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Sales Data Cleaning.ipynb

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{"metadata":{"language_info":{"name":"python","version":"3.7.6","mimetype":"text/x-python","codemirror_mode":{"name":"ipython","version":3},"pygments_lexer":"ipython3","nbconvert_exporter":"python","file_extension":".py"},"kernelspec":{"name":"python3","display_name":"Python 3","language":"python"}},"nbformat_minor":4,"nbformat":4,"cells":[{"cell_type":"markdown","source":"# Data Cleaning & Preparation\n\n The **Thread Shed** has an extremely out-dating register system and stores all of the transaction information in one huge unwieldy string called `daily_sales`. All day, for each **transaction, the name of the customer, amount spent, types of thread purchased**, and the **date of sale** is all recorded in this same string. ","metadata":{}},{"cell_type":"code","source":"daily_sales = \\\n\"\"\"Edith Mcbride ;,;$1.21 ;,; white ;,; \n09/15/17 ,Herbert Tran ;,; $7.29;,; \nwhite&blue;,; 09/15/17 ,Paul Clarke ;,;$12.52 \n;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 ,Lucille Caldwell \n;,; $5.13 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17,\nEduardo George ;,;$20.39;,; white&yellow \n;,;09/15/17 , Danny Mclaughlin;,;$30.82;,; \npurple ;,;09/15/17 ,Stacy Vargas;,; $1.85 ;,; \npurple&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Shaun Brock;,; \n$17.98;,;purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , \nErick Harper ;,;$17.41;,; blue ;,; 09/15/17, \nMichelle Howell ;,;$28.59;,; blue;,; 09/15/17 , \nCarroll Boyd;,; $14.51;,; purple&blue ;,; \n09/15/17 , Teresa Carter ;,; $19.64 ;,; \nwhite;,;09/15/17 , Jacob Kennedy ;,; $11.40 \n;,; white&red ;,; 09/15/17, Craig Chambers;,; \n$8.79 ;,; white&blue&red ;,;09/15/17 , Peggy Bell;,; $8.65 ;,;blue ;,; 09/15/17, Kenneth Cunningham ;,; $10.53;,; green&blue ;,; \n09/15/17 , Marvin Morgan;,; $16.49;,; \ngreen&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Marjorie Russell \n;,; $6.55 ;,; green&blue&red;,; 09/15/17 ,\nIsrael Cummings;,; $11.86 ;,;black;,; \n09/15/17, June Doyle ;,; $22.29 ;,; \nblack&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Jaime Buchanan ;,; \n$8.35;,; white&black&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, \nRhonda Farmer;,;$2.91 ;,; white&black&yellow \n;,;09/15/17, Darren Mckenzie ;,;$22.94;,;green \n;,;09/15/17,Rufus Malone;,;$4.70 ;,; green&yellow \n;,; 09/15/17 ,Hubert Miles;,; $3.59 \n;,;green&yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Joseph Bridges ;,;$5.66 ;,; green&yellow&purple&blue \n;,; 09/15/17 , Sergio Murphy ;,;$17.51 ;,; \nblack ;,; 09/15/17 , Audrey Ferguson ;,; \n$5.54;,;black&blue ;,;09/15/17 ,Edna Williams ;,; \n$17.13;,; black&blue;,; 09/15/17, Randy Fleming;,; $21.13 ;,;black ;,;09/15/17 ,Elisa Hart;,; $0.35 ;,; black&purple;,; 09/15/17 ,\nErnesto Hunt ;,; $13.91 ;,; black&purple ;,; \n09/15/17, Shannon Chavez ;,;$19.26 ;,; \nyellow;,; 09/15/17 , Sammy Cain;,; $5.45;,; \nyellow&red ;,;09/15/17 , Steven Reeves ;,;$5.50 \n;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17, Ruben Jones ;,; \n$14.56 ;,; yellow&blue;,;09/15/17 , Essie Hansen;,; $7.33 ;,; yellow&blue&red\n;,; 09/15/17 , Rene Hardy ;,; $20.22 ;,; \nblack ;,; 09/15/17 , Lucy Snyder ;,; $8.67 \n;,;black&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Dallas Obrien ;,; \n$8.31;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17, Stacey Payne \n;,; $15.70 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 \n, Tanya Cox ;,; $6.74 ;,;yellow ;,; \n09/15/17 , Melody