II Round Questions (Time : 1 and half hour)
- Tell me about yourself
- What are the projects you did?
- Platform & language for the project
- Explain the projects
- Rate in scale of 1 to 5
- DS
- Network
- OS
- SE
- Functions of OS
- How OS helps user
- what is thread & then Threading
- What is Process
- States of process
- Process vs Program
- Deadlock
- why Scheduling
- Types of scheduling
- How to prevent deadlock
- Normalization
- Types of normallization with explanation
- Transitive dependancy
- 3NF implementation example
- ACID property
- Types of join
- TCP and UDP explain with real time example
- TCP UDP – which is prefered?which is fast?
- If you search for google.com -> how it works to get the page
- Have you heard of Subnetting
- Object oriented - > how it happens in real life
- What are the concepts in oops
- Explain the concept of oops
- Types of data structure
- Real time example for linear datastructure
- What are the linear data structure
- Compare the cost for all the operations(insertion,deletion,…) in array and linked list
- Datastructure used for BFS and DFS
- BFS implemantion example
- Why dynamic memory allocation
- They asked me to explain the concept for the question for each test case and the write the program Question : There are three types of edits that can be performed on strings: insert a character, remove a character, or replace a character. Given two strings, write a function to check if they are one edit (or zero edits away)
pales, pale → true
pale, bale → true
pale, bae → false```