View Creation Flowchart

This flowchart demonstrates how the code handles platform-specific view creation using conditional compilation.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
flowchart TD
    %% Define styles
    classDef ProcessStep fill:#F7E6,stroke:#FBBC05

    Start --> CheckOS{Is the OS iOS?}
    class CheckOS decision

    CheckOS -- Yes --> ImportUIKit[Import UIKit]:::ProcessStep
    ImportUIKit --> DefineMySwiftViewController[Define MySwiftViewController<br>as UIViewController]:::ProcessStep

    CheckOS -- No --> ImportAppKit[Import AppKit]:::ProcessStep
    ImportAppKit --> DefineMySwiftViewControllerMac[Define MySwiftViewController<br>as NSViewController]:::ProcessStep

    DefineMySwiftViewController --> Continue[Continue with Shared Logic]:::ProcessStep
    DefineMySwiftViewControllerMac --> Continue

    Continue --> ImplementViews[Implement Views using<br>UIKit or AppKit]:::ProcessStep
    ImplementViews --> WrapViews[Wrap Views into SwiftUI using<br>UIViewRepresentable or NSViewRepresentable]:::ProcessStep


  • The app starts and checks the operating system.
  • If the OS is iOS, it imports UIKit and defines MySwiftViewController as UIViewController.
  • If the OS is macOS, it imports AppKit and defines MySwiftViewController as NSViewController.
  • Shared logic continues, and views are implemented using the appropriate framework.
  • Views are wrapped into SwiftUI using the respective representable protocols.

8. Extensions and Utilities Relationships Diagram

The class diagram below shows how extensions and utilities are designed to add functionality to existing structures like CGPoint, CGSize, and CGRect.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    %% Core Graphics Structures
    class CGPoint {
        +x: CGFloat
        +y: CGFloat
    class CGSize {
        +width: CGFloat
        +height: CGFloat
    class CGRect {
        +origin: CGPoint
        +size: CGSize

    %% Extensions
    CGPoint ..|> Sequence
    CGSize ..|> Sequence
    CGRect ..|> Sequence

    CGPoint ..|> ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
    CGSize ..|> ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
    CGRect ..|> ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral

    CGPoint ..|> ExpressibleByFloatLiteral
    CGSize ..|> ExpressibleByFloatLiteral
    CGRect ..|> ExpressibleByFloatLiteral

    CGPoint ..|> ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
    CGSize ..|> ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
    CGRect ..|> ExpressibleByArrayLiteral

    %% Iterators
    class PairIterator~T~
    class QuadIterator~T~

    CGPoint --> PairIterator
    CGSize --> PairIterator
    CGRect --> QuadIterator


  • CGPoint, CGSize, and CGRect are extended to conform to Sequence and various literal protocols.
  • Custom iterators (PairIterator and QuadIterator) are used to enable iteration over the components of these structures.
  • This adds syntactic sugar and convenience when working with these types in code.

9. Metal Rendering Process Flowchart

This flowchart outlines the steps involved in the CAMetalPlainView's rendering process.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
flowchart TD
    %% Define styles
    classDef ProcessStep fill:#E6F4,stroke:#34A853
    classDef Decision fill:#FFF7,stroke:#FBBC05

    Start([Start Drawing]):::ProcessStep
    Start --> CheckDrawableSize{Is Drawable Size Valid?}:::Decision
    CheckDrawableSize -- No --> End([Return]):::ProcessStep
    CheckDrawableSize -- Yes --> GetDrawable[Get Next Drawable]:::ProcessStep
    GetDrawable --> CreateCommandBuffer[Create Command Buffer]:::ProcessStep
    CreateCommandBuffer --> CreateRenderPassDescriptor[Create Render Pass Descriptor]:::ProcessStep
    CreateRenderPassDescriptor --> CreateRenderCommandEncoder[Create Render Command Encoder]:::ProcessStep
    CreateRenderCommandEncoder --> EndEncoding[End Encoding]:::ProcessStep
    EndEncoding --> PresentDrawable[Present Drawable]:::ProcessStep
    PresentDrawable --> CommitCommandBuffer[Commit Command Buffer]:::ProcessStep
    CommitCommandBuffer --> End([End Drawing]):::ProcessStep


