Dear All:
We are taking the 20180531 versions and suggested following amendments to create 20180601 version of Constitution and BP Agreement: We are suggesting the following amendment on constitution:
Members shall not initiate violence or the threat of violence against another Member. Lawful prosecution of crimes with the goal of preserving life, liberty and property does not constitute initiation of violence.
Article XX Interim Constitution This constitution is interim and is intended to remain in effect until a permanent constitution is written and ratified in a referendum.
I am suggesting the following amendment on BP Agreement
B1: I, {{producer}}, hereby agree to disclose and attest under penalty of perjury all ultimate beneficial owners of my company who own more than 10% and all direct shareholders.
Reinstate KYC requirement imposed on every transfer
I, {{from}}, certify the following to be true to the best of my knowledge:
- I certify that {{quantity}} is not the proceeds of fraudulent or violent activities.
- I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, {{to}} is not supporting initiation of violence against others.
- I have disclosed any contractual terms & conditions with respect to {{quantity}} to {{to}}.
I understand that funds transfers are not reversible after the {{transaction.delay}} seconds or other delay as configured by {{from}}'s permissions.
If this action fails to be irreversibly confirmed after receiving goods or services from '{{to}}', I agree to either return the goods or services or resend {{quantity}} in a timely manner.