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00:00|midnight|While they were drinking at the fountain, church clocks began to strike midnight. Missis said gladly, “Oh, Pongo, it’s tomorrow! Now we shall be with our puppies today!”|The 101 Dalmatians|Dodie Smith|sfw
00:00|midnight|At midnight the entrances were thrown wide, and the rabble, surging in, occupied the quarters assigned to them, from which nothing less than an earthquake or an army with spears could have dislodged them. They dozed the night away on the benches, and breakfasted there; and there the close of the exercises found them, patient and sight-hungry as in the beginning.|Ben-Hur|Lew Wallace|sfw
00:00|midnight|“I thought you asleep,” he said, presently.<br/>“Sleep is for old people and little children, and I came out to look at my friends, the stars in the south—those now holding the curtains of midnight over the Nile. But confess yourself surprised!”|Ben-Hur|Lew Wallace|sfw
00:00|midnight|Ren said, "If you go to the football field at midnight on Halloween and say his name three times, his ghost is supposed to appear."|Copper River|William Kent Krueger|sfw
00:00|midnight|"You, Willi, my friend," said Pastor Fritz softly, "you who sit in midnight darkness at midday, is this Jesus Christ a horn of salvation, a light in your darkness?"|Bright Valley of Love|Edna Hong|sfw
00:00|midnight|You take a black cat---isn't that it?---that does not have even one white hair (you know this), and you bind his four paws, and then you take him at midnight to a crossroads and you cry out in a loud voice:|The Name of the Rose|Umberto Eco|unknown
00:00|midnight|And I was the lion you do not remember who pushed the boat in which you lay, a child near death, so that it came to the shore where a man sat, wakeful at midnight, to receive you.|The Horse and His Boy|C.S. Lewis|unknown
00:00|midnight|If Jill had been more used to adventures, she might have doubted the Owl’s word, but this never occurred to her; and in the exciting idea of a midnight escape she forgot her sleepiness.|The Silver Chair|C.S. Lewis|unknown
00:00|midnight|“And almost exactly at midnight, the Count’s patience was rewarded. For in accordance with the instructions he’d written to Richard, every telephone on the first floor of the Metropol began to ring.”|A Gentleman in Moscow|Amor Towles|unknown
00:00|midnight|“Wins Sibby damn it!” Mr. Hubert said. “Wins Sibby! What the hell else are we setting up till midnight arguing about?”|Go Down Moses|William Faulkner|nsfw
00:00|Midnight|Midnight, and there was frost on the fields and patches of black ice on a road notorious for its accidents—there were bunches of dead flowers tied to fence posts and telegraph poles, and torn gaps in hedges, like some kind of failed crop.|The Body Lies|Jo Baker|unknown
00:00|midnight|The Place St. Sulpice, so quiet and deserted, where toward midnight there came every night the woman with the busted umbrella and the crazy veil. Every night she slept there on a bench under her torn umbrella, the ribs hanging down, her dress turning green, her bony fingers and the odor of decay oozing from her body; and in the morning I’d be sitting there myself, taking a quiet snooze in the sunshine, cursing the god-damned pigeons gathering up the crumbs everywhere.|Tropic of Cancer|Henry Miller|nsfw
00:00|midnight|The house is empty, but Eugene sings as if he had for audience all the crowned heads of Europe. The garden door is open and the odor of wet leaves sops in and the rain blends with Eugene’s 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦 and 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦. At midnight, after the spectators have saturated the hall with perspiration and foul breaths, I return to sleep on a bench. The exit light, swimming in a halo of tobacco smoke, sheds a faint light on the lower corner of the asbestos curtain; I close my eyes every night on an artificial eye ...|Tropic of Cancer|Henry Miller|unknown
00:00|midnight|Trevor had on an Andy Warhol costume: blond bobbed wig, thick black glasses, tight striped shirt. My first impression of him was that he was free spirited, clever, funny. That proved to be completely inaccurate. We left the party together and walked around for hours, lied to each other about our happy lives, ate pizza at midnight, took the Staten Island Ferry back and forth and watched the sun rise.|My Year of Rest and Relaxation|Ottessa Moshfegh|unknown
00:00|midnight|J. Came to my bed at midnight, and during our athletics, my door was barged. Farcical horror! Thank God J. had locked it on her way in. The doorknob rattled, insistent knocking began. Fear can clear the mind as well as cloud it, and remembering my 𝘋𝘰𝘯 𝘑𝘶𝘢𝘯, I hid J. in a nest of coverlets and sheets in my sagging bed and left the curtain half open to show I had nothing to hide.|Cloud Atlas|David Mitchell|nsfw
00:00|midnight|It was an animal thing. A wilderness thing. Nothing about her belonged to her previous self in that moment. Above all her voice. This could have been the high shriek of a hawk, the soul-haunting howl of a wolf, the rasping cry of a red fox at midnight. It could have been any of them, but not the scream of a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl.|The Island of Missing Trees|Elif Shafak|unknown
00:00|midnight|Oliver Dubois rammed a pickup truck through his front door on a sweaty midnight in July, at the tail end of a massive block party. <br>It wasn’t his truck, and the street was closed to traffic, so the vehicle’s emergence out of darkness and slow rumble up Oak Drive scattered neighbors and guests alike into confused groups on candlelit lawns.|Behind the Lie|Emilya Naymark|unknown
00:00|Midnight|She looked at the digital display of her watch.<br>00:00:00<br>Midnight, as the clock had told her.<br>She waited for the next second to arrive, but it didn’t.|The Midnight Library|Matt Haig|unknown
00:00|midnight|Farewell, sweet playfellow: pray thou for us;<br>And good luck grant thee thy Demetrius!-<br>Keep word, Lysander: we must starve our sight<br>From lovers’ food till morrow deep midnight.|A Midsummer Night’s Dream|William Shakespeare|unknown
00:00|midnight|Here before me was a vast sweep of empty space: just the closed door and me, and only the stars sprinkled across the midnight sky to see what I did next. Did those cold, distant lights watch with any vestige of the humans they had once been, those special, chosen, favored ones who had brushed to close to the divine?|Ariadne|Jennifer Saint|unknown
00:00|midnight|Had the lure of blood and ecstasy in the midnight woods brought her sailing over the glittering blue waters? I wondered why she was here now, in the vineyard.|Ariadne|Jennifer Saint|unknown
00:00|midnight|She summoned the police and, when the men came, sympathetic, at midnight, she gave testimony. To have given a home to the wolf and succour to the rabid dog.|The Power|Naomi Alderman|unknown
00:00|midnight|One Christmas at midnight on the button, at the old place, the ward door blows open with a crash, in comes a fat man with a beard, eyes ringed red by the cold and his nose just the color of a cherry.|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|unknown
00:00|midnight|At midnight, the lights in the café’s kitchen could be particularly harsh. Without the comfort of the daylight streaming in through the stained-glass window, everything in the room looked grim and utilitarian.|Pomegranate Soup|Marsha Mehran|unknown
00:00|midnight|Sometimes there is no darker place than our own thoughts; the moonless midnight of the mind.|Fear Nothing: A Novel|Dean Koontz|unknown
00:00|midnight|“It starts at midnight.”|Catching Fire|Suzanne Collins|unknown
00:00|midnight|Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows|J.K. Rowling|unknown
00:00|twelve o’clock|“I shall never forget his flying Henry’s kite for him that very windy day last Easter—and ever since his particular kindness last September twelvemonth in writing that note, at twelve o’clock at night, on purpose to assure me that there was no scarlet fever at Cobham, I have been convinced there could not be a more feeling heart nor a better man in existence.—If any body can deserve him, it must be Miss Taylor.”|Emma|Jane Austen|unknown
00:00|twelve o’clock|On the night after his ride to Lawrenceville a crowd sallied to New York in quest of adventure, and started back to Princeton about twelve o’clock in two machines. It had been a gay party and different stages of sobriety were represented.|This Side of Paradise|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
00:00|midnight|As midnight was striking bronze blows upon the dusky air, Dorian Gray, dressed commonly, and with a muffler wrapped round his throat, crept quietly out of his house.|The Picture of Dorian Gray|Oscar Wilde|unknown
00:00|midnight|"But wait till I tell you," he said. "We had a midnight lunch too after all the jollification and when we sallied forth it was blue o'clock the morning after the night before." |Ulysses|James Joyce|unknown
00:00|midnight|"Midnight," you said. What is midnight to the young? And suddenly a festive blaze was flung Across five cedar trunks, snow patches showed, And a patrol car on our bumpy road Came to a crunching stop. Retake, retake!|Pale Fire|Vladimir Nabokov|unknown
00:00|12.00|That a man who could hardly see anything more than two feet away from him could be employed as a security guard suggested to me that our job was not to secure anything but to report for work every night, fill the bulky ledger with cryptic remarks like 'Patrolled perimeter 12.00 pm, No Incident' and go to the office every fortnight for our wages and listen to the talkative Ms Elgassier.|A Squatter's Tale|Ike Oguine|unknown
00:00|midnight|'Tis the year's midnight, and it is the day's, Lucy's, who scarce seven hours herself unmasks; The sun is spent, and now his flasks Send forth light squibs, no constant rays;|A Nocturnal upon St Lucy's Day|John Donne|unknown
00:00|midnight|At midnight his wife and daughter might still be bustling about, preparing holiday delicacies in the kitchen, straightening up the house, or perhaps getting their kimonos ready or arranging flowers. Oki would sit in the living room and listen to the radio. As the bells rang he would look back at the departing year. He always found it a moving experience.|Beauty and Sadness|Yasunari Kawabata|unknown
00:00|twelve|Bernardo: 'Tis now struck twelve; get thee to bed, Francisco.|Hamlet|William Shakespeare|unknown
00:00|midnight|But, odder still - Big Ben had once again struck midnight. The time outside still corresponded to that registered by the stopped gilt clock, inside. Inside and outside matched exactly, but both were badly wrong. H'm.|Nights at the Circus|Angela Carter|sfw
00:00|midnight|But in the end I understood this language. I understood it, I understood it, all wrong perhaps. That is not what matters. It told me to write the report. Does this mean I am freer now than I was? I do not know. I shall learn. Then I went back into the house and wrote, It is midnight. The rain is beating on the windows. It was not midnight. It was not raining.|Molloy|Samuel Beckett|unknown
00:00|0000h.|Cartridges not allowed after 0000h., to encourage sleep.|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|unknown
00:00|0000h|Gately can hear the horns and raised voices and u-turn squeals way down below on Wash. That indicates it's around 0000h., the switching hour.|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|unknown
00:00|twelve|Hamlet: What hour now? Horatio: I think it lacks of twelve. Marcellus: No, it is struck.|Hamlet|William Shakespeare|unknown
00:00|midnight|He is certain he heard footsteps: they come nearer, and then die away. The ray of light beneath his door is extinguished. It is midnight; some one has turned out the gas; the last servant has gone to bed, and he must lie all night in agony with no one to bring him any help.|Swann's Way|Marcel Proust|unknown
00:00|midnight|I am conceived to the chimes of midnight on the clock on the mantelpiece in the room across the hall. The clock once belonged to my great-grandmother (a woman called Alice) and its tired chime counts me into the world.|Behind the Scenes at the Museum|Kate Atkinson|unknown
00:00|twelve|I took her hand in mine, and bid her be composed; for a succession of shudders convulsed her frame, and she would keep straining her gaze towards the glass. 'There's nobody here!' I insisted. 'It was YOURSELF, Mrs. Linton: you knew it a while since.' 'Myself!' she gasped, 'and the clock is striking twelve! It's true, then! that's dreadful!'|Wuthering Heights|Emily Brontë|unknown
00:00|midnight|I was born in the city of Bombay . . . On the stroke of midnight, as a matter of fact. Clock-hands joined palms in respectful greeting as I came. Oh, spell it out, spell it out: at the precise instant of India's arrival at independence, I tumbled forth into the world.|Midnight's Children|Salman Rushdie|unknown
00:00|midnight|It is midnight. The rain is beating on the windows. I am calm. All is sleeping. Nevertheless I get up and go to my desk. I can't sleep.|Molloy|Samuel Beckett|unknown
00:00|midnight|Midnight had come upon the crowded city. The palace, the night-cellar, the jail, the madhouse; the chambers of birth and death, of health and sickness; the rigid face of the corpse and the calm sleep of the child - midnight was upon them all.|Oliver Twist|Charles Dickens|unknown
00:00|midnight|Once upon a midnight dreary,<br/>while I pondered weak and weary,<br/>Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,<br/>While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,<br/>As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.<br/>"Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more."|The Raven|Edgar Allan Poe|unknown
00:00|twelve|The clock striketh twelve O it strikes, it strikes! Now body, turn to air, Or Lucifer will bear thee quick to hell. O soul, be changed into little water drops, And fall into the ocean, ne'er to be found. My God, my God, look not so fierce on me!|Dr. Faustus|Christopher Marlowe|unknown
00:00|midnight|The first night, as soon as the corporal had conducted my uncle Toby up stairs, which was about 10 - Mrs. Wadman threw herself into her arm chair, and crossing her left knee with her right, which formed a resting-place for her elbow, she reclin'd her cheek upon the palm of her hand, and leaning forwards, ruminated until midnight upon both sides of the question.|The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman|Laurence Sterne|unknown
00:00|twelve o'clock|To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born (as I have been informed an believe) on a Friday, at twelve o'clock at night. It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously.|David Copperfield|Charles Dickens|unknown
00:00|midnight|We have heard the chimes at midnight.|Henry IV|William Shakespeare|unknown
00:00|midnight|It was surely midnight by now. A lone bird called, and the individual trees melted together in one forbidding and unfriendly mass. To Savonius they seemed to incarnate this dismal adventure which had been thrust on him against his will. Somewhere in this deep forest lay this demented man he was supposed to try to comfort and calm.|The Hammer of God|Bo Giertz|unknown
00:00|midnight|There was the midnight hike with the boys to the end of the promenade and the big argument about the election of a housemaster. What had become of responsibility and service? And brotherly love?|The Hammer of God|Bo Giertz|unknown
00:01|one minute past midnight|“Perhaps. But it might be wise to warn them that I felt it was my duty to inform the tax authorities of your presence in Bristol, so don’t be surprised if the police board your yacht at one minute past midnight and seize it.”|This Was a Man|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
00:01|a minute after midnight|She was wearing a watch. Not a digital one, in this life. An elegant, slender analogue one, with Roman numerals. It was about a minute after midnight. <br/>How is this happening?|The Midnight Library|Matt Haig|unknown
00:01|one minute past midnight|With the appointed execution time of one minute past midnight just seconds away, I knocked on the metal door twice. The lock turned and the door swiftly swung open.|Death at Midnight|Donald A. Cabana|unknown
00:01|One minute after midnight|And on all sides there were the clocks. Conrad noticed them immediately, at every street corner, over every archway, three quarters of the way up the sides of buildings, covering every conceivable angle of approach. Most of them were too high off the ground to be reached by anything less than a fireman's ladder and still retained their hands. All registered the same time: 12:01. Conrad looked at his wristwatch, noted that it was just 2:45.<br/>"They were driven by a master dock," Stacey told him. "When that stopped, they all ceased at the same moment. One minute after midnight, thirty-seven years ago."|Chronopolis|J.G. Ballard|unknown
00:02|two minutes past twelve|At two minutes past twelve the door opens and two men come into the lobby. One is tall with black hair combed in a 50’s pompadour. The other is short and bespectacled. Both are wearing suits.|Billy Summers|Stephen King|unknown
00:02|0.02|The time was a quarter to twelve when I reached the station, and there was a train at 0.02, arriving at Paris about half past two p. m. on the following day.|The real Life of Sebastian Knight|Vladimir Nabokov|sfw
00:02|Two minutes past midnight|Two minutes past midnight. With me in the lead the fourteen other men of Teams Yellow, White and Red moved out of the clearing and separated for points along the wall where they would cross over into the grounds.|Night of the Krait|Shashi Warrier|unknown
00:03|three minutes after midnight|Early this morning, 1 January 2021, three minutes after midnight, the last human to be born on earth was killed in a pub brawl in a suburb of Buenos Aires, aged twenty-five years, two months and twelve days.|The Children of Men|P.D. James|unknown
00:03|three minutes past midnight|It was just three minutes past midnight when I last saw Archer Harrison alive. I remember, because I said it was two minutes past and he looked at his watch and said it was three minutes past.|Since Ibsen|George Jean Nathan|unknown
00:03|Three minutes after midnight.|Suddenly I felt a great stillness in the air, then a snapping of tension. I glanced at my watch. Three minutes after midnight. I was breathing normally and my pen moved freely across the page. Whatever stalked me wasn’t quite as clever as I’d feared, I thought, careful not to pause in my work.|The Historian|Elizabeth Kostova|unknown
00:04|four minutes past twelve|At four minutes past twelve, Frank Macintosh and Paulie Logan enter the lobby dressed in their suits. There are handshakes all around. Frank’s pompadour appears to have had an oil change.|Billy Summers|Stephen King|unknown
00:04|four minutes past midnight|At four minutes past midnight, January 22, Admiral Lowry's armada of more than 250 ships reached the transport area off Anzio. The sea was calm, the night was black.|Anzio: Epic of Bravery|Fred Sheehan|unknown
00:05|after twelve o'clock|It was after twelve o'clock when Easton came home. Ruth recognised his footsteps before he reached the house, and her heart seemed to stop beating when she heard the clang of the gate, as it closed after he had passed through.|The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists|Robert Tressell|unknown
00:05|0005h|E.M. Security, normally so scrupulous with their fucking trucks at 0005h., is nowhere around, lending weight to yet another cliché. If you asked Gately what he was feeling right this second he'd have no idea.|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|nsfw
00:05|Midnight. Five past.|Midnight. Five past. Tomorrow has become today.|An affair of honor|Vladimir Nabokov|sfw
00:06|six minutes past midnight|At six minutes past midnight, death relieved the sufferer.|West of Hell's Fringe|Glenn Shirley|unknown
00:07|seven minutes after midnight|It was seven minutes after midnight. The dog was lying on the grass in the middle of the lawn in front of Mrs. Shears's house. Its eyes were closed. It looked as if it was running on its side, the way dogs run when they think they are chasing a cat in a dream.|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|sfw
00:08|eight past midnight|"Hour of the night!" exclaimed the priest; "it is day, not night, and the hour is eight past midnight!"|The Brigantine|James Pascoe|unknown
00:09|12.09 am|At 12.09 am on 18 October, the cavalcade had reached the Karsaz Bridge, still ten kilometres from her destination.|The Bhutto Murder Trail: From Waziristan to GHQ|Amir Mir|unknown
00:10|ten minutes past midnight|"Munster tells me that it was in the display case when he locked up last night. That was at ten minutes past midnight. He unlocked this morning shortly after six but didn't look at the display case, although he thinks that he might have noticed if the arm had gone. But he can't be sure."|The Skull Beneath the Skin|P.D. James|sfw
00:10|ten minutes past midnight|It was at ten minutes past midnight. Three police cars, Alsations and a black maria arrive at the farmhouse. The farmer clad only in a jock-strap, refused them entry.|The Queue|Jonathan Barrow|unknown
00:10|ten minutes past midnight|At ten minutes past midnight a call was made to the police by Garry Ashe from his aunt's house to say that he had returned from a walk to discover her body.|A Certain Justice|P.D. James|unknown
00:11|12:11|She was to leave the reception as soon as she could and return to her room to change clothes. At 12:11 there'd be another blackout, during which she'd take the outside stairwell to the ground floor and wait at the exit for a Broadmoor's catering van.|The Enclave|Karen Hancock|sfw
00:11|eleven minutes past midnight|The first incendiaries to hit St Thomas's Hospital had splattered Riddell House at eleven minutes past midnight, from where a few hours earlier the Archbishop of Canterbury had given 'an inspiring address'.|The Longest Night|Gavin Mortimer|unknown
00:12|0 Hours, 12 Minutes|Clock time is 0 Hours, 12 Minutes, 0 Seconds. Twenty three minutes later, they have their first sight of Venus. Each lies with his Eye clapp'd to the Snout of an identical two and a half foot Gregorian reflector made by Mr. Short, with Darkening-Nozzles by Mr. Bird.|Mason & Dixon|Thomas Pynchon|unknown
00:12|twelve minutes past midnight|It was twelve minutes past midnight when mother and daughter saw the first lightning strike. It hit the main barn with such force the ground trembled under their feet.|Kentucky Heat|Fern Michaels|unknown
00:13|thirteen minutes past midnight|It's thirteen minutes past midnight. We're on yet another plane, this time from San Diego To Boston via Chicago. All around me people are sleeping.|Madlands|Anna Rose|unknown
00:14|fourteen minutes past midnight|It was exactly fourteen minutes past midnight when he completed the final call. Among the men he had reached were honourable men. Their voices would be heard by the President.|The Matarese Circle|Robert Ludlum|unknown
00:15|twelve-fifteen|At twelve-fifteen he got out of the van. He tucked the pistol under the waistband of his trousers and crossed the silent, deserted street to the Hudston house.|Watchers|Dean Koontz|unknown
00:15|quarter past twelve|The party broke up after supper about a quarter past twelve. Seeing her visitors off, Olga Mihalovna stood at the door and said:<br/>"You really ought to take a shawl! It's turning a little chilly. Please God, you don't catch cold!"|The Party and Other Stories|Anton Pavlovich Chekhov|sfw
00:16|sixteen minutes past midnight|At sixteen minutes past midnight, Block 4 was hit and the roof set alight.|The Longest Night|Gavin Mortimer|unknown
00:17|twelve seventeen a.m.|"So you deduce that I arrived at the fallen tree later than twelve seventeen a.m. It may have been so. As I wasn't concocting an alibi, I didn't check the time every two minutes."|Shroud for a Nightingale|P.D. James|sfw
00:17|seventeen minutes after twelve|Kava ordered two glasses of coffee for himself and his beloved and some cake. When the pair left, exactly seventeen minutes after twelve, the club began to buzz with excitement.|Vanvild Kava|Isaac Bashevis Singer|unknown
00:18|eighteen minutes past midnight|Instantaneously the oblong became a square; then that, too, was extinguished. Toynton Grange lay, a faintly discerned shape etched in the darkness on the silent headland. Curious, he looked at his watch. The time was eighteen minutes past midnight.|The Black Tower|P.D. James|sfw
00:18|12:18 a.m.|21st December 1985, 12:18 a.m.<br/>[IN BED]<br/>Michael doesn’t believe in Heaven or Hell. He’s got closer to death than most living people and he tells me there was no tunnel of light or dancing angels. I’m a bit disappointed, to be honest.|The Book of Lies|Mary Horlock|unknown
00:19|nineteen minutes past midnight|I leaped out of bed, ran down the stairs and into the kitchen through that harsh, searing light. The clock on the wall was showing nineteen minutes past midnight. I grabbed my black raincoat from the hook by the back door, pulled on my wellington boots, one of which was almost impossible to get my foot into, and rushed outside.|After the Fire|Henning Mankell|unknown
00:20|twelve-twenty|When the police arrived at twelve-twenty they found Mrs. O'Keefe lying on a single divan in her front sitting-room, practically naked.|A Certain Justice|P.D. James|nsfw
00:20|twelve twenty|“But by the time he reached the top of the hill the woman’s body had basically been eaten up already by the flies, right?” my friend said.<br>“In a sense,” his girlfriend replied.<br>“In a sense being eaten by the flies makes it a sad story, doesn’t it?” my friend said.<br>“Yes, I guess so,” she said after giving it some thought. “What do you think?” she asked me.<br>“Sounds like a sad story to me,” I replied.<br>It was twelve twenty when my cousin came back.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
00:20|twelve-twenty|Now she was kneading the little ball of hot paste on the convex margin of the bowl and I could smell the opium. There is no smell like it. Beside the bed the alarm-clock showed twelve-twenty, but already my tension was over. Pyle had diminished.|The Quiet American|Graham Greene|nsfw
00:21|12:21|The aircraft took off at 12:21, and while the rest of the family dozed, Sasha went over the speech he would deliver on arrival at the airport. He also needed to prepare a eulogy for his uncle’s funeral, but that would have to wait until they checked into their hotel.|Heads You Win|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
00:21|12:21 A.M.|12:21 A.M.<br/>Uh-oh. Vance felt the tracks suddenly shiver. Then with what sounded like a painful grind of metal on metal, the gantry started moving again. They'd decided to override the safety shutoff.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|sfw
00:21|12.21 am|Nobody had been one of Mycroft Ward's most important operatives and for sixty seconds every day, between 12.21 am and 12.22 am., his laptop was permitted to connect directly with the gigantic online database of self that was Mycroft Ward's mind.|The Raw Shark Texts|Steven Hall|unknown
00:22|12.22 am|Nobody had been one of Mycroft Ward's most important operatives and for sixty seconds every day, between 12.21 am and 12.22 am., his laptop was permitted to connect directly with the gigantic online database of self that was Mycroft Ward's mind.|The Raw Shark Texts|Steven Hall|unknown
