general {
# The base experiment directory where saves all results
base_exp_dir = ./exp/CASE_NAME/t4d_thumbsup_img
# Record the current models and settings for debug
recording = [
dataset {
# The directory of dataset
data_dir = ../data/CASE_NAME/
# The calibration file that contains camera parameters of each image
render_cameras_name = cameras_sphere.npz
object_cameras_name = cameras_sphere.npz
# The number of cameras in multi-view cases
g_nums = 4
train {
learning_rate = 5e-4
# Decay parameter of learning rate
learning_rate_alpha = 0.1
# Total iterations
end_iter = 100000
# After 5000 iterations, Tensor4D start using fine level features.
fine_level_iter = 5000
# After 7500 iterations, Tensor4D start using features with the original resolution. Before that, it will downsample features (64x64) to accelerate convergence.
downsample_iter = 7500
# The batch_size of rays
batch_size = 1024
# Downsample 4x for fast validation
validate_resolution_level = 4
# Use the first 2000 iterations and the first 50 images to warm up the training proces since we use gradient which is not stable at the initial state.
warm_up_end = 2000
warm_up_imgs = 50
anneal_end = 0
use_white_bkgd = False
# Save checkpoints every 10000 iterations
save_freq = 10000
# Validate tensor4d every 500 iterations
val_freq = 500
# Print losses and learning rate every 100 iterations
report_freq = 100
# Surface constraint terms
igr_weight = 0.2
# Surface constraint terms in time, stablize the geometry at every frame
tgr_weight = 0.2
# Mask loss terms
mask_weight = 0.3
# Regularization terms of Tensor4D feature planes, add it will slightly reduce the training speed
tv_weight = 0.00
# Sampling more rays in areas with greater error
weighted_sample = True
# If true, compute color loss as Loss = (pred - gt) * mask
mask_color_loss = False
model {
flow = False
# It is recommended to use "bounding" in training process which can mask samples out of bounding box. For rendering, you can use "Visualhull" to mask samples which can furhter accelerate rendering process.
mask3d {
mask_type = "bounding"
tensor4d {
# Dimensions setting, the first parameter is the spatial dimension, the second parameter is the temporal dimension, the third parameter is the channel of features.
lr_resolution = [128, 128, 32]
hr_resolution = [512, 128, 16]
feature_type = "4d"
# Extract features every two images, the base channel of 2D CNN is 16
image_guide = True
image_guide_interval = 2
image_guide_base = 16
sdf_network {
d_out = 257
d_in = 3
d_hidden = 256
n_layers = 3
skip_in = [1]
# Same with mip-nerf, we don't use mip-nerf by default
min_emb = 0
max_emb = 8
# The time embedding, it is recommended to use small number. Higher dimensions of time embedding will cause lattice noise.
t_emb = 1
bias = 0.5
# Initialize the geometry as a sphere
geometric_init = True
# Normalize layers of network
weight_norm = True
variance_network {
init_val = 0.3 # NeuS parameter
rendering_network {
d_feature = 256
mode = idr
d_in = 9
d_out = 3
d_hidden = 256
n_layers = 3
weight_norm = True
multires_view = 3
squeeze_out = True
neus_renderer {
n_samples = 64
n_importance = 64
n_outside = 0
up_sample_steps = 1 # 1 for simple coarse-to-fine sampling
perturb = 1.0
mip_render = False
We only pick the flow part of configs:
dataset {
# monocular cases
g_nums = 1
train {
# Since we use canonical space for geometry modeling which is independent of time, it is not necessary to constrain geometry in time.
tgr_weight = 0.0
model {
flow = True
flow_tensor4d {
# Flow tensor4d only have feature planes with low resolution.
lr_resolution = [128, 128, 32]
hr_resolution = []
feature_type = "4d"
image_guide = False
flow_network {
d_out = 3
d_in = 3
d_hidden = 256
n_layers = 3
skip_in = [1]
min_emb = 0
max_emb = 8
t_emb = 6
bias = 0.5
geometric_init = False
weight_norm = True
tensor4d {
# Tensor4D in 3d formualtion, the first parameter is the spatial dimensions, the second parameter is the channels of features.
lr_resolution = [128, 32]
hr_resolution = [512, 16]
feature_type = "3d"
image_guide = False