  • The rendering process starts by checking if the drawable size is valid.
  • If valid, it proceeds to get the next drawable from the layer.
  • A command buffer is created, along with a render pass descriptor.
  • A render command encoder is created to encode rendering commands.
  • After encoding, the encoder is ended.
  • The drawable is presented, and the command buffer is committed.
  • The process ends, ready for the next frame.

10. Metal View Hierarchy and Custom Views Diagram

This class diagram shows the hierarchy and relationships between custom Metal views and their UIKit/AppKit counterparts, emphasizing the shared logic across platforms.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    %% Base Classes
    class CAMetalPlainView
    class CAMetal2DView
    class CAMetal3DView

    %% Platform-Specific Subclasses
    CAMetalPlainView <|-- iOS_CAMetalPlainView
    CAMetalPlainView <|-- macOS_CAMetalPlainView

    CAMetal2DView <|-- iOS_CAMetal2DView
    CAMetal2DView <|-- macOS_CAMetal2DView

    CAMetal3DView <|-- iOS_CAMetal3DView
    CAMetal3DView <|-- macOS_CAMetal3DView

    %% Conformance
    iOS_CAMetalPlainView ..|> UIView
    macOS_CAMetalPlainView ..|> NSView

    iOS_CAMetal2DView ..|> UIView
    macOS_CAMetal2DView ..|> NSView

    iOS_CAMetal3DView ..|> UIView
    macOS_CAMetal3DView ..|> NSView

    %% Renderers
    class CubeRenderer
    class TeapotRenderer
    class CowRenderer

    CAMetal3DView --> CubeRenderer
    CAMetal2DView --> TeapotRenderer
    CAMetalPlainView --> CowRenderer


  • Custom Metal views (CAMetalPlainView, CAMetal2DView, CAMetal3DView) are subclassed for iOS and macOS.
  • These subclasses conform to their respective platform's view classes (UIView or NSView).
  • Each Metal view uses a renderer that handles the drawing logic.

11. Configurable References and Protocol Extensions Diagram

The class diagram below illustrates how protocols and extensions are used to provide configurable references across different types, enhancing code reusability and readability.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    %% Protocol
    class ConfigurableReference {
        +configure(block: (Self) -> Void): Self

    %% Types Conforming to ConfigurableReference
    NSObjectProtocol ..|> ConfigurableReference
    MTLCommandQueue ..|> ConfigurableReference
    CAMetalLayer ..|> ConfigurableReference
    MTKView ..|> ConfigurableReference
    MTLBuffer ..|> ConfigurableReference
    NSLock ..|> ConfigurableReference



  • The ConfigurableReference protocol allows objects to be configured using a closure.
  • Several classes conform to this protocol, making it convenient to chain configurations.
  • The protocol extension provides a default implementation for any NSObjectProtocol conforming type.

12. Core Graphics Extensions and Iterators Diagram

This class diagram demonstrates how custom iterators are implemented for CGPoint, CGSize, and CGRect, enabling them to conform to Sequence and various literal protocols.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    %% Core Graphics Structures
    class CGPoint {
        +x: CGFloat
        +y: CGFloat
    class CGSize {
        +width: CGFloat
        +height: CGFloat
    class CGRect {
        +origin: CGPoint
        +size: CGSize

    %% Extensions
    CGPoint ..|> Sequence
    CGSize ..|> Sequence
    CGRect ..|> Sequence

    CGPoint ..|> ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
    CGSize ..|> ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
    CGRect ..|> ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral

    CGPoint ..|> ExpressibleByFloatLiteral
    CGSize ..|> ExpressibleByFloatLiteral
    CGRect ..|> ExpressibleByFloatLiteral

