feat: Pagination and filtering by Date
feat: Pagination and filtering by Date
feat: Vegan new Dropdown Value
feat: Vegan new Dropdown Value
feat: start using pagination
feat: start using pagination
feat: Using redis Cache
feat: Using redis Cache
feat: Using enum values on entity
feat: Using enum values on entity
feat: RecipeCard: new StarFillIcon and showing empty stars
feat: RecipeCard: new StarFillIcon and showing empty stars
stytles: Responsive and colors
stytles: Responsive and colors
fix/Bug: RecipeCard, Dialog Form was opening the last Recipe in Recip…
fix/Bug: RecipeCard, Dialog Form was opening the last Recipe in Recip…
fix/bug: RecipeCard, removing openDialog that causes a multiple open
fix/bug: RecipeCard, removing openDialog that causes a multiple open
feat: RecipeForm, close on Edit
feat: RecipeForm, close on Edit
fix/bug: Form reset when select a recipe and then go back to form create
fix/bug: Form reset when select a recipe and then go back to form create
feat: updating a Recipe
feat: updating a Recipe
feat: delete recipe
feat: delete recipe
feat: Create a New Recipe
feat: Create a New Recipe
feat: Getting All data from forms
feat: Getting All data from forms