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Emerge Gradle Plugin


The Emerge Gradle Plugin provides many helper tasks and functionality for integrating Emerge into your Android project.

Getting started

Add the Gradle plugin portal to your plugin repositories

The Emerge Gradle plugin is hosted by the Gradle plugin portal. In new projects it should already be part of the plugin repositories. If not, you'll need to add it in settings.gradle(.kts):

pluginManagement {
  repositories {

Apply the Emerge Gradle plugin to your top-level project

In your application-level build.gradle(.kts):

plugins {
  id("") version "{latest_version}"

emerge {
  // If not explicitly set, Emerge uses the EMERGE_API_TOKEN env variable

Latest version: Gradle Plugin Portal Version.

Only the apiToken property is required. By default, without any property set, apiToken will attempt to use the EMERGE_API_TOKEN env variable. Other configuration properties are documented below.

Obtain an API key

Follow our guide on obtaining an API key.

We recommend storing this token in a secrets store, an environment variable, or a Gradle property file. The example in this guide uses the EMERGE_API_TOKEN environment variable.


Emerge works best as part of your CI workflow for diffing and comparing size, snapshots and performance. To ensure these comparisons are accurate, Emerge leverages VCS information to accurately determine the proper comparison builds.


By default, necessary Git values are set automatically for you. If you need to override these values, you can do so using the vcs extension.

emerge {
  // ..

  vcs {


The GitHub sub-extension can be used to set GitHub-specific values. These are set automatically using repoId information from Git's remoteUrl for you if not specified.

These are used for CI integrations, like posting GitHub comments and status checks.

emerge {
  // ..

  vcs {
    // ..

    gitHub {


The GitLab sub-extension can be used to set GitLab-specific values. Unlikely GitHub values, these are not set automatically and will need to be set manually for GitLab CI integration.

emerge {
  // ..

  vcs {
    // ..

    gitLab {
Field Type Default Description
sha String HEAD branch commit sha The Git sha of the HEAD build.
baseSha String base branch commit sha The Git sha of the base build to compare against.
previousSha String HEAD branch previous commit sha The Git sha of the commit before the HEAD build.
branchName String Current branch name The name of the branch being built.
prNumber String The number of the pull request being built.
gitHub.repoOwner String Repo ID before '/' The owner of the GitHub repository.
gitHub.repoName String Repo ID after '/' The name of the GitHub repository.
gitHub.includeEventInformation String true Whether to include GitHub event data for debugging.
gitLab.projectId String The ID of the GitLab repository.

App size


Task Description
emergeSizeAnalysisPreflight{Variant} Run a preflight check to validate if size analysis is properly set up for the specific variant.
emergeUpload{Variant}Apk Upload an APK matching the specified variant to Emerge for size analysis.
emergeUpload{Variant}Aab Upload an AAB matching the specified variant to Emerge for size analysis.


The size extension allows you to configure size-specific fields.

emerge {
  // ..

  size {
    // Tag to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard
    // Alternatively, use `setFromVariant()` to set the tag from the Android build variant

    // If size tasks/project configuration are enabled.
Field Type Default Description
tag String release The tag to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard.
enabled Boolean true If size tasks/project configuration are enabled.


See the Emerge Snapshots documentation for all info on setting up snapshot testing.


Task Description
emergeSnapshotsPreflight{Variant} Run a preflight check to validate if snapshots are properly set up for the specific variant.
emergeUploadSnapshotBundle{Variant} Builds & uploads target & test APKs for the specified variant. Snapshots will be generated & saved in Emerge's cloud snapshot offering.
emergeLocalSnapshots{Variant} Run snapshot tests locally.

Note: The local snapshots task relies on ADB to run. Ensure a device or emulator is connected/running and ANDROID_HOME set to the location of the Android SDK is on your PATH.


The snapshot extension allows you to configure snapshot-specific fields.

emerge {
  // ..

  snapshots {
    // Path to local snapshot image storage, defaults to `/build/emerge/snapshots/outputs`

    // Android API version to run snapshots on, must be 29, 31, 33, 34 or 35.

    // Include private previews in snapshot generation - defaults to true

    // Snapshot `@Preview` functions with `@PreviewParameter` annotated params - defaults to true

    // Tag to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard
    // Alternatively, use `setFromVariant()` to set the tag from the Android build variant

    // If performance tasks/project configuration are enabled.

For apiVersion, Emerge currently only supports APIs 29, 31, 33 & 34. For an easy mapping of API versions to releases & names, see Android API levels.

Field Type Default Description
includePrivatePreviews Boolean true If Emerge should snapshot private annotated @Preview functions.
includePreviewParamPreviews Boolean true If Emerge should snapshot @Preview functions with @PreviewParameter annotated params.
apiVersion Int 34 The Android API version to use for snapshot generation. Must be an int value in 29, 31, 33 or 34.
snapshotsStorageDirectory String /build/emerge/snapshots/outputs The path to local snapshot storage. Only used for local snapshot generation.
tag String release The build tag to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard.
enabled Boolean true If snapshot tasks/project configuration are enabled.


The reaper extension allows you to configure reaper-specific fields.

By default, Reaper will hook into the default bundle<variant> task for any enabledVariants to upload the built app to Emerge for detecting all classes. See the Reaper docs for more information.


Task Description
emergeReaperPreflight{Variant} Run a preflight check to validate if reaper is properly set up for the specific variant.


