Label | Category |
CP | Core Property |
F | Faults |
N | Network |
In order alphabetically by Label
then by Term
, or just Term
if there is no Label
Label | Term | Definition |
CP | Liveness | Every correct propsed value will eventually be accepted by correct nodes. aka something good happens. |
CP | Safety | If a value is committed by a correct node, then that value will eventually be commited by all correct nodes. Two correct nodes will never commit to different values. aka nothing bad happens. |
CP | Chain Agreement with Immediate Finality | At any point in time, for any two honest nodes n1 and n2 , either the blockchain of n1 is a prefix of the blockchain of n2 or the blockhain of n2 is a prefix for the blockchain of n1 . If two blockchains are identical, then each of them is a prefix of the other. |
Cryptographic Hash Function | A collision resistant hash function that cannot feasibly be reversed by a computationally bound adversary. | |
Global Stabalization Time (GST) | "A time unknown to the processors, such that the message system respects the upper bound from time GST onward." (DLS Consensus in the Presence of Partial Synchrony) | |
Linearizability | ||
F | Fault Tolerance | A system / protocol can handle faults in system, where nodes die and never deliver messages. |
F | Byzantine Fault Tolerance | Can handle faulty nodes including malicious (Byzantine nodes) that may collude, send arbitrary data, delay correct nodes, or not send data at all. |
F | Consensus Protocol with Optimal Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Partially Synchronous and Asynchronous Networks | Consensus protocol that can withstand up to floor((n - 1)/ 3) Byzantine nodes when operating in either a partially synchronous or asynchronous network where n is the total number of the nodes participating in the consensus protocol. As a consequence of this, the number n of nodes participating in the consensus must be n >= 3f + 1 where f corresponds to the maximum number of Byzantine nodes. This is a proven upper bound on the number of Byzantine nodes. |
N | Asynchronous Network | No known bounds on message delivery. |
N | Synchronous Network | Known bounds on message delivery, and processing time. |
N | Partially Synchronous Network | There exits a finite, but unknown, upper bound on the message latency [1]. |
N | Eventually Synchronous Network | From [1]:
N | Weak Synchrony | (same as partially synchronous) "The network can be asynchronous (i.e., entirely controlled by the adversary) for a long but bounded period." (Algorand) |
Quorum Certificate (QC) | A (cryptographically signed) set of votes from a quorum of nodes in the system. | |
Responsiveness | "A non-faulty proposer can drive the protocol to consensus in time depending only on the actual message delays, independent on any known upper bounds on message delays." (YMRGA Hotstuff: BFT Consensus in the Lens of Blokchain) | |
Optimal Responsivess | Responsiveness ony after GST is reached. | |
Robustness | Preserves safety and liveness. | |
View Change | The phase that occurs after a primary fails. Protocol for changing the proposer. |
[1] C. Dwork, N. Lynch, L. Stockmeyer, Consensus in the presence of partial synchrony, J. ACM 35 (2) (1988) 288�323. doi:10.1145/42282.42283. URL