Releases: EsupPortail/Esup-Pod
Releases · EsupPortail/Esup-Pod
- Update CAS Librairy (fix bug with gateway)
- First stable version of DeepSpeech integration (V0.6Alpha15)
- add select field for user
- improve enrichment template (patch Safari and IE)
- Add recorder features
- add first api for iframe player
- add default video version to redirect from original video to other version
- change Django Cas library to (instead of unistra's fork)
- fix bug with js in video notes
- replace html message in end of encoding
WARNING : to use gateway feature, with Python>3.5, replaced extra_params = gateway_params + list(query_list) by extra_params = gateway_params + list(query_dict.items()) in see this issue : kstateome/django-cas#90 (the PR is already created)
- Create Advanced Notes
- Update video caption maker page to use podfile
- Fixbug with live player when live not started (reload every 10 sec while live not started)
- ES index is now configurable by setting ES_INDEX value, default to pod
- fixbug with oembed to use Site
- RGPD compliant (Hide username, hide user filter field)
- Update translation
- update requirements to fix vulnerabilities in dependancies
- prepare code to use deepspeech
- add custom contact
Allow to manage Group membership from Group admin page
Improve Unit test (166 unit test)
manage chapter without reloading page
bugfix :
podfile add file form uniq
show note form correctly
video count make transaction atomic
add muted when autoplay selected
remove properly video and owner field in video admin form when video encoding in progress
add widget podfile in apps : live, broadcaster, recorder, enrichment
fix security issue to third lib
- remove preload if iframe
- work on tempalte (add ID and class, w3c compliant for home and video page)
- fix bug with media root in settings, overlay (overlaps and showbackground), import_data of V1, ldap affiliations, video admin form for no superuser
- change version of django 1.11.16
- Add documentation to use celery and rabbitmq