Moran ;,; $30.84 \n;,;yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Louise Becker ;,; \n$12.31 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 ,\nRyan Webster;,;$2.94 ;,; yellow ;,; 09/15/17 \n,Justin Blake ;,; $22.46 ;,;white&yellow ;,; \n09/15/17, Beverly Baldwin ;,; $6.60;,; \nwhite&yellow&black ;,;09/15/17 , Dale Brady \n;,; $6.27 ;,; yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Potter ;,;$21.12 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , \nDesiree Butler ;,;$2.10 ;,;white;,; 09/15/17 \n,Sonja Barnett ;,; $14.22 ;,;white&black;,; \n09/15/17, Angelica Garza;,;$11.60;,;white&black \n;,; 09/15/17 , Jamie Welch ;,; $25.27 ;,; \nwhite&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Rex Hudson \n;,;$8.26;,; purple;,; 09/15/17 , Nadine Gibbs \n;,; $30.80 ;,; purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , \nHannah Pratt;,; $22.61 ;,; purple&yellow \n;,;09/15/17,Gayle Richards;,;$22.19 ;,; \ngreen&purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Stanley Holland \n;,; $7.47 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Anna Dean;,;$5.49 ;,; yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,\nTerrance Saunders ;,; $23.70 ;,;green&yellow&red \n;,; 09/15/17 , Brandi Zimmerman ;,; $26.66 ;,; \nred ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Freeman ;,; $25.95;,; \ngreen&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Irving Patterson \n;,;$19.55 ;,; green&white&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Karl Ross;,; $15.68;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandy Cortez ;,;$23.57;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17, \nMamie Riley ;,;$29.32;,; purple;,;09/15/17 ,Mike Thornton ;,; $26.44 ;,; purple ;,; 09/15/17, \nJamie Vaughn ;,; $17.24;,;green ;,; 09/15/17 , \nNoah Day ;,; $8.49 ;,;green ;,;09/15/17 \n,Josephine Keller ;,;$13.10 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Tracey Wolfe;,;$20.39 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 ,\nIgnacio Parks;,;$14.70 ;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17 \n, Beatrice Newman ;,;$22.45 ;,;white&purple&red \n;,; 09/15/17, Andre Norris ;,; $28.46 ;,; \nred;,; 09/15/17 , Albert Lewis ;,; $23.89;,; \nblack&red;,; 09/15/17, Javier Bailey ;,; \n$24.49 ;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Everett Lyons ;,;$1.81;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , \nAbraham Maxwell;,; $6.81 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 \n, Traci Craig ;,;$0.65;,; green&yellow;,; \n09/15/17 , Jeffrey Jenkins ;,;$26.45;,; \ngreen&yellow&blue ;,; 09/15/17, Merle Wilson \n;,; $7.69 ;,; purple;,; 09/15/17,Janis Franklin \n;,;$8.74 ;,; purple&black ;,;09/15/17 , \nLeonard Guerrero ;,; $1.86 ;,;yellow \n;,;09/15/17,Lana Sanchez;,;$14.75 ;,; yellow;,; \n09/15/17 ,Donna Ball ;,; $28.10 ;,; \nyellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Terrell Barber ;,; \n$9.91 ;,; green ;,;09/15/17 ,Jody Flores;,; \n$16.34 ;,; green ;,; 09/15/17, Daryl Herrera \n;,;$27.57;,; white;,; 09/15/17 , Miguel Mcguire;,;$5.25;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , \nRogelio Gonzalez;,; $9.51;,; white&black&blue \n;,; 09/15/17 , Lora Hammond ;,;$20.56 ;,; \ngreen;,; 09/15/17,Owen Ward;,; $21.64 ;,; \ngreen&yellow;,;09/15/17,Malcolm Morales ;,; \n$24.99 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , \nEric Mcdaniel ;,;$29.70;,; green ;,; 09/15/17 \n,Madeline Estrada;,; $15.52;,;green;,; 09/15/17 \n, Leticia Manning;,;$15.70 ;,; green&purple;,; \n09/15/17 , Mario Wallace ;,; $12.36 ;,;green ;,; \n09/15/17,Lewis Glover;,; $13.66 ;,; \ngreen&white;,;09/15/17, Gail Phelps ;,;$30.52 \n;,; green&white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Myrtle Morris \n;,; $22.66 ;,; green&white&blue;,;09/15/17\"\"\"\n\n#------------------------------------------------","metadata":{"trusted":true},"execution_count":3,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"markdown","source":"## Data Cleaning","metadata":{}},{"cell_type":"code","source":"daily_sales_replaced = daily_sales.replace(\";,;\", \"-\" )\n\n\ndaily_transactions = daily_sales_replaced.split(\",\")\n\n\n\ndaily_transactions_split = [c.split(\"-\") for c in daily_transactions]\n\ntransaction_clean = []\nfor lst in daily_transactions_split:\n for i in lst:\n transaction_clean.append(i.strip())","metadata":{"trusted":true},"execution_count":4,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"markdown","source":"## Data Management","metadata":{}},{"cell_type":"code","source":"customers = [lst[0].strip() for lst in daily_transactions_split]\n\nsales = [lst[1].strip() for lst in daily_transactions_split]\n\nthread_sold = [lst[2].strip() for lst in daily_transactions_split]","metadata":{"trusted":true},"execution_count":5,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"markdown","source":"## Total Value of Days Sales","metadata":{}},{"cell_type":"code","source":"total_sales = 0\nfor sale in sales:\n total_sales += float(sale.replace(\"$\", \"\"))\n\nprint(total_sales)","metadata":{"trusted":true},"execution_count":6,"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","text":"1498.7400000000005\n","output_type":"stream"}]},{"cell_type":"markdown","source":"## Thread of any specific color was sold","metadata":{}},{"cell_type":"code","source":"thread_sold_split = []\nfor color in thread_sold:\n if \"&\" in color:\n index = 0\n thread_sold_split.append(color.split(\"&\")[index])\n index += 1\n thread_sold_split.append(color.split(\"&\")[index])\n else :\n thread_sold_split.append(color)\n\n\ndef color_count(color):\n count = 0\n for c in thread_sold_split:\n if color == c:\n count +=1\n else :\n continue\n return count\n\n\nprint(color_count(\"white\"))","metadata":{"trusted":true},"execution_count":8,"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","text":"28\n","output_type":"stream"}]},{"cell_type":"markdown","source":"### *Colors Available*","metadata":{}},{"cell_type":"code","source":"colors = []\n\nfor color in thread_sold_split:\n if color in colors:\n continue\n else :\n colors.append(color)\n\nprint(colors)","metadata":{"trusted":true},"execution_count":10,"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","text":"['white', 'blue', 'yellow', 'purple', 'red', 'green', 'black']\n","output_type":"stream"}]},{"cell_type":"markdown","source":" ### *Each Color of Thread sold Per Day*","metadata":{}},{"cell_type":"code","source":"for pos in colors:\n count = 0\n count += color_count(pos)\n print(\"Thread Shed sold {count} threads of {pos} thread today\".format(count = count, pos = pos))","metadata":{"trusted":true},"execution_count":9,"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","text":"Thread Shed sold 28 threads of white thread today\nThread Shed sold 16 threads of blue thread today\nThread Shed sold 31 threads of yellow thread today\nThread Shed sold 16 threads of purple thread today\nThread Shed sold 15 threads of red thread today\nThread Shed sold 30 threads of green thread today\nThread Shed sold 23 threads of black thread today\n","output_type":"stream"}]}]}

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