00:23|twenty-three minutes past midnight|Oskar weighed the wristwatch in his hand, then gave the rather fine piece with its luminous dial showing twenty-three minutes past midnight to little Pinchcoal. He looked up inquiringly at his chief. Störtebeker nodded his assent. And Oskar said, as he adjusted his drum snugly for the trip home: "Jesus will lead the way. Follow thou me!"|The Tin Drum|Günter Grass|sfw
00:24|12.24 am|Sanders with Sutton as his gunner began their patrol at 12.24 am, turning south towards Beachy Head at 10,000 ft.|The Longest Night|Gavin Mortimer|unknown
00:25|12:25|After a moment reality reasserted itself, and she realized she hadn't been hallucinating, but dreaming. The clock on the desk read 12:55. They'd begun their ten-minute session at 12:25, so obviously she had twenty minutes to account for.|The Enclave|Karen Hancock|sfw
00:25|five-and-twenty minutes past midnight|Charlotte remembered that she had heard Gregoire go downstairs again, almost immediately after entering his bedroom, and before the servants had even bolted the house-doors for the night. He had certainly rushed off to join Therese in some coppice, whence they must have hurried away to Vieux-Bourg station which the last train to Paris quitted at five-and-twenty minutes past midnight. And it was indeed this which had taken place.|Fruitfulness|Emile Zola|unknown
00:25|Twenty-five past midnight|I mean, look at the time! Twenty-five past midnight! It was a triumph, it really was!|The Soldier's Wife|Joanna Trollope|unknown
00:26|12.26 am|"A Mr. Dutta from King's Cross called and told me you were on your way. He said you wanted to see the arrival of yesterday's 12.26 am. It'll take me a few minutes to cue up the footage. Our regular security bloke isn't here today; he's up before Haringey Magistrates' Court for gross indecency outside the headquarters of the Dagenham Girl Pipers."|Bryant & May Off the Rails|Christopher Fowler|unknown
00:27|twenty-seven minutes past midnight|Blake came off the bus behind a pudgy woman carrying a sleeping baby in her arms. The bus driver was talking to a flashy little twist He didn’t even turn to look at the woman and her baby. Blake caught her as she stumbled. She turned and smiled wearily at him. Blake nodded to her and looked up at the terminal clock. It was then twenty-seven minutes past midnight.|Mourn the Hangman|Harry Whittington|unknown
00:28|12.28|The DRINK CHEER-UP COFFEE wall clock read 12.28.|11/22/63|Stephen King|unknown
00:29|Twenty-nine minutes past twelve|"What time is it?" asked Teeny-bits.<br/>The station agent hauled out his big silver watch, looked at it critically and announced: "Twenty-nine minutes past twelve.”<br/>“Past twelve!" repeated Teeny-bits. "It can't be."|The Mark of the Knife|Clayton H. Ernst|sfw
00:30|Half-past twelve o’clock|Half-past twelve o’clock came; Turkey began to glow in the face, overturn his inkstand, and become generally obstreperous; Nippers abated down into quietude and courtesy; Ginger Nut munched his noon apple; and Bartleby remained standing at his window in one of his profoundest dead-wall reveries.|Bartleby, the Scrivener|Herman Melville|unknown
00:30|half past midnight|“I love you more than you can possibly know.”<br>“I love you too.” I smile and his lips linger on my cheek. As he walks down the hall, I note the time: half past midnight.|Bath Haus|P.J. Vernon|unknown
00:30|half-past twelve|It was half-past twelve when I returned to the Albany as a last desperate resort. The scene of my disaster was much as I had left it. The baccarat-counters still strewed the table, with the empty glasses and the loaded ash-trays. A window had been opened to let the smoke out, and was letting in the fog instead.|The Amateur Cracksman|E.W. Hornung|unknown
00:31|00:31|Third individual approaches unnoticed and without caution. Once within reach, individual reaches out toward subjects. Recording terminates: timecode: 00:31:02.|Zombie Apocalypse! Fightback|Stephen Jones|unknown
00:32|12:32|Meticulously he noted the time by the wall clock over the fireplace and made a record in his book. "12:32 Mr. Courtney-Brigs reports fallen tree across the Winchester Road path."|Shroud for a Nightingale|P.D. James|sfw
00:32|Thirty-two minutes past midnight|Thirty-two minutes past midnight; the way things were going I could be at it all night. Before beginning a completely new search of the dial I had a thought: maybe this safe didn't open on zero as older models did, but on a factory-set number.|Ixtapa|Everette Howard Hunt|unknown
00:33|thirty-three minutes past twelve|Stephen Maxie looked him straight in the eye and said almost casually: “It was thirty-three minutes past twelve by my watch.|Cover Her Face|P.D. James|unknown
00:34|Thirty-four minutes past midnight|Thirty-four minutes past midnight. 'We got ten minutes to be back here.' LT didn't argue. Schoolboy knew his former trade. LT's eyes fretted over the museum. 'Not still worrying about the security, are you, because there ain't none.'|Killer Tune|Dreda Say Mitchell|unknown
00:35|thirty-five minutes past midnight|Mrs. Gentrie looked at the clock. It was thirty-five minutes past midnight.|The Case of the Empty Tin|Erle Stanley Gardner|unknown
00:35|thirty-five minutes past midnight|The clock read thirty-five minutes past midnight. I was dazed from the deepness of the sleep. Who could be calling me at this hour?|A Cat on the Cutting Edge|Lydia Adamson|unknown
00:36|Thirty-six minutes past midnight|The prosecutor looked at her gold watch. Thirty-six minutes past midnight.|The Frozen Dead|Bernard Minier|unknown
00:37|thirty-seven minutes past midnight|A glance at the luminous dial of his watch showed to be thirty-seven minutes past midnight.|Not a Marrying Man|Dixie Browning|unknown
00:37|12:37 AM|Stephen looked at his bedside clock. 12:37 AM.<br/>He went into the kitchen, and grabbed a Vanilla Coke from the refrigerator. In the living room, he opened the DVD cabinet, and ran his eyes across the hundreds of titles.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|sfw
00:38|twelve thirty-eight a.m.|"You left the main hospital building at about midnight. You spoke to the porter at the main gate at twelve thirty-eight a.m. Where were you between those times?"|Shroud for a Nightingale|P.D. James|sfw
00:38|thirty-eight minutes past midnight|Somewhere he'd lost three days; for he'd entered the burning veil Thursday, thirty-eight minutes past midnight. Yes. But keep cool. There's more at stake than three lost days. There must be; otherwise why the police?|Redemolished|Alfred Bester|unknown
00:38|12:38 a.m.|Justin turned on the light and groggily looked at the Sony clock radio which said it was 12:38 a.m. The screams in his dream had been painfully, frighteningly real, but he could not remember where the screams had come from.|Crow's Nest|G.V. Miller|unknown
00:39|12:39 a.m.|It was 12:39 a.m. and I watched the moon fall prey to an evil-looking pack of galloping dark clouds.|Monastery Nightmare|Ross H. Spencer|unknown
00:40|twelve-forty|He looked around the carriage he was sitting in. It was full of night people, waiters, nurses, party returners, drunks—even a traffic warden. The train eventually pulled into his station at twelve-forty.|A Matter of Honor|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
00:40|twelve-forty|It was the opinion of the forensic pathologist who saw the body at twelve-forty that Mrs. O'Keefe had died very shortly after her return home.|A Certain Justice|P.D. James|sfw
00:40|Twenty minutes to one|"Twenty minutes to one?" exclaimed Helen. "My mother will certainly think we're lost. But I hate to go. It is magnificent, even if it is terrible."|White Ashes|Sidney R. Kennedy|sfw
00:41|12:41 am|By the time he came back to his car, it was 12:41 am. I was standing outside my car, just waiting and he noticed me.|Blood Ties|Geraldo Cruz|unknown
00:42|eighteen minutes to one|The butt had been growing warm in her fingers; now the glowing end stung her skin. She crushed the cigarette out and stood, brushing ash from her black skirt. It was eighteen minutes to one. She went to the house phone and called his room. The telephone rang and rang, but there was no answer.|Marjorie Morningstar|Herman Wouk|unknown
00:43|Twelve-forty-three|Died five minutes ago, you say? he asked. His eye went to the watch on his wrist. Twelve-forty-three, he wrote on the blotter.|A Pocket Full of Rye|Agatha Christie|unknown
00:44|12:44 A.M.|It was 12:44 A.M. when she turned the corner by Brulee's onto Stateline Road. She waited on the approaching train.|Burning Embers|Wayne Pearson|unknown
00:45|quarter of one|It was a banging shutter somewhere below that woke me. I picked my watch up from the night table and saw it was quarter of one. I didn’t think there was going to be any more sleep for me until that banging stopped, so I got dressed, started out the door, then returned to the closet for my slicker. When I got downstairs, I paused. From the big bedroom down the hall from the parlor, I could hear Mrs. S sawing wood in long, noisy strokes. No banging shutter was going to break her rest.|Joyland|Stephen King|unknown
00:45|12.45|At 12.45, during a lull, Mr. Yoshogi told me that owing to the war there were now many more women in England than men.|Pig and Pepper: A Comedy of Youth|David Footman|unknown
00:45|third quarter after midnight|At the thought he jumped to his feet and took down from its hook the coat in which he had left Miss Viner's letter. The clock marked the third quarter after midnight, and he knew it would make no difference if he went down to the post-box now or early the next morning; but he wanted to clear his conscience, and having found the letter he went to the door.|The Reef|Edith Wharton|unknown
00:46|12:46 a.m.|Teddy wrote that phone records confirm Miss Lutton's story. She called at 12:46 a.m.|Dial M for Mischief|Kasey Michaels|sfw
00:47|12:47 a.m|At 12:47 a.m, Uncle Ho left us forever.|Last Night I Dreamed of Peace|Andrew X. Pham|sfw
00:48|12:48 a.m.|Stanton shut the light off, glancing quickly at the clock's red numerals; it was 12:48 a.m. She tried to remember what day it was.|The Moriah Ruse|Marvin Wiebener|unknown
00:49|12:49 A.M.|That's when they began yelling for help. A security guard at a nearby high-rise heard their cries and called police. It was 12:49 A.M. Metro-Dade Officer Bart Cohen and his partner arrived one minute later.|Never Let Them See You Cry|Edna Buchanan|unknown
00:50|12.50|The packing was done at 12.50; and Harris sat on the big hamper, and said he hoped nothing would be found broken. George said that if anything was broken it was broken, which reflection seemed to comfort him. He also said he was ready for bed.|Three Men in a Boat|Jerome K. Jerome|unknown
00:51|12:51|My smile suddenly vanished after realizing the time. It was 12:51 and at one in the morning usually checks us. I tried to run as fast as I could to reach the elevator until I did.|All the Stars Above Us|Jyerrmou|unknown
00:52|12:52 a.m.|New Year’s Eve night, well, way early New Year's morning, 1998\nLet’s be exact: Let’s say it was 12:52 a.m.<br>I discovered what I want:<br>Attention.|The Year of Lovemaking & Crying|Kenneth Robinson|unknown
00:53|12:53 A.M.|But he came out of it so slowly this time that Jacqueline had already picked up the phone and said hello before he was fully awake. The clock said it was 12:53 A.M. A bit early for Meade to call, yet who else could it be?|Impulse|Michael Weaver|unknown
00:54|six minutes to one|Everybody was happy; everybody was complimentary; the ice was soon broken; songs, anecdotes, and more drinks followed, and the pregnant minutes flew. At six minutes to one, when the jollity was at its highest— BOOM! There was silence instantly.|A Double Barrelled Detective Story|Mark Twain|unknown
00:55|12:55|After a moment reality reasserted itself, and she realized she hadn't been hallucinating, but dreaming. The clock on the desk read 12:55. They'd begun their ten-minute session at 12:25, so obviously she had twenty minutes to account for.|The Enclave|Karen Hancock|sfw
00:55|five minutes to one|At five minutes to one, the host of the show emerged from a heated tent to massive applause from the crowd. She was dressed in a fuchsia coat, with a black turtleneck, a knee-length skirt, black tights, and knee-high boots.|The First Phone Call From Heaven|Mitch Albom|unknown
00:55|Five to one|He rolled one way, rolled the other, listened to the loud tick of the clock, and was asleep a minute later. Five to one in the morning. Fifty-one hours to go.|61 Hours|Lee Child|unknown
00:56|twelve fifty-six A.M.|At twelve fifty-six A.M., Jo O'Connor finally gave up on the idea of sleep. For hours she'd been awake worrying about Louis and Stormy and Sarah Two Knives. And about Cork.|Boundary Waters|William Kent Krueger|sfw
00:56|12:56 A.M.|It was 12:56 A.M. when Gerald drove up onto the grass and pulled the limousine right next to the cemetery.|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer|unknown
00:56|12:56|Teacher used to lie awake at night facing that clock, batting his eyelashes against his pillowcase to mimic the sound of the rolling drop action. One night, and this first night is lost in the countless later nights of compounding wonder, he discovered a game. Say the time was 12:56.|Lessons in Essence|Dana Standridge|unknown
00:57|12:57|A minute had passed, and the roller dropped a new leaf. 12:57. 12 + 57 = 69; 6 + 9 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6. 712 + 5 = 717; 71 + 7 = 78; 7 + 8 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6 again.|Lessons in Essence|Dana Standridge|unknown
00:58|almost at one in the morning|It was downright shameless on his part to come visiting them, especially at night, almost at one in the morning, after all that had happened.|The Idiot|Fyodor Dostoyevsky|unknown
00:58|00:58 CET|00:58 CET<br/>"Everything's in place. Now all we have to do is. . ."<br/>William didn't move a muscle until the voice faded away. More words, but they were scattered in the wind. He raised the tarpaulin an inch, and his eyes settled on a group of four men standing only a few yards from the lifeboat.|Nothing Ventured|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
00:59|one minute to one|Only the hoot of a belated car faintly disturbed the silence.<br/>I looked at my wrist-watch. This showed one minute to one. As I raised my eyes, an impatient clock somewhere confirmed its tale.<br/>With a yawn I conjured the terrier to go to sleep and reached for the switch.<br/>As I did so, he growled again.|Berry and Co.|Dornford Yates|sfw
00:59|About one o’clock|"What time is it now?" she said.<br/> "About one o’clock."<br/> "In the morning?"<br/> Herera’s friend leered at her. "No, there’s a total eclipse of the sun."|Freedom|Jonathan Frantzen|unknown
00:59|nearly one o’clock|It was nearly one o’clock when Sherlock Holmes returned from his excursion. He held in his hand a sheet of blue paper, scrawled over with notes and figures.|The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle|unknown
00:59|nearly one o'clock|I looked attentively at her, as she put that singular question to me. It was then nearly one o'clock. All I could discern distinctly by the moonlight was a colourless, youthful face, meagre and sharp to look at about the cheeks and chin; large, grave, wistfully attentive eyes; nervous, uncertain lips; and light hair of a pale, brownish-yellow hue.|The Woman in White|Wilkie Collins|unknown
01:00|one o’clock in the morning|If you want to get out of a house without being seen, the middle of the afternoon is in some ways a better time to try than the middle of the night. Doors and windows are more likely to be open; and if you are caught, you can always pretend you weren’t meaning to go far and had no particular plans. (It is very hard to make either giants or grown-ups believe this if you’re found climbing out of a bedroom window at one o’clock in the morning.)|The Silver Chair|C.S. Lewis|unknown
01:00|one o’clock|He shut down at one o’clock. He had written two pages, and the feeling that he was reverting to the nervous and neurotic man who’d almost burned down his house three years ago was getting harder to dismiss.|If It Bleeds|Stephen King|unknown
01:00|1 a.m.|Shortly before 1 a.m., he answered a knock at the back door and admitted five men, two of whom were expert carpenters.|The Nameless Ones|John Connolly|unknown
01:00|1 a.m.|I want to shout and scream, but I would be screaming at a wall. I storm off to my bedroom. Thirty minutes later, she leaves the house with Gboyega. <br>She doesn’t return till 1 a.m.<br>I don’t sleep till 1 a.m.|My Sister, the Serial Killer|Oyinkan Braithwaite|unknown
01:00|one o’clock|It was one o’clock when we left No. 3, Lauriston Gardens. Sherlock Holmes led me to the nearest telegraph office, whence he dispatched a long telegram. He then hailed a cab, and ordered the driver to take us to the address given us by Lestrade|A Study in Scarlet|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle|unknown
01:00|one o’clock|“Nobody noticed that he got off the ride without his date?”<br>“Nope. This was mid-July, the very height of the season, and the place was a swarming madhouse. They didn’t find the body until one o’clock the next morning, long after the park was closed and the Horror House work-lights were turned on. For the graveyard shift, you know.”|Joyland|Stephen King|unknown
01:00|one o’clock|It was nearly one o’clock when Sherlock Holmes returned from his excursion. He held in his hand a sheet of blue paper, scrawled over with notes and figures.|The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle|unknown
01:00|one o’clock|“Can’t do it, Findle; I’m with somebody else! Call me up to-morrow about one o’clock!”|This Side of Paradise|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
01:00|one o’clock|“About one o’clock they moved to Maxim’s, and two found them in Deviniere’s. Sloane had been drinking consecutively and was in a state of unsteady exhilaration, but Amory was quite tiresomely sober; they had run across none of those ancient, corrupt buyers of champagne who usually assisted their New York parties. "|This Side of Paradise|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
01:00|struck one|The more he thought about it the more puzzled he was… He didn’t understand this revolver<br>business…<br>Somebody in the house had got that revolver…<br>Downstairs a clock struck one.|And Then There Were None|Agatha Christie|unknown
01:00|1.00 am.|1.00 am. I felt the surrounding quietness suffocating me.|Sister|Rosamund Lupton|unknown
01:00|one o’clock|He didn’t know what was at the end of the chute. The opening was narrow (though large enough to take the canary). He dreamed that the chute opened onto vast garbage bins filled with old coffee filters, ravioli in tomato sauce and mangled genitalia. Huge worms, as big as the canary, armed with terrible beaks, would attack the body. Tear off the feet, rip out its intestines, burst the eyeballs. He woke up, trembling; it was only one o’clock. He swallowed three Xanax. So ended his first night of freedom.|Atomised|Michel Houellebecq|nsfw
01:00|one in the morning|I'm the only one awake in this house on this night before the day that will change all our lives. Though it's already that day: the little luminous hands on my alarm clock (which I haven't set) show just gone one in the morning.|Tomorrow|Graham Swift|unknown
01:00|One am|It was the thirtieth of May by now. One am on the thirtieth of May 1940. Quite a famous date on which to be lying awake and staring at the ceiling. Already in the creeks and tidal estuaries of England the pleasure-boats and paddle-steamers were casting their moorings for the day trip to Dunkirk. And, over on the other side, Ted stood as a good a chance as anyone else.|London Belongs to Me|Norman Collins|unknown
01:00|one|Last night of all, When yon same star that's westward from the pole Had made his course t'illume that part of heaven Where now it burns, Marcellus and myself, The bell then beating one.|Hamlet|William Shakespeare|unknown
01:00|one o'clock in the morning|The station was more crowded than he had expected to find it at - what was it? he looked up at the clock - one o'clock in the morning. What in the name of God was he doing on King's Cross station at one o'clock in the morning, with no cigarette and no home that he could reasonably expect to get into without being hacked to death by a homicidal bird?|The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul|Douglas Adams|unknown
01:00|one a.m.|Cut-me-own-Throat Dibbler had wandered off and was doing a busy trade with those late-night revelers who were too drunk to prevent optimism triumphing over experience; anyone who bought a meal at one a.m. after a night’s reveling was probably going to be riotously ill anyway, so they might as well have something to show for it.|Moving Pictures|Terry Pratchett|sfw
01:00|one A.M.|Being caught at one A.M. in a bank’s deposit vault while wearing a black suit with lots of little pockets in it could be considered suspicious, so why do it?|Going Postal|Terry Pratchett|sfw
01:01|About one o’clock|"What time is it now?" she said.<br/> "About one o’clock."<br/> "In the morning?"<br/> Herera’s friend leered at her. "No, there’s a total eclipse of the sun."|Freedom|Jonathan Frantzen|unknown
01:01|one minute past one o'clock|Thus it was that at one minute past one o'clock, when a preternaturally self-respecting porter dispassionately ascertained that nothing more would be required of him till morning and shut himself out of her presence, the girl subsided upon the edge of a bed of such sybaritic character as amply to warrant the designation de luxe, and, flushed and trembling with excitement (now that she dared once again to be her natural self) and with all incredulity appropriate to the circumstances, stared at the young woman who blankly stared back from a long mirror framed in the door.|Nobody|Louis Joseph Vance|sfw
01:02|two minutes past one|Fallon approached the gat at two minutes past one, his swagger evidence of his satisfaction at the turn of events.|Blood Before Sunrise|Amanda Bonilla|sfw
01:02|A little after one o’clock in the morning|A little after one o’clock in the morning, Perena Lewitz arrived at the airport and headed to the Lanea Willats. The spotlights seemed to exaggerate the vast bloated shape of the Q-series freighter.|The Dark Foundations|Chris Walley|sfw
01:03|01:03|Cleveland handed it to Toronto at 01:03 EST; that's seven minutes ago. At the moment, Toronto Center reports the aircraft's position as near London, Ontario. I have more information - course, height, speed - if you want it.|Airport|Arthur Hailey|sfw
01:04|four minutes past one|The electric timepiece on the roofs marked four minutes past one as they rattled past. What people were still awake were most of them inside the shining windows of the restaurants, and the big porters were leaning sleepily against the doorposts of their hostelries. In the cab Ralston wondered what the President would say if he could see him then, chasing all over the town after a young woman and her male escort.|Mortmain|Arthur Cheney Train|sfw
01:04|1:04|She had called twice during the twenty-four hours following the old bastard’s stroke, when it became obvious he was going to snuff it. The phone had not been answered either time.<br>She called again after her father died — this time at 1:04 on the morning of August 2nd. Some drunk had answered the telephone.|The Tommyknockers|Stephen King|nsfw
01:05|five minutes past one|"Certain, sir. It was just five minutes past one when I drove into our mews."<br/> "Now, then, be careful about this, Mountain. I want to know exactly what happened when you drove up to the house. Tell us in your own way."<br/> The coachman looked round amongst the listeners as if he were a little perplexed. "Why, sir," he answered, turning back to Barthorpe, "there was nothing happened!"|The Herapath Property|J.S. Fletcher|sfw
01:06|six minutes past one|We had come out of church together after midnight service and had immediately seen the offending light, as had most of the congregation. And Bill, always punctillious, had looked at his watch. His call to the manor had been made at six minutes past one.|The Murder of Santa Claus|P.D. James|sfw
01:06|1:06|When he woke it was 1:06 by the digital clock on the bedside table. He lay there looking at the ceiling, the raw glare of the vaporlamp outside bathing the bedroom in a cold and bluish light. Like a winter moon.|No Country for Old Men|Cormac McCarthy|unknown
01:07|01:07 GMT|01:07 GMT<br/>Lamont could hear the sound of a car coming from behind him. Moments later a green Jaguar drove past and proceeded along the driveway, lights full on. It came to a halt outside the house.|Nothing Ventured|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
01:07|1:07 A.M.|But the most striking difference was the time of day. Outside the basement windows, night had fallen. The streetlights were on and there was a full moon out.<br/>“Whoa,” I heard myself whisper. I glanced at the digital alarm clock sitting on top of one of the bookshelves. Its glowing blue display said the local time was now 1:07 A.M.|Ready Player Two|Ernest Cline|unknown
01:08|1.08 a.m.|It was 1.08 a.m. but he had left the ball at the same time as I did, and had further to travel.|The Rosie Project|Graeme Simsion|unknown
01:08|01:08|My radio-alarm is glowing 01:08 when I hear footsteps on the stairs, the pause, the timid knock-knock-knock on my outer door.|The Bone Clocks|David Mitchell|sfw
01:09|1:09 A.M.|Wednesday 1:09 A.M.<br/>"Darling, do you think they'll figure out it was a ruse?"<br/>"Who knows." He looked up from stoking the fireplace, where nothing but embers remained. "Tanzan Mino may be a genius, but the rest of his Yakuza hoods are not exactly rocket scientists."|Project Daedalus|Thomas Hoover|sfw
01:09|nine minutes past one|They made an unostentatious exit from their coach, finding themselves, when the express had rolled on into the west, upon a station platform in a foreign city at nine minutes past one o'clock in the morning - but at length without their shadow.|The Black Bag|Louis Joseph Vance|unknown
01:10|ten past one|"The back door was unbolted, Sir, while Caldwell and Miss Makepiece checked the lights. That was at about ten past one."|The Murder of Santa Claus|P.D. James|sfw
01:10|ten minutes past one|It was at ten minutes past one by Bond’s watch when, at the high table, the whole pattern of play suddenly altered.|Casino Royale|Ian Fleming|unknown
01:10|1.10 am|February 26, Saturday - Richards went out 1.10 am and found it clearing a bit, so we got under way as soon as possible, which was 2:10a.m.|South: The Endurance Expedition|Ernest Shackleton|unknown
01:11|nearer to one than half past|Declares one of the waiters was the worse for liquor, and that he was giving him a dressing down. Also that it was nearer to one than half past.|The Affair at the Victory Ball|Agatha Christie|unknown
01:11|eleven minutes past one|I left my door ajar and at eleven minutes past one I heard Harvey walking across the living-room. There was a gurgling as he took a swig from one of the bottles on the trolley. He let himself out of the front door as quietly as he could. I watched him from the window; he was alone.|Billion-Dollar Brain|Len Deighton|sfw
01:12|1:12 AM|That was under the pastoral cone of silence. Maybe I'll be able to tell Jenn more at some point down the line. But not now.<br/>He looked at the clock. It said 1:12 AM.|Vatican Shadows|Ray Keating|sfw
01:12|1.12 a.m.|It was 1.12 a.m. when Father arrived at the police station. I did not see him until 1.28 a.m. but I knew he was there because I could hear him. <br/> He was shouting, "I want to see my son," and "Why the hell is he locked up?" and, "Of course I'm bloody angry."|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|nsfw