    CGPoint ..|> ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
    CGSize ..|> ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
    CGRect ..|> ExpressibleByArrayLiteral

    %% Iterators
    class PairIterator~T~
    class QuadIterator~T~

    CGPoint --> PairIterator
    CGSize --> PairIterator
    CGRect --> QuadIterator

13. CAMetal2DView Class Diagram

This diagram shows the class hierarchy and composition of CAMetal2DView and its inner class MetalState.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    %% Base Class
    class CAMetal2DView {
        +state: MetalState
        +draw(now: Double, frame: Double)

    %% MetalState Inner Class
    class MetalState {
        -device: MTLDevice
        -queue: MTLCommandQueue
        -pipeline: MTLRenderPipelineState
        -buffer: MTLBuffer
        -layer: CAMetalLayer
        -lock: NSLock
        -_timer: FrameTimer?
        +timer: FrameTimer?
    %% Platform-Specific View Classes
    class CAMetal2DViewMac {
        +makeBackingLayer() : CALayer
        +setBoundsSize(newSize: NSSize)
        +setFrameSize(newSize: NSSize)
    class CAMetal2DViewiOS {
        +layerClass : AnyClass
    CAMetal2DView <|-- CAMetal2DViewMac : inherits
    CAMetal2DView <|-- CAMetal2DViewiOS : inherits

    %% Dependencies
    CAMetal2DView --> MetalState : has a
    MetalState --> MTLDevice
    MetalState --> MTLCommandQueue
    MetalState --> MTLRenderPipelineState
    MetalState --> MTLBuffer
    MetalState --> CAMetalLayer
    MetalState --> NSLock
    MetalState --> FrameTimer

    %% ShaderVertexFor2DView Struct
    class ShaderVertexFor2DView {
        +position: float4
        +color: float4
    MetalState --> ShaderVertexFor2DView



  • CAMetal2DView is a final class that represents the Metal view, with platform-specific subclasses for macOS (CAMetal2DViewMac) and iOS (CAMetal2DViewiOS).
  • The MetalState class encapsulates the Metal rendering state, including the device, command queue, render pipeline state, vertex buffer, Metal layer, and frame timer.
  • MetalState owns the Metal resources and manages synchronization using a lock.
  • ShaderVertexFor2DView is a struct representing the vertex data for rendering the triangle.

Class Diagram of CAMetal2DView and MetalState

This diagram shows the class hierarchy and composition of CAMetal2DView and its inner class MetalState.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    %% Platform-Specific Classes
    class CAMetal2DView {
        +state: MetalState
        +init(device: MTLDevice, queue: MTLCommandQueue)
        +draw(now: Double, frame: Double)

    %% MetalState Inner Class
    class MetalState {
        -device: MTLDevice
        -queue: MTLCommandQueue
        -pipeline: MTLRenderPipelineState
        -buffer: MTLBuffer
        -layerPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CAMetalLayer>
        -lock: NSLock
        -_timer: FrameTimer?
        +init(device: MTLDevice, queue: MTLCommandQueue)
        +layer: CAMetalLayer
        +timer: FrameTimer?
    %% Relationships between CAMetal2DView 
    %% and other Protocols and Extensions
    CAMetal2DView --> MetalState : has
    MetalState *-- CAMetalLayer : layerPointer
    MetalState --> NSLock : lock
    MetalState --> FrameTimer : timer

    %% Relationship betwwen CAMetal2DView 
    %% and Platform Conditional Compilation
    CAMetal2DView <|-- UIView : iOS
    CAMetal2DView <|-- NSView : macOS


  • CAMetal2DView is a custom view subclassing either UIView (for iOS) or NSView (for macOS) based on the platform.
  • It contains a MetalState instance, which holds the Metal rendering state and resources.
  • MetalState manages the Metal device, command queue, render pipeline state, vertex buffer, and a pointer to the CAMetalLayer.
  • The layerPointer in MetalState holds an unsafe pointer to the CAMetalLayer associated with the view.
  • The NSLock is used to synchronize access to the _timer property, which manages the rendering loop via FrameTimer.

