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Eric Wittmann edited this page Jul 18, 2013 · 22 revisions

Getting Started


The DTGov application is written in Java. To get started make sure your system has the following:

  • Java JDK 1.6 or newer

  • Apache Ant 1.7 or newer to use the installer

  • Maven 3.0.3 or newer

  • Overlord S-RAMP version 0.3.0.Final or newer

This Getting Started guide assumes you do not already have Overlord S-RAMP installed.

Download, Installation and Configuration

First, we recommend you download the following:

Next, you must follow these steps to install and configure the application:

  1. Unpack S-RAMP distribution

  2. Copy the EAP download into the unpacked S-RAMP distro

  3. Copy the ModeShape distribution into the unpacked S-RAMP distro

  4. Run the S-RAMP installer

  5. Unpack the DTGov distribution

  6. Move the "target" folder from the S-RAMP distro to the unpacked DTGov distro

  7. Copy the EAP download into the unpacked DTGov distro

  8. Run the DTGov installer

  9. Start JBoss

  10. Populate the S-RAMP repository with DTGov seed data (ontology + workflow jar)

Some psuedo-shell code that might help

mkdir ~/overlord
cd ~/overlord
# Download JBoss EAP 6.1 (
#    From -
# Download the ModeShape EAP distro (
#    From -
# Download S-RAMP distribution (s-ramp-${s-ramp.version}.zip)
#    From -
unzip s-ramp-${s-ramp.version}.zip
cp s-ramp-${s-ramp.version}
cp s-ramp-${s-ramp.version}
cd s-ramp-${s-ramp.version}
ant install
cd ..
mv s-ramp-${s-ramp.version}/target dtgov-${project.version}
cp dtgov-${project.version}
cd dtgov-${project.version}
ant install
# Start JBoss (target/jboss-eap-6.1/bin/ - wait for startup to complete
ant seed
cd data
mvn package

Check your Installation

Now that everything is installed and running, you should be able to verify that everything is working by logging in to the S-RAMP Browser UI and verifying that you can see the DTGov seed data.

You should see something like this:

Screenshot of the DTGov data in S-RAMP
Figure 1. Screenshot of the DTGov data in S-RAMP

Get to Work

It’s all installed, running, and checked? Now it’s time to use the software! This guide will explain advanced configuration and usage, but you can get started by logging in to the DTGov User Interface: