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2024-12-12 17:05:11 UTC
2022-09-18 04:52:17 UTC

Required Upgrading Actions

Just planning upgrading? See the upgrade guide first! {.is-warning}


This page contains information about configuration file format changes, as well as FlexGet behavioral changes that may affect the user. If your configuration file does not pass flexget check after upgrading, this page should contain instructions detailing what you need to change.

Starting from version 2.0.0 we are using semantic versioning, in the form that any increase in the second digit means that configuration is not necessarily backwards compatible and may need to be updated. Therefore this page is generally only updated after each 2.x.0 release.

3.13.0 - 2024-12-12

Telegram plugin now requires python-telegram-bot v21.9 or later. pip install --upgrade python-telegram-bot You can specify chat_id directly in the configuration file. socks_proxy option now uses standard socks5://user:pass@host:port.

3.12.0 – 2024-12-03

Python 3.8 Dropped

Python 3.8 has been EoL since June. Support for it has now been dropped. You'll need to install Flexget with Python 3.9+ in order to upgrade.

3.11.42 - 2024-08-04

The parse_mode: markdown setting was updated to use MarkdownV2. The legacy parse mode was moved to parse_mode: markdown_legacy

3.11.13 - 2024-01-27

The transmission (and from_transmission) plugins now require transmission-rpc version 7.0.3 or greater. Run pip install --upgrade transmission-rpc from the environment where flexget is installed to upgrade.

3.11.0 – 2023-12-25

Better Timezone support

The entry fields and template system have been upgraded to use timezone aware datetimes. We have done our best to make this transparent in most cases, but if you are doing date comparison with the if plugin, or age plugin, you may need to check everything is working how you intended. Most plugins have been upgraded to provide entry fields with datetimes in the proper timezone, but if there are any without a timezone, when compared with a time including a timezone, it will be assumed to be in the same timezone. Some other changes and notes to be aware of:

  • All dates and datetimes in entry fields are now pendulum instances. This gives many convienince methods you can now use in your templates. (e.g. transmission_date_done < somedate.subtract(days=10), Something was released {{rss_pubdate.diff_for_humans()}})
  • Dates in entry fields are now converted to datetimes at midnight. This makes it easier to compare any two dates/datetimes in a template. If you need to get back to the raw date, you can use .date() This behavior was reverted in 3.11.2. You can however compare a date to a datetime still, and at this point the date will be considered to be at midnight of the day.
  • The timedelta helper in templates has been converted to be a pendulum duration, and an alias duration has been added.

Help reporting any bugs, or upgrading any plugins still using naive times would be much appreciated. More details in the PR

3.10.0 – 2023-11-19

Python 3.7 Dropped

Python 3.7 has been EoL since June. Support for it has now been dropped. You'll need to install Flexget with Python 3.8+ in order to upgrade.

passthepopcorn login

The passthepopcorn plugin has been fixed, but configs need to be updated to use the apiuser and apikey configuration rather than username and password.

3.9.0 – 2023-08-17

Series Tracking

The tracking option for series has been removed, and will need to be removed from your config if you specified it. It often created more problems than it solved. There have been improvements to automatically set a reasonable begin episode for series if one was not already set, but you should set it manually to be completele sure nothing from the past will be needlessly downloaded.

Seen CLI

The seen plugin CLI has been altered to make the --tasks parameter more consistent. The argument has now been renamed to --task, and if you'd like to operate on more than one task at a time, you can use wildcards in the argument, or specify --task more than once.

3.8.0 – 2023-07-30

All measurements of file size have been standardized to use bytes as the unit. This should be transparent for most users. Your config will need to be updated if you were using the content_size entry field with the if plugin, in a jinja template, or in a custom plugin, you will need to adjust since it is now measured in bytes rather than mebibytes. In addition, if you were using a plugin that takes a filesize in the config, you must now be more explicit with the size, e.g. 1 GiB, rather than 1G More info in the PR

3.7.0 – 2023-05-09

The morethantv plugin categories have been updated to match changes made at the site. They will need to be updated in your config to use the new categories.