01:13|thirteen minutes past one|He drew out his note-book and read aloud what the mysterious chandler had said to him: "It was precisely thirteen minutes past one on the twenty-fourth of January when I drew my last breath."|Atlantis|Gerhart Hauptmann|sfw
01:14|one-fourteen|"Sal is here, this is my old buddy from New Yor-r-k, this is his first night in Denver and it's absolutely necessary for me to take him out and fix him up with a girl."<br/>"But what time will you be back?"<br/> "It is now," (looking at his watch) "exactly one-fourteen."|On the Road|Jack Kerouac|sfw
01:15|1:15|A bit weak, thought Robin, but the best he could do at 1:15 in the morning.<br/>“Sure it wasn’t some beautiful girl?” said Mary.<br/>“I’m afraid Jim and Fred could hardly be described as beautiful, even by their loving wives.”|Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
01:15|1:15|Emma fell into a deep sleep, to be jolted back to consciousness by the unfamiliar sound of a police siren blaring from the street below. Now she understood why the rooms on the upper floors were more expensive. She checked her watch. It was 1:15.|The Sins of the Father|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
01:15|quarter past one|I am sorry, therefore, as I have said, that I ever paid any attention to the footsteps. They began about a quarter past one o'clock in the morning, a rhythmic, quick-cadenced walking around the dining-room table.|My Life and Hard Times: "The Night the Ghost Got In"|James Thurber|unknown
01:15|1.15 am|Lily Chen always prepared an 'evening' snack for her husband to consume on his return at 1.15 am.|Sour Sweet|Timothy Mo|unknown
01:16|sixteen past one|At sixteen past one, they walked into the interview room.|Nothing Gold Can Stay|Dana Stabenow|unknown
01:16|1.16 am|From 1 am to 1.16 am vouched for by other two conductors.|Murder on the Orient Express|Agatha Christie|unknown
01:17|seventeen minutes past one|“I don’t know how you feel, but I’m exhausted,” said Ted, bolting the kitchen door.<br/>Hazel checked her watch. It was seventeen minutes past one.|Shoeshine Boy|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
01:17|1:17 A.M.|Friday 1:17 A.M.<br/>The room was cold. Just cold. That was the first thing he'd noticed when they shoved him in. It still was. For nine hours he'd been sitting on a hard, canvas-covered Soviet cot, shivering.|Project Daedalus|Thomas Hoover|sfw
01:17|seventeen minutes past one|At that moment (it was seventeen minutes past one in the morning) Lieutenant Bronsfield was preparing to leave the watch and return to his cabin, when his attention was attracted by a distant hissing noise.|A Voyage Round the Moon|Jules Verne|unknown
01:17|1:17|The clocks stopped at 1:17. A long shear of light and then a series of low concussions. He got up and went to the window. What is it? she said. He didn't answer. He went into the bathroom and threw the lightswitch but the power was already gone. A dull rose glow in the windowglass. He dropped to one knee and raised the lever to stop the tub and then turned on both taps as far as they would go.|The Road|Cormac McCarthy|unknown
01:18|eighteen minutes past one|It was Saturday night, or technically Sunday morning. It was eighteen minutes past one.|Summerland|Elin Hilderbrand|sfw
01:19|nineteen past one|"Go to bed before he comes in," she ordered herself for the umpteenth time. Still, she sat looking at the clock. The minute hand had shifted to nineteen past one and her nerves grew more on edge.|Haunted Husband|Elizabeth August|sfw
01:20|one twenty|I woke up and glanced at my watch on the table next to my bed. It was one twenty. My heart was beating furiously. I slid off the bed down onto the carpet, sat cross-legged, and took some deep breaths. Then I held my breath, relaxed my shoulders, sat up straight, and tried to focus. I must have swum too much, I decided, or got too much sun.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
01:20|twenty minutes past one|"Well!" she said, looking like a minor female prophet about to curse the sins of the people. "May I trespass on your valuable time long enough to ask what in the name of everything bloodsome you think you're playing at, young piefaced Bertie? It is now some twenty minutes past one o'clock in the morning, and not a spot of action on your part."|Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit|P.G. Wodehouse|unknown
01:20|1.20 a.m.|Then it was 1.20 a.m., but I hadn't heard Father come upstairs to bed. I wondered if he was asleep downstairs or whether he was waiting to come in and kill me. So I got out my Swiss Army Knife and opened the saw blade so that I could defend myself.|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|nsfw
01:21|1:21 A.M.|Friday 1:21 A.M.<br/>"Your name Vance?" The Russian voice, with its uncertain English, was the last thing he'd expected.<br/>"Who are you?"<br/>"For this vehicle, I am Director Propulsion System," he replied formally, and with pride, pulling at his white lab coat. "I must talk you. Please."|Project Daedalus|Thomas Hoover|sfw
01:22|1:22|It was 1:22 when we found Dad's grave.|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer|unknown
01:23|1:23 a.m.|Croydon Central was declared at 1:23 a.m., with a swing of 1.8 percent to the Conservatives.|This Was a Man|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
01:23|twenty-three minutes past one|The clock marked twenty-three minutes past one. He was suddenly full of agitation, yet hopeful. She had come! Who could tell what she would say? She might offer the most natural explanation of her late arrival.|A Mummer's Tale|Anatole France|unknown
01:24|1.24 am|Larkin had died at 1.24 am, turning to the nurse who was with him, squeezing her hand, and saying faintly, 'I am going to the inevitable.'|Body Parts: Essays on Life-Writing|Hermione Lee|unknown
01:25|twenty-five minutes past one|He made a last effort; he tried to rise, and sank back. His head fell on the sofa cushions. It was then twenty-five minutes past one o'clock.|The Moonstone|Wilkie Collins|unknown
01:26|one twenty-six A.M.|When I reached the stop and got off, it was already one twenty-six A.M. by the bus's own clock. I had been gone over ten hours.|The Silver Metal Lover|Tanith Lee|unknown
01:27|1:27 A.M.|It was a receipt for the purchase of 13.6 gallons of gas, a credit card transaction bearing Soderburg's signature. It had been generated at the Food 'N Fuel at 1:27 A.M. on January 1.|Blood Hollow|William Kent Krueger|sfw
01:27|twenty-seven minutes past one|At twenty-seven minutes past one she felt as if she was levitating out of her body.|Trackers|Deon Meyer|unknown
01:28|1.28 a.m.|It was 1.12 a.m. when Father arrived at the police station. I did not see him until 1.28 a.m. but I knew he was there because I could hear him. <br/> He was shouting, "I want to see my son," and "Why the hell is he locked up?" and, "Of course I'm bloody angry."|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|nsfw
01:29|one-twenty-nine A.M.|He exited the men's room at one-twenty-nine A.M.|The Narc|William Edmund Butterworth|unknown
01:30|One thirty|She glanced at her bedside clock. One thirty. Beneath the hands, tiny ivory-inlaid sheep jumped over a stile. Papa had designed it for her and she found herself counting the creatures now, trying to ignore the whirr of her mind as she closed her eyes and drifted off into an uneasy sleep full of silver-eyed men and skull-topped canes.|Cogheart|Peter Bunzl|unknown
01:30|one thirty|Rose continued her meditations until one thirty that Monday morning. The rest of the True (with the exception of Apron Annie and Big Mo, currently watching over Grampa Flick) were sleeping deeply when she decided she was ready.|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
01:30|one-thirty|The following day, at one-thirty, I call on Van Norden. It’s his day off, or rather his night off. He has left work with Carl that I am to help him move today. <br>I find him in a state of unusual depression. He hasn’t slept a wink all night, he tells me. There’s something on his mind, something that’s eating him up.|Tropic of Cancer|Henry Miller|unknown
01:30|Half-past one|"Half-past one", The street lamp sputtered, The street lamp muttered, The street lamp said, "Regard that woman ..."|Rhapsody on a Windy Night|T.S. Eliot|unknown
01:30|1:30 A.M.|Around 1:30 A.M. the door opened and I thought it was Karla, but it was Bug, saying Karla and Laura had gone out for a stag night after they ran out of paint.|Microserfs|Douglas Coupland|unknown
01:30|one thirty|The late hour helped. It simplified things. It categorized the population. Innocent bystanders were mostly home in bed. I walked for half an hour, but nothing happened. Until one thirty in the morning. Until I looped around to 22nd and Broadway.|Gone Tomorrow|Lee Child|unknown
01:30|1:30 a.m.|The radio alarm clock glowed 1:30 a.m. Bad karaoke throbbed through walls. I was wide awake, straightjacketed by my sweaty sheets. A headache dug its thumbs into my temples. My gut pulsed with gamma interference: I lurched to the toilet.|Ghostwritten|David Mitchell|unknown
01:31|one-thirty-one|It was one-thirty-one in the morning. He poured another Crown. Downed it and repeated the process two more times.|Westerly|Michael E. Newell|unknown
01:32|one thirty-two|I sat down on the couch again and looked at my watch It was one thirty-two. I shut my eyes and focused on a spot in my head. My mind a total blank, I gave myself up to the sands of time and let the flow take me wherever it wanted.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
01:32|One-thirty-two|She grinned at him with malicious playfulness, showing great square teeth, and then ran for the stairs. One-thirty-two. She thought that she heard a whistle blown and took the last three steps in one stride.|Stamboul Train|Graham Greene|unknown
01:33|One-thirty-three a.m.|He looked at his watch. One-thirty-three a.m. He had been asleep on this bench for over an hour and a half.|Skeletons|Kat Fox|unknown
01:34|01:34|Myrtle couldn't sleep. Her digital clock's luminous numbers told her it was 01:34 in the morning, which would be later than she had ever been awake in her life. But the questions were so many, and so insistent, that they just wouldn't let her go.|Drowned Hopes|Donald E. Westlake|sfw
01:35|One thirty-five|Two days later, the chime of his diary woke Merral in the middle of the night. He shook himself and peered at the clock on the diary screen.<br/>One thirty-five. An extraordinary time for a message. Has the ship been sighted?|The Dark Foundations|Chris Walley|sfw
01:36|thirty-six minutes past one|On the north-east side of the street, about midway between the fish and flesh markets in the seaport town of Falmouth, and about the silent and solemn hour of thirty-six minutes past one by my father's watch, on the morning of the 28th day of December, His Gracious Majesty George the Second being King of Great Britain and Ireland, (it is necessary in important matters to be particular). I was introduced with the usual forms and ceremonies into the ancient family of the Hurrys, as the undoubted child of my father Richard and my mother Joan, the ninth, and as it subsequently proved, the last of their promising offspring.|Hurricane Hurry|W.H.G. Kingston|sfw
01:37|01:37|Major Yun appeared at General Castleton's elbow, and handed an interface to the base leader. General Castleton took it, his face darkening and his frown deepening as he read it.<br/>"What is it?" she asked when he looked up. "At 01:37 this morning, an encrypted message was sent from inside the base."|Outcasts|Gail Delaney|sfw
01:38|one-thirty-eight|At one-thirty-eight am suspect left the Drive-In and drove to seven hundred and twenty three North Walnut, to the rear of the residence, and parked the car.|The Narc|William Edmund Butterworth|unknown
01:39|01:39|You are viewing the webjournal of blueeyedboy posting on: [email protected] <br/> Posted at: 01:39 on Friday, February 22 <br/> Status: public <br/> Mood: nasty <br/> Listening to: Gloria Gaynor: "I Will Survive"|blueeyedboy|Joanne Harris|sfw
01:40|one-forty am|March twelfth, one-forty am, she leaves a group of drinking buddies to catch a bus home. She never makes it.|Bones to Ashes|Kathy Reichs|unknown
01:41|nineteen minutes to two|Raffles, without a stitch of clothing on his body, but with a glass phial, corked with cotton-wool, between his teeth, and a tiny screw-driver behind his ear, squirmed feet first through the ventilator over his berth; and it was nineteen minutes to two when he returned, head first, with the phial still between his teeth and the cotton-wool rammed home to still the rattling of that which lay like a great gray bean within.|The Amateur Cracksman|E.W. Hornung|nsfw
01:42|01:42|At 01:42 and 26 seconds, the plane hit the side of Nimitz Hill, a densely vegetated mountain three miles southwest of the airport - $60 million and 212,000 kilograms of steel slamming into rocky ground at one hundred miles per hour.|Outliers: The Story of Success|Malcolm Gladwell|sfw
01:43|1:43 a.m.|At 1:43 a.m. the cheers became louder when the Conservatives captured Basildon, which on Emma’s chart suggested a Conservative majority of around 30.|This Was a Man|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
01:43|01:43|They were timed at 01:43 on the morning of the attack on Kenny Stocks.|Trophies|David Evans|sfw
01:44|sixteen minutes to two|She knew it was the stress, two long days of stress, and she looked at her watch, sixteen minutes to two, and she almost leaped with fright, a shock wave rippling through her body, where had the time gone?|Trackers|Deon Meyer|unknown
01:45|1:45|In the end I accepted a glass of claret. It seemed both churlish and censorious to let him drink alone. The carriage-clock stuck 1:45 before he roused himself and said: "Sorry, Cousin. Rather drunk. Be glad of your shoulder. To bed, to sleep, perchance to dream."|The Mistletoe Murder|P.D. James|sfw
01:45|fifteen minutes to two|When it was ten or fifteen minutes to two the deacon would come in; he was a lanky young man of twenty-two, with long hair, with no beard and hardly a perceptible mustache. Going into the drawing room, he crossed himself before the ikon, smiled, and held out his hand to Von Koren. <br/> "Good morning," the zoologist said coldly. "Where have you been?" |The Duel|Anton Pavlovich Chekhov|sfw
01:45|1:45 A.M.|Kaplan looked even more like hell than usual. The skin across the tops of his cheeks and around his eyes was blistered from frostbite. His limping indicated that he'd probably frostbitten some toes as well. The last communication from him the night before had been at 1:45 A.M., when he radioed to let the department know he was finally giving up.|Corpus Delicti|William Kent Krueger|nsfw
01:46|one forty-six a.m.|That particular phenomenon got Presto up at one forty-six a.m.; silently, he painted his face and naked body with camouflage paint. He opened the door to his room and stepped out into the common lobby.|Fardnock's Revenge|J.W. Stockton|nsfw
01:47|1:47 A.M.|That night Cork woke, looked at the clock on the stand beside the bed - 1:47 A.M. - and realized he was alone.|Mercy Falls|William Kent Krueger|sfw
01:47|1:47 A.M.|Friday 1:47 A.M.<br/>"Will he help?" Yuri Androv surveyed the eleven men in the darkened control room. The wall along the left side consisted entirely of heavy plate glass looking out on Number One. That wind tunnel, the video screens, the instrument panels, everything was dormant now.|Project Daedalus|Thomas Hoover|sfw
01:48|01:48|"Mr. Peripart Sir then you immediately departed under a special clearance from the government at Saigon and returned here at 01:48 local time."|Finity|John Barnes|sfw
01:49|01.49|Monsieur Pamplemousse had not one, but several large "pick-me-ups" before he retired for the night. Consequently it took him rather longer than usual to regain consciousness when the phone rang for the seond time. Screwing up his eyes, it was a moment or two before he deciphered the figures 01.49 on the digital bedside clock, and several more before he finally made sense of what was being said.|Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Militant Midwives|Michael Bond|sfw
01:50|Ten to two|She had to get out of this goddam camper. It might be the biggest, luxiest one in the world, but right now it felt the size of a coffin. She made her way to the door, holding onto things to keep her balance. She glanced at the clock on the dashboard before she went out. Ten to two. Everything had happened in just twenty minutes. Incredible.|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
01:50|ten minutes before two AM|No, she thought: every spinster legal secretary, bartender, and orthodontist had a cat or two—and she could not tolerate (not even as a lark, not even for a moment at ten minutes before two AM), embodying cliché.|Dog|Michelle Herman|unknown
01:51|nine minutes to two|At nine minutes to two the other vehicle arrived. At first Milla didn't believe her eyes: that shape, those markings.|Trackers|Deon Meyer|unknown
01:52|eight minutes to two|Link telepathically confirmed it was eight minutes to two in the morning. I was only eight minutes away from the anomaly appearing again. The time in the 26th century was running out fast for me.|A Timeless Journey|Elliot Sacchi|sfw
01:53|seven minutes to two|Bony gave a further two swallows, retrieved the glass, told the old man to go to sleep, and left the room, walking without noise back to his bedroom window. He had been in his room only a minute when he heard the Buick returning. It was then seven minutes to two.|The Mountains Have a Secret|Arthur Upfield|sfw
01:54|Six minutes to two|Six minutes to two. Janina Mentz watched the screen, where the small program window flickered with files scrolling too fast to read, searching for the keyword.|Trackers|Dean Koontz|unknown
01:55|1:55 A.M.|1:55 A.M., Bayside, Queens <br/> Two sets of stairs led to the basement apartment shared by Randall al-Hakim and Abdul ed-Din - one from the tiny backyard and the second from inside the home.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|sfw
01:56|01:56|"Mr. Peripart, Sir, at 01:56 you ordered me back into shutdown mode."|Finity|John Barnes|sfw
01:57|one fifty-seven|Then I opened my eyes and looked at my watch. It was one fifty-seven. Twenty-five minutes had vanished somewhere. Not bad, I told myself. A pointless way of whittling away time. Not bad at all.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
01:58|two minutes to two|It was two minutes to two. I checked my flashlight and envelope and let the inside of my arm touch the firmness of my holster through my jacket. It was reassuring.|Bullet for a Star|Stuart M. Kaminsky|sfw
01:58|almost two a.m.|I woke to the dogs barking. I heard a door slam, and the sound of him moving into the kitchen. The fire had died out, the new wood unburned, but the lamp was still on. I peered at my watch; it was almost two a.m. I felt cold and nauseous. I got up and smoothed my hair. I nudged Karen with a toe; she blinked awake.|The Body Lies|Jo Baker|unknown
01:59|One ... fifty-nine|For twenty minutes he sat and watched as the gap between the ship and Epun closed, as the ship's computer teased and kneaded the numbers that would bring it into a loop around the little moon, and close the loop and keep it there, orbiting in perpetual obscurity. "One ... fifty-nine …"|So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish|Douglas Adams|sfw
01:59|just before two A.M.|Ponder must have nodded off, because he was awakened just before two A.M. by a scream and realized he was face down in half of his supper.|The Last Continent|Terry Pratchett|sfw
02:00|two in the morning|So when Dom, looking agitated and desperate, pounded on Tom's door at two in the morning and said he would erase a chunk of the debt in return for an "errand," Tom knew he had no choice. Besides, this wasn't really an offer; it was a command.|The Ambition|Lee Strobel|sfw
02:00|two o’clock|“That night I awoke around two o’clock to the sound of distant thunder and realized all over again that Mr. Harrigan was dead. <br>I was in my bed and he was in the ground.”|If It Bleeds|Stephen King|unknown
02:00|2:00 a.m.|Then yesterday morning a student - Amy Chan - was brought into the Twin Falls station by her mother. Amy claimed she had seen Leena stumbling drunkenly along the Devil’s Bridge sidewalk at around 2:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 15.|Beneath Devil’s Bridge|Loreth Anne White|unknown
02:00|Two o’clock in the morning|“The clock in the centre on the wall in the cafe chimed to announce it was Two o’clock in the morning. In the middle of the night, everything was silent.”|Before the Coffee Gets Cold: Tales from the Cafe|Toshikazu Kawaguchi|unknown
02:00|two o’clock|“It’s a delusional painter who finishes a canvas at two o’clock and expects radical societal transformation by four. Even when artists write manifestos, they are (hopefully) aware that their exigent tone is, finally, borrowed, only echoing and mimicking the urgency of the guerrilla’s demands, or the activist’s protests, rather than truly enacting it. The people sometimes demand change. They almost never demand art.”|Intimations|Zadie Smith|unknown
02:00|2 A.M.|Jessica heard the disturbance in the great hall, turned on the light beside her bed. The clock there had not been properly adjusted to local time, and she had to subtract twenty-one minutes to determine that it was about 2 A.M.|Dune|Frank Herbert|unknown
02:00|two in the morning|“My dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes:<br>“There has been a bad business during the night at 3, Lauriston Gardens, off the Brixton Road. Our man on the beat saw a light there about two in the morning, and as the house was an empty one, suspected that something was amiss.”|A Study in Scarlet|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle|unknown
02:00|two o’clock|With the wigs taken care of, he puts on of the blank Staples notebooks beside his personal lappie and begins a virtual tour of houses and apartments for rent. He finds a number of possibles, but any boots-on-the-ground investigation will have to wait until he gets his goods from Amazon.<br>It’s only two o’clock when he finishes his virtual house-hunting, too early to call it a day. It’s actually time to start writing.|Billy Summers|Stephen King|unknown
02:00|two in the morning|According to his Timex, it was two in the morning. The room was cold, but his arms and chest were slimy with sweat.<br>Want some advice, Honeybear?<br>“No,” he said. “Not from you.”|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
02:00|two in the morning|Although it was two in the morning, Momo answered on the second ring. She was eighty-five, and her sleep was as thin as her skin.|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
02:00|two o’clock|“I’ll try the Infermiterol,” I said curtly.<br>“Good. And eat a high-dairy meal each day. Did you know that cows can choose to sleep standing up or lying down? Given the option, I know what 𝘐’𝘥 pick. Have you ever made yogurt on the stove? Don’t answer that. We’ll save the cooking lesson for our next meeting. Now write this down because I have a feeling you’re too psychotic to remember: Saturday, January twentieth, at two o’clock. And try the Infermiterol. Bye bye.”|My Year of Rest and Relaxation|Ottessa Moshfegh|unknown
02:00|Two o’clock|When I came home to West Egg that night I was afraid for a moment that my house was on fire. Two o’clock and the whole corner of the peninsula was blazing with light, which fell unreal on the shrubbery and made thin elongating glints upon the roadside wires.|The Great Gatsby|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
02:00|2 𝘰’𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬|Henry held out his hand for the note, which Victoria gave over in exchange for a Sweet Caporal. There were only four words: 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨. 2 𝘰’𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬.|Full Dark, No Stars|Stephen King|unknown
02:00|two in the morning|She knew he must have his own history of her, everything from the cinnamon-flavored ChapStick she used on her lips in the winter to the smell of her shampoo when he nuzzled the back of her neck (that nuzzle didn’t come so often now, but it still came) to the click of her computer at two in the morning on those two or three nights a month when sleep for some reason jilted her.|Full Dark, No Stars|Stephen King|unknown
02:00|two AM|She shut off her computer and climbed to the second floor at a slow trudge. The shower eased her back and couple of Tylenol would probably ease it more by two AM or so; she was sure she’d be awake to find out.|Full Dark, No Stars|Stephen King|unknown
02:00|2:00 a.m.|At 2:00 a.m. the night peaked, and the trio decided to head back to Cleo and Frank’s place. Zoe was sitting with Audrey on the large fire escape learning how to roll the perfect joint when Cleo clambered out, her arms laden with colorful Popsicles.|Cleopatra and Frankenstein|Coco Mellors|nsfw
02:00|Two o’clock|“Saturday afternoon?” she asked.<br>He winked at Billy and squeezed the girl’s head in the crook of his arm. “No. Two o’clock Saturday night. Slip up and knock on that same window you was at this morning. I’ll talk the night aide into letting you in.”|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|unknown
02:00|two A.M.|“I’ve been waiting here all night,” Shawn said. “Tell me everything.”<br>“Shawn,” she said. “It’s all amazing. Where do I even begin . . .”<br>They talked until two A.M.|Reprieve|James Han Mattson|unknown
02:00|two in the morning|Nearly four months after her marriage to Hossein and three days after the momentous Black Friday massacre in Jaleh Square, Bahar had crept into her sisters’ Tehran apartment at two in the morning. She slipped so quietly into the single bed she had once shared with little Layla that Marjan did not notice her until the coming of dawn.|Pomegranate Soup|Marsha Mehran|unknown
02:00|two o’clock|At two o’clock back at the Weatherbys’ Sally asked her if she and Amory had had a “time” in the den. Isabelle turned to her quietly. In her eyes was the light of the idealist, the inviolate dreamer of Joan-like dreams.|This Side of Paradise|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
02:00|two o'clock|As two o'clock pealed from the cathedral bell, Jean Valjean awoke.|Les Misérables|Victor Hugo|sfw
02:00|2 A.M.|Get on plane at 2 A.M., amid bundles, chickens, gypsies, sit opposite pair of plump fortune tellers who groan and (very discreetly) throw up all the way to Tbilisi.|Bech: A Book|J. Updike|unknown
02:00|two|Lady Macbeth: Out, damned spot; out, I say. One, two,—why, then ’tis time to do’t. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier and afeard? What need we fear who knows it when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?|Macbeth|William Shakespeare|nsfw
02:00|It struck two.|Somewhere behind a screen a clock began wheezing, as though oppressed by something, as though someone were strangling it. After an unnaturally prolonged wheezing there followed a shrill, nasty, and as it were unexpectedly rapid, chime - as though someone were suddenly jumping forward. It struck two. I woke up, though I had indeed not been asleep but lying half-conscious.|Notes from the Underground|Fyodor Dostoyevsky|unknown
02:00|two o'clock|When all had grown quiet and Fyodor Pavlovich went to bed at around two o'clock, Ivan Fyodorovich also went to bed with the firm resolve of falling quickly asleep, as he felt horribly exhausted.|The Brothers Karamazov|Fyodor Dostoyevsky|unknown
02:00|two a.m.|They couldn’t pin anything on Moist, but in the cold, wet light of two a.m., he could imagine bloody Commander Vimes worrying at this, picking away at it in that thick-headed way of his.|Making Money|Terry Pratchett|sfw