The reaper extension allows you to configure Reaper-specific fields.

emerge {
  // ..

  reaper {
    // The build variants Reaper is enabled for.
    // When Reaper is enabled the application bytecode will be instrumented to support Reaper.
    enabledVariants.set(listOf("release", "releaseVariant2"))
    // The key used to identify Reaper reports for your organization. Emerge recommends setting this as an environment variable
    // Note: This key is not the same as the API key used for uploading to Emerge - you can find this

    // Optional, defaults to 'release'
    // Alternatively, use `setFromVariant()` to set the tag from the Android build variant name
Field Type Default Description
publishableApiKey String This key is used to identify Reaper reports sent from your application for your organization.
enabledVariants List<String> emptyList() The build variants Reaper is enabled for.
tag String release The build tag to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard.



Task Description
emergeGeneratePerformanceProject Create a pre-configured Emerge performance module. Only available if performance.projectPath value is set and doesn't yet exist .
emergeUpload{Variant}PerfBundle Upload an AAB matching the specified variant to Emerge packaged with the performance.projectPath's test APK.
emergeLocal{Variant}Test Run performance tests from performance.projectPath locally for debugging & testing.


By default, Emerge will automatically add the necessary build configuration needed for the specified projectPath module.

Additionally, the performance extension allows you to configure perf-specific fields.

emerge {
  // ..

  performance {
    // REQUIRED - Relative gradle path from root project to the Emerge performance module

    // Tag to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard
    // Alternatively, use `setFromVariant()` to set the tag from the Android build variant

    // If performance tasks/project configuration are enabled.
Field Type Default Description
projectPath String The relative gradle path from root to the Emerge performance module.
tag String release The tag to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard.
enabled Boolean true If performance tasks/project configuration are enabled.

Full configuration

emerge {
  // If not explicitly set, Emerge uses the EMERGE_API_TOKEN env variable

  // Defaults to true, if true, dependency info (module & third party) is included in upload to Emerge

  // Optional, defaults to false, use to execute tasks without uploading to Emerge


  vcs {
    // Optional, will attempt to set automatically using Git information.
    // Optional, will attempt to set automatically using Git information.
    // Optional, will attempt to set automatically using Git information.

    // Optional, will attempt to set automatically using Git information.


    gitHub {
      // Required for CI status checks (only if using GitHub) - Emerge will attempt to set with GitHub event info
      // Required for CI status checks (only if using GitHub) - Emerge will attempt to set with GitHub event info
      // Optional, defaults to true, include GitHub event data in upload for debugging

    gitLab {
      // Required for CI status checks (only if using GitLab)

  size {
    // Optional, defaults to 'release'
    // Alternatively, use `setFromVariant()` to set the tag from the Android build variant name

    // If size tasks/project configuration are enabled.

  snapshots {
    // Storage of locally generated snapshots
    // Android API version to run snapshots on, must be 29, 31, 33 or 34.

    // Snapshot `@Preview` functions with `@PreviewParameter` annotated params - defaults to true

    // Optional, snapshots use debug builds, we recommend using a separate tag.
    // Alternatively, use `setFromVariant()` to set the tag from the Android build variant name

    // If snapshot tasks/project configuration are enabled.

  reaper {
    // The build variants Reaper is enabled for.
    // When Reaper is enabled the application bytecode will be instrumented to support Reaper.
    enabledVariants.set(listOf("release", "releaseVariant2"))
    // The key used to identify Reaper reports for your organization. Emerge recommends setting this as an environment variable
    // Note: This key is not the same as the API key used for uploading to Emerge - you can find this

    // Optional, defaults to 'release'
    // Alternatively, use `setFromVariant()` to set the tag from the Android build variant name


  performance {
    // Required for performance testing

    // Optional, defaults to 'release'
    // Alternatively, use `setFromVariant()` to set the tag from the Android build variant

    // If performance tasks/project configuration are enabled.

Gradle configuration cache



Java 17 must be installed as we test against AGP 8

Additionally, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT must be set and point to the Android SDK location to run tests.

./gradlew functionalTest


Releasing a new version

  1. Remove -SNAPSHOT and/or update the version from/of the emerge-gradle-plugin version in /gradle/libs.versions.toml
  2. Update the /gradle-plugin/
  3. gt c -am "Prepare for Gradle plugin release X.Y.Z" (where X.Y.Z is the version set in step 1)
  4. Alt
  • git add *
  • git commit -m "Prepare for Gradle plugin release X.Y.Z"
  1. gt ss
  2. Alt:
  • git push
  1. Open PR
  2. Get PR approved and merge
  3. Create a new release on GitHub
  4. Tag version gradle-plugin-vX.Y.Z
  5. Release title Gradle Plugin vX.Y.Z
  6. Paste the content from /gradle-plugin/ as the description
  7. Bump version in /gradle/libs.versions.toml, add -SNAPSHOT, commit the changes with the message "Prepare for next development iteration" and push

The gradle-plugin-release workflow will automatically publish the new version to the Gradle Plugin portal upon new release publish.

Publishing snapshots

Snapshots are automatically published from main whenever the version in /gradle/libs.versions.toml contains -SNAPSHOT.

You can also publish a snapshot from any branch using the workflow trigger. Here's how:

  1. Add a unique version name that ends with -SNAPSHOT in /gradle/libs.versions.toml. For example, 4.0.10-shadow-SNAPSHOT. This ensures that the regular snapshots published from main will not override your branch's snapshot.
  2. Push the branch to Github
  3. Go to the Gradle plugin snapshot deploy workflow in Github
  4. Click Run workflow and pick you branch from the dropdown. Then click Run workflow again in the dropdown.
  5. The snapshot will be published to

Consuming snapshots

Add the following to your settings.gradle(.kts) to consume snapshots:

pluginManagement {
  repositories {
    // ... other repositories
    maven(url = "")
pluginManagement {
  repositories {
    // ... other repositories
    maven {
      url = uri("")

Make sure your version matches the version you published in the previous step.