3.6.0 – 2023-04-09

The transmission (and from_transmission) plugins now require transmission-rpc version 4.1.4 or greater. Run pip install --upgrade transmission-rpc from the environment where flexget is installed to upgrade.

3.5.0 -- 2022-11-03

Support for python 3.6 has been dropped. Install FlexGet using python 3.7 or newer to continue upgrading.

3.4.0 -- 2022-10-25

The official docker image is changing the default config bindmount from /root/.flexget to /config to allow running a container as a non-root user. Please change your -v path or volumes in docker-compose.yml if using docker compose.

3.3.0 -- 2022-02-14

from_transmission was setting entry fields with timezone aware datetimes depending on what version was installed. If you were using any if statements comparing to these dates with now.astimezone() you must now remove the .astimezone()

  # before
  - transmission_date_added > now.astimezone() - timedelta(hours=3): accept 
  # after
  - transmission_date_added > now - timedelta(hours=3): accept 

3.1.154 -- 2021-11-23

imdb_list plugin has been changed to use cookies to avoid issues with captcha. See updatad wiki here Sorry, we missed this breaking change in the version system, we bumped to version 3.2 to retroactively document this breaking change.

3.1.92 -- 2020-12-26

Transmission plugin now uses transmission-rpc. pip install transmission-rpc

3.0.19 -- 2019-12-20

IRC plugin now requires irc-bot 1.0.35 or later. pip install --ugprade irc-bot

3.0.0 -- 2019.11.08

Python 2 support is dropped as Python 2 reaches EOL in Jan 1st 2020. The minimal python version is now Python 3.6. We highly recommend upgrading your python if you're still using Python 2. Note that if you're already running Flexget on python 3.6 and higher, there should be no breaking changes in this version.

2.21.0 -- 2019.05.21

Added new limit plugin which replaces limit option from older plugins (ie. trakt_list). Some are still backwards compatible.

2.20.0 -- 2019.02.11


The clean_transmission plugin has been deprecated. The transmission plugin has gained the ability to remove torrents, which should be used in place of clean_transmission. A recipe detailing how to do this can be found here. (The deluge plugin has gained the same ability now too.)

clean_transmission is still available to use at the moment, but some of its internals had to be tweaked. If you do not immediately replace this plugin, make sure to do a --test run to ensure it still causes the behavior you expect.

The onlycomplete option default has been changed from yes to no in addition to being renamed only_complete. By default all entries loaded in transmission will be provided now.

from_transmission also provides more information from transmission with entry fields prefixed with transmission_.

All multi-word options have been changed to have an underscore for consistency and readability. In addition, the spelling of 'honour' has been changed to match the spelling in transmission.

old name new name
maxupspeed max_up_speed
maxdownspeed max_down_speed
maxconnections max_connections
addpaused add_paused
bandwidthpriority bandwidth_priority
honourlimits honor_limits
* note the spelling change

The keys option has been removed. from_deluge now provides all fields from deluge with the deluge_ prefix. Field names may vary slightly between deluge versions. Do a test run of your task to verify field names after the update:

flexget --test execute --tasks my_from_deluge_task --dump

This will show all available field names and values which you can use to update your config appropriately.

All multi-word options have been changed to have an underscore for consistency and readability. movedone was changed to move_completed_path to align with deluge naming.

old name new name
movedone move_completed_path
queuetotop queue_to_top
automanaged auto_managed
maxupspeed max_up_speed
maxdownspeed max_down_speed
maxconnections max_connections
maxupslots max_up_slots
removeatratio remove_at_ratio
addpaused add_paused

2.19.0 -- 2019.01.29

Internal sorting of entries has been removed from both the discover and series plugins.


