curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
git clone [email protected]:Eclipse-Laboratories-Inc/execution.git
cd execution
cargo build --release
Please follow PostgreSQL Ubuntu Installation on instructions to install the PostgreSQL database server. For example, to install postgresql-14,
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-14
We can use homebrew to install PostgreSQL:
brew install postgresql -v
Next to initialize the database where to store:
initdb $HOME/postgres -E utf8
Start PostgreSQL:
pg_ctl -D $HOME/postgres -l $HOME/postgres/server.log start
If you want to stop PostgreSQL:
pg_ctl -D $HOME/postgres stop -s -m fast
Create a user 'solana' with password '1234':
createuser username -P
#Enter password for new role:
#Enter it again:
Create database 'solana' owned by user 'solana':
createdb solana -O solana -E UTF8 -e
Suppose we got a database named solana
, a username solana
with password 1234
Then we should create Schema Objects in our solana database. Our current directory is still execution
, so here is the command:
psql -U solana -p 5432 -h localhost -d solana -f solana-accountsdb-plugin-postgres/scripts/create_schema.sql
If you want to drop all the schema:
psql -U solana -p 5432 -h localhost -d solana -f solana-accountsdb-plugin-postgres/scripts/drop_schema.sql
Let's explain the parameters in above command:
-U -- username
-p -- port of PostgreSQL server
-h -- ip address pf PostgreSQL server
-d -- database name
-f -- the path of SQL script file we want to execute
The plugin configure file is solana-accountsdb-plugin-postgres/scripts/geyser.json
, we need change some settings in it:
"libpath": "../../target/release/libsolana_geyser_plugin_postgres.dylib",
"host": "",
"user": "solana",
"password": "1234",
"dbname": "solana",
"port": 5432,
"threads": 20,
"batch_size": 20,
"panic_on_db_errors": true,
"accounts_selector" : {
"accounts" : ["*"]
"transaction_selector" : {
"mentions" : ["*"]
"entry_selector" : true
The configuration details are:
libpath -- Our `libsolana_geyser_plugin_postgres` lib, should be in `target/release/libsolana_geyser_plugin_postgres.dylib
host -- PostgreSQL server ip address
user -- Username of database
password -- Paddword of database
dbname -- Database name
port -- Port of PostgreSQL server, in our case, 5432.
For now, we use Test Validator as our execution node, we start it with plugin configure file we just set
./target/release/solana-test-validator --geyser-plugin-config ./solana-accountsdb-plugin-postgres/scripts/geyser.json
it will store ledge in floder ./test-ledge
Verify node use the same plugin configure file with exectution node.
And we need to obtain 'genesis.bin' from execution node's ledger directory (./test-ledge)
, and store it in verification node file system genesis_path
./target/release/shred-replay -c ./solana-accountsdb-plugin-postgres/scripts/geyser.json -l replay-ledger -g genesis_path
The command means:
-c, --config <CONFIG> Configuration file to use [default: config.json]
-g, --genesis <GENESIS_PATH> Use GENESIS_PATH as genesis path [default: ledger]
-l, --ledger <DIR> Use DIR as ledger location [default: ledger]
./target/release/solo_rpc -l replay-ledger
It will start the rpc service at
You can test it like this
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1, "method":"getBlockHeight"} '
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1, "method":"getBalance","params":["DFdNGtmFM2irnCf7cu5GTDENdZrksVNMJepms7aPYdxB"]}'