02:01|2.01 am.|I checked my watch. 2.01 am. The cheeseburger Happy Meal was now only a distant memory. I cursed myself for not also ordering a breakfast sandwich for the morning.|The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet|Reif Larsen|unknown
02:02|About two. Just past.|"The middle of the night?" Alec asked sharply. "Can you be more definite?"<br/> "About two. Just past." Daisy noted that he expressed no concern for her safety.|Dead in the Water|Carola Dunn|unknown
02:03|three minutes past two|At three minutes past two, the lights in the motel corridor flickered and went out, leaving the long hallway in relative darkness, the spill from the stairwell the only source of illumination.|The Bourne Identity|Robert Ludlum|sfw
02:03|almost 2:04|"Wake up."<br>"Having the worst dream."<br>"I should certainly say you were."<br>"It was awful. It just went on and on."<br>"I shook you and shook you and."<br>"Time is it."<br>"It's nearly - almost 2:04."|Oblivion|David Foster Wallace|unknown
02:04|2:04|"Wake up."<br>"Having the worst dream."<br />"I should certainly say you were."<br />"It was awful. It just went on and on."<br />"I shook you and shook you and."<br />"Time is it."<br />"It's nearly - almost 2:04."|Oblivion|David Foster Wallace|unknown
02:05|2:05 A.M.|2:05 A.M., Flushing, Queens<br/>Her cellphone, set on vibrate, rested on the night table next to the bed.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|sfw
02:05|2.05|At 2.05 the fizzy tights came crackling off.|London Fields|Martin Amis|unknown
02:05|Five minutes past two|Then he began ringing the bell. In about ten minutes his valet appeared, half dressed, and looking very drowsy. "I am sorry to have had to wake you up, Francis," he said, stepping in; "but I had forgotten my latch-key. What time is it?"<br/>"Five minutes past two, sir," answered the man, looking at the clock and yawning.<br/>"Five minutes past two? How horribly late! You must wake me at nine to-morrow. I have some work to do."|The Picture of Dorian Gray|Oscar Wilde|unknown
02:06|six minutes past two|He checked his watch: six minutes past two. He closed the bedroom door and walked slowly downstairs. He opened the front door to see his car parked by the curb.|A Prisoner of Birth|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
02:06|six minutes past two|And the time was six minutes past two. And what of Jonah? He and Harry would probably arrive about five minutes too late.|Berry and Co.|Dornford Yates|sfw
02:06|About two. Just past.|"The middle of the night?" Alec asked sharply. "Can you be more definite?"<br/> "About two. Just past." Daisy noted that he expressed no concern for her safety.|Dead in the Water|Carola Dunn|unknown
02:07|2:07 a.m.|At 2:07 a.m. I decided that I wanted a drink of orange squash before I brushed my teeth and got into bed, so I went downstairs to the kitchen. Father was sitting on the sofa watching snooker on the television and drinking whisky. There were tears coming out of his eyes.|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|unknown
02:07|2.07 a.m.|But I couldn't sleep. And I got out of bed at 2.07 a.m. and I felt scared of Mr. Shears so I went downstairs and out of the front door into Chapter Road.|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|sfw
02:07|2.07 a.m.|Saturday, 17 November — 2.07 a.m. I cannot sleep. Ben is upstairs, back in bed, and I am writing this in the kitchen. He thinks I am drinking a cup of cocoa that he has just made for me. He thinks I will come back to bed soon. I will, but first I must write again.|Before I Go to Sleep|S.J. Watson|unknown
02:08|2:08|She dressed quickly, and finished tying the second sneaker. The clock now said 2:08.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|sfw
02:09|2:09 AM|2:09 AM, Jamaica, Queens<br/>Outside the al-Dawla home, FBI agents were in position - not only on the ground, but also on the partial first story roof outside the second floor bedroom windows.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|sfw
02:10|ten past two|She switched on her bedside light, fumbled for her spectacles and peered at the carriage clock ticking gently on her bedside table. It was only ten past two. There was no hope of waiting until morning.|A Taste for Death|P.D. James|sfw
02:10|2:10|FBI agents in body armor, gas masks, and night vision goggles secured the main floor and removed the elderly homeowners. Unfortunately, the couple was awake, and the wife screamed at the invasion of their bedroom. The noise made it necessary to move immediately, rather than waiting for the scheduled 2:10.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|sfw
02:10|Ten minutes past two|“Ten minutes past two, sir," answered the man, looking at the clock and blinking. "Ten minutes past two? How horribly late!"|The Picture of Dorian Gray|Oscar Wilde|unknown
02:10|2:10 am|Decided to get under way again as soon as there is any clearance. Snowing and blowing, force about fifty or sixty miles an hour. February 26, Saturday - Richards went out 1:10 am and found it clearing a bit, so we got under way as soon as possible, which was 2:10 am|South: The Endurance Expedition|Ernest Shackleton|unknown
02:11|2:11|Well hidden, each phone waited like an amoral soldier, devoid of compassion, for its orders. And those orders came at precisely 2:11:17 AM EST.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|unknown
02:12|two twelve A.M.|At two twelve A.M., Werner knows, the Frenchman will broadcast again, and Werner will have to switch off the transceiver or else pretend that he hears only static.|All the Light We Cannot See|Anthony Doerr|unknown
02:12|2.12 am|Then the lights went out all over the city. It happened at 2.12 am according to power-house records, but Blake's diary gives no indication of the time. The entry is merely, 'Lights out - God help me.'|The Haunter of the Dark|H.P. Lovecraft|unknown
02:13|02.13|Now, listen: your destination is Friday, 4 August 1944, and the window will punch through at 22.30 hours. You're going to a dimension that diverged from our own at 02.13 on the morning of Wednesday 20 February 1918, over twenty-six years earlier. You don't know what it's going to be like.|The Second Internet Cafe, Part 1: The Dimension Researcher|Chris James|unknown
02:14|fourteen minutes past two|There are no more lights on now than when he arrived. That's something to be positive about. No great commotion in the building after the shooting. A glance at the clock in the car: fourteen minutes past two.|How a Gunman Says Goodbye|Malcolm Mackay|sfw
02:15|2:15 a.m.|He scrolled through [the emails], mentally dismissing the vast majority as low priority, but one in particular triggered his curiosity: it was from Art Bullock, sent at 2:15 a.m. The subject line read: URGENT FOR FRIDAY MORNING.|The Ambition|Lee Strobel|sfw
02:15|2:15|It was the middle of the night when the phone rang. He opened his eyes to find the clock reading 2:15. At first he was too groggy to grasp why a bell might be ringing nearby, but he shook his head and, almost unconsciously, picked up the receiver and held it to his ear.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
02:15|2.15 am|At 2.15 am a policeman observed the place in darkness, but with the stranger's motor still at the curb.|The Shadow Out of Time|H.P. Lovecraft|unknown
02:15|two fifteen|It did. When the alarm rang at two fifteen, Lew shut it off, snapped on the little bedside lamp, then swung his feet to the floor to sit on the edge of the bed, holding his eyes open.|The Night People|Jack Finney|unknown
02:16|02:16 hours|"Didn't you hear what I told you in the aircraft? General Scott's aircraft crashed in the desert at 02:16 hours this morning, killing all aboard."|Echo of Tomorrow|Rob Buckman|sfw
02:17|Two-seventeen|"Two-seventeen," he marveled. It was the strangest time he'd seen in his entire life. <br /> "I apologize that the room is so messy," Lalitha said. <br /> "I like it. I love how you are. Are you hungry? I'm a little hungry." <br /> "No, Walter." She smiled. "I'm not hungry. But I can get you something." <br /> "I was thinking, like, a glass of soy milk. Soy beverage."|Freedom|Jonathan Franzen|unknown
02:17|2.17|One of the "choppers" stopped, did an about-turn and came back to me. The flare spluttered and faded, and now the glare of the spotlight blinded me. I sat very still. It was 2.17. Against the noise of the blades a deeper resonant sound bit into the chill black air.|The Ipcress File|Len Deighton|unknown
02:18|2:18 in the morning|It was 2:18 in the morning, and Donna could see no one else in any other office working so late.|Moo|Jane Smiley|unknown
02:19|02.19|With the secondary reduction gear useless, there was no way the Petros Jupiter could proceed and at 02.19 the master contacted Land's End coastguard station on VHF to inform the watch officer of the situation and enquire about the availability of a tug.|The Black Tide|Hammond Innes|sfw
02:20|Two-twenty|She turned abruptly to the nurse and asked the time. 'Two-twenty' 'Ah...Two-twenty!' Genevieve repeated, as though there was something urgent to be done.|Southern Mail|Antoine de Saint Exupery|unknown
02:20|two twenty|The night of his third walk Lew slept in his own apartment. When his eyes opened at two twenty, by the green hands of his alarm, he knew that this time he'd actually been waiting for it in his sleep.|The Night People|Jack Finney|unknown
02:20|Twenty minutes after two|Twenty minutes after two, on my way to San Diego, listening to some weird, cacophanous music; no melodic line, no content.|Somewhere in Time (Bid Time Return)|Richard Matheson|unknown
02:21|2:21 A.M.|She woke up with a start, on a strange bed in a cold room. As rain pounded against the window, driven by a hammering wind, she remembered where she was and why she was still there.<br>For long tense moments, she didn’t move, letting the blurred edges of sleep slip away.<br>2:21 A.M.<br>So much for her vaguely sexual dreams.|Code Name: Princess|Christina Skye|nsfw
02:21|2:21 a.m.|2:21 a.m. Lance-Corporal Hartmann emerged from the house in the Rue de Londres.|The Night of the Generals|Hans Hellmut Kirst|unknown
02:21|Two-twenty-one|It was the urge to look up at the sky. But of course there was no sun nor moon nor stars overhead. Darkness hung heavy over me. Each breath I took, each wet footstep, everything wanted to slide like mud to the ground. I lifted my left hand and pressed on the light of my digital wristwatch. Two-twenty-one. It was midnight when we headed underground, so only a little over two hours had passed. We continued walking down, down the narrow trench, mouths clamped tight.|Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World|Haruki Murakami|unknown
02:22|twenty-two minutes past two|After two more visits, the most celebrated practitioner told Popanilla that his disorder was ‘unquestionably nervous;’ that he had over-excited himself by talking too much; that in future he must count five between each word he uttered, never ask any questions, and avoid society; that is, never stay at an evening party on any consideration later than twenty-two minutes past two, and never be induced by any persuasion to dine out more than once on the same day.|The Voyage of Captain Popanilla|Benjamin Disraeli|sfw
02:22|2:22 A.M.|Abruptly her stomach growled. She had been too keyed up to eat very much after the accident, and now hunger pangs her in in earnest. <br>She glanced at the clock again.<br>2:22 A.M.|Code Name: Princess|Christina Skye|unknown
02:23|twenty-three minutes past two|Lying beside her husband, as close as possible given the narrowness of the bed, but also out of choice, how much it had cost them in the middle of the night to maintain some decorum, not to behave like those whom someone had referred to as pigs, the doctor's wife looked at her watch. It was twenty-three minutes past two.|Blindness|José Saramago|sfw
02:24|2.24 am|It was 2.24 am. She stumbled out of bed, tripping on her shoes that she’d kicked off earlier and pulled on a jumper.|After You’d Gone|Maggie O’Farrell|sfw
02:25|2:25 in the morning|It's 2:25 in the morning, and Sean is calling. Stephen quietly slipped out of bed, and exited the bedroom. With Sean, it could be a family matter, a threat to the country, or countless things in between.|The Traitor|Ray Keating|sfw
02:25|2.25 am|You see it is time: 2.25 am. You get out of bed.|Nineteen Eighty-Three: The Red Riding Quartet, Book Four|David Peace|unknown
02:26|2.26 am|Listened to a voicemail message left at 2.26 am by Claude.|The Lighted Rooms|Richard Mason|unknown
02:27|2:27|The request was granted, but not until another form had been completed and signed. Dexter Hutchins put a collect call through to the Director of the CIA at 2:27 that morning.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
02:27|twenty-seven minutes past two|The hands of all the four thousand electric clocks in all the Bloomsbury Centre's four thousand rooms marked twenty-seven minutes past two.|Brave New World|Aldous Leonard Huxley|unknown
02:27|2.27 am|The moon didn’t shine again until 2.27 am. It was enough to show Wallander that he was positioned some distance below the tree.|One Step Behind|Henning Mankell|unknown
02:28|2.28 am|2.28 am: Ran out of sheep and began counting other farmyard animals.|Mr. Commitment|Mike Gayle|unknown
02:29|nearly 2:30 in the morning|He didn't have to deal with notoriously bad Italian drivers at nearly 2:30 in the morning, and the safehouse was just a few streets away from the Colosseum, a structure that had been standing in Rome since opening in 80 A.D.|Vatican Shadows|Ray Keating|sfw
02:30|two-thirty|“Oh, Daddy,” I said. Blubbering now. “He’s not dead. At least he wasn’t at two-thirty this morning. We’ve got to dig him up. We have to, because we buried him alive.”|If It Bleeds|Stephen King|unknown
02:30|half past two|She looked at her watch: half past two. A few minutes to calm down before she had to go.|The Locked Room|Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö|unknown
02:30|2:30 a.m.|"I'm in mufti myself: white gloves and matching tennis shoes. But I'm sorry to report that Jo is still in her Dr. Dentons. What're you wearing, Shirl?" <br /> "My old drum majorette's outfit. The one I wore to the State Finals. Listen, we can't tie up the phones like this."<br /> "Why not?" said Harry. "Who's going to call at 2:30 a.m. with a better idea? Yippee, to quote Lew, we're having a party! What're we serving, Lew?"<br /> "Beer, I guess. Haven't got any wine, have we, Jo?"<br /> "Just for cooking."|The Night People|Jack Finney|unknown
02:30|half past two|At about half past two she had been woken by the creak of footsteps out on the stairs. At first she had been frightened.|The Little Stranger|Sarah Waters|unknown
02:30|0230|Inc, I tried to pull her off about 0230, and there was this fucking… sound.|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|nsfw
02:30|2.30 am|It is 2.30 am and I am tight. As a tick, as a lord, as a newt. Must write this down before the sublime memories fade and blur.|Any Human Heart|William Boyd|unknown
02:31|2.31 a.m.|And then I woke up because there were people shouting in the flat and it was 2.31 a.m. And one of the people was Father and I was frightened.|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|sfw
02:32|2.32 a.m.|The last guests departed at 2.32 a.m., two hours and two minutes after the scheduled completion time.|The Rosie Project|Graeme Simsion|unknown
02:33|Two-thirty-three|But it wasn't going on! It was two-thirty-four, well. Two-thirty-three and nothing had happened. Suppose he got a room call, or the elevator night-bell rang, now.|A Swell-looking Babe|Jim Thompson|unknown
02:34|two-thirty-four|But it wasn't going on! It was two-thirty-four, well. Two-thirty-three and nothing had happened. Suppose he got a room call, or the elevator night-bell rang, now.|A Swell-looking Babe|Jim Thompson|unknown
02:35|2:35|Matson and the Chairman had driven back from Mark’s apartment at 2:35 that morning, their task completed. Matson had overslept by thirty minutes. The damned hotel had forgotten his wake-up call; you couldn’t trust anyone nowdays.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|nsfw
02:35|two-thirty-five|I crept down the stairs careful to avoid the steps I knew would cry my presence to my father who had taken to sleeping on the sofa in the living room. In the kitchen I saw by moonlight that the hands of the wall clock read two-thirty-five.|Ordinary Grace|William Kent Krueger|sfw
02:35|2:35 in the morning|The lit-up screen offered no information about the caller, but it did reveal that it was 2:35 in the morning.|Shifting Sands|Ray Keating|sfw
02:35|2:35 a.m.|Rorschach’s journal: Left Jacob’s house 2:35 a.m. He knows nothing about any attempt to discredit Dr. Manhattan. He has simply been used.|Watchmen|Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons|unknown
02:35|2.35|For what happened at 2.35 we have the testimony of the priest, a young, intelligent, and well-educated person; of Patrolman William J. Monohan of the Central Station, an officer of the highest reliability who had paused at that part of his beat to inspect the crowd.|The Haunter of the Dark|H.P. Lovecraft|unknown
02:36|2:36|“Drive safe,” says Ned. He texted me to send the van. That was at 2:36, I know because I looked at the clock, the art deco one right over there, see? Keeps perfect time. Then, I dunno, he just vanished.|Stone Mattress|Margaret Atwood|unknown
02:36|2.36 am|It was about 2.36 am when a provost colonel arrived to arrest me. At 2.36 1/2 I remembered the big insulating gauntlets. But even had I remembered before, what could I have done?|The Ipcress File|Len Deighton|unknown
02:37|02:37|He was out at least a couple miles from the nearest gas station, and he’d thrown his cell phone out the window in Arkansas after briefly becoming convinced the NSA was tracking him. He plucked the kitchen timer from his pocket: 02:37:47. He would have to hoof it.|Ohio|Stephen Markley|unknown
02:37|Thirty-seven minutes past two|June 13, 1990. Thirty-seven minutes past two in the morning. And sixteen seconds.|The Stand|Stephen King|unknown
02:38|twenty-two minutes to three|It was true that the striking apparatus had long ago failed to agree with the hands; and the hands themselves, owing to the accumulated inaccuracies of years, no longer denoted the real time; nevertheless, whenever it struck seven he could always be sure that the hands were pointing to a quarter-past twelve, and it was then just twenty-two minutes to three.|Pharaoh's Broker|Ellsworth Douglass|sfw
02:39|2.39|Noo, there's a report come in fra' the station-master at Pinwherry that there was a gentleman tuk the 2.39 at Pinwherry.|Five Red Herrings|Dorothy L. Sayers|unknown
02:40|two-forty|When her watch showed two-forty, she was ready to leave. She put on her darkest coat, a large box of matches already in her pocket, and tied a scarf over her head.|The Private Patient|P.D. James|sfw
02:40|2:40 a.m.|Miss Conover told investigators that at 2:40 a.m., Officer Martin Willis entered the diner and ordered coffee and donut.|The Andromeda Strain|Michael Crichton|unknown
02:41|02.41|His aides had wanted a long, flowery announcement filled with stirring phrases and fulsome praise for their various generals. Eisenhower had tossed their suggestions aside and written - ah! there it is: "The mission of this Allied force was fulfilled at 02.41 local time, May 7, 1945."|Moonwar|Ben Bova|sfw
02:42|02.42|This time it was a bird, a crow, wearing the goggles. Patterson had decrypted the telegram, and now read it quickly. GODDESS 4 reports that GENIUS left the salon at 02.42 ZULU.|Night Heron|Adam Brookes|sfw
02:43|2:43|She settled back beside him. "It's 2:43:12 am, Case. Got a readout chipped into my optic nerve."|Neuromancer|William Gibson|unknown
02:43|02:43|Max woke from the nightmare with a gasp, eyes flying open in the pitch-black room. She blinked twice and muffled a groan as the 02:43 timestamp appeared in her vision. "You've never even seen a real bear," she muttered.|A Pale Light in the Black|K.B. Wagers|sfw
02:44|sixteen minutes to three|"You got here at sixteen minutes to three." Ron looked at his watch.|The Abominable Man|Maj Sjöwall|sfw
02:45|quarter to three|When he woke up it was already night, and the moon was shining into the room. He looked at his watch: it was a quarter to three. Sleep had left him; he sat down upon his bed and thought of the funeral of the old Countess.|Queen of Spades|Alexsander S. Pushkin|sfw
02:45|Quarter to three|He glanced down at his watch. He had been smiling as he stroked her awake, and was smiling now. “Quarter to three. I sat in my stupid old motel room for almost two hours after we talked, trying to convince myself that what I was thinking couldn’t be true. Only I didn’t get where I am by dodging the truth.”|Full Dark, No Stars|Stephen King|unknown
02:45|0245h|0245h., Ennet House, the hours that are truly wee.|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|unknown
02:46|2:46 A.M.|WE NEVER KNOW, AT FIRST, if we are headed into a cooker or a smudge. At 2:46 A.M. last night, the lights went on upstairs. The bells went off, too, but I can’t say that I ever really hear them. In ten seconds, I was dressed and walking out the door of my room at the station.|My Sister’s Keeper|Jodi Picoult|unknown
02:46|2.46 am|2.46 am. The chain drive whirred and the paper target slid down the darkened range, ducking in and out of shafts of yellow incandescent light. At the firing station, a figure waited in the shadows. As the target passed the twenty-five-foot mark, the man opened fire: eight shots-rapid, unhesitating.|Patriots|Steve Sohmer|unknown
02:46|Two forty-six|Vicki shoved her glasses at her face and peered at the clock. Two forty-six. 'I don't have time for this' she muttered, settling back against the pillows, heart still slamming against her ribs.|Blood Lines|Tanya Huff|unknown
02:47|2.47 am|The glowing numbers read 2.47 am. Moisés sighs and turns back to the bathroom door. Finally, the doorknob turns and Conchita comes back to bed. She resumes her place next to Moisés. Relieved, he pulls her close.|The Book of Want|Daniel A. Olivas|unknown
02:47|2.47|It’s 2.47 when I notice that the girl’s here - a little earlier than last night. This time I stay up, waiting for her to appear. Other than the occasional blink I don’t close my eyes once.|Kafka on the Shore|Haruki Murakami|sfw
02:48|twelve minutes to three|And you keep quiet, Betty. There may be trouble. He almost pushed her off the desk toward Max. A second later he had darkened the room by flicking the switch by the foyer door. Through the door, the clock showed twelve minutes to three.|Blind Allies|Baynard Kendrick|sfw
02:49|2:49 a.m.|At 2:49 a.m., the town clerk walked back to the microphone and tapped it once again. The momentary silence was broken only by a pencil falling off a table and rolling across the floor.|Mightier Than the Sword|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
02:50|2:50|When it was 2:50 and the bank, too, had not been attacked, it was clear this was not the day of the big coup.|The Locked Room|Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö|unknown
02:51|2:51 A.M.|Thursday 2:51 A.M.<br/>A very wet, very annoyed Michael Vance rapped on the door of Zeno Stantopoulos's darkened kafeneion. He'd walked the lonely back road into Iraklion in the dark, guiding himself by the rain-battered groves of plane trees, olive, and wild pear, trying to figure out what in hell was happening.|Project Daedalus|Thomas Hoover|nsfw
02:52|eight minutes to three in the morning|It was an impulse, born of aloneness. It was eight minutes to three in the morning, Sunday morning.|A Song in the Morning|Gerald Seymour|sfw
02:53|seven minutes to three|They reached the first roadblock on the outskirts of the town of Bulawayo, and Craig checked his wrist-watch. It was seven minutes to three in the morning.|The Leopard Hunts in Darkness|Wilbur Smith|sfw
02:54|six minutes to three|The times have changed and I can tell you exactly when they did - The times changed at exactly six minutes to three last Friday morning.|GB84|David Peace|sfw
02:55|five minutes to three|The dashboard clock showed five minutes to three, later than Theo had expected. The road, narrow and deserted, opened palely before them, then slid under the wheels like a strip of torn and soiled linen.|The Children of Men|P.D. James|sfw
02:55|2:55 a.m.|"It's the way the world will end, Harry. Recorded cocktail music nuclear-powered to play on for centuries after all life has been destroyed. Selections from 'No, No, Nanette,' throughout eternity. That do you for 2:55 a.m.?"|The Night People|Jack Finney|unknown
02:55|2.55 am|Time to go: 2.55 am. Two-handed, Cec lifted his peak cap from the chair.|Downriver|Iain Sinclair|unknown
02:56|2:56|It was 2:56 when the shovel touched the coffin. We all heard the sound and looked at each other.|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer|unknown
02:57|02:57|It was 02:57 GMT. Yahaya slipped from his hiding place and cradled the syringe he had robbed from the ship's hospital in his right hand.|Life Probe|Michael McCollum|sfw
02:58|two minutes to three|But generally it’s the other way, the slow way. She’ll turn that dial to a dead stop and freeze the sun there on the screen so it don’t move a scant hair for weeks, so not a leaf on a tree or a blade of grass in the pasture shimmers. The clock hands hang at two minutes to three and she’s liable to let them hang there till we rust.|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|unknown
02:59|2:59 a.m.|He climbed off his bed at 2:59 a.m., fully rested, fully alert, walked over to the large trunk in the middle of the cabin and lifted its lid.|Be Careful What You Wish For|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
02:59|2:59 A. M.|"I wish it left sooner," Sophie said, "but Lyon will have to do." <br /> Sooner? Langdon checked his watch 2:59 A. M. The train left in seven minutes and they didn’t even have tickets yet.|The DaVinci Code|Dan Brown|unknown
02:59|2.59|"I remembered arriving in this room at 2.59 one night. I remembered the sergeant who called me names: mostly Anglo-Saxon monosyllabic four-letter ones with an odd "Commie" thrown in for syntax."|The Ipcress File|Len Deighton|unknown
03:00|3:00 A.M.|At 3:00 A.M., a gray DeSoto Diplomat cruised up and down Oliver Avenue. The lone occupant looked for any sign of movement---anything out of the ordinary.|Blue Springs|Peter Rennebohm|unknown
03:00|three o'clock in the morning|Worst of all was that Henrick used such pointed and mercilessly concrete examples. If he was preaching about mercy, he would describe the lot of the poor in such a way that the people could picture someone of the captain's many crofters leaving his home at three o'clock in the morning with a sack of grain on his back, how he slaved in the fields, how he often must go without the noon meal in order to get to the mill at last after thirteen hours of labor and after picking up his flour, return home through the woods, carrying his heavy load.|The Hammer of God|Bo Giertz|unknown
03:00|three in the morning|The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning.|Casino Royale|Ian Fleming|unknown
03:00|three o’clock in the morning|Holly gets up at three o’clock in the morning. She’s packed, she’s printed out her Delta ticket, she doesn’t have to be at the airport until seven and it’s a short ride, but she can’t sleep anymore.|If It Bleeds|Stephen King|unknown
03:00|3 a.m.|Who was that woman? She’d suspect, then be wrong. The shadowy presence laughed at her softly from the sleepless darkness of 3 a.m., then slid away. She couldn’t pin anything down.|Stone Mattress|Margaret Atwood|unknown
03:00|three o’clock in the morning|“What are you doing?” he asked.<br>“I thought it would be better if we locked the doors,” said Willa. “Just in case.”<br>“It’s three o’clock in the morning.”<br>“All the more reason for it.”<br>Markovic looked at her oddly before returning to the lounge.|The Nameless Ones|John Connolly|unknown
03:00|3 a.m.|The American team had flown into Vienna on a Gulfstream jet from a regional airport in eastern Poland, where the CIA had maintained a base for rendition purposes since the start of the War on Terror. It was not, therefore, the unit’s first day at the office. They were already watching when, at 3 a.m., two cars rook up positions within sight of the main and rear doors of the hotel, the first of the vehicles having initially circles the block three times.|The Nameless Ones|John Connolly|unknown
03:00|three a.m.|Tony was hardened off early. This is what she calls it by now, ruefully, in her cellar, at three a.m., with the shambles of Otto the Red’s clove army strewn on the sand-table behind her and West sleeping the sleep of the unjust upstairs, and Zenia raging unchecked, somewhere out there in the city.|The Robber Bride|Margaret Atwood|unknown
03:00|three|Hour after hour passed away, and the wearied Catherine had heard three proclaimed by all the clocks in the house before the tempest subsided or she unknowingly fell fast asleep.|Northanger Abbey|Jane Austen|unknown
03:00|3 a.m.|“Uncle Nuri!” he says when he sees me moving. “You’ve been sleeping for such a long time.” The clock on the wall says 3 a.m.|The Beekeeper of Aleppo|Christy Lefteri|unknown
03:00|three a.m.|Mindy Park stared at the ceiling. She had little else to do. The three a.m. shift was pretty dull. Only a constant stream of coffee kept her awake.|The Martian|Andy Weir|unknown
03:00|3 a.m.|I found myself typing “serial killer” into the Google search box at 3 a.m.|My Sister, the Serial Killer|Oyinkan Braithwaite|unknown
03:00|three o’clock|About three o’clock the four couples, frightened at their happiness, were sliding down the Russian mountains, a singular edifice which then occupied the heights of Beaujon, and whose undulating line was visible above the trees of the Champs Élysées.|Les Misérables|Victor Hugo|unknown
03:00|three o’clock|A few moments later, about three o’clock, Courfeyrec chanced to be passing along the Rue Mouffetard in company with Bossuet. The snow had redoubled in violence, and filled the air.|Les Misérables|Victor Hugo|unknown
03:00|three o’clock|I woke up half out of bed, the covers pulled loose and wound around me in a kind of shroud, heart pumping, clawing at my own mouth. It took several seconds for me to realize there was nothing in there. Nonetheless, I got up, went to the bathroom, and drank two glasses of water. I may have had worse dreams than the one that woke me at three o’clock on that Tuesday morning, but if so, I can’t remember them.|Joyland|Stephen King|unknown
03:00|three AM|As if it had roused him—perhaps it had—Lane lifted his head and looked at me. Tried to look at me; his eyes had come back level in their sockets, but were now pointing in opposite directions. That terrible image has never left my mind, and still comes to me at the oddest times: going through turnpike tollbooths, drinking a cup of coffee in the morning with the CNN anchors baying bad news, getting up to piss at three AM, which some poet or other has rightly dubbed the Hour of the Wolf.|Joyland|Stephen King|unknown
03:00|three in the morning|I looked around the room again. As always, the room was clean and orderly. <br>“People think of all kinds of things at three in the morning. We all do. That’s why we each have to figure out our own way of fighting it off.”<br>“You’re probably right,” I said.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
03:00|three a.m.|“Even animals think things over at three a.m.,” he said, as if remembering something. “Have you ever gone to the zoo at three a.m.?”<br>“No,” I answered vaguely. “No, of course not.”|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
03:00|three|All the doors were locked, everything in its proper place. Nothing out of the ordinary. I went back to the janitor’s room, set my alarm for three, and fell fast asleep.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
03:00|three|When the alarm went off at three, though, I woke up feeling weird. I can’t explain it, but I just felt different. I didn’t feel like getting up—it was like something was suppressing my will to get out of bed. I’m the type who usually leaps right out of bed, so I couldn’t understand it.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
03:00|3 a.m.|The preliminaries over, having made peepee and blown his nose vigorously, he walks nonchalantly over to his wench and gives her a big, smacking kiss together with an affectionate pat on the rump. Her, the wench, I’ve never seen look anything but immaculate—even at 3 a.m., after an evening’s work. She looks exactly as if she had just stepped out of a Turkish bath.|Tropic of Cancer|Henry Miller|nsfw
03:00|three o’clock in the morning|And now it is three o’clock in the morning and we have a couple of trollops here who are doing somersaults on the bare floor. Fillmore is walking around naked with a goblet in his hand, and that paunch of his is drumtight, hard as a fistula.|Tropic of Cancer|Henry Miller|nsfw
03:00|Three o’clock|Jarvis whistled through his teeth. “Will the law help a man of your years bounce back from multiple spinal fractures, Timothy?”<br>Eddie: “Men of your age don’t bounce. They splat.”<br>I fought with all my might, but my sphincter was no longer my own and a cannonade fired off. Amusement or condescension I could have borne, but my tormentors’ pity signified my abject defeat. The toilet chain was pulled.<br>“Three o’clock,” Cavendish-Redux went down the pan.|Cloud Atlas|David Mitchell|unknown
03:00|three o’clock in the morning|Indeed, at three o’clock in the morning in the village of Bishopthorpe, it is easy to believe the lie indulged in by its residents - that it is a place for good and quiet people to live good and quiet lives.|The Radleys|Matt Haig|unknown
03:00|three o’clock|The light on at three o’clock this Friday morning belongs to him, Rowan, the elder of the two Radley children. He is wide awake, despite having drunk six times the recommended dose of Night Nurse.|The Radleys|Matt Haig|unknown
03:00|three A.M.|Spent last night working on a rumbling ’cello 𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘰 lit by explosive triplets. Silence punctuated by breakneck mousetraps. Remember the church clock chiming three A.M. “I heard an owl,” Huckleberry Finn says, “away and off, who-whooing about somebody that was dead, and a whippowill and a dog crying about somebody that was going to die.”|Cloud Atlas|David Mitchell|unknown
03:00|three in the morning|He couldn’t sleep that night, a tightness in his chest as if a serpent had wound its coils around him. At three in the morning the phone by his bed began to ring. Ada’s voice, almost unrecognizable, her gasps between words no less desperate than her sobs.|The Island of Missing Trees|Elif Shafak|unknown
03:00|three in the morning|When at three in the morning she was still awake, her mind ticking off all the ways she kept failing at parenting, she threw off her blanket and padded to the kitchen. The Scotch she poured went down warm and hit hot, and she took another swig before collapsing into bed and finally disconnecting.|Behind the Lie|Emilya Naymark|unknown
03:00|3:00 a.m.|It did not help, either, that she had been up half the night with Josie, who’d awakened from a nightmare<br>about a boa constrictor and refused to go back to sleep. Alex didn’t know who the other candidates were for this position, but she’d wager that they weren’t single moms who’d had to poke the radiator vents with a yardstick at 3:00 a.m. to prove that there weren’t any snakes hiding in the dark tunnels.|Nineteen Minutes|Jodi Picoult|unknown
03:00|three o’clock|And now it was three o’clock. The Antichrist had been on Earth for fifteen hours, and one angel and one demon had been drinking solidly for three of them.|Good Omens|Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman|unknown
03:00|three|When the clock struck three, Elizabeth felt that she must go, and very unwillingly said so.|Pride and Prejudice|Jane Austen|unknown
03:00|three o’clock|A gambling fever swept through the sophomore class and they bent over the bones till three o’clock many a sultry night.|This Side of Paradise|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
03:00|three o'clock|"She died this morning, very early, about three o'clock."|The Voyage Out|Virginia Woolf|unknown
03:00|Three in the morn.|Three a.m. That’s our reward. Three in the morn. The soul’s midnight. The tide goes out, the soul ebbs. And a train arrives at an hour of despair. Why?|Something Wicked This Way Comes|Ray Bradbury|unknown
03:00|three o'clock|According to her watch it was shortly after three o'clock, and according to everything else it was night-time.|The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul|Douglas Adams|unknown
03:00|At three am|At three am I was walking the floor and listening to Katchaturian working in a tractor factory. He called it a violin concerto. I called it a loose fan belt and the hell with it.|The Long Goodbye|Raymond Chandler|nsfw
03:00|three o' clock in the morning|At three o' clock in the morning Eurydice is bound to come into it. After all, why did I sit here like a telegrapher at a lost outpost if not to receive messages from everywhere about the lost Eurydice who was never mine to begin with but whom I lamented and sought continually both professionally and amateurishly.|The Medusa Frequency|Russell Hoban|unknown
03:00|three o’clock in the morning|But at three o’clock in the morning, a forgotten package has the same tragic importance as a death sentence, and the cure doesn’t work -- and in a real dark night of the soul it is always three o’clock in the morning, day after day.|The Crack-Up|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
03:00|three o'clock|Not till she has had one cup of tea, so weak that it has a colour accidentally golden, can she begin her day. She is an insomniac. Her nights are wide-eyed and excited with worry. Even at three o'clock in the morning one might hear her eating a Bain Marie biscuit in the kitchen.|Afternoon Raag|Amit Chaudhuri|unknown
03:00|3 a.m.|I slam the phone down but it misses the base. I hit the clock instead, which flashes 3 a.m.|Songs from the Other Side of the Wall|Dan Holloway|unknown
03:00|at three A.M.|It was six untroubled days later – the best days at the camp so far, lavish July light thickly spread everywhere, six masterpiece mountain midsummer days, one replicating the other – that someone stumbled jerkily, as if his ankles were in chains, to the Comanche cabin’s bathroom at three A.M.|Nemesis|Philip Roth|unknown
03:00|three in the morning|It was three in the morning when his taxi stopped by giant mounds of snow outside his hotel. He had not eaten in hours.|Solar|Ian McEwan|unknown
03:00|three o'clock at night|Once I saw a figure I shall never forget. It was three o'clock at night, as I was going home from Blacky as usual; it was a short-cut for me, and there would be nobody in the street at this time of night, I thought, especially not in this frightful cold.|I'm Not Stiller|Max Frisch|unknown
03:00|Three AM|Roused from her sleep, Freya Gaines groped for the switch of the vidphone; groggily she found it and snapped it on. 'Lo,' she mumbled, wondering what time it was. She made out the luminous dial of the clock beside the bed. Three AM. Good grief.|The Game Players of Titan|Philip K Dick|unknown
03:00|0300|Schact clears his mouth and swallows mightily. 'Tavis can't even regrout tile in the locker room without calling a Community meeting or appointing a committee. The Regrouting Committee's been dragging along since May. Suddenly they're pulling secret 0300 milk-switches? It doesn't ring true, Jim.|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|unknown
03:00|Three in the morning|Three in the morning, thought Charles Halloway, seated on the edge of his bed. Why did the train come at that hour? For, he thought, it’s a special hour. Women never wake then, do they? They sleep the sleep of babes and children. But men in middle age? They know that hour well.|Something Wicked This Way Comes|Ray Bradbury|unknown
03:00|three|"What's the time?" said the man, eyeing George up and down with evident suspicion, "why, if you listen you will hear it strike." <br /> George listened, and a neighbouring clock immediately obliged. "But it's only gone three!" said George in an injured tone, when it had finished.|Three Men in a Boat|Jerome K. Jerome|unknown
03:00|3:00 a.m.|When Sophie awoke, it was 3:00 a.m.|Desperate Characters|Paula Fox|unknown
03:00|three o’clock|"You hearken, Missy. It’s three o’clock in the morning and I’ve got all my faculties as well as ever I had in my life. I know all my property and where the money’s put out. And I’ve made everything ready to change my mind, and do as I like at the last. Do you hear, Missy? I’ve got my faculties."|Middlemarch|George Eliot|unknown
03:00|three a.m.|“Fred, the finest tradition of the Watch is having a quiet smoke somewhere out of the wind at three a.m. Let’s not get carried away, eh?”|Jingo|Terry Pratchett|sfw
03:00|three A.M|THERE ARE TIMES when you just have to miss a night’s sleep. But Ankh-Morpork never slept; the city never did more than doze, and would wake up around three A.M. for a glass of water.|Going Postal|Terry Pratchett|sfw
03:01|3:01 a.m.|At 3:01 a.m., Thaddeus Funston stirred in his sleep and awakened. He sat up in bed and looked around the dark ward. The quiet breathing and occasional snores of thirty other sleeping patients filled the room. Funston turned to the window and stared out across the black hills that sheltered the deserted crafts building.|A Filbert is a Nut|Rick Raphael|sfw
03:01|around three in the morning|Yesterday, at around three in the morning, I found my mother unresponsive on her bathroom floor. I’m a hero, they say, because I saved her from a lithium overdose. <br/> I’m not a hero. This is all my fault.|Blink and We'll Miss It|Ginny Kochis|nsfw
03:01|about three o'clock|It was now about three o'clock in the morning and Francis Macomber, who had been asleep a little while after he had stopped thinking about the lion, wakened and then slept again.|The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber|Ernest Hemingway|unknown
03:01|around 3 A.M.|It wasn’t exactly whiskey, and it wasn’t exactly gin, but it was exactly 90° proof, and a great comfort during those worrying moments that sometimes occurred around 3 A.M. when you woke up and forgot who you were.|Lords and Ladies|Terry Pratchett|sfw
03:01|Past three o’clock|I’m not going to just lie here, she thought, and let my life be ruined! And when she heard, “God give you good morrow, my masters! Past three o’clock and a fair morning!” she flung back the covers and got out of bed, turning to shake Nan.|Forever Amber|Kathleen Windsor|sfw
03:02|two minutes past three|But after months of checking and rechecking, Joseph Ricardo, of mixed race, born illegitimately in a Buenos Aires hospital at two minutes past three Western time on 19 October 1995, had officially been recognized.|The Children of Men|P.D. James|sfw
03:02|around 3 A.M.|“I don’t know why you think your life has been so bad,” he said. “We had a lot of fun when we were younger. Hey, do you remember the time when we went over the edge of the world?”<br>“Often,” said Rincewind. “Usually around 3 A.M.”|Interesting Times|Terry Pratchett|sfw
03:03|three minutes past three|At three minutes past three he began his career as one of the celebrities of the world.|The Man Who Rocked the Earth|Arthur C. Train and Robert W. Wood|sfw
03:04|3.04|He looked at his front-line clock on the bedside table and noted that it had stopped at 3.04. So, you couldn’t even rely on alarm clocks.|The Return of the Dancing Master|Henning Mankell|unknown
03:05|three-oh-five|"Five minutes ago it was three o'clock," Murphy said. "I can't be certain, but I theorize that it must now be about three-oh-five."<br/> I folded my arms. "I don't usually do stakeouts."|White Night|Jim Butcher|sfw
03:05|3:05 a.m.|On the Sunday before Christmas she awoke at 3:05 a.m. and thought: Thirty-six hours. Four hours later she got up thinking: Thirty-two hours. Late in the day she took Alfred to the street-association Christmas party at Dale and Honey Driblett’s, sat him down safely with Kirby Root, and proceeded to remind all her neighbors that her favorite grandson, who’d been looking forward all year to a Christmas in St. Jude, was arriving tomorrow afternoon.|The Corrections|Jonathan Franzen|unknown
03:06|3.06 AM|3.06 AM<br/>"Here," said Miss Pettigrew in a tiny voice. Joe loomed above her. He said no word, but his arm went through hers with that glorious, proprietary, warding male attentiveness never hitherto experienced by Miss Pettigrew. She simply leaned on him weakly.|Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day|Winifred Watson|sfw
03:07|3:07|He glanced at his watch: 3:07. Surely it couldn’t be Fiona? He dragged himself out of bed, put on his dressing gown, and reluctantly padded across to the door.|Heads You Win|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:07|3.07 am|Wayne late-logged in: 3.07 am -the late-late show. He parked. He dumped his milk can. He yawned, he stretched. He scratched.|The Cold Six Thousand|James Ellroy|unknown
03:08|eight minutes past three|The mist was thinning now and he could just discern the Grange itself - a substantial, dark shadow marked by blurs of lights from the windows. His watch showed that it was eight minutes past three. So they would all be closeted now in solitary meditation waiting for the four o'clock summons to announce their final votes.|The Black Tower|P.D. James|sfw
03:09|nine past three|Hall looked at his Rolex and it was nine past three, and yet no cuckoos had announced the hour, not one. How long had this been going on, or not going on?|The Road to Ruin|Donald E. Westlake|sfw
03:10|ten past three|Adam licked his fingers and rubbed them over his eyes as he tried to get accustomed to the dark. He checked the little luminous dial on his alarm clock: ten past three.|A Matter of Honor|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:10|3:10|It was 3:10 in the morning when Pastor Grant finally got back to the parsonage.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|sfw
03:10|ten-past three|I think my credit card was in there too. I wrote down the words credit card and said that if they wouldn't let me cancel them I'd demand that they registered the loss so you couldn't be charge for anything beyond the time of my calling them up. I looked at the clock. It was ten-past three.|The Whole Story and Other Stories|Ali Smith|unknown
03:10|ten past three|Love again; wanking at ten past three|Love Again|Philip Larkin|nsfw
03:11|3:11 AM|The clock said 3:11 AM.<br/>"Yes, hello?"<br/>A deep, emotionless voice on the other end asked, "Is this Pastor Stephen Grant?" |The Root of All Evil?|Ray Keating|sfw
03:12|twelve minutes past three|A table with anglers' magazines and an ashtray, a few books on a shelf, a candle in a bottle, chairs, a mantel clocked stopped at twelve minutes past three.|In the Company of Others|Jan Karon|sfw
03:12|3:12 AM|It was 3:12 AM, and Charlie was calling. <br/> She answered, "Are you still sitting outside that hotel?" <br/> "Yeah. This is bullshit. I'm going in to get this guy, and I don't care what he's in the middle of doing." |Vatican Shadows|Ray Keating|nsfw
03:13|03.13|You probably won't remember me, but I'm the lucky soul who got beamed down into a human body at 03.13 GMT.|Come Again|Josie Lloyd and Emlyn Rees|sfw
03:14|3.14|Since he had told the girl that it had to end, he'd been waking up every morning at 3.14, without fail. Every morning his eyes would flick open, alert, and the red numerals on his electric alarm clock would read 3.14.|The Slap|Christos Tsiolkas|unknown
03:15|three-fifteen|The boss had had something rather more spectacular than a bowel movement; at three-fifteen that day he had done something in his pants that was the equivalent of a shit A-bomb.|The Tommyknockers|Stephen King|nsfw
03:15|quarter past three in the morning|One night in August, with the good picking done and Old Pie’s crew paid up and back on the rez, I woke to the sound of a cow lowing. 𝘐 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦, I thought, but when I fumbled my father’s pocket watch off the table beside my bed and peered at it, I saw it was quarter past three in the morning.|Full Dark, No Stars|Stephen King|unknown
03:15|3:15|Above the door of Room 69 the clock ticked on at 3:15. The motion was accelerating. What had once been the gymnasium was now a small room, seven feet wide, a tight, almost perfect cube.|Manhole 69|J.G. Ballard|unknown
03:16|sixteen minutes past three|Rebecca and Abby are taken to hospital by ambulance, Abby is released several hours later with minor cuts and bruises, Rebecca Louden was pronounced dead at sixteen minutes past three this morning after surgeons failed to repair the damage to her carotid artery.|A Place of Safety|Emma Salisbury|sfw
03:17|03.17|Hassan checked her watch – 03.17 – confident that the only person on board still awake would be the young man on the bridge. Rook to bishop’s four. He removed a knight from the board.|Next in Line|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:17|3:17 a.m.|Timestamp says 3:17 a.m. A large block of text. Not a good sign of things to come.|Bath Haus|P.J. Vernon|unknown
03:17|seventeen minutes past three in the morning|It was seventeen minutes past three in the morning. Mila, in a trenchcoat and boots, sat down on the edge of the bed. Malik Solanka groaned. Disaster always arrived when your defences were at their lowest: blindsiding you, like love.|Fury|Salman Rushdie|unknown
03:17|3:17|The two of us sat there, listening—Boris more intently than me. “Who’s that with him then?” I said. “Some whore.” He listened for a moment, brow furrowed, his profile sharp in the moonlight, and then lay back down. “Two of them.” I rolled over, and checked my iPod. It was 3:17 in the morning.|The Goldfinch|Donna Tartt|nsfw
03:17|3.17 a.m.|He turned to the monitors again and flicked through the screens, each one able to display eight different camera mountings, giving Kurt 192 different still lives of Green Oaks at 3.17 a.m. this March night.|What Was Lost|Catherine O'Flynn|unknown
03:18|03.18 hours|The truth of the matter we may never know. All we know at the moment is that at 03.18 hours on 10th February the Southern Cross was firmly beset by the ice and she was sending out an SOS. Sometime during the night that lead must have come to an end. The westward-driven pack ice closed round her and in a matter of hours she was gone.|The White South|Hammond Innes|sfw
03:19|3.19 A.M.|The time stamp on Navidson's camcorder indicates that it is exactly 3.19 A.M.|House of Leaves|Mark Z. Danielewski|sfw
03:20|3.20 am|Prabath Kumara, 16. 17th November 1989. At 3.20 am from the home of a friend.|Anil's Ghost|Michael Ondaatje|unknown
03:21|3:21|He didn’t bother to shower or shave, and dressed quickly in the clothes he had worn the previous day. He left his apartment in Queens at 3:21 and drove himself into Manhattan, leaving his car outside the front of the precinct a few minutes before four.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:21|3:21|She glanced again at the bedside clock: 3:21. She got out of bed, put on a dressing gown, sat down at the little table and filled several sheets of hotel stationery with notes in preparation for her meeting with Sefton Jelks. It felt like prepping for an exam.|The Sins of the Father|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:21|twenty-one minutes past three|Next, he remembered that the morrow of Christmas would be the twenty-seventh day of the moon, and that consequently high water would be at twenty-one minutes past three, the half-ebb at a quarter past seven, low water at thirty-three minutes past nine, and half flood at thirty-nine minutes past twelve.|The Toilers of the Sea|Victor Hugo|unknown
03:22|03:22|"Ladies and gentlemen, at 03:22 this morning, our GEODSS sensor suite at Socorro, New Mexico detected an anomalous object outside of the orbit of the moon."|The Gift|Dave Donovan|sfw
03:23|twenty-three minutes past three|It is twenty-three minutes past three, and his plane leaves at eight A.M.|Candyland|Evan Hunter and Ed McBain|sfw
03:24|three-twenty-four|"Surely not!" she gibed. "Forming a link of transcontinental traffic. Helping to put a girdle 'round the earth in eighty days--or is it forty now?--enlightening the traveling public about the three-twenty-four train; dispensing time-tables and other precious mediums of education--" <br/> "I'm happy here," he said doggedly.|Success: A Novel|Samuel Hopkins Adams|sfw
03:25|3:25 a.m.|It was 3:25 a.m. A strange thrill, to think I was the only Mulvaney awake in the house.|We Were the Mulvaneys|Joyce Carol Oates|unknown
03:26|03:26|Sinking down heavily on the edge of his unmade bed with his head in his hands, Sam raked his fingers through the messy spikes of his hair before casting a glance at the digital clock on the nightstand. Its little red numbers flashed 03:26 and he heaved a sigh.|Ink|Torrie McLean|sfw
03:27|3:27 a.m.|At 3:27 a.m., he called for silence again. “I, Leonard Derek Hardy, being the returning officer…” Heads were bowed, eyes were closed, while some of those present turned away, unable even to face the stage as they crossed their fingers and waited for the numbers to be read out.|Mightier Than the Sword|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:27|twenty-seven minutes past three|With the Ranger at their head, they went out of town at a fast trot. If there had been anybody there to notice it, he would have seen that the clock on the wall at the Bird Cage registered the time as twenty-seven minutes past three.|Oh, You Tex!|William MacLeod Raine|sfw
03:28|3.28|Now somebody was running past his room. A door slammed. That foreign language again. What the devil was going on? he switched on his light and peered at his watch. 3.28. He got out of bed.|Dreams of Leaving|Rupert Thomson|unknown
03:29|03.29|"Only a message from the CIU. They got the billing on Difford's mobile. The last call was to another mobile at 03.29 on Sunday morning. Since then no one's used it."|Borrowed Light|Graham Hurley|sfw
03:30|Half-past three|He was too deeply asleep to hear the noise of his door handle being tried. What woke him was the tapping. It was soft at first, more like a scratching of fingernails on wood, and when he opened his eyes he assumed it was one of the children trying to clamber into their bed after a nightmare. But then he saw the unfamiliar room and he remembered where he was. He squinted at the luminous hands on the hotel’s alarm clock. Half-past three.|Munich|Robert Harris|unknown
03:30|Half past Three|At Half past Three, a single Bird Unto a silent Sky Propounded but a single term Of cautious melody.|At Half past Three, a single Bird|Emily Dickinson|unknown
03:30|half-past three A.M.|At half-past three A.M. he lost one illusion: officers sent to reconnoitre informed him that the enemy was making no movement.|Les Misérables|Victor Hugo|unknown
03:30|3:30 A.M.|It's 3:30 A.M. in Mrs. Ralph's finally quiet house when Garp decides to clean the kitchen, to kill the time until dawn. Familiar with a housewife's tasks, Garp fills the sink and starts to wash the dishes.|The World According to Garp|John Irving|unknown