Code Architecture Emphasizing Protocols and Extensions

This diagram highlights how protocols and extensions are used to enhance functionality and maintain code clarity.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    class ConfigurableReference {
        +configure(block: (Self) -> Void) : Self

    NSObjectProtocol ..|> ConfigurableReference
    MTLBuffer ..|> ConfigurableReference
    MTLRenderPassDescriptor ..|> ConfigurableReference
    CAMetalLayer ..|> ConfigurableReference
    NSLock ..|> ConfigurableReference

    CAMetal2DView *-- MetalState

    class MetalState {
        +device: MTLDevice
        +queue: MTLCommandQueue
        +pipeline: MTLRenderPipelineState
        +buffer: MTLBuffer
        +layer: CAMetalLayer
        +lock: NSLock


  • The ConfigurableReference protocol provides a configure method that allows for inline configuration of objects.
  • Extensions conforming various classes like MTLBuffer, MTLRenderPassDescriptor, CAMetalLayer, and NSLock to ConfigurableReference enable cleaner and more readable code by chaining configuration calls.
  • This approach enhances code maintainability and expressiveness.

Expanded Class Diagram with FrameTimer and Rendering Pipeline

This diagram goes deeper into how the FrameTimer, shaders, and rendering pipeline are set up and used.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    class CAMetal2DView {
        +state: MetalState
        +draw(now: Double, frame: Double)
    CAMetal2DView --> MetalState
    CAMetal2DView --> FrameTimer : uses

    class MetalState {
        +device: MTLDevice
        +queue: MTLCommandQueue
        +pipeline: MTLRenderPipelineState
        +buffer: MTLBuffer
        +layer: CAMetalLayer
        +timer: FrameTimer?
    MetalState --> MTLDevice
    MetalState --> MTLCommandQueue
    MetalState --> MTLRenderPipelineState
    MetalState --> MTLBuffer
    MetalState --> CAMetalLayer
    MetalState --> FrameTimer

    class ShaderLibrary
    MTLDevice --> ShaderLibrary : makeDefaultLibrary()
    ShaderLibrary --> VertexFunction : main_vertex_for_2D_view
    ShaderLibrary --> FragmentFunction : main_fragment_for_2D_view
    MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor --> VertexFunction
    MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor --> FragmentFunction

    MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor --> MTLRenderPipelineState : makeRenderPipelineState()

    class MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor {


  • The MetalState initializes the Metal pipeline by obtaining the default shader library from the device and setting up the vertex and fragment functions.
  • It creates a MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor, sets the functions and pixel format, and creates the MTLRenderPipelineState.
  • The FrameTimer is used to synchronize the rendering with the display's refresh rate, calling the draw method on each frame.

High-Level Overview of Cross-Platform Support

This diagram highlights how CAMetal2DView handles cross-platform support using conditional compilation.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
graph TD
    CAMetal2DView -->|"#if os(macOS)"| CAMetal2DViewMac
    CAMetal2DView -->|"#elseif canImport(UIKit)"| CAMetal2DViewiOS
    CAMetal2DViewMac --> AppKit
    CAMetal2DViewiOS --> UIKit


  • CAMetal2DView has platform-specific implementations for macOS and iOS, using #if and #elseif directives.
  • On macOS, CAMetal2DView subclasses NSView and imports AppKit.
  • On iOS, CAMetal2DView subclasses UIView and imports UIKit.
  • This allows the same class to be used on both platforms with the appropriate behavior and API usage.

Platform-Specific Implementation Flowchart

This flowchart shows the conditional compilation and platform-specific implementations in CAMetal2DView.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
flowchart TD
    Start --> CheckPlatform{Is Platform iOS?}
    CheckPlatform -- Yes --> UseUIView[Subclass UIView]
    UseUIView --> OverrideLayerClass
    UseUIView --> didMoveToWindow["Override didMoveToWindow()"]
    UseUIView --> layoutSubviews["Override layoutSubviews()"]
    CheckPlatform -- No --> UseNSView[Subclass NSView]
    UseNSView --> makeBackingLayer
    UseNSView --> viewDidMoveToWindow["Override viewDidMoveToWindow()"]
    UseNSView --> setBoundsSize["Override setBoundsSize()"]
    UseNSView --> setFrameSize["Override setFrameSize()"]
    Both --> InitializeState[Initialize MetalState]


  • The code uses #if directives to differentiate between platforms.
  • On iOS, CAMetal2DView subclasses UIView and overrides didMoveToWindow() and layoutSubviews().
  • On macOS, CAMetal2DView subclasses NSView and overrides viewDidMoveToWindow(), setBoundsSize(), and setFrameSize().
  • Both implementations initialize MetalState and set up the CAMetalLayer.

14. CAMetal2DView Initialization and Rendering Sequence Diagram

This diagram shows the sequence of events during initialization and the rendering loop of CAMetal2DView.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    participant View as CAMetal2DView
    participant State as MetalState
    participant Layer as CAMetalLayer
    participant Timer as FrameTimer
    participant Device as MTLDevice
    participant Queue as MTLCommandQueue

    Note over View: Initialization
    View->>+State: Initialize MetalState
    State->>+Device: Create MTLDevice
    State->>+Queue: Create MTLCommandQueue
    State->>+Layer: Set up CAMetalLayer
    View->>+View: didMoveToWindow()
    View->>State: Set up FrameTimer
    State->>+Timer: Initialize with callback
    Timer-->>View: Callback on each frame

    Note over View: Rendering Loop
    loop Every Frame
        Timer-->>+View: draw(now, frame)
        View->>+Layer: Get next drawable
        View->>State: Create command buffer
        View->>State: Create render pass descriptor
        View->>State: Create render command encoder
        View->>State: Encode drawing commands
        View->>State: End encoding
        View->>State: Present drawable
        View->>State: Commit command buffer

15. CAMetal2DView Draw Method Flowchart

This flowchart details the steps taken within the draw(now: frame:) method during each frame of rendering.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
flowchart TD
    %% Define styles
    classDef EndOfDrawMethod fill:#64EA,stroke:#34A853
    classDef Decision fill:#F7E6,stroke:#FBBC05
    classDef StartEndEncoding fill:#119F00, stroke:#333, stroke-width:2px
    classDef CheckDrawableSize fill:#ff0000, stroke:#333, stroke-width:2px
    classDef CommandBufferOperators fill:#00008B, stroke:#333, stroke-width:1px
    classDef EncoderSettings fill:#8B8000, stroke:#333, stroke-width:1px

    Start(["Start draw(now, frame)"]):::StartEndEncoding
    Start --> CheckDrawableSize{Is drawable size valid?}:::CheckDrawableSize
    CheckDrawableSize -- No --> End([Return]):::Decision
    CheckDrawableSize -- Yes --> GetDrawable[Get next drawable]:::CommandBufferOperators
    GetDrawable --> CreateCommandBuffer[Create command buffer]:::CommandBufferOperators
    CreateCommandBuffer --> CreateRenderPassDescriptor[Create render pass descriptor]:::CommandBufferOperators
    CreateRenderPassDescriptor --> CreateRenderCommandEncoder[Create render command encoder]:::CommandBufferOperators
    CreateRenderCommandEncoder --> SetPipelineState[Set render pipeline state]:::EncoderSettings
    SetPipelineState --> SetVertexBuffer[Set vertex buffer]:::EncoderSettings
    SetVertexBuffer --> DrawPrimitives["Draw primitives (triangle)"]:::EncoderSettings
    DrawPrimitives --> EndEncoding[End encoding]:::StartEndEncoding
    EndEncoding --> PresentDrawable[Present drawable]:::CommandBufferOperators
    PresentDrawable --> CommitCommandBuffer[Commit command buffer]:::CommandBufferOperators
    CommitCommandBuffer --> End([End of draw method]):::EndOfDrawMethod


16. Shader Structures and Render Pipeline Diagram

This class diagram illustrates the ShaderVertexFor2DView struct and its role in the rendering pipeline.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    class ShaderVertexFor2DView {
        +position: SIMD4<Float>
        +color: SIMD4<Float>

    class MTLBuffer
    MetalState --> MTLBuffer : buffer
    MTLBuffer --> ShaderVertexFor2DView

    %% Shaders
    class MTLLibrary
    MetalState --> MTLLibrary : makeDefaultLibrary()
    MTLLibrary --> VertexFunction : makeFunction(name "main_vertex_for_2D_view")
    MTLLibrary --> FragmentFunction : makeFunction(name "main_fragment_for_2D_view")

    MetalState --> MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor : descriptor
    MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor --> VertexFunction
    MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor --> FragmentFunction



  • ShaderVertexFor2DView defines the vertex data structure used in the shaders.
  • MTLBuffer holds the vertex data.
  • The Metal library loads the shader functions used in the render pipeline.
  • The pipeline descriptor references the vertex and fragment shader functions.

Timing and Rendering Synchronization with FrameTimer

This sequence diagram illustrates how the FrameTimer is used to synchronize rendering with the display's refresh rate.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
    participant View as CAMetal2DView
    participant State as MetalState
    participant Timer as FrameTimer
    participant Display

    View->>State: Initialize MetalState
    View->>State: Set timer to nil
    View->>View: didMoveToWindow / viewDidMoveToWindow
    View->>State: Set up layer properties
    State->>State: Set timer with FrameTimer
    Timer-->>View: draw(now, frame)
    View->>Display: Render frame
    loop Every Frame
        Display-->>Timer: VSync Signal
        Timer-->>View: draw(now, frame)
        View->>Display: Render frame


  • When the view moves to the window, it initializes the FrameTimer in the MetalState.
  • The FrameTimer invokes the draw(now:frame:) method on every display refresh (VSync).
  • This ensures smooth frame updates synchronized with the display's refresh rate.
  • The rendering loop continues as long as the timer is active.

Data Flow Diagram of Vertex Data Setup

This diagram shows how the vertex data is set up and supplied to the vertex shader.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
flowchart LR
    --> CreateVertices[Create Vertices Array]
    --> CalculateLength[Calculate Buffer Length]
    --> CreateBuffer[Create MTLBuffer with Vertex Data]
    --> SetBufferLabel[Set Buffer Label]
    --> UseBuffer[Use Buffer in Encoder]
    --> VertexShader[Vertex Shader Receives Data]

    subgraph Vertex_Data [Vertex_Data]
        ShaderVertexFor2DView1((Top Vertex))
        ShaderVertexFor2DView2((Left Vertex))
        ShaderVertexFor2DView3((Right Vertex))

    CreateVertices --> Vertex_Data


  • An array of ShaderVertexFor2DView structs is created, representing the vertices of a triangle.
  • Each vertex includes position and color data.
  • The total length is calculated based on the number of vertices and the size of the struct.
  • A MTLBuffer is created with the vertex data and labeled.
  • The buffer is set in the render command encoder for use in the vertex shader.

