title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
Cookbook |
true |
2023-12-20 22:00:17 UTC |
markdown |
2022-09-18 04:49:03 UTC |
To get started, create these as a file ~/.flexget/config.yml
(see Configuration for more details)
From here you can find tips and recipes for common tasks. Feel free to add your own recipes or improve existing ones.
To edit the wiki:
You can login via oauth with either a GitHub or Google account.
Please create new pages only under /Cookbook/ ! Don't create new pages in the root of the wiki. {.is-warning}
- Recipes for series
- Recipes for movies
- Recipes for URL rewriting
- Recipes for Ebooks
- Recipes for Sports
- General recipes
- Advanced recipes