03:30|three-thirty|"Let's go to sleep, I say. "Look at what time it is." The clock radio is right there beside the bed. Anyone can see it says three-thirty."|Whoever Was Using This Bed|Raymond Carver|unknown
03:30|three thirty|Now, look. I am not going to call Dr. McGrath at three thirty in the morning to ask if it's all right for my son to eat worms. That's flat.|How to Eat Fried Worms|Thomas Rockwell|unknown
03:31|03:31 hours|He hesitated for a moment and reached for the Admiral's call icon, touching it as gingerly as if it were the trigger to a nuclear charge. Arashan entered the exact time in his duty log: 03:31 hours.|Shroud of Eden|Marlin Desault|sfw
03:32|03:32|An empty cryogenic support cylinder was eventually found outside his abandoned car at 03:32 this morning near the village of Hazelbrook, thirty-six miles north of here.|The Sons of Scarlatti|John McNally|sfw
03:33|3:33|A draft whistled in around the kitchen window frame and I shivered. The digital clock on Perkus's stove read 3:33.|Chronic City|Jonathan Lethem|unknown
03:34|3:34 am.|It was 3:34 am. and he was wide-awake. He'd heard the phone ring and the sound of his uncle's voice.|Always Florence|Muriel Jensen|unknown
03:35|3:35|Three thirty, 3:35, 3:40. Suddenly there was a massive jolt that almost threw him out of his seat. It was followed by a loud screeching of wheels as the train slowed rapidly, and finally came to a halt.|Be Careful What You Wish For|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:35|3.35 a.m.|He could just see the hands of the alarm clock in the darkness: 3.35 a.m. He adjusted his pillow and shut his eyes.|The Dogs of Riga|Henning Mankell|unknown
03:36|3:36 a.m.|As I near Deadhorse, it's 3:36 a.m. and seventeen below. Tall, sodium vapor lights spill on the road and there are no trees, only machines, mechanical shadows. There isn't even a church. It tells you everything.|Zoopraxis|Richard C. Matheson|unknown
03:37|thirty-seven A.M.|It was three thirty-seven A.M., and for once Maggie was asleep. She had got to be a pretty good sleeper in the last few months. Clyde was prouder of this fact than anything.|The Cobweb|Stephen Bury|unknown
03:38|3.38 am|At 3.38 am, it began to snow in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The geese circling the city flew back to the park, landed, and hunkered down to sit it out on their island in the lake.|Just Like the Ones We Used to Know|Connie Willis|unknown
03:39|3.39 am|23 October 1893 3.39 am. Upon further thought, I feel it necessary to explain that exile into the Master's workshop is not an unpleasant fate. It is not simply some bare-walled cellar devoid of stimulation - quite the opposite.|The Clockwork Man|William Jablonsky|unknown
03:40|three forty|His bedside clock shows three forty. He has no idea what he's doing out of bed: he has no need to relieve himself, nor is he disturbed by a dream or some element of the day before, or even by the state of the world.|Saturday|Ian McEwan|unknown
03:41|3.41 am|The alarm clock said 3.41 am. He sat up. Why was the alarm clock slow? He picked up the alarm clock and adjusted the hands to show the same time as his wristwatch: 3.44 am|The Dogs of Riga|Henning Mankell|unknown
03:42|3:42 a.m.|The phone rang at 3:42 a.m. Who could be calling this late? Or rather, "this early?" They'd only been asleep for a few hours. Easter Vigil had ended around 11 p.m. and she had then gotten everything ready for the Easter Sunrise Service, which would begin around 6 a.m.|Blood Stained|Gayl Siegel|sfw
03:42|3:42 a.m.|Let’s see what those search warrants yield. So far Pelley has admitted he was at the bonfire. The lab says his boot imprints are a match to the marks on Leena’s body. Pelley cannot account for the time between when he was last seen leaving the bonfire with his arm around Leena and when he arrived home at 3:42 a.m. in a severely inebriated state, according to his wife, Lacey.|Beneath Devil’s Bridge|Loreth Anne White|unknown
03:42|3:42|"We are due in Yellow Sky at 3:42," he said, looking tenderly into her eyes.<br />"Oh, are we?" she said, as if she had not been aware of it. To evince surprise at her husband's statement was part of her wifely amiability.|Bride Comes to Yellow Sky|Stephen Crane|unknown
03:43|3.43 am|The clock says 3.43 am. The thermometer says it's a chilly fourteen degrees Fahrenheit. The weatherman says the cold spell will last until Thursday, so bundle up and bundle up some more. There are icicles barring the window of the bat cave.|Ghostwritten|David Mitchell|unknown
03:44|3:44|When I opened my eyes, an oyster-colored dawn was peeping in at the windows. The hands of my brass alarm clock stood at 3:44.|The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie|Alan Bradley|unknown
03:44|3.44 a.m.|It was dark. After she had switched the light on and been to the toilet, she checked her watch: 3.44 a.m. She undressed, put the cat out the door and returned to the twin bed.|Liver: Leberknödel|Will Self|unknown
03:45|03.45|He touched the face of his watch to check the time: 03.45. The code that would open the outer door and allow him to descend to the safety of his other world.|Over My Dead Body|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:45|quarter of four|Abra did not quiet. The crying was monotonous, maddening, terrifying. When they arrived at Bridgton Hospital, it was quarter of four, and Abra was still at full volume. Rides in the Acura were usually better than a sleeping pill, but not this morning.|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
03:45|quarter to four|LORD CAVERSHAM: Well, sir! what are you doing here? Wasting your life as usual! You should be in bed, sir. You keep too late hours! I heard of you the other night at Lady Rufford's dancing till four o' clock in the morning!<br /> LORD GORING: Only a quarter to four, father.|An Ideal Husband|Oscar Wilde|unknown
03:46|03 46|This time the year came first, 88, followed by the month, 09, and finally the time, which had just flicked over to 03 46.|Over My Dead Body|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:46|three forty-six a.m.|I saw the Bentley turn onto the school grounds at three forty-six a.m. and the suburban with the two Secret Service agents go by a few minutes later.|Deadly Cross|James Patterson|unknown
03:47|3:47|I stayed awake until 3:47. That was the last time I looked at my watch before I fell asleep. It has a luminous face and lights up if you press a button so I could read it in the dark. I was cold and I was frightened Father might come out and find me. But I felt safer in the garden because I was hidden.|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|sfw
03:48|03.48|He checked the time, 03.48, and was about to enter the code when Collins calmly entered the room, dressed in a tailcoat, striped trousers, stiff white collar and grey silk tie.|Over My Dead Body|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:48|twelve minutes to four|When Jeremy and Cuby reached their room it was twelve minutes to four. The fire had nearly gone out in their bedroom, but Jeremy went downstairs and brought up more faggots to set it to a new blaze.|The Twisted Sword|Winston Graham|sfw
03:49|3.49|It was 3.49 when he hit me because of the two hundred times I had said, "I don't know." He hit me a lot after that.|The Ipcress File|Len Deighton|unknown
03:50|ten or five to four|She had used her cell phone to leave several messages on the answering machine in Sao Paulo of the young dentist of the previous evening, whose name was Fernando. The first was recorded at ten or five to four in the morning.|A Death in Brazil: A Book of Omissions|Peter Robb|unknown
03:50|3.50|My watch said 3.50, but it had stopped.|Night Surf|Stephen King|sfw
03:51|3:51|The digital reading on the clock-radio was 3:51. Always odd numbers at times like this. What does it mean? Is death odd-numbered?|White Noise|Don DeLillo|unknown
03:52|03.52|It was neat, too much so. The log book was open at the last entry: 03.52 hours - Brady Field Beacon bearing 312°, approximately eight miles.|The Mediterranean Caper|Clive Cussler|sfw
03:53|seven minutes to four|"I know what old Else has told me, but so far I haven't heard it from you, son. What were you doing in Hog Court at approximately seven minutes to four this morning?"|Soho|Keith Waterhouse|sfw
03:54|3.54 a.m.|The charter flight from Florida touched down at Aldergrove minutes earlier, at 3.54 a.m.|The More a Man Has, the More a Man Wants|Paul Muldoon|unknown
03:55|3.55 a.m.|Here in the cavernous basement at 3.55 a.m., in a single pool of light, is Theo Perowne.|Saturday|Ian McEwan|unknown
03:56|four minutes to four|It was now four minutes to four, and a new day had begun: a day that would likely wrench the cracks apart, turn the bruises into bloody wounds, and shatter to smithereens everything she had patiently made of herself.|The Cassandra Complex|Brian Stableford|sfw
03:57|3:57|He flicked on the bedside light and picked up his watch. It was 3:57. He began to recall what had taken place a few hours earlier.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
03:57|three minutes to four|"Three minutes to four," she replied, consulting her broad old gold watch, and then holding it to her ear. "Yes, three minutes to four. I thought it was later. You saw something, William Maubray - you did. You have seen something, haven't you?"|All in the Dark|Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu|sfw
03:58|two minutes to four|The ancient house was deserted, the crumbling garage padlocked, and one was just able to discern - by peering through a crack in the bubbling sun on the window - the face of a clock on the opposite wall. The clock had stopped at two minutes to four early in the morning, or who could tell, it may have been earlier still, yesterday in the afternoon, a couple of hours after Kaiser had left Kamaria for Bartica.|Heartland|Wilson Harris|unknown
03:58|3:58|The clock atop the clubhouse reads 3:58.|Underworld|Don DeLillo|unknown
03:59|Nearly four|And the raw materials of reality without that glue of time are materials adrift and reality is as meaningless as the balsa parts of a model airplane scattered to the wind...I am in my old room, yes, in the dark, certainly, and it is cold, obviously, but what time is it? "Nearly four, son."|Sometimes a Great Notion|Ken Kesey|unknown
03:59|one minute to four|He turned to Zor Ala. "You are to make such contacts with the other humans of the colony as you feel advisable, and you will organize several parties from those you feel you can trust. Have them gather in small groups on either side of the main gate, staying in the shadows of the stockade wall. Be sure they are ready at one minute to four. Have the members armed with any weapons you can devise."|The Time-Techs of Kra|Max Sheridan|sfw
04:00|four o'clock|At four o'clock Mark sat in the Fairy's office rereading the last two articles he had written-one for the most respectable of our papers, the other for a more popular organ. This was the only part of the night's work which had anything in it to flatter literary vanity. The earlier hours had been spent in the sterner labor of concocting the news itself.|That Hideous Strength|C.S. Lewis|unknown
04:00|four in the morning|She should have told him. It isn’t friendly, the fact that she hasn’t told him. The first time, she told him and they both cried, holding each other closely, consoling each other for some violation they felt as mutual. Then they discussed their problems, sitting up till four in the morning, whispering across the kitchen table.|Life Before Man|Margaret Atwood|unknown
04:00|four o’clock|I followed his gaze to the mantelpiece. The clock had stopped at four o’clock.<br>“Mon ami, someone has tampered with it. It had still three days to run. It is an eight-day clock, you comprehend?” <br>“But what should they want to do that for? Some idea of a false scent by making the crime appear to have taken place at four o’clock?”|The Big Four|Agatha Christie|unknown
04:00|four a.m.|The cloud descended, and Bill’s voice was divorced from what transpired in his head. The purple cloud had a notion. It swept down on top of him like smoke billowing from fallen towers. The possibility that all his work and all his travels and all his passion was just farce. His way of coping at four a.m. on a West Texas Highway. His heart thundered, and he dreamt the Truth, but each discovery was a slippery as a fish in the hand, and every time he tried to catch one, it would simply wriggle its tail and be free.|Ohio|Stephen Markley|unknown
04:00|four|It’s a delusional painter who finishes a canvas at two o’clock and expects radical societal transformation by four. Even when artists write manifestos, they are (hopefully) aware that their exigent tone is, finally, borrowed, only echoing and mimicking the urgency of the guerrilla’s demands, or the activist’s protests, rather than truly enacting it. The people sometimes demand change. They almost never demand art.|Intimations|Zadie Smith|unknown
04:00|four|When the row of clocks in their cases chimed out four, he closed the ledger and reached out for the oil lamp on the edge of the counter. Removing the glass chimney, he struck a match and held it to the wick, then replaced the glass and watched the flame’s amber tones fill the room, scattering shadows between the clock faces.|Cogheart|Peter Bunzl|unknown
04:00|four o’clock a.m.|All this is visible to you by the light of an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling, and by that of an excellent fire, near which I sit in my cloak and bonnet; my muff and umbrella lie on the table, and I am warming away the numbness and chill contracted by sixteen hours’ exposure to the rawness of an October day: I left Lawton at four o’clock a.m. and the Millcote town clock is now just striking eight.|Jane Eyre|Charlotte Brontë|unknown
04:00|four o’clock|It was four o’clock before we finally got away. Now, for some reason, it was Charles and Camilla who weren’t speaking. They’d fought about something - I’d seen them arguing in the yard - and all the way home, in the back seat, they sat side by side and stared straight ahead, their arms folded across their chests in what I am sure they did not realize was a comically identical fashion.|The Secret History|Donna Tartt|unknown
04:00|four in the morning|After Francis left I fell asleep again. When I woke up it was four in the morning. I had slept for nearly twenty-four hours.|The Secret History|Donna Tartt|unknown
04:00|four|He wakes up at four, and when he goes outside with the new gloves in one hand, Alice is sitting in the eternal motel lawn chair, bundled up in an I LOVE LAS VEGAS sweatshirt and looking up at a rind of moon.|Billy Summers|Stephen King|unknown
04:00|four in the morning|His mother knew about the no-talking thing. It had happened after Danny had ventured into Room 217 at the Overlook.<br>“Will you talk to Dick?”<br>Lying in his bed, looking up at her, he nodded. His mother called, even though it was four in the morning.<br>Late the next day, Dick came. He brought something with him.<br>A present.|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
04:00|four o’clock|As a sign of respect, Rose took off her tophat and held it by her side.<br>At four o’clock they trooped back to their encampment in the parking lot, invigorated. They would return the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. They would return until the good steam was exhausted, and then they would move on.|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
04:00|4 a.m.|Vera had been hanging by a thread for a week now, comatose, in and out of Cheyne-Stokes respiration, and this was exactly the sort of night the frail ones picked to go out on. Usually at 4 a.m.|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
04:00|four in the morning|A poet might die at at twenty-one, a revolutionary or a rock start at twenty-four. But after that you assume everything’s going to be all right. You’ve made it past Dead Man’s Curve and you’re out of the tunnel, cruising straight for your destination down a six-lane highway—whether you want to be or not. You get your hair cut; every morning you shave. You aren’t a poet anymore, or a revolutionary or a rock star. You don’t pass out drunk in phone booths or blast out the Doors at four in the morning.|Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman|Haruki Murakami|unknown
04:00|Four A.M.|Three months before the block party, before Oliver Dubois drove a stolen truck into his own living room, before somebody shot Step Volkin at Forty-Six Oak Drive, Holly Dubois decided on an early morning walk. Real early. Four A.M. early.|Behind the Lie|Emilya Naymark|unknown
04:00|four in the morning|“Buster,” she whispered, rubbing the little shih tzu to wake him. After all, walking by herself at four in the morning might be considered wacky. Nobody did that in Sylvan except one or two dedicated runners during their cooldowns, and she wasn’t a runner.|Behind the Lie|Emilya Naymark|unknown
04:00|four o’clock|Then I was lying half asleep in the cold lower level of the Pennsylvania Station, staring at the morning Tribune, and waiting for the four o’clock train.|The Great Gatsby|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
04:00|four o’clock|She lay down at four o’clock, not expecting to sleep a wink, but her healing body had its own priorities. She went under almost instantly, and when she woke to the insistent 𝘥𝘢𝘩-𝘥𝘢𝘩-𝘥𝘢𝘩 of her bedside clock, she was glad she had set the alarm. Outside, a gusty October breeze was combing leaves from the trees and sending them across her backyard in colorful skitters. The light had gone that strange and depthless gold which seems the exclusive property of late-fall afternoons in New England.|Full Dark, No Stars|Stephen King|unknown
04:00|4:00 A.M.|𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 came in the form of a bright green van, Sunday morning, 4:00 A.M. sharp. Dervla awoke to acrid exhaust fumes billowing into her open bedroom window. Annoyance turned to gratitude when she spotted the peculiar vehicle, for Dervla knew a juicy bit of news when she saw one.|Pomegranate Soup|Marsha Mehran|unknown
04:00|four o'clock|"Nothing happened," he said wanly. "I waited, and about four o'clock she came to the window and stood there for a minute and then turned out the light."|The Great Gatsby|F. Scott Fitzgerald|unknown
04:00|four am.|"I looked at the clock and it was (yes, you guessed it) four am. I should have taken comfort from the fact that approximately quarter of the Greenwich Mean Time world had just jolted awake also and were lying, staring miserably into the darkness, worrying."|Watermelon|Marian Keyes|unknown
04:00|4 am|Suddenly, he started to cry. Curled up on the sofa he sobbed loudly. Michel looked at his watch; it was just after 4 am. On the screen a wild cat had a rabbit in its mouth.|Atomised|Michel Houellebecq|unknown
04:00|Four o'clock|The Birds begun at Four o'clock <br /> Their period for Dawn|The Birds Begun at Four o'clock|Emily Dickinson|unknown
04:00|at four|The night before Albert Kessler arrived in Santa Teresa, at four in the morning, Sergio Gonzalez Rodriguez got a call from Azucena Esquivel Plata, reporter and PRI congresswoman.|2666|Roberto Bolano|unknown
04:00|at four|Waking at four to soundless dark, I stare. In time the curtain-edges will grow light. Till then I see what's really always there: Unresting death, a whole day nearer now, Making all thought impossible but how And where and when I shall myself die.|Aubade|Philip Larkin|unknown
04:00|at four|When he noticed that the chefs from the grand hotels and restaurants - a picky, impatient bunch - tended to move around from seller to seller, buying apples here and broccoli there, he asked if he could have tea available for them. Tommy agreed, and the chefs, grateful for a hot drink at four in the morning, lingered and bought.|The Tea Rose|Jennifer Donnelly|unknown
04:00|four o’clock|It was now four o’clock of a midsummer morning, and the western hills, that I could see through a hall window, began to be impurpled by reflection from the opposite horizon of the dawn.|The Hasheesh Eater|Fitz Hugh Ludlow|nsfw
04:00|four a.m.|Corporal Carrot awoke around four a.m., that secret hour known only to the night people, such as criminals, policemen and other misfits. He lay on his half of the narrow bed and stared at the wall.|Men at Arms|Terry Pratchett|sfw
04:00|4:00 A.M.|Twenty-seven people were got out of bed in quick succession and they got another fifty-three out of bed, because if there is one thing a man wants to know when he's woken up in a panic at 4:00 A.M., it's that he's not alone.|Good Omens|Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman|sfw
04:01|one minute past four|In a moment I had the office and the night editor’s desk, had told him who I was, and began to dictate. “At one minute past four by our time (see what time Paris time is for that, and put it in) a French battleship was sunk by the man who is to stop all war. Probably no one on board escaped.” That last was a guess based on the experience of the past.|The Man Who Ended War|Hollis Godfrey|sfw
04:01|Barely past four a.m.|Charlie glanced at the clock. Barely past four a.m. at home. Sunday. She'd be up. Probably reading over a cup of coffee before taking a run before church.|Soldier On|Vanessa Rasanen|unknown
04:01|just after 4 am|Suddenly, he started to cry. Curled up on the sofa he sobbed loudly. Michel looked at his watch; it was just after 4 am. On the screen a wild cat had a rabbit in its mouth.|Atomised|Michel Houellebecq|unknown
04:02|4:02|I walked up and down the row. No one gave me a second look. Finally I sat down next to a man. He paid no attention. My watch said 4:02. Maybe he was late.|The History of Love|Nicole Krauss|unknown
04:03|4:03 a.m.|It’s 4:03 a.m. on a supremely cold January morning and I’m just getting home. I’ve been out dancing and I’m only half drunk but utterly exhausted.|The Time Traveler’s Wife|Audrey Niffenegger|unknown
04:04|Four minutes after four!|Four minutes after four! It's still very early and to get from here to there won't take me more than 15 minutes, even walking slowly. She told me around five o'clock. Wouldn't it be better to wait on the corner?|Angel Hill|Cirilo Villaverde|unknown
04:05|4.05 am|Leaves were being blown against my window. It was 4.05 am. The moon had shifted in the sky, glaring through a clotted mass of clouds like a candled egg.|We Were the Mulvaneys|Joyce Carol Oates|unknown
04:06|4.06 am|Dexter looked at Kate's note, then her face, then the clock. It was 4.06 am, the night before they would go to the restaurant.|The Expats|Chris Pavone|unknown
04:07|4.07 am|4.07 am. Why am I standing? My shoulders feel cold and I'm shivering. I become aware that I'm standing in the middle of the room. I immediately look at the bedroom door. Closed, with no signs of a break-in. Why did I get up?|Guarding Hanna: A Novel|Miha Mazzini|unknown
04:08|4:08 a.m.|It was at 4:08 a.m. beneath the cool metal of a jungle gym that all Andrew's dreams came true. He kissed his one true love and swore up and down that it would last forever to this exhausted companion throughout their long trek home.|Dying in the Twilight of Summer|Seth O'Connell|unknown
04:09|4:09|“The truck has driven nonstop through the night at a steady pace of around forty miles per hour in the direction of Baghdad, but at 4:09 this morning it turned off into the desert, and we ceased to monitor its movements, as that particular path leads nowhere.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
04:09|nine minutes past four|It was nine minutes past four. "He's sitting in the middle of an ultrasonic field and I'm ten minutes late to get him out. Come on!"|The Final Affair: A Man from U.N.C.L.E.|David McDaniel|sfw
04:10|Four-ten|"I don't like this waiting," he said.<br/>She smiled. "You'd make a terrible PI."<br/>"What time is it?"<br/>"Four-ten. Fifteen minutes later than the last time you asked."|Copper River|William Kent Krueger|sfw
04:10|four-ten|The change came at four-ten. Lying on the sand, the woman in the black suit saw it coming and relaxed.|The Women|Ray Bradbury|unknown
04:11|eleven minutes after four|The next morning I awaken at exactly eleven minutes after four, having slept straight through my normal middle-of-the-night insomniac waking at three.|The Stuff of Life|Karen Karbo|unknown
04:12|four-twelve|Finally, she signalled with her light that she'd made it to the top. I signalled back, then shined the light downward to see how far the water had risen. I couldn't make out a thing. My watch read four-twelve in the morning. Not yet dawn. The morning papers still not delivered, trains not yet running, citizens of the surface world fast asleep, oblivious to all this. I pulled the rope taut with both hands, took a deep breath, then slowly began my climb.|Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World|Haruki Murakami|unknown
04:12|4:12|Karen felt the bed move beneath Harry's weight. Lying on her side she opened her eyes to see digital numbers in the dark, 4:12 in pale green. Behind her Harry continued to move, settling in. She watched the numbers change to 4:13.|Get Shorty|Elmore Leonard|unknown
04:13|4:13|Karen felt the bed move beneath Harry's weight. Lying on her side she opened her eyes to see digital numbers in the dark, 4:12 in pale green. Behind her Harry continued to move, settling in. She watched the numbers change to 4:13.|Get Shorty|Elmore Leonard|unknown
04:14|4:14 a.m.|At 4:14 a.m., the two men returned to the Jeep. After the passenger replaced the cans in the back of the Jeep, the driver backed out of the driveway and headed east. The last images found on the film appeared to be flames or smoke.|A Real Nightmare|David H. Swendsen|unknown
04:15|four-fifteen|Alice wants to warn her that a defect runs in the family, like flat feet or diabetes: they're all in danger of ending up alone by their own stubborn choice. The ugly kitchen clock says four-fifteen.|Pigs in Heaven|Barbara Kingsolver|unknown
04:16|Four-sixteen|I stooped to pick up my watch from the floor. Four-sixteen. Another hour until dawn. I went to the telephone and dialled my own number. It'd been a long time since I'd called home, so I had to struggle to remember the number. I let it ring fifteen times; no answer. I hung up, dialled again, and let it ring another fifteen times. Nobody.|Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World|Haruki Murakami|unknown
04:16|four sixteen|They pulled into the visitor's carpark at four sixteen am. He knew it was four sixteen because the entrance to the maternity unit sported a digital clock beneath the signage.|Freaks in the City: Book Two of the Freaks Series|Maree Anderson|unknown
04:17|4:17|Big Al stretched and began to walk slowly around the car. He knew they planned to leave long before first light, which was at 6:48 A.M. He checked his watch: 4:17. They both looked up when a plane flew overhead, the first to land at Heathrow that morning.|A Prisoner of Birth|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
04:17|4:17 a.m.|I succumbed to my curiosity, tugged up the left sleeve of my pullover, and checked my wristwatch. It was 4:17 a.m. This surprised me not because it was almost dawn, but because I’d had no idea of the time whatsoever.|The Catacombs|Jeremy Bates|unknown
04:17|4.17 am|He awoke at 4.17 am in a sweat. He had been dreaming of Africa again, and then the dream had continued in the U.S. when he was a young man. But Inbata had been there, watching him.|The Vile|Douglas Phinney|unknown
