From 7bda549e4669ca40362b5a0e1582fdd8201c69e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hannes Wellmann Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 22:09:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] [Y-Build-Tests] Define Mac and Windows jobs as Jenkins-pipeline and slightly clean-up existing pipeline for linux. Unify numbers like time-outs and numbers of retained builds. Part of --- JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_linux.groovy | 15 ++- JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_mac.groovy | 119 ++++++-------------- JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_win32.groovy | 142 ++++++------------------ 3 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-) diff --git a/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_linux.groovy b/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_linux.groovy index dde87948951..f9a6674467f 100644 --- a/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_linux.groovy +++ b/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_linux.groovy @@ -11,13 +11,8 @@ for (STREAM in STREAMS){ def MAJOR = STREAM.split('\\.')[0] def MINOR = STREAM.split('\\.')[1] for (BUILD_CONFIG in BUILD_CONFIGURATIONS){ - + pipelineJob('YPBuilds/ep' + MAJOR + MINOR + 'Y-unit-linux-x86_64-java' + BUILD_CONFIG.javaVersion){ - - logRotator { - numToKeep(5) - } - parameters { stringParam('buildId', null, null) stringParam('javaDownload', BUILD_CONFIG.javaDownload, null) @@ -107,12 +102,16 @@ pipeline { } archiveArtifacts '**/eclipse-testing/results/**, **/eclipse-testing/directorLogs/**, *.properties, *.txt' junit keepLongStdio: true, testResults: '**/eclipse-testing/results/xml/*.xml' - build job: 'YPBuilds/ep-collectYbuildResults', parameters: [string(name: 'triggeringJob', value: "${JOB_BASE_NAME}"), string(name: 'buildURL', value: "${BUILD_URL}"), string(name: 'buildID', value: "${params.buildId}")], wait: false + build job: 'YPBuilds/ep-collectYbuildResults', wait: false, parameters: [ + string(name: 'triggeringJob', value: "${JOB_BASE_NAME}"), + string(name: 'buildURL', value: "${BUILD_URL}"), + string(name: 'buildID', value: "${params.buildId}") + ] } } } } - ''') +''') } } } diff --git a/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_mac.groovy b/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_mac.groovy index f008e501fb6..31372140ad9 100644 --- a/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_mac.groovy +++ b/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_mac.groovy @@ -11,77 +11,30 @@ for (STREAM in STREAMS){ def MINOR = STREAM.split('\\.')[1] for (BUILD_CONFIG in BUILD_CONFIGURATIONS){ - job('YPBuilds/ep' + MAJOR + MINOR + 'Y-unit-macosx-' + BUILD_CONFIG.arch + '-java17'){ + pipelineJob('YPBuilds/ep' + MAJOR + MINOR + 'Y-unit-macosx-' + BUILD_CONFIG.arch + '-java17'){ description('Run Eclipse SDK Tests for ' + BUILD_CONFIG.arch + ' Mac (and ' + BUILD_CONFIG.arch + ' VM and Eclipse)') - - logRotator { - numToKeep(5) - } - parameters { stringParam('buildId', null, 'Build Id to test (such as I20120717-0800, N20120716-0800). ') stringParam('testSuite', 'all', null) } - - - label('nc1ht-macos11-arm64') - - jdk('openjdk-jdk11-latest') - - wrappers { //adds pre/post actions - timestamps() - timeout { - absolute(600) - } - } - - steps { - shell(''' -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -if [[ -z "${WORKSPACE}" ]] -then - echo -e "\\n\\tERROR: WORKSPACE variable was not defined" - exit 1 -else - if [[ ! -d "${WORKSPACE}" ]] - then - echo -e "\\n\\tERROR: WORKSPACE was defined, but did not exist?" - echo -e "\\t\\tIt was defined as ${WORKSPACE}" - exit 1 - else - echo -e "\\n\\tINFO: WORKSPACE was defined as ${WORKSPACE}" - echo -e "\\t\\tWill delete contents, for clean run" - MaxLoops=15 - SleepTime=60 - currentLoop=0 - nFilesOrDirs=$( find "${WORKSPACE}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | wc -l ) - while [[ ${nFilesOrDirs} -gt 0 ]] - do - currentLoop=$(( ${currentLoop} + 