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General exercise instructions

For most of the exercises, skeleton codes are provided both for Fortran and C/C++ in the corresponding subdirectory. Some exercise skeletons have sections marked with “TODO” for completing the exercises. In addition, all of the exercises have exemplary full codes (that can be compiled and run) in the solutions folder. Note that these are seldom the only or even the best way to solve the problem.

The exercise material can be downloaded with the command

git clone

If you have a GitHub account you can also Fork this repository and clone then your fork.

Computing servers

Exercises can be carried out using the CSC's Puhti supercomputer. See CSC User Documentation for general instructions on using Puhti.

In case you have working parallel program development environment in your laptop (Fortran or C compiler, MPI development library, etc.) you may also use that. Note, however, that no support for installing MPI environment can be provided during the course.

Puhti can be accessed via ssh using the provided username (trainingxxx) and password:

For editing program source files you can use e.g. nano editor:

nano prog.f90 &

(^ in nano's shortcuts refer to Ctrl key, i.e. in order to save file and exit editor press Ctrl+X) Also other popular editors (emacs, vim, gedit) are available.

Disk areas

All the exercises in the supercomputers should be carried out in the scratch disk area. The name of the scratch directory can be queried with the command csc-workspaces. As the base directory is shared between members of the project, you should create your own directory:

cd /scratch/project_2000745
mkdir -p $USER
cd $USER

Compilation and running


Compilation of the MPI programs can be performed with the mpif90, mpicxx, and mpicc wrapper commands:

mpif90 -o my_mpi_exe test.f90


mpicxx -o my_mpi_exe test.cpp


mpicc -o my_mpi_exe test.c

The wrapper commands include automatically all the flags needed for building MPI programs.

Running in Puhti

In Puhti, programs need to be executed via the batch job system. Simple job running with 4 MPI tasks can be submitted with the following batch job script:

#SBATCH --job-name=example
#SBATCH --account=project_2000745
#SBATCH --partition=small
#SBATCH --reservation=mpi_intro
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=4

srun my_mpi_exe

Save the script e.g. as and submit it with sbatch The output of job will be in file slurm-xxxxx.out. You can check the status of your jobs with squeue -u $USER and kill possible hanging applications with scancel JOBID.

The reservation mpi_intro is available during the course days and it is accessible only with the training user accounts.

Running in local workstation

In most MPI implementations parallel program can be started with the mpiexec launcher:

mpiexec -n 4 ./my_mpi_exe


The Allinea DDT parallel debugger is available in CSC supercomputers. In order to use the debugger, build your code first with the -g flag. The DDT is then enabled via the module system:

module load ddt

The debugger is run in an interactive session, and for proper functioning the environment variable SLURM_OVERLAP needs to be set.

  1. Set SLURM_OVERLAP and request Slurm allocation interactively:
salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=2 --account=project_2000745 --partition=small --reservation=mpi_intro
  1. Start the application under debugger
ddt srun ./buggy

For smoother GUI performance, we recommend using NoMachine remote desktop to connect to Puhti.

Performance analysis with ScoreP / Scalasca

Start by loading scorep and scalasca modules:

module load scorep scalasca

Instrument the application by prepeding compile command with scorep:

scorep mpicc -o my_mpi_app my_mpi_code.c

Collect and create flat profile by prepending srun with scan:

#SBATCH --ntasks=8

module load scalasca
scan srun ./my_mpi_app

Scalasca analysis report explorer square does not work currently in the CSC supercomputers, but the experiment directory can be copied to local workstation for visual analysis:

(On local workstation)

rsync -r .

The scorep-score command can be used also in the supercomputers to estimate storage requirements before starting tracing:

scorep-score -r scorep_my_mpi_app_8_sum/profile.cubex

In order to collect and analyze the trace, add -q and -t options to scan:

#SBATCH --ntasks=8

module load scalasca
scan -q -t srun ./my_mpi_app

The experiment directory containing the trace can now be copied to local workstation for visual analysis:

rsync -r .

On CSC supercomputers, one can use Intel Traceanalyzer for investigating the trace (Traceanalyzer can read the .otf2 produced by ScoreP / Scalasca):

module load intel-itac
traceanalyzer &

Next, choose the "Open" dialog and select the trace.otf2 file within the experiment directory (e.g. scorep_my_mpi_app_8_trace). For smoother GUI performance, we recommend using NoMachine remote desktop to connect to Puhti.

More information about Scalasca can be found in CSC User Documentation