Activity Diagram of MetalState Initialization

This diagram shows the steps involved in initializing the MetalState object.

  layout: elk
  look: handDrawn
  theme: dark
flowchart TD
%%%%%% Define styles
%% Define style for crtitical points on the flowchart
classDef Decision fill:#F7E6,stroke:#FBBC05,stroke-width:2px
classDef StartEndInitialization fill:#119F00, stroke:#333, stroke-width:2px
classDef ReturnNil fill:#7222F1, stroke:#34A853, stroke-width:2px

%% Define style for question
classDef CheckLibrary fill:#ff0000, stroke:#333, stroke-width:2px
classDef CheckPipelineState fill:#ff0000, stroke:#333, stroke-width:2px
classDef CheckBuffer fill:#ff0000, stroke:#333, stroke-width:2px

%% Define style for operators
classDef PipelineStateOperators fill:#00008B, stroke:#333, stroke-width:1px
classDef VertexBufferOperators fill:#8B8000, stroke:#333, stroke-width:1px
classDef OtherCommandOperators fill:#2F23, stroke:#333, stroke-width:1px

%%%%%% Starting the flowchart
    Start([Start MetalState.init]):::StartEndInitialization
	Start --> CheckLibrary{Make Default Library?}:::CheckLibrary
    CheckLibrary -- No --> ReturnNil[Return nil]
    CheckLibrary -- Yes --> GetFunctions[Get Vertex and Fragment Functions]:::PipelineStateOperators
    CreateDescriptor[Create Render Pipeline Descriptor]:::PipelineStateOperators

	GetFunctions -->  CreateDescriptor

    CreatePipelineState[Create Render Pipeline State]:::PipelineStateOperators
	CreateDescriptor -->  CreatePipelineState
    CreatePipelineState --> CheckPipelineState{Pipeline State Created?}:::CheckPipelineState

    CheckPipelineState -- No --> ReturnNil
    CheckPipelineState -- Yes --> CreateVertices[Create Vertex Data]:::VertexBufferOperators
    CreateVertices --> CreateBuffer[Create Vertex Buffer]:::VertexBufferOperators
    CreateBuffer --> CheckBuffer{Buffer Created?}:::CheckBuffer
    CheckBuffer -- No --> ReturnNil:::ReturnNil
    CheckBuffer -- Yes --> InitLayerPointer[Initialize Layer Pointer]:::OtherCommandOperators
    InitLayerPointer --> InitLock[Initialize NSLock]:::OtherCommandOperators
    InitLock --> End([End Initialization]):::StartEndInitialization


  • The MetalState initializer first attempts to create the default Metal library.
  • It retrieves the vertex and fragment functions needed for the pipeline.
  • A render pipeline descriptor is created using these functions.
  • The render pipeline state is created from the descriptor.
  • Vertex data for the triangle is created and stored in a buffer.
  • An unsafe pointer to the CAMetalLayer is allocated.
  • An NSLock is initialized for thread safety.
  • If any step fails, the initializer returns nil, indicating failure.

17. Thread Safety and Synchronization Diagram

This diagram illustrates how the MetalState class manages thread safety and synchronization using a lock when accessing the timer property.

    class MetalState {
        -lock: NSLock
        -_timer: FrameTimer?
        +timer: FrameTimer?
        +set timer(FrameTimer?)
        +get timer() FrameTimer?
    MetalState o-- NSLock : uses

    class NSLock {

    %% Accessing Timer Property
    MetalState --> "lock/unlock" NSLock : when accessing timer


  • MetalState uses an NSLock to ensure thread safety when accessing or modifying the _timer property.
  • The timer getter and setter methods use the lock to synchronize access.
  • This prevents race conditions and ensures that the timer is safely managed across threads.


The provided diagrams offer a comprehensive visual representation of the Metal Primitives App's architecture, rendering pipeline, and class relationships. By examining these diagrams, developers can gain a deeper understanding of:

  • How SwiftUI integrates with UIKit and AppKit through representable protocols.
  • The rendering process using Metal, including device and command queue setup, pipeline configuration, and shader usage.
  • The handling of platform-specific code using conditional compilation.
  • The advanced rendering techniques implemented, such as lighting and texturing in custom shaders.
  • The importance of thread safety and synchronization in managing rendering loops and state.

These visual aids serve as valuable references for developers looking to explore or extend the functionalities of the app, providing insights into best practices for cross-platform Metal rendering applications.