These instructions are for project maintainers wishing to create public releases of Ballista.
Run the following command to build all Docker images.
- Run integration tests
- Run benchmarks
- Run examples
The JVM artifacts are published to Maven central by uploading to sonatype. You will need to set the environment
to the correct values for your account and you will also need
verified GPG keys available for signing the artifacts (instructions tbd).
Run the follow commands to publish the artifacts to a sonatype staging repository.
Run the following script to publish the Rust crate to
Run the following script to publish the executor Docker images to Docker Hub.
Refer to this article for instructions on setting up GPG keys. Some useful commands are:
gpg --full-generate-key
gpg --export-secret-keys > ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg
gpg --key-server --send-keys KEYID