This topic explains, with code examples, how to enable the default tooltips in the {DataChartName}™ control and how create custom ones.
In the {DataChartName} control, pick:[sl,wpf="tooltips are displayed as long as mouse cursor hovers over series in the {DataChartName} control"] pick:[win-phone,win-universal="tooltips are displayed when the tap and hold gesture is performed within chart plot area. Also, tapping and holding and then moving the finger without releasing will update tooltips values"] .
pick:[sl,wpf="If default tooltips are not sufficient, custom tooltips can be configured as well."] Tooltips can be customized in the following aspects:
tooltip content
tooltip look-and-feel
The tooltip content is customized by providing custom content to the ToolTip property of the Series object. pick:[xaml="Tooltip look-and-feel is managed through the"] pick:[xaml=" ToolTipStyle"] pick:[xaml="property"] pick:[win-phone="and"] pick:[win-phone=" ToolTipInfoBoxStyle"] pick:[win-phone="property"] pick:[xaml="of the {DataChartName} control."]
This example demonstrates how to deliver in tooltips information about the open, high, low, and close sales volumes for any point of a financial graph. This is achieved by creating custom tooltips that will display the volume value on LineSeries and the open, high, low, and close values on FinancialPriceSeries.