Formerly, the series plugin sorted by quality, and when multiple copies of an episode were available on a given run of a task, the highest quality would be chosen. Now that this internal sorting has been removed, the sort_by plugin can be used in the task to prioritize based on quality, or other metrics. To emulate the old behavior the following can be added to the task:

  field: quality
  reverse: yes


The discover plugin used to sort all results based upon torrent availability (for search plugins on torrent sites) before adding them to the task. Entries are now released in whatever order the search plugin returns. Torrent search plugins now populate the torrent_availability field which can be used if you wish emulate the old behavior.

  field: torrent_availability
  reverse: yes

2.18.0 -- 2019.01.05

If you are using Python 3.7, and you have escape sequences in your regex replacements in manipulate plugin, they will need to be double escaped now.

2.17.0 -- 2018.10.17

The deluge plugin has been changed to use the deluge-client library. You will need to pip install deluge-client if you are using this plugin.

2.16.0 -- 2018.10.12

The variables plugin has been changed to allow arbitrary sections of config to be substituted. This means it can be used in config sections which require numbers, or even bigger config sections such as a list or dictionary. If you were relying on variable replacement always producing a string, and get config errors after the upgrade, you may need to add extra quotes to the replacement with this version. e.g. some_setting: "'{? a_variable ?}'"

The form plugin has been changed to use mechanicalsoup rather than mechanize. If you are using this plugin, you'll have to pip install mechanicalsoup. It is now python 3 compatible and respects the headers plugin.

2.14.0 -- 2018.06.24

  • Configuration structure for the irc_daemon plugins task_re option has been modified to treat tasks with more than one pattern defined as an AND condition rather than OR. This requires modification of existing configurations to the new structure. More information with an example is available in the updated irc_daemon plugin documentation.
  • fuzer search plugin was changed to accomodate site's usage of recaptcha.

2.13.0 -- 2018.03.01

Parsing has been greatly simplified. The old interface was difficult to maintain. This also means that the Guessit parser now supports ver. 2.1.4+. Due to the simplification, a lot of the specialized fields such as is_3d are no longer available. If you feel that a particular value is missing, open an issue on our Github.

If you do not make use of Guessit-specific fields, no changes to your config are required.

NOTE: There are currently a few bugs in Guessit that we have no control over. So if you're parsing anime, it may be better to use the internal parser for now. See issue #533 and issue #532.

2.12.0 -- 2018.01.26

Removed plugins

The following is a list of search plugins that have been removed due to site closures. Any site claiming to be a direct successor/re-opening cannot be trusted.

  • Extratorrent
  • Freshon
  • Sceneaccess
  • T411
  • Torrent411
  • Torrentshack


The subliminal plugin has been changed to reject entries for which it cannot find all requested subtitle languages. Before this change, it would fail entries, but it was deemed counterintuitive.

In addition, single mode will now ignore existing subtitles if the languages do not match. This is the same behaviour as running subliminal manually via CLI.

2.10.0 -- 2017.02.17

  • Web-UI/API:
    • Changed default UI path to be hostname:port/ instead of hostname:port/ui
    • Added ability to set base_url for web server

2.9.0 -- 2017.01.10


  • Notification system has been changed once more. Hopefully we worked most of the kinks out of the new system with this one.
  • Backwards compatibility with old system has been taken out; it wasn't working quite properly anyway. You cannot use the individual notifiers at task level anymore. You must use the notify plugin, which is also where message content is now configured.

  • notify_task, notify_entries, notify_abort:

    • plugins removed and combined back into notify plugin, with subkeys task, entries, and abort subkeys
  • to option:

    • previously when specifying how a notification should be sent it went under the to key. This has been renamed to via.
  • file_template:

    • option has been renamed to template
  • notify_osd:

    • notifier renamed to toast (and preliminary Windows support added)
  • If you use any of the following plugins, you will most likely have to update your config. See their individual wiki pages for the new config format, as well as the notify plugin.

  • Examples of new notifier config:

    # Similar to old email config, one message per task run (when there are results)
        template: html  # Optional, if you want html instead of plain text
          - email:
              to: blah@blah
              # other email opts here
    # For push messaging services, one message per accepted entry
        title: "custom jinja {{title}}"  # Optional
        message: "custom jinja message {{series_name}}"  # Optional
          - pushbullet:
              opts: here


  • renamed to variables to reflect the more general usage pattern it has gotten.
  • The formatting for replacing variables has also been changed so as to not conflict with other jinja in the config file. Example change needed:
    # Before
    secrets: mysecrets.yml
        rss: "{{ secrets.myrss }}"
    # After
    variables: mysecrets.yml
        rss: "{? myrss ?}"
    If you use notepad++ or another editor capable of doing search and replace with regular expressions, the following may be sufficient (note: only tested in notepad++):
    find: \{\{\s?secrets\.(.*?)\s?\}\}
    replace: \{\? \1 \?\}
  • changed to use jinja expressions rather than raw python ones. As the syntax is very similar, most if statements should continue to work correctly.
  • If notable changes end up being needed, feel free to come discuss in chat and/or update this space with instructions for others.

2.8.0 -- 2016.12.07

  • Support for string replacement has been removed. Jinja2 is the only supported method now.

The below information is kept for reference, but the notification system was changed again in 2.9.0!

  • Notifier changes, following the feedback from 2.7.0:

2.7.0 -- 2016.11.15

This information is kept for reference, but the notification system was changed again in 2.9.0!

  • Major change to all notification plugins. Consult new notifiers page for name changes and schema changes
  • email:
    • plugin completely changed, removed cross task functionality (replaced by new notify functionality)
  • whatcd:
    • removed plugin

2.6.0 -- 2016.11.15

  • move, copy:
    • Changed option filename to rename since it caused issues with filesystem plugin.
    • jinja2 replacement render issues will not abort task and not fallback to default.
  • Daemon:
    • flexget daemon reload has been renamed to flexget daemon reload-config to avoid confusion.
    • flexget daemon enable-autoreload and flexget daemon disable-autoreload have been removed as their use was limited and ill-conceived.

2.5.0 -- 2016.10.21

  • Daemon/CLI:
    • Due to changes in the IPC protocol, you will not be able to connect to a running daemon that is an earlier version than 2.5.0 using CLI commands. Remember to stop your daemon before upgrading to ensure you can elegantly shut it down.

2.4.0 -- 2016.10.18

  • move, delete, copy:
    • along has been greatly simplified and includes similarly named files with specified extensions -- regex/glob no longer supported.
  • Daemon
    • automatically reloads config before task execution if it detects any changes.
  • tmdb_released
    • field changed to a Date instead of DateTime (#1260)
  • Web-UI/API:
    • Major API refactor. Enabling Web-UI/API config changed:
        bind: # IP V4
        port: 3539 # Valid port number
        ssl_certificate: '/etc/ssl/private/myCert.pem' # Path to certificate file
        ssl_private_key: '/etc/ssl/private/myKey.key' # Path to private key file
        web_ui: yes # Web-UI can optionally be disabeled, only API will run
      web_server: yes
      That will enable the API and Web-UI on with the port 5050 by default. You can also set a different port using:
      web_server: 8080
      API is now always enabled when running the web server, UI is optional (enabled by default).
      See Web-UI and API pages for more detail.

2.3.0 -- 2016.08.17

  • discover:
    • release_estimations option now defaults to strict instead of loose, meaning anything with no release date or one that lies in the future will not be included in the search
    • will now keep searching for new items until it fails to find any (maximum 100 runs). Can be set to the old behaviour using max_reruns plugin.
  • movie_queue:
    • removed along with all related plugins. Use movie_list instead.
  • imdb_required:
  • CLI:
    • Changed practically all CLI plugins to output using a standardized table dependency for a more consistent (and pretty expeirence). Some of the content has been altered in the relevant plugins, and --porcelain works slightly different now. See relevant plugin Wiki for details.
  • CLI trakt:
    • command flexget trakt show has been renamed to flexget trakt list
  • subtitle_queue, torrentz, rutracker, newzleech, publichd, bt-chat, btjunkie, isohunt, redskunk, stmusic:
    • Removed plugins

2.2.0 -- 2016.07.27

  • irc:
    • plugin uses outside dependency now. Install with pip install irc_bot
  • thetvdb_add, thetvdb_remove, thetvdb_favorites:
  • kat:
    • removed plugin
  • uoccin:
    • removed all plugins and moved them to extras repo.
  • move, copy, delete
    • tweaked along setting in plugins. See their wiki entries for details.
  • download, move:
    • removed the output attribute when using the plugins. Use location instead.

2.1.0 -- 2016.06.23

Several breaking changes

As an effort to provide more consistent configuration and better user experience, several changes are presented with this version:

2.0.0 -- 2016.04.24

Major Flexget Change

Version 2.0.0 of FlexGet introduces Python 3.x support. This was a huge refactor and has been tested to the best of our abilities. With such a huge change like this we expect there to be some bugs, especially with third party plugins.

For more information on py2/3 code visit Developers.

Please log bugs in GitHub.

1.2.505 -- 2016.04.07

Series CLI Changes:

  • Series CLI - series forget now also fires a forget event which for now removes all the relevant downloaded release from seen plugin as well. This is relevant both for entire series and when using identifer.
  • Series CLI - series remove was added which does what series forget used to do, I.E. remove show/episode only from series DB
  • Series API - remove_seen parameter name was changed to forget in all the DELETE endpoints.
  • Changed series_forget plugin name to series_remove

List interface:

A new convention of plugins that allows usage as input, filter and output. See wiki page for additional information.

  • imdb_list plugin has changed attributes (and can now be used to add, remove or filter movies from IMDB watchlist directly).
  • couchpotato changed its name to couchpotato_list.
  • sonarr changed its name to sonarr_list.

1.2.502 -- 2016.04.04

TVDB API has changed, now requires account_id (userkey) rather then user password.

TVDB plugins 'password' field has been changed to 'account_id'. To get your account_id visit

1.2.496 -- 2016.03.28

Plugin rlslog has been removed and is no longer supported

1.2.484 -- 2016.03.16

All TVDB plugins have been upgraded to use the new TVDB API

Due to the change in API the account_id can no longer be used within tvdb plugins, it now requires username and password within your config.

The fields tvdb_ep_writers and tvdb_ep_guest_stars are no longer supported.

Field tvdb_banner_url changed to tvdb_banner Field tvdb_poster_url changed to tvdb_posters which is a list of the top 5 posters.

1.2.471 -- 2016.03.05

Python 2.6 is no longer being supported by FlexGet. Support for python 2.6 itself ended October 2013, and it is no longer receiving even security updates. You should upgrade to python 2.7 if you have not done so already.

1.2.464 -- 2016.02.29

The ignore_estimations option in the Discover plugin was changed and now it should be used as release_estimations. See plugin page for further information. If you did not use that option, no action is needed.

1.2.455 -- 2016.02.18

The urlrewrite_redirect plugin, which previously rewrite all accepted entries' urls to any url they redirected to has been disabled by default. If you need this behavior, you must add redirect_url: yes to your task.

1.2.452 -- 2016.02.11

The listdir and find plugins (which have been deprecated for a while) have now been removed. Their functionality can be replicated with the filesystem plugin. If you haven't already, you will need to make this change in your config.

Deluge 1.1 support has been removed from the deluge plugin.

1.2.446 -- 2016.02.02

The markdown option in the Telegram plugin was changed from use_markdown to parse_mode and it now accept either markdown or html. Update your configurations accordingly. Telegram API page for more details. Also, the minimal required version of python-telegram-bot is 3.2.0. Upgrade using pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade.

?? -- 2015.12.29

t411 replace torrent411 for discovering

The search plugin is called henceforth t411 instead of torrent411. Credentials are no longer setted into config file ; remove username and password and setting up definetively your credentials via CLI flexget t411 add-auth <username> <password>. Category and terms names are now the same as on the website. For example, HDrip-720p becomes HDrip 720.

t411 replace torrent411 urlrewritter for as input plugin

You can no longer use the plugin html or rss for scraping the Torrent411 website. Instead, use the t411 input plugin.

1.2.410 -- 2015.12.16

Due to a complete refactor of Pushover plugin, the field urltitle need to be changed to url_title in config. Users that do not use that field in their Pushover plugin config do not need to change anything, and all should work well.

1.2.389 --2015.11.15

TVRage seems to be down, so in its place we have implemented TVMaze, which requires a few new dependencies. If you are installed from a git checkout, you'll have to make sure your deps are up to date after pulling. Run bin/pip install --upgrade -e . from your checkout directory if you are using the virtualenv setup that gives you.

1.2.385 -- 2015.11.11

trakt 2.0 api update

The trakt plugins have been updated to use the newest API (v2). Authorization is now handled by tokens. You can generate a pin for Flexget by visiting Use this pin to generate an access token by issuing the cli command flexget trakt auth <account> <pin>, where <account> is a local identifier that the access token is assigned to. We recommend that you use your Trakt username.

general changes for all trakt plugins

They no longer require password and so this option should be deleted from your config. Instead it takes a new argument account. Specifying an account is required to access anything private/protected on trakt. You must specify either account or username. If account is specified without username, the owner of the account will be the assumed username.

Affected Plugins:

trakt_collected_lookup / trakt_watched_lookup

These plugins have been merged with trakt_lookup and no longer exist. You'll need to specify the account option in trakt_lookup in order for the related fields to be looked up.


Now supports movie lookups as well as episode and show lookups. It also takes two optional arguments username and account. Specifying a username enables the previous functionality of trakt_collected_lookup and trakt_watched_lookup, which provide two new entry fields trakt_collected and trakt_watched respectively. These new fields indicate whether the entry has been collected or watched by the trakt user specified in username argument.

trakt_lookup: yes will enable the basic trakt lookup in your tasks.

1.2.362 -- 2015.10.13

find / listdir

The find and listdir plugins have been merged into one filesystem plugin. You will need to replace both in your config with just filesystem.

1.2.359 -- 2015.10.09

A json api has been added which requires a few new dependencies. If you are installed from a git checkout, you'll have to make sure your deps are up to date after pulling. bin/pip install --upgrade -e . from your checkout directory if you are using the virtualenv setup that gives you.

1.2.261 -- 2015.01.12

disable_builtins and disable_plugin plugins have been combined into the disable plugin. You will need to replace both in your config with just disable. If you were using disable_builtins: yes form, this should be changed to disable: builtins

1.2.247 -- 2015.01.01

movie_queue / queue_movies

The movie_queue plugin has been enhanced to include the ability to add & remove movies removing the need for the queue_movies plugin. You will need to replace movie_queue: yes with movie_queue: accept to add any accepted items in the movie queue. Also, queue_movies: yes is replaced by movie_queue: add, which adds items to the movie queue.

trakt_emit / trakt_add / trakt_remove

These plugins have been update to use trakt api v2. They no longer need api_key, which should be deleted from their config options. The built-in list names have been standardized to watchlist, watched, and collection.


Trakt list has been updated to api v2, and the config has been made more consistent with the other trakt plugins. The built-in list names have been standardized to watchlist, watched, and collection. Listing episodes from custom lists is now also possible. api_key option should be removed from config. The list and type should now be specified as two separate options, e.g.

  username: me
  api_key: blah
  movies: watchlist

would now become:

  username: me
  list: watchlist
  type: movies