title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
discoverfeed |
true |
2022-12-11 20:36:47 UTC |
markdown |
2022-09-18 05:20:09 UTC |
This recipe aims to allow adding of movies as simple as adding a movie to your trakt.tv watchlist.
This recipe goes one step further and also uses the discover plugin to dynamically search for the desired movies. The torrent_alive plugin is used to reject results that do not have at least a minimum number of seeds, which usually improves the quality of the results.
# task to pull movies from trakt.tv watchlist and add to the movie list
priority: 1
trakt_list: # You could also use imdb_watchlist
account: <<account name>>
list: watchlist
accept_all: yes
seen: local # We don't want accepted movies on this feed to affect actual download task
- movie_list: movies # you can call this whatever you want
# task that automatically downloads movies from the movie_list
trakt_lookup: yes # can also use imdb_lookup or tmdb_lookup
priority: 10 # run after the movie queue fill task
- movie_list: movies
- piratebay: yes
interval: 7 days
torrent_alive: 10 # Will reject results with less than 10 seeds
quality: dvdrip+ # Make sure no screeners or cams are downloaded
- movie_list: movies
transmission: yes # You could use another output plugin instead of this (deluge, qbittorrent, download)
Plugins used: priority, transmission, trakt_list,trakt_lookup, accept_all, movie_list, list_match, seen, torrent_alive, discover using search plugin piratebay.