1 )) - if [[ ${currentLoop} -gt ${MaxLoops} ]] - then - echo -e "\\n\\tERROR: Number of re-try loops, ${currentLoop}, exceeded maximum, ${MaxLoops}. " - echo -e " \\t\\tPossibly due to files still being used by another process?" - exit 0 - break - fi - echo -e "\\tcurrentLoop: ${currentLoop} nFilesOrDirs: ${nFilesOrDirs}" - find "${WORKSPACE}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -execdir rm -fr '{}' \\; - nFilesOrDirs=$( find "${WORKSPACE}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | wc -l ) - if [[ ${nFilesOrDirs} -gt 0 ]] - then - sleep ${SleepTime} - fi - done - fi -fi -echo -e "\\t... ending cleaning" - -exit 0 - ''') - shell(''' -#!/bin/bash -x + definition { + cps { + sandbox() + script(''' +pipeline { + options { + timeout(time: 600, unit: 'MINUTES') + timestamps() + buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr:'5')) + } + agent { + label \'''' + BUILD_CONFIG.agentLabel + '''' + } + stages { + stage('Run tests'){ + steps { + cleanWs() // workspace not cleaned by default + sh \'\'\'#!/bin/bash -x RAW_DATE_START="$(date +%s )" @@ -136,31 +89,21 @@ echo -e "\\n\\tRAW Date End: ${RAW_DATE_END} \\n" TOTAL_TIME=$((${RAW_DATE_END} - ${RAW_DATE_START})) echo -e "\\n\\tTotal elapsed time: ${TOTAL_TIME} \\n" - ''') +\'\'\' + archiveArtifacts '**/eclipse-testing/results/**, **/eclipse-testing/directorLogs/**, *.properties, *.txt' + junit keepLongStdio: true, testResults: '**/eclipse-testing/results/xml/*.xml' + build job: 'YPBuilds/ep-collectYbuildResults', wait: false, parameters: [ + string(name: 'triggeringJob', value: "${JOB_BASE_NAME}"), + string(name: 'buildURL', value: "${BUILD_URL}"), + string(name: 'buildID', value: "${params.buildId}") + ] + } + } } - - publishers { - archiveJunit('**/eclipse-testing/results/xml/*.xml') { - retainLongStdout() - healthScaleFactor((1.0).doubleValue()) - } - archiveArtifacts { - pattern('**/eclipse-testing/results/**, **/eclipse-testing/directorLogs/**, *.properties, *.txt') - } - extendedEmail { - recipientList("") - } - downstreamParameterized { - trigger('YPBuilds/ep-collectYbuildResults') { - condition('UNSTABLE_OR_BETTER') - parameters { - predefinedProp('triggeringJob', '$JOB_BASE_NAME') - predefinedProp('buildURL', '$BUILD_URL') - predefinedProp('buildID', '$buildId') +} +''') } } } } - } -} } diff --git a/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_win32.groovy b/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_win32.groovy index 67eada51278..fe02f3a9b61 100644 --- a/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_win32.groovy +++ b/JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_win32.groovy @@ -4,95 +4,30 @@ def STREAMS = config.Streams for (STREAM in STREAMS){ def MAJOR = STREAM.split('\\.')[0] def MINOR = STREAM.split('\\.')[1] - - job('YPBuilds/ep' + MAJOR + MINOR + 'Y-unit-win32-x86_64-java17'){ + + pipelineJob('YPBuilds/ep' + MAJOR + MINOR + 'Y-unit-win32-x86_64-java17'){ description('Run Eclipse SDK Windows Tests ') - - logRotator { - numToKeep(25) - } - parameters { stringParam('buildId', null, 'Build Id to test (such as I20120717-0800, N20120716-0800). ') } - - label('qa6xd-win11') - - wrappers { //adds pre/post actions - timestamps() - timeout { - absolute(901) - } - } - - steps { - batchFile(''' -@echo off -SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION -echo start cleaning ... -IF NOT DEFINED WORKSPACE ( - echo ERROR: WORKSPACE variable was not defined. - exit /B 1 - ) ELSE ( - IF NOT EXIST "%WORKSPACE%" ( - echo ERROR: WORKSPACE was defined, but it did not exist. - echo It was defined as %WORKSPACE% - exit /B 1 - ) ELSE ( - echo WORSPACE defined as %WORKSPACE% - echo Will delete contents, for clean run. - rem Note that rmdir and rm do not return ERRORLEVEL. - rem Which is why we "do while" until count of files is zero. - rem (or, until max loops is reached). - set /a maxLoops=15 - echo maxLoops: !maxLoops! - set /a sleepTime=60000 - echo sleepTime: !sleepTime! - set /a currentLoop=0 - - set /a nFilesOrDirs=0 - for /D %%f in ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") do set /a nFilesOrDirs+=1 - for %%f in ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") do set /a nFilesOrDirs+=1 - echo currentLoop: !currentLoop! nFilesOrDirs: !nFilesOrDirs! - - :LOOP - IF !nFilesOrDirs! GTR 0 ( - rem this first for loop is for all subdirectories of workspace - FOR /D %%p IN ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") DO ( - echo removing dir: %%p - rmdir "%%p" /s /q - ) - rem this for loop is for for all files remaining, directly under workspace - FOR %%p IN ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") DO ( - echo deleting file: %%p - del "%%p" /q - ) - set /a currentLoop+=1 - IF !currentLoop! GTR !maxLoops! GOTO MAXLOOPS - set /a nFilesOrDirs=0 - for /D %%f in ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") do set /a nFilesOrDirs+=1 - for %%f in ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") do set /a nFilesOrDirs+=1 - echo currentLoop: !currentLoop! nFilesOrDirs: !nFilesOrDirs! - if !nFilesOrDirs! GTR 0 ( - rem Pause a bit before retrying, since if we could not delete, likely due to some process still running. - rem 'timeout' causes "redirection not allowed" error. See bug 482598. - rem C:\\Windows\\System32\\timeout.exe /t !sleepTime! - ping -n1 -w !sleepTime! >NUL - GOTO LOOP - ) - ) - ) - ) -echo ... normal end of cleaning section (i.e. max loops NOT reached) -exit 0 - - -:MAXLOOPS -echo Reached max loops waiting for files to be free to delete -rem note use of "hard exit" (no /B) as an attempt to get Hudson to fail. -exit 0 - ''') - batchFile(''' + definition { + cps { + sandbox() + script(''' +pipeline { + options { + timeout(time: 600, unit: 'MINUTES') + timestamps() + buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr:'5')) + } + agent { + label 'qa6xd-win11' + } + stages { + stage('Run tests'){ + steps { + cleanWs() // workspace not cleaned by default + bat \'\'\' rem May want to try and restrict path, as we do on cron jobs, so we rem have more consistent conditions. rem export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:~/bin @@ -118,31 +53,20 @@ set JAVA_HOME set Path="C:\\PROGRA~1\\ECLIPS~1\\jdk-\\bin";C:\\ProgramData\\Boxstarter;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Windows\\System32\\OpenSSH\\;C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\bin;C:\\tools\\cygwin\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\IcedTeaWeb\\WebStart\\bin;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\OpenSSH\\;C:\\Users\\jenkins_vnc\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps;%PATH% ant -f getEBuilder.xml\\tmp -Djvm="C:\\PROGRA~1\\ECLIPS~1\\jdk-\\bin\\java.exe" -DbuildId=%buildId% -DeclipseStream=%STREAM% -DEBUILDER_HASH=%EBUILDER_HASH% -DdownloadURL="" -Dargs=all -Dosgi.os=win32 -Dosgi.arch=x86_64 -DtestSuite=all - - ''') +\'\'\' + archiveArtifacts '**/eclipse-testing/results/**, **/eclipse-testing/directorLogs/**, *.properties, *.txt' + junit keepLongStdio: true, testResults: '**/eclipse-testing/results/xml/*.xml' + build job: 'YPBuilds/ep-collectYbuildResults', wait: false, parameters: [ + string(name: 'triggeringJob', value: "${JOB_BASE_NAME}"), + string(name: 'buildURL', value: "${BUILD_URL}"), + string(name: 'buildID', value: "${params.buildId}") + ] + } + } } - - publishers { - archiveJunit('**/eclipse-testing/results/xml/*.xml') { - retainLongStdout() - healthScaleFactor((1.0).doubleValue()) - } - archiveArtifacts { - pattern('**/eclipse-testing/results/**, **/eclipse-testing/directorLogs/**, *.properties, *.txt') - } - extendedEmail { - recipientList("") - } - downstreamParameterized { - trigger('YPBuilds/ep-collectYbuildResults') { - condition('ALWAYS') - parameters { - predefinedProp('triggeringJob', '$JOB_BASE_NAME') - predefinedProp('buildURL', '$BUILD_URL') - predefinedProp('buildID', '$buildId') +} +''') } } } - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +}