title | layout |
Manual |
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A raid tier lookup partly based on data provided by Mutik ( thank you)
A land buy calculator with different options ( don't waste money vs buy as much as possible)
A chat system allowing raid sharing to specific groups of people in private rooms and auto-pubbing those raids
An automatic raid-join service available on Facebook, Armorgames and Kongregate ( Attention, the Facebook version needs Iframes for doing so)
You can see the basic ingame data of people chatting on Kong while on the Dawn of the Dragon's Game-Page
You help adding to known Kongregate names, improving the Search and increasing the amount of people that will show you their ingame Profile
It provides a list of unjoined raids, which you can copy the links with a single click from ( ALL platforms)
Automatic joining of raids posted in the kongregate chats
Raidcatchers are helpful in multiple ways. They reduce the amount of time you need to spend asking for already known raids in the world chat, they provide you with a less click-intensive way of joining raids and reduce the amount of trains in the world chat, allowing for conversations to take place.
As far as I know there are two more authors for raid catchers at the moment. Hesperus has downloadable application for joining raids on pretty much any server, Mutik has a script for Armorgames and one for Kongregate doing the task.
As with any userscript you'll need a Monkey - if you installed mutik's script you already have one, otherwise use Tampermonkey(Chrome&Opera), Violentmonkey(Opera) or Tampermonkey(Firefox) depending on the browser used.
Currently Greasemonkey(Firefox) seems to fail joining raids on Firefox, so we'd propose switching to the Tampermonkey(Firefox).
To install the script you merely need to open it’s URL in the browser you installed the monkey in. That should make the monkey ask you to install it.
Don’t be worried about the size of the script, since you are only installing a loader, that makes sure you can have an up to date version without needing to rely on luck when the monkeys update.
To have a userscript loaded, you will need to load the side it’s going to be used on, if it’s already open reload it, otherwise just open it normally.
You will find some grey boxes to the right:
A bar with the version number containing all of the raid catching parts and most tools
A button to toggle the chat
The settings are in one of the tabs that show after left-clicking the bar with the version information. The settings differ a bit from platform to platform, since they are not all available due to differences in the page’s structure.
The following settings are currently available:
Enable/disable chat completely
Buy land to minimize gold or buy land with higher left over gold
Favorites to import
Buy 1 or 10 buildings at once in the land calculator
Duration of the character information being shown
Minimalist layout
Move items left
Display kong user info
Import raids automatically
Set maximum amount of Iframes for joining