Slot 1
- Tell me about yourself
- Delete duplicate char in string
Slot 2
- Tell me abt yourself
- Delete duplicate integer and count occurrence of integer
- Select 2nd highest mark student detail using SQL
Slot 3
- Tell me about yourself
- About members in you family
- Why PSG?
- How you well in coding?
- Explain about project
- What are the languages you know
- In which company did you attend earlier?
- Activities during lockdown
Slot 4
- Difference between array and liked list
- What is time complexity?
- What are the time complexity for -He gave one eg for that problem I have to calculate time complexity -Time complexity for array and linked list when given position and index -BST and why
- What is transaction in dbms
- What is foreign key
- Extracurricular activities
- How you develop your technical knowledge and what was the last week technical related work you did?
- Coding qns: to find a prime number for the given limi based on the logic he gave
- A number that is not divisible by previous all the prime number are called prime numbers based on this logical I have to code
- Any qns from you side?