04:18|four-eighteen|I grabbed the alarm clock, threw it on my lap, and slapped the red and black buttons with both hands. The ringing didn't stop. The telephone! The clock read four-eighteen. It was dark outside. Four-eighteen a.m. I got out of bed and picked up the receiver. "Hello?"|Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World|Haruki Murakami|unknown
04:19|nineteen minutes past four|At nineteen minutes past four on the morning of December 27, 2040, her eyes, dark as an Aztec sacrificial knife, flicked open.|Aurora Quest|James Axler|sfw
04:20|four-twenty|At each waking he switched on the light and glanced at his bedside clock, hoping to find that dawn was near to breaking. Two-ten, three-forty, four-twenty.|The Lighthouse|P.D. James|sfw
04:21|twenty-one past four|At twenty-one past four I inferred that the initial hostilities had not damaged its works. It was running, and I didn't know whether to interpret this indifference on the part of Time as a good or bad omen.|The Tin Drum|Günter Grass|sfw
04:22|4:22|The chairman dialed seven digits and asked to speak to the duty officer. He checked his watch as he waited to be put through. It was 4:22.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
04:22|4.22|He hurt me to the point where I wanted to tell him something. My watch said 4.22 now. It had stopped. It was smashed.|The Ipcress File|Len Deighton|unknown
04:23|4:23|4:23, Monday morning, Iceland Square. A number of people in the vicinity of Bjornsongatan are awakened by loud screams.|Let the Right One In|John Ajvide Lindqvist|unknown
04:23|04:23|Her chip pulsed the time. 04:23:04. It had been a long day.|Neuromancer|William Gibson|unknown
04:24|04:24|At 04:24 on January 5, 2025, the stars stood still in the sky. In California, the earthquake started with a low-frequency rumble. It wasn't a sound but a sensation that caused an incomprehensible weakness in the legs, a constriction of the bowels, and panic.|Perfect Circle|Carlos J. Cortes|sfw
04:25|twenty-five minutes past four|As I dressed I glanced at my watch. It was no wonder that no one was stirring. It was twenty-five minutes past four.|The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle|unknown
04:26|twenty-six minutes past four|At twenty-six minutes past four, she was pronounced dead. Cause of death, or rather manner of death, was apparent. There were two bullet wounds of entry in her chest.|If You Really Loved Me|Ann Rule|nsfw
04:27|04:27|And then I heard the school bell in my dream but it wasn't really a school bell and the pitch went very steep like a trap door opening and I fell and landed in my bed. It was still dark and my alarm clock said 04:27 and I heard the noise again.|The Dead Fathers Club|Matt Haig|sfw
04:28|0428|He had been the only survivor - the only one who'd come home alive. So what the hell was going on? Who was this new character in his nightmares? He glanced up at the clock and was disheartened to discover that it was only 0428 hours.|Solfleet: The Call of Duty|Glenn Smith|nsfw
04:29|0429 hours|"Your pardon, Dr. Leving, but there is an urgent call for you. The pseudo-robot Caliban says he must speak with you at once."<br/>Fredda sighed. She knew she had to take the call, and that Caliban would only call if it were important. But even so, it was turning into a very long night. <br/> "Now what time is it?" she asked.<br/>"It is now 0429 hours," Donald said.|Utopia|Roger MacBride Allen|sfw
04:30|4:30|He cannot leave. <br>Most likely, he’ll never leave. <br>Bram finds his way back to the chair and settles in. <br>Outside, a bird cries out as the moon comes and goes behind thick clouds. He retrieves the pocket watch from his coat and curses. He forgot to wind it, and the hands ceased their journey at 4:30. He stuffs it back into his pocket.|Dracul|Dacre Stoker & J.D. Barker|unknown
04:30|4:30 A.M.|What has happened to me? Why am I so alone in the world? 4:30 A.M.—The solution came to me, just as I was dozing off. Illuminated! Everything fits together, and I see what I should have known from the beginning. No more sleep. I’ve got to get back to the lab and test this against the results from the computer. This, finally, is the flaw in the experiment. I’ve found it.|Flowers for Algernon|Daniel Keyes|unknown
04:30|four thirty in the morning|Algernon died two days ago. I found him at four thirty in the morning when I came back to the lab after wandering around down at the waterfront—on his side, stretched out in the corner of his cage. As if he were running in his sleep.|Flowers for Algernon|Daniel Keyes|unknown
04:30|Four thirty|Jonas rolls painfully out of the hammock, his aching lower back stiff and swollen, in desperate need of a chiropractor. He checks his watch. Four thirty…but is it a.m. or p.m.?|Meg, Primal Waters|Steve Alten|unknown
04:30|four-thirty|𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 “𝘤𝘺𝘤𝘭𝘦”?<br>If you wish. A server is woken at hour four-thirty by stimulin in the airflow, then yellow-up in our dormroom. After a minute in the hygiener and steamer, we put on fresh uniforms before filing into the restaurant.|Cloud Atlas|David Mitchell|unknown
04:30|four thirty in the morning|“What time is it? Do you have time here?” <br /> “Of course we do.” She pulled up her sleeve, revealing a yellow Timex wristwatch. “It is four thirty in the morning.”<br /> “That’s a nice watch.”<br /> “My father gave it to me,” she said happily.|The Catacombs|Jeremy Bates|unknown
04:30|four thirty|At the end of a relationship, it is the one who is not in love who makes the tender speeches. I was overwhelmed by a sense of betrayal, betrayal because a union in which I had invested so much had been declared bankrupt without my feeling it to be so. Chloe had not given it a chance, I argued with myself, knowing the hopelessness of these inner courts announcing hollow verdicts at four thirty in the morning.|Essays on Love|Alain de Botton|unknown
04:30|0430|Hester Thrale undulates in in a false fox jacket at 2330 as usual even though she has to be up at like 0430 for the breakfast shift at the Provident Nursing Home and sometimes eats breakfast with Gately, both their faces nodding perilously close to their Frosted Flakes.|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|unknown
04:31|4:31 A.M.|As Miss Nichol walked along the corridor, she checked her watch. It was 4:31 A.M. She took the stairs down to the fifth floor and made her way to the nursery.|Sons of Fortune|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
04:31|4:31|An earthquake hit Los Angeles at 4:31 this morning and the images began arriving via CNN right away.|Microserfs|Douglas Coupland|unknown
04:32|4:32 a.m.|On his first day of kindergarten, Peter Houghton woke up at 4:32 a.m. He padded into his parents' room and asked if it was time yet to take the school bus.|Nineteen Minutes|Jodi Picoult|unknown
04:33|04.33|When he heard the faint clunk of a steel gate closing behind them, he smiled in the darkness. They were out. He pressed a button on the watch and when the light showed him it was 04.33 his smile became a grin. No one had made it out of Greenacres for over a decade, which made Bishop's achievement that much sweeter. That was the kind of record he liked to beat.|The Wrong Man|Jason Dean|sfw
04:34|4:34 AM|He was not pleased about being pulled out of his dream. The clock taunted him, saying it was 4:34 AM. He picked up the receiver.|Warrior Monk|Ray Keating|sfw
04:34|4:34 A.M.|With a heavy sigh, I pried open my eyes just enough to focus on the numbers glowing atop my nightstand. It was 4:34 A.M. What kind of sadist called another human being at 4:34 in the morning?|First Grave on the Right|Darynda Jones|unknown
04:35|4:35|No manner of exhaustion can keep a child asleep much later than six a.m. on Christmas Day. Colby awoke at 4:35.|Dreams and Shadows|C. Robert Cargill|unknown
04:36|4:36|At 4:36 that morning, alone in my hotel room, it had been a much better scene. Spencer had blanched, confounded by the inescapable logic of my accusation. A few drops of perspiration had formed on his upper lip. A tiny vein had started to throb in his temple.|The Brass Go-Between|Ross Thomas|unknown
04:37|4:37 AM|The knock at the door was soft, but it still awoke Stephen. He touched the screen on his smartphone. 4:37 AM|Under the Golden Dome|Ray Keating|sfw
04:37|4:37|Her bedroom was hardly any bigger than her king-size mattress, which she’d told me she’d inherited from her parents when her mother got sick “and so they got two doubles because my dad couldn’t sleep at night with all her fidgeting.” Green numbers on a digital alarm clock glowed between cans of Diet 7UP on the bedside table. It was 4:37. I smelled peanut butter and again, the bitter tang of vomit.|My Year of Rest and Relaxation|Ottessa Moshfegh|unknown
04:38|4.38 a.m.|At 4.38 a.m. as the sun is coming up over Gorley Woods, I hear a strange rustling in the grass beside me. I peer closely but can see nothing.|The Queue|Jonathan Barrow|unknown
04:39|twenty-one minutes to five|At zero hour minus one minute, twenty-one minutes to five on March the twenty-first, Jiffy Tripp stood in the tranches beside an infantry officer, looking over no man's land. It was still dark. At zero hour plus five seconds the shell bursts actually threw a sort of witch's kaleidoscope onto no man's land, and he was reaching for the SOS rockets. Red - green - red.|God's Sparrows|Phillip Child|sfw
04:40|4.40 am|I settled into a daily routine. Wake up at 4.40 am, shower, get on the train north by ten after five.|Bossypants|Tina Fey|unknown
04:41|4:41|At 4:41 Crane's voice crackled through the walkie-talkie as if he'd read their thoughts of mutiny. “Everyone into the elevator. Now!” Only moments before the call he and C.J. had finished what they hoped would be a successful diversion.|Damaged Goods: A Novel|Roland S. Jefferson|unknown
04:42|04:42 am|A large clock above the desks read 04:42 am. He paused to listen. Whatever had happened there, appeared to be over.|Dead City|Matthew Warwick|sfw
04:43|four forty-three|The time is four forty-three in the mornin an it's almost light oot there.|Pyschoraag|Suhayl Saadi|unknown
04:44|0444 hours|"At 0444 hours yesterday morning, the landing craft Orpheus was appropriated by Dr. Diana Chandler, twenty-seven, an astrophysicist from Toronto, Canada. Dr. Chandler, apparently disconsolate over the failure of her husband, Aaron Rossman, also twenty-seven, also of Toronto, to renew their recently expired two-year marriage contract, presumably committed suicide. Mr. Rossman is the Starcology's dock master."|Golden Fleece|Robert J. Sawyer|nsfw
04:45|four forty-five|He never found it necessary to phone the Prime Minister, although Mr. Churchill did phone him on one occasion. It was four forty-five in the morning when Charlie picked up the receiver on his desk.|As the Crow Flies|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
04:45|4:45 a.m.|His wife's breathing at his side is so faint that he can scarcely hear it. One of these mornings she'll be lying dead beside me and I won't even notice, he thinks. Or maybe it'll be me. Daybreak will reveal that one of us has been left alone. He checks the clock on the table next to the bed. The hands glow and register 4:45 a.m.|Faceless Killers|Henning Mankell|unknown
04:46|four-forty-six|The phone rang again at four-forty-six.<br /> "Hello," I said.<br />"Hello," came a woman's voice. "Sorry about the time before. There's a disturbance in the sound field. Sometimes the sound goes away."<br/> "The sound goes away?"<br/> "Yes," she said. "The sound field's slipping. Can you hear me?"|Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World|Haruki Murakami|unknown
04:47|4.47 am|I slept only fitfully after looking online. The phrases I’d read repeated in my head over and over again. When I woke up for what felt like the hundredth time, the Stormtrooper clock beside the bed read 4.47 am.|What She Knew|Gilly MacMillan|unknown
04:48|4:48|At 4:48 the happy hour when clarity visits warm darkness which soaks my eyes I know no sin|4:48 Psychosis|Sarah Kane|unknown
04:48|4:48 a.m.|Thinking about the card warms me to the idea of walking under the arched doorway of the Newtons' home, but when I arrive at their house, the plan seems ridiculous. What am I doing? It's 4:48 a.m., and I'm parked outside their darkened house.|What is the What|Dave Eggers|unknown
04:49|eleven minutes to five|When Costain left the bridge the brass chromometer in the wheelhouse said eleven minutes to five. Harkness looked at it and realised vaguely that the gap was still too big.|Gale Force|Elleston Trevor|sfw
04:50|ten minutes to five|Even the hands of his watch and the hands of all the thirteen clocks were frozen. They had all frozen at the same time, on a snowy night, seven years before, and after that it was always ten minutes to five in the castle.|The 13 Clocks|James Thurber|unknown
04:51|4:51 A.M.|4:51 A.M.<br/>"You know, I hate to spoil all the fun you're having." Vance tried to look at Moreau, but he could barely see through the swelling of his puffy eyelids. "But I've got some unsettling news. You and the rest of Ramirez's hoods are about to be in a deep situation here. The minute you try to send that bomb up, you can tip your hat and kiss your ass good-bye. Better enjoy this while you can."|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|nsfw
04:51|nine minutes to five a.m.|"Earlier? It's nine minutes to five a.m. - who would be up this early?"<br/>"Oh, we're all early risers."|Gifts of the Magi|Jean Johnson|sfw
04:52|4:52 A.M.|Anna left the apartment at 4:52 A.M., dressed in jeans, a blue T-shirt, a linen jacket, and a baseball cap. She wasn’t sure what to expect as she stepped out onto the sidewalk that cool, dark morning.|False Impression|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
04:52|eight minutes to five|"If it matters, it's eight minutes to five. Don't get any persecuted ideas that I enjoy being out of bed at this time of night. It makes it legally easier if you invite us in."|Holding the Zero|Gerald Seymour|sfw
04:53|seven minutes before five|It was so quiet in the post office that Trinidad could hear the soft tick of the clock's second hand every time it moved. It was now seven minutes before five.|The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow|Rita Leganski|unknown
04:54|six minutes to five|When the last lid had been placed back on he checked the clock on the wall: six minutes to five. Just enough time to glance in the other box and see if he could expect the same again.|A Matter of Honor|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
04:54|Six minutes to five|Six minutes to five. Six minutes to go. Suddenly I felt quite clearheaded. There was an unexpected light in the cell; the boundaries were drawn, the roles well defined. The time of doubt and questioning and uncertainty was over.|Dawn: A Novel|Elie Wiesel|unknown
04:55|4:55 a.m.|There were two messages. The first, sent at 4:55 a.m., was from the campus garage.<br/>"We have your vehicle," the mechanic's voice informed him. "Unfortunately, we had some trouble getting it out of the ditch, and it has sustained a small amount of additional damage."|The Enclave|Karen Hancock|sfw
04:55|4:55|4:55 - Mank holding phone. Turns to Caddell - "Who is this?"<br/> Caddell: "Jim." (shrugs) "I think he's our man in Cincinnati."|Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72|Hunter S. Thompson|unknown
04:56|just before five|Trying to identify the key facts, Ethan was suddenly aware he was looking at the wall clock; it was 7:35.<br/>“Wait a minute. When did you hear about this?”<br/>There was a tiny moment of hesitation. “The first news came in just before five.”|The Infinite Day|Chris Walley|sfw
04:56|four minutes to five|“That's it. At four minutes to five by yours. Seven to, by mine.”<br/> It was the cuirassier who remained by the side of General D'Hubert, keeping his one eye fixed immovably on the white face of the watch he held in the palm of his hand. He opened his mouth wide, waiting for the beat of the last second, long before he snapped out the word:<br/>“Avancez!”|The Point of Honor|Joseph Conrad|sfw
04:57|three minutes to five|One hundred and thirty-one seconds were lost at Elkhart in changing locomotives, and it was three minutes to five when big 599, with Dave Luce in the cab, turned her nose toward the dawning day and started for Toledo, 133 miles away.|Careers of Danger and Daring|Cleveland Moffett|sfw
04:57|three minutes to five|It was not until they had swept through the village, over the bridge, and were out on the broad highway toward Chester that Ruth began to realize what a wild goose chase she had undertaken. Just where did she expect to find them, anyway? It was now three minutes to five by the little clock in the car and it was a full fifteen minutes' drive to Chester.|The Search|Grace Livingston Hill|sfw
04:57|few minutes before five|The second said the same thing a few minutes before five, and mentioned eternity... I'm sure I'll meet you in the other world. Four minutes later she left a last, fleeting message: My love. Fernando. It's Suzana. Then, it seemed, she had shot herself.|A Death in Brazil: A Book of Omissions|Peter Robb|nsfw
04:58|Two minutes to five|He wants to look death in the face. Two minutes to five. I took a handkerchief out of my pocket, but John Dawson ordered me to put it back. An Englishman dies with his eyes open. He wants to look death in the face.|Dawn: A Novel|Elie Wiesel|unknown
04:59|one minute to five|The captain and his three mates appeared out of the early morning mist at one minute to five. All four of them were dressed in exactly the same clothes they had been wearing the night before, making Percy wonder if they’d come straight from the Fisherman’s Arms.|The Undiplomatic Diplomat|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
04:59|0459|The whole place smells like death no matter what the fuck you do. Gately gets to the shelter at 0459.9h and just shuts his head off as if his head had a control switch.|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|nsfw
05:00|5 o’clock|At precisely 5 o’clock, like every morning, hours before a single stirring would emerge from the rooms upstairs, Dora dragged herself from her bed and made her way down the hallway to the kitchen, where she put on a kettle and dropped a bag of Earl Grey in a mug.|When the Summer Was Ours|Roxanne Veletzos|unknown
05:00|five in the morning|“I just took all the pills in the bathroom cabinet,” she says. “Sixty-two aspirin with codeine, twenty-four Valiums. I thought you might like to say goodbye.”<br>“That was stupid, Martha,” Nate says. “Did you really?”<br>“Wait and see,” she says, laughing. “Wait till five in the morning when you get to inspect the body.”|Life Before Man|Margaret Atwood|nsfw
05:00|5:00 A.M.|Soft yellow light came through the side windows. It was morning: he had slept the whole night! He looked quickly at his watch: 5:00 A.M. Still almost six hours to go before the boat had to be recalled.|Jurassic Park|Michael Crichton|unknown
05:00|five|Muldoon scowled. “The electrified fences were off?” <br>“Yes.”<br>“All of them? Since five this morning? For the last five hours?”<br>“Yes.”|Jurassic Park|Michael Crichton|unknown
05:00|five o’clock|THE HAMMER BANGED reveille on the rail outside camp HQ at five o’clock as always. Time to get up. The ragged noise was muffled by ice two fingers thick on the windows and soon died away. Too cold for the warder to go on hammering.|One Day in the Life of Ivan Denosovich|Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn|unknown
05:00|five o’clock in the morning|"According to Leon … the day after tomorrow. The attack is scheduled for the day after tomorrow at about five o’clock in the morning." His face was still in shadow.|A Trail Through Time|Jodi Taylor|unknown
05:00|five|Sixsmith,<br>Sitting at my escritoire in my dressing gown. The church bell chimes five. Another thirsty dawn. My candle is burnt away. A tiring night turned inside out.|Cloud Atlas|David Mitchell|unknown
05:00|Five o’clock|Five o’clock had hardly struck on the morning of the nineteenth of January, when Bessie brought a candle into my closet and found me already up and nearly dressed.|Jane Eyre|Charlotte Brontë|unknown
05:00|five o’clock|They had been up since five o’clock that morning, as the reader will remember; but bah! there is no such thing as fatigue on Sunday, said Favourite; on Sunday fatigue does not work.|Les Misérables|Victor Hugo|unknown
05:00|five|My grandfather Arthur once took me fishing. I was seven.<br>I suppose he must have gone fishing frequently, although I never recall him bringing back any fish, nor indeed, any other fishing trips.<br>He woke me up at five, before the sun was up.|The Comical Tragedy or Tragical Comedy of Mr. Punch|Neil Gaiman|unknown
05:00|five|Thursday morning. The day of. Billy gets up at five. He eats toast with a glass of water to wash it down. No coffee. No caffeine of any kind until the job is done. When he shoulders the 700 and looks through the Leupold scope, he wants his hands perfectly steady.|Billy Summers|Stephen King|unknown
05:00|five in the morning|Not even a yawn. I wasn’t remotely sleepy. I could tell my sense of balance was off—I nearly fell over when I tried to stand up, but I pushed through it and tidied up for a while, sliding the videocassettes into their cases and putting them back on the shelf. I thought some activity might tire me out. I took a Zyprexa and some more Ativan. I ate a handful of melatonin, chewing like a cow on cud. Nothing was working.<br>So I called Trevor.<br>“It’s five in the morning,” he said. He sounded irritated and foggy, but he’d answered.|My Year of Rest and Relaxation|Ottessa Moshfegh|unknown
05:00|five A.M.|Sixsmith,<br>Shot myself through the roof of my mouth at five A.M. this morning with V.A.‘s Luger. But I saw you, my dear, dear fellow! How touched I am that you care so much! On the belfry’s lookout, yesterday, at sunset. Sheerest fluke you didn’t see me first.|Cloud Atlas|David Mitchell|nsfw
05:00|five in the morning|I did Danièle’s math in my head. “If we start at ten, walk for four hours, rest for one, walk for another two, that’s seven hours in total. That will take us to five in the morning. Seven hours back, it won’t be noon until we resurface.”|The Catacombs|Jeremy Bates|unknown
05:00|five|The unlocked back door creaked open slowly to reveal Fiona Athey, with an apologetic look on her face, She was holding a stack of flyers under her left arm. “I hope I didn’t wake you up, now. I’ll come back another time, then. Sorry.” She turned to leave.<br>“No, stay,” Marjan replied. “I’ve been up since five. Making a new batch of bread. Why don’t you come in for a cup of tea?”|Pomegranate Soup|Marsha Mehran|unknown
05:00|5 a.m.|Soon after 5 a.m. he noticed the sky at its edges beginning to turn an oyster grey. Gradually the dark crests of the wooded pine hills emerged, serrated like a saw’s teeth against the spreading light, while in the valleys the white mist seemed as solid as a glacier.|Munich|Robert Harris|unknown
05:00|5 a.m.|It was in the township of Dunwich, in a large and hardly inhabited farmhouse set against a hillside 4 miles from the village and a mile and a half from any other dwelling, that Wilbur Whately was born at 5 a.m. on Sunday, 2 February, 1913. The date was recalled because it was Candlemas, which people in Dunwich curiously observe under another name.|The Dunwich Horror|H.P. Lovecraft|unknown
05:00|five o'clock|Just after five o'clock on this chill September morning, the fishmonger's cart, containing Kirsten and Emilia and such possessions as they have been able to assemble in the time allowed to them, is driven out of the gates of Rosenborg?|Music and Silence|Rose Tremain|unknown
05:00|Five|The cold eye of the Duke was dazzled by the gleaming of a thousand jewels that sparkled on the table. His ears were filled with chiming as the clocks began to strike. "One!" said Hark. "Two!" cried Zorn of Zorna. "Three!" the Duke's voice almost whispered. "Four!" sighed Saralinda. "Five!" the Golux crowed, and pointed at the table. "The task is done, the terms are met," he said."|The 13 Clocks|James Thurber|unknown
05:00|five o'clock|The day came slow, till five o'clock. Then sprang before the hills. Like hindered rubies, or the light. A sudden musket spills|The Day Came Slow, Till Five O' Clock|Emily Dickinson|unknown
05:00|5 a.m.|There are worse things than having behaved foolishly in public. There are worse things than these miniature betrayals, committed or endured or suspected; there are worse things than not being able to sleep for thinking about them. It is 5 a.m. All the worse things come stalking in and stand icily about the bed looking worse and worse and worse.|Things|Fleur Adcock|unknown
05:00|five o'clock|What causes young people to "come out," but the noble ambition of matrimony? What sends them trooping to watering-places? What keeps them dancing till five o'clock in the morning through a whole mortal season?|Vanity Fair|William Makepeace Thackeray|unknown
05:00|5 a.m.|Any watcher trained in reading body language would have been prepared to bet that, after the click, someone was going to suggest that they might as well go somewhere and have a few drinks, and then someone else would fancy a meal, and then there was always room for a few more drinks, and then it would be 5 a.m. and the city guards would be respectfully knocking on the University gates and asking if the Archchancellor would care to step down to the cells to identify some alleged wizards who were singing an obscene song in six-part harmony, and perhaps he would also care to bring some money to pay for all the damage.|Moving Pictures|Terry Pratchett|sfw
05:00|five a.m.|The rain was a solid curtain when he finally staggered out into the gray light of dawn. The gutters overflowed. Along the rooftops, repulsive gargoyles threw up expertly over passers-by although, since it was now five a.m., the crowds had thinned out a bit.|Moving Pictures|Terry Pratchett|sfw
05:01|one minute past five|"Oh yes. His clocks were set at one minute past five, four minutes past five and seven minutes past five. That was the combination number of a safe, 515457. The safe was concealed behind a reproduction of the Mona Lisa. Inside the safe," continued Poirot, with distaste, "were the Crown Jewels of the Russian Royal Family."|The Clocks|Agatha Christie|unknown
05:01|after five o'clock|Just after five o'clock on this chill September morning, the fishmonger's cart, containing Kirsten and Emilia and such possessions as they have been able to assemble in the time allowed to them, is driven out of the gates of Rosenborg?|Music and Silence|Rose Tremain|unknown
05:02|5:02 a.m.|It was 5:02 a.m., December 14. In another fifty-eight minutes he would set sail for America. He did not want to leave his bride; he did not want to go.|The Prize|Brenda Joyce|unknown
05:03|5:03 a.m.|It was 5:03 a.m. It didn't matter. She wasn't going to get back to sleep. She threw off her covers and, swearing at herself, Caleb and Mr. Griffin, she headed into the shower.|Unhallowed Ground|Heather Graham|unknown
05:03|5:03|I looked down at the watch Trey had given me last Christmas, the delicate gold links so real and solid, and it seemed like someone else’s memory strapped to someone else’s shaking hand. It was 5:03 now. I was halfway to my house.|Mother May I|Joshilyn Jackson|unknown
05:04|four minutes past five|"Oh yes. His clocks were set at one minute past five, four minutes past five and seven minutes past five. That was the combination number of a safe, 515457. The safe was concealed behind a reproduction of the Mona Lisa. Inside the safe," continued Poirot, with distaste, "were the Crown Jewels of the Russian Royal Family."|The Clocks|Agatha Christie|unknown
05:04|5.04 a.m.|5.04 a.m. on the substandard clock radio. Because why do people always say the day starts now? Really it starts in the middle of the night at a fraction of a second past midnight.|The Accidental|Ali Smith|unknown
05:05|five past five|The baby, a boy, is born at five past five in the morning.|The Namesake|Jhumpa Lahiri|unknown
05:06|5:06 a.m.|5:06 a.m. I wake up strangely energized, my stomach growling. Upstairs, the overstocked fridge offers me its bounty of sympathy food.|This Is Where I Leave You|Jonathon Tropper|unknown
05:07|5:07|He blinked, turned over, and stared at the fluorescent green figures on his bedside clock: 5:07. More than enough time to go over the opening lines in his mind before getting up.|This Was a Man|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:07|5.07|‘Was the time of that call recorded?’ demanded the Hawk.<br/>‘Yes, sir. At 5.07. I called back just after nine and told Dr Redwood he could visit his patient in the prison hospital at his convenience, and carry out a full examination. He did so later that morning.’|Next in Line|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:07|seven minutes past five|"Oh yes. His clocks were set at one minute past five, four minutes past five and seven minutes past five. That was the combination number of a safe, 515457. The safe was concealed behind a reproduction of the Mona Lisa. Inside the safe," continued Poirot, with distaste, "were the Crown Jewels of the Russian Royal Family."|The Clocks|Agatha Christie|unknown
05:08|5:08|Ambrose and I will marry at Fort McHenry at 5:08 EDST this coming Saturday, Rosh Hashanah!|Letters|John Barth|unknown
05:09|5:09|“You’ll have one by the side of your bed in a few years’ time, so you wouldn’t even need to go into your office,” said Su Ling, letting her head fall back on the pillow when she saw 5:09 flick up on the bedside clock.|Sons of Fortune|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:09|5:09|The primal flush of triumph which had saturated the American's humor on this signal success, proved but fictive and transitory when inquiry of the station attendants educed the information that the two earliest trains to be obtained were the 5:09 to Dunkerque and the 5:37 for Ostend.|The Black Bag|Louis Joseph Vance|unknown
05:10|Ten minutes past five|"Oh, my husband, I have done the deed which will relieve you of the wife whom you hate! I have taken the poison--all of it that was left in the paper packet, which was the first that I found. If this is not enough to kill me, I have more left in the bottle. Ten minutes past five."|The Law and the Lady|Wilkie Collins|nsfw
05:10|ten after five|I settled into a daily routine. Wake up at 4:40 am, shower, get on the train north by ten after five.|Bossypants|Tina Fey|unknown
05:11|eleven minutes past five|Today was Tuesday, the fifteenth of August; the sun had risen at eleven minutes past five this morning and would set at two minutes before seven this evening.|The Hot Rock|Donald E Westlake|unknown
05:12|twelve minutes and six seconds past five o'clock|At twelve minutes and six seconds past five o'clock on the morning of April 18th, 1906, the San Francisco peninsula began to shiver in the grip of an earthquake which, when its ultimate consequences are considered, was the most disastrous in the recorded history of the North American continent.|Slummer's Paradise|Herbert Asbury|unknown
05:13|five-thirteen|Wu said, “You shut down at five-thirteen this morning, and when you started back up, you started with auxiliary power.”|Jurassic Park|Michael Crichton|unknown
05:13|5:13 am|Lying on my side in bed, I stared at my alarm clock until it became a blemish, its red hue glowing like a welcome sign beckoning me into the depths of hell's crimson-colored cavities. 5:13 am. To describe this Monday as a blue Monday was an understatement.|Uptempo|Nakia D Johnson|unknown
05:14|5.14 am|The time was 5.14 am, a very strange time indeed for the sheriff to have seen what he claimed he saw as he made his early-morning rounds, first patrolling back and forth along the deserted, snowbound streets of Kingdom City before extending his vigilance northward, along County Road.|Into the Web|Thomas H. Cook|unknown
05:15|5:15 a.m.|By the first week of May, Ralph was waking up to birdsong at 5:15 a.m. He tried earplugs for a few nights, although he doubted from the outset that they would work. It wasn’t the newly returned birds that were waking him up, nor the occasional delivery-truck backfire out on Harris Avenue. He had always been the sort of guy who could sleep in the middle of a brass marching bad, and he didn’t think that had changed. What had changed was inside his head.|Insomnia|Stephen King|unknown
05:15|5:15|Weird conversation with Brown, a tired & confused old man who's been jerked out of bed at 5:15.|Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72|Hunter S Thompson|unknown
05:16|5:16|5:16 - Mank on phone to Secretary of State Brown: 'Mr. Brown, we're profoundly disturbed about this situation in the 21st. We can't get a single result out of there.|Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72|Hunter S Thompson|unknown
05:16|5:16 a.m|She could go back to sleep. But typical and ironic, she is completely awake. It is completely light outside now; you can see for miles. Except there is nothing to see here; trees and fields and that kind of thing. 5:16 a.m on the substandard clock radio. She is really awake.|The Accidental|Ali Smith|unknown
05:17|5:17 AM|After managing to get roughly three hours of sleep, Grant checked the time on his phone. 5:17 AM. <br/> More sleep is unlikely. Time for a morning run.|Lionhearts|Ray Keating|sfw
05:18|5:18|WILLIAM PICKED UP THE PHONE but didn’t turn on the light as the digital clock on his bedside table turned from 5:17 to 5:18. He knew it could only be one person on the other end of the line.|Next in Line|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:18|5:18 AM|The story is there, and the security photo that runs with it is pretty damning. An hour earlier the light wouldn’t have been good enough to show the doer’s face, but the time stamp on the bottom of the photo is 5:18 AM. The sun isn’t up but it’s getting there, and the face of the guy standing in the alley is as clear as you’d want, if you were a prosecutor.|Billy Summers|Stephen King|unknown
05:18|5:18 A.M.|ABOARD TPA 545<br>5:18 A.M.<br>Emily Jansen sighed in relief. The long flight was nearing an end. Morning sunlight streamed through the windows of the airplane.|Airframe|Michael Crichton|unknown
05:19|5:19|Scott eased himself into the corner before once again checking the little sulphur dots on his watch. It was 5:19. He and Hannah had been in the safe for an hour and seventeen minutes.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:19|5:19 A.M.|5:19 A.M.<br/>She heaved a sigh of relief as she put down the microphone and prepared to stumble down the hill. She realized she had violated protocol by breaking radio silence, but she was almost as worried about Michael Vance as she was about the facility.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|sfw
05:20|five-twenty|If she can keep her speed to seventy until she leaves the turnpike at midtown, and if she catches most of the traffic lights, she estimates she can be at her building by five-twenty.|If It Bleeds|Stephen King|unknown
05:20|five twenty|He saw on the floor his cigarette reduced to a long thin cylinder of ash: it had smoked itself. It was five twenty, dawn was breaking behind the shed of empty barrels, the thermometer pointed to 210 degrees.|The Periodic Table|Primo Levi|unknown
05:21|twenty-one minutes past five o'clock in the morning|On the morning of the ninth instant, that is to say, yesterday, at twenty-one minutes past five o'clock in the morning, P.C. Whitstable was proceeding upon his usual beat and had reached the corner of Clarges Street and Piccadilly, when he heard a shout on the other side of the road, at the point where a path exits from The Green Park.|The Curious Case of the Moondawn Daffodils Murder|Garth Nix|sfw
05:22|05.22 hours|"Yes," she nodded. "I will take off in the dark, and be over Tuti airfield at sunrise. That's at 05.22 hours."|The Leopard Hunts in Darkness|Wilbur Smith|sfw
05:23|5:23|Tock wagged his tail proudly, but Milo didn’t say a word, and to this day no one knows of the lost week but the few people who happened to be awake at 5:23 on that very strange morning.|The Phantom Tollbooth|Norton Juster|unknown
05:23|5:23|If I could count precisely to sixty between two passing orange minutes on her digital clock, starting at 5:23 am and ending exactly as it melted into 5:24, then when she woke she would love me and not say this had been a terrible mistake.|The Tragedy of Arthur|Arthur Phillips|unknown
05:24|5:24|If I could count precisely to sixty between two passing orange minutes on her digital clock, starting at 5:23 am and ending exactly as it melted into 5:24, then when she woke she would love me and not say this had been a terrible mistake.|The Tragedy of Arthur|Arthur Phillips|unknown
05:25|5:25 a.m.|At 5:25 a.m. the doorbell rings, always an evil omen. I stagger to the intercom and push the button.|The Time Traveler’s Wife|Audrey Niffenegger|unknown
05:25|5.25|George's train home from New Street leaves at 5.25. On the return journey, there are rarely schoolboys.|Arthur and George|Julian Barnes|unknown
05:26|05:26|I think this is actually bump number 1,970. And the boy keeps plugging away at the same speed. There isn’t a sound from them. Not a moan. Poor them. Poor me. I look at the clock. 05:26.|101 Reykjavik|Hallgrímur Helgason|unknown
05:27|5.27 am|She looked at her watch. It was 5.27 am. Surely Gawain would already be here? Wouldn’t he be looking out for her, since there was no obvious way of getting inside?|New York Valentine|Carmen Reid|unknown
05:28|five-twenty-eight|I pulled into the Aoyama supermarket parking garage at five-twenty-eight. The sky to the east was getting light. I entered the store carrying my bag. Almost no one was in the place. A young clerk in a striped uniform sat reading a magazine; a woman of indeterminate age was buying a cartload of cans and instant food. I turned past the liquor display and went straight to the snack bar.|Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World|Haruki Murakami|unknown
05:29|twenty-nine minutes past five|As the match burned close to his fingers, Orme pulled out his watch. It was twenty-nine minutes past five.<br/>Darkness again.<br/>Orme groped his way to the door and tugged at the handle. The door would not open; built with air-tight nicety, it did not budge in the least.|The Girl and the Bill|Bannister Merwin|sfw
05:29|Shortly before five-thirty|Shortly before five-thirty Father Martin woke himself with a shriek of terror. He jerked up in bed and sat, rigid as a doll, staring wild-eyed into the darkness.|Death in Holy Orders|P.D. James|sfw
05:30|five thirty in the morning|“When they pulled out of the driveway at five thirty in the morning, Emmett was in good spirits. The night before, with the help of Billy”s map, he had laid out an itinerary. The route form Morgen to San Francisco was a little over fifteen hundred miles."|The Lincoln Highway|Amor Towles|unknown
05:30|five-thirty|He picks her up, places her on the bed, lies down beside her. He kisses her again, tentatively, lingeringly. Then he asks what time it is. He himself has no watch. Lesje tells him it’s five-thirty. He sits up. Lesje is beginning to feel slightly unattractive. Are her teeth too large, is that it?|Life Before Man|Margaret Atwood|nsfw
05:30|half-past five|It was half-past five before Holmes returned. He was bright, eager, and in excellent spirits, a mood which in his case alternated with fits of the blackest depression.|The Sign of Four|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle|unknown
05:30|half past five|Harry awoke at half past five the next morning as abruptly and completely as if somebody had yelled in his ear.|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix|J.K. Rowling|sfw
05:30|five-thirty|Had Thomas McGuire stopped to admire the fanfare of saffron rays, he might have missed the beginning of the end of his rule over the sleepy seaside town. But as was often the case with men of his temperament, Thomas had little time for daydreams. The obstinate businessman had charged out of his hard bed at five-thirty that morning, determined as ever to tend to his growing empire of three pubs, two spirit shops, and one inn on Main Mall.|Pomegranate Soup|Marsha Mehran|unknown
05:30|5:30 in the morning|When Braque and her brother Randy were kids, their mom used to wake them up at 5:30 in the morning for family road trips, to avoid traffic; there were safety latches around the house until she was eleven; there was no TV and sure as sh*t no candy, pop, alcohol, or smoking; she ironed bedsheets and bleached underwear and cleaned the bathrooms at least twice a day.|Kitchens of the Great Midwest|J. Ryan Stradal|unknown
05:30|half-past five|Gideon has been most unlike Gideon. As Walter Eastman is preoccupied himself, he has not had time, or more to the point, inclination, to notice aberrant behaviour. For instance, it is half-past five in the summer morning. Young Chase's narrow bachelor bed has evidently been slept in, for it is rumpled in that barely disturbed way which can never be counterfeited.|An Insular Possession|Timothy Mo|unknown
05:30|half-past five|It was by this time half-past five, and the sun was on the point of rising; but I found the kitchen still dark and silent. … The stillness of early morning slumbered everywhere .. the carriage horses stamped from time to time in their closed stables: all else was still.|Jane Eyre|Charlotte Brontë|unknown
05:30|five-thirty|On the day they were going to kill him, Santiago Nasar got up at five-thirty in the morning to wait for the boat the bishop was coming on.|Chronicle of a Death Foretold|Gabriel García Márquez|unknown
05:31|5:31|5:31 - Mank on phone to lawyer: 'Jesus, I think we gotta go in there and get those ballots! Impound 'em! Every damn one!'|Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72|Hunter S Thompson|nsfw
05:32|05.32|By 05.32 the driver had come back from a corner shop with a six-pack of Coke, a bottle of Jack Daniels, some sachets of breakfast milk, an armfull of stale cakes and a carton of Zhongncmhai cigarettes. The doors slammed shut and the van moved off.|Rare Earth|Paul Mason|sfw
05:33|five thirty-three|It was five thirty-three when we left. Is it six o'clock now? Six thirty? And Mark's still in his cage and I'm scared to drive very fast. . . what if we don't get there in time?|Among the Brave|Margaret Peterson Haddix|unknown
05:34|Five-thirty-four|I asked "What time is sunrise?”<br/>A second's silence while the crestfallen Bush absorbed his rebuke, and then another voice answered: "Five-thirty-four, sir."|The Commodore|C.S. Forester|unknown
05:34|four minutes later|"At five-thirty. I was here about four minutes later. Judging by the appearance of the blood and the beginning of rigor in the side of the face, I guessed that he had been dead about five hours."|Death in Holy Orders|P.D. James|nsfw
05:35|5:35|The Senator woke at 5:35 in a cold sweat—not that he had really slept for more than a few minutes at any one time. It had been an evil night, thunder and lightning and sirens.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:35|5:35|He was surprised to see it was 5:35. So he must have slept - or at least dozed - for over six hours. He was beginning to wonder whether the storm had really spent its force when the moaning began again, and rose to another howling crescendo.|Death in Holy Orders|P.D. James|sfw
05:35|5:35|5:35 - All phones ringing now, the swing shift has shot the gap - now the others are waking up.|Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72|Hunter S Thompson|unknown
05:35|twenty-five before six|I squinted at the clock. 'It says twenty-five before six,' I said and rolled away from him.|The Dice Man|Luke Rhinehart|unknown
05:35|5:35|At 5:35, he got word over the radio that Helmunth Hanover of the Aurora Sentinel had received a call from an anonymous spokesperson for the Minnesota Civilian Brigade threatening some form of retaliation if the Indians fished.|Iron Lake|William Kent Krueger|sfw
05:36|05.36|She drank a bottle of Jack Daniels. When she woke at 05.36 she had wiped the previous evening.|The Fowler Family Business|Jonathan Meades|sfw
05:37|5:37|Richard glanced at the clock on the microwave - 5:37 - almost twelve hours, almost one half-day since he'd dialed 911.|This Book Will Save Your Life|A.M. Homes|sfw
05:38|5.38 a.m.|"Good morning, Johnny," said the ship. "It is 5.38 a.m."<br/>"What?" said Johnny. "It’s Saturday."<br/>"I told you he wouldn’t like it," said Sol, presumably to Kovac.<br/>"It’s hardly a matter of likes or dislikes," said the computer. "I have information I deem important enough to pass on at the earliest opportunity – whatever time it is."|Johnny Mackintosh: Battle for Earth|Keith Mansfield|unknown
05:39|twenty-one minutes to six|George took his phone from the dressing table. "The nightmare beat the alarm by just over an hour," he said. "It's twenty-one minutes to six."|The E Utopia Project|Kudakwashe Muzira|sfw
05:40|5:40 a.m.|At 5:40 a.m., he threw back the duvet, swung his legs out of bed, and placed his feet firmly on the carpet.|This Was a Man|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:40|Twenty to six|Robert Townsend woke before the alarm sounded and lay listening in the dark. Something had disturbed his sleep - a noise outside. A distant but distinct crack. He glanced at the hands of the clock on the nightstand. Twenty to six. Crack. Crack. Crack. There it was again. What on earth could it be?|Cogheart|Peter Bunzl|unknown
05:40|Twenty minutes to six|Twenty minutes to six. 'Rob's boys were already on the platform, barrows ready. The only thing that ever dared to be late around here was the train. Rob's boys were in fact Bill Bing, thirty, sucking a Woodbine, and Arthur, sixty, half dead.|The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman|Bruce Robinson|unknown
05:41|5:41|It took Inigo until 5:41 before he actually cornered the Count. In the billiard room. “Hello,” he was about to say. “My name name is Inigo Montoya; you killed my father; prepare to die.”|The Princess Bride|William Goldman|unknown
05:42|eighteen minutes to six|At eighteen minutes to six, they blew the wall, and even then, it was almost too late.|A Gentleman's Game|Greg Rucka|sfw
05:43|five forty-three|On 16 July 1921 Daphne woke at five forty-three feeling drained, but by the time she stepped out into the sunshine in Lowndes Square at one forty-five she was exhilarated and actually looking forward to the occasion.|As the Crow Flies|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:43|05:43|05:43 Greenwich Mean Time<br/>William was woken by the phone ringing. He grabbed it, wondering who could possibly be calling him at that hour of the morning. He hoped it was Beth.|Nothing Ventured|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:43|5:43|It’s 5:43. Time is racing, racing.|If It Bleeds|Stephen King|unknown
05:43|5.43|5.43 - Mank on phone to 'Mary' in Washington; 'It now appears quite clear that we'll lead the state - without the 21st.'|Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72|Hunter S. Thompson|unknown
05:44|0544 hours|"And what time, again, did the defendant actually say these words?"<br/>"That would have been - you can see the time on the film tape on the frame where you've stopped it. 0544 hours."|Invasion of Privacy|Perri O'Shaughnessy|sfw
05:45|quarter to six|“But it is time to go to bed: it is a quarter to six already.”<br/>And indeed it was already beginning to dawn: the young men emptied their glasses and then took leave of each other.|The Queen of Spades|Alexsander Pushkin|sfw
05:45|quarter to six|“A quarter to six,” answered the midwife.<br/>“And what if I really am dying?” thought Olga Mihalovna, looking at her husband’s head and the window-panes on which the rain was beating.|The Party|Anton Pavlovich Chekhov|sfw
05:45|5:45|At 5:45 the following morning, the General was standing outside George’s tent in full dress uniform, carrying a black leather attaché case.|Paths of Glory|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:45|5:45|At 5:45 a power-transformer on a pole beside the abandoned Tracker Brothers’ Truck Depot exploded in a flash of purple light, spraying twisted chunks of metal onto the shingled roof.|IT|Stephen King|unknown
05:46|5.46 am|Herbert could feel nothing. He wrote a legal-sounding phrase to the effect that the sentence had been carried out at 5.46 am, adding, 'without a snag'. The burial party had cursed him quietly as they'd hacked at the thick roots and tight soil.|A Whispered Name|William Brodrick|unknown
05:46|fourteen minutes to six|It was a fine summer morning. The hands of the Dutch clock in the hall pointed to thirteen minutes past nine; those of the ormolu clock in the sitting-room to eleven minutes past ten; those of the carriage clock on the bookshelf to fourteen minutes to six. In other words, it was exactly eight; and Mrs. Hignett acknowledged the fact by moving her head on the pillow, opening her eyes, and sitting up in bed. She always woke at eight precisely.|Three Men and a Maid|P.G. Wodehouse|unknown
05:47|forty-seven minutes past five|His eyelids pried open. The bedside lamp was lit. Rue hovered over him, flicking her finger at his earlobe. What the hell? The clock said it was forty-seven minutes past five. Before dawn. On a Sunday.|Christmas Coverup|Cassie Miles|nsfw
05:48|twelve minutes to six|A Bacardi mirror with fogged glass hangs above the backbar next to a St. Pauli Girl clock, the clock's hands frozen at twelve minutes to six.|Northwest Corner|John Burnham Schwartz|sfw
05:49|5:49 a.m.|Towards morning he slept more deeply. Even so, the harsh incessant ring of the telephone woke him to instant consciousness. The illuminated dial of his travelling clock showed 5:49 a.m.|Shroud for a Nightingale|P.D. James|sfw
05:49|eleven minutes to six|It was eleven minutes to six. After a moment he idly drew the center drawer of the desk out over his lap. For a moment he stared at the gun without recognition. Then he gave a yelp and leaped up. She had put it back!|The Comforts of Home|Flannery O'Connor|unknown
05:50|5:50|It was was 5:50 when he staggered from the room, heading he knew not where or for how long, but hoping only that whoever had been guiding him lately would not desert him now.|The Princess Bride|William Goldman|unknown
05:51|nine minutes to six o'clock|It was nine minutes to six o'clock and an hour before dawn. The brigade was not due to move today, and so, just as they did every other day, along with every British corps in the field, the four battalions stood to arms in case of attack. Each company paraded and then marched to form with its battalion at its alarm post.|Whose Business is to Die|Adrian Goldsworthy|sfw
05:52|5.52 am|At 5.52 am paramedics from the St. Petersburg Fire Department and SunStar Medic One ambulance service responded to a medical emergency call at 12201 Ninth Street North, St. Petersburg, apartment 2210.|Silent Witness|Mark Fuhrman|unknown
05:53|five fifty-three|The day had been specially chosen because the meteorologists had assured them that the sun would rise at five fifty-three and there would be no rain. The meteorologists would prove to be right about the sun, but as if to show their fallibility at four-eleven a steady drizzle began.|As the Crow Flies|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:53|five fifty-three|At five fifty-three, as a blood-red sun peeped over the horizon, a Verey pistol was fired and Charlie looked back to see the sky lit up behind him.|As the Crow Flies|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:53|seven minutes to six|The gate log showed he'd signed out at seven minutes to six that morning, slightly earlier than usual. Because they were conscientious employees, the spaceport immediately called the police and sent someone around to Gemma Tivon.|Fallen Dragon|Peter F. Hamilton|sfw
05:54|six minutes to six|This morning, the sun came up at six minutes to six. There was already heavy early-morning rush-hour traffic on the Majesta Bridge. Meyer was driving. Carella was riding shotgun.|Merely Hate|Ed McBain|sfw
05:55|five minutes to six|One, two, three, four, five, six… She wound each clock in turn, three turns each, putting just enough power in the springs to get them ticking in time for Mr. Westcott’s inspection. Speaking of which…it was five minutes to six. Five minutes before Mr. Westcott would arrive to inspect his clocks. Helena swallowed. She could hear footsteps thundering in the room below and the occasional exclamation from Stanley.|The House of One Hundred Clocks|A.M. Howell|unknown
05:55|five to six|Billy doesn’t drive to the parking garage. The parking garage is done. At five to six he parks on Main Street a few blocks from the Gerard Tower. Plenty of curbside spaces at this hour and the sidewalk is deserted.|Billy Summers|Stephen King|unknown
05:55|5.55 am|It was 5.55 am and raining hard when I pedalled up to the bike stand just outside the forecourt of the station and dashed inside. I raced past the bookstall, where all the placards of the Yorkshire Post (a morning paper) read 'York Horror', but also 'Terrific February Gales at Coast'.|The Lost Luggage Porter|Andrew Martin|unknown
05:56|5:56 A.M.|ANNA PETRESCU TOUCHED the button on the top of her bedside clock. It glowed 5:56 A.M. Another four minutes and it would have woken her with the early morning news. But not today.|False Impression|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
05:56|four minutes to six|The officer with the chipped nose went over to borrow the watch of General Feraud. They bent their heads over them for a time. "That's it. At four minutes to six by yours."|A Set of Six|Joseph Conrad|sfw
05:57|05.57|She smiles a bit but the next breath comes out louder like a moan. At 05.57 I say, “Ma, it’s nearly six,” so she gets up to make dinner but she doesn’t eat any.|Room|Emma Donoghue|unknown
05:58|5.58|Loud crashes came from the flat below at 5.58 this morning, though she’d been clock-watching long before that.|The Woman Downstairs|Elisabeth Carpenter|unknown
05:58|5.58 a.m.|Annika Giannini woke with a start. She saw that it was 5.58 a.m.|The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest|Stieg Larsson|unknown
05:58|just before six|Grant stepped into his office at St. Mary’s Lutheran Church just before six the next morning. His unusually early arrival – skipping his regular morning exercises – was spurred by a desire to pull up the essay that he had written years earlier, and to start the process of updating it, as requested.|Under the Golden Dome|Ray Keating|sfw
05:59|one minute to six|At one minute to six Hollis pulled out his watch. He sighed, replaced the time-piece, and leaned back in his chair. A glance out through the window showed him that the street was deserted except for here and there a cow pony drooping over one of the hitching rails and a wagon or two standing in front of a store.|The Coming of the Law|Charles Alden Seltzer|sfw
05:59|before the clock had struck six|The shades in the corner room on the southeast were the first to be raised. It was the old rector's bedroom. He was reading his Bible before the clock had struck six.|The Hammer of God|Bo Giertz|unknown
06:00|six|The next morning, Sister Veronica is still at prayer in the chapel. At six, when the other sisters file in for Vigils, she is there, prostrate before the cross, her arms outstretched, her forehead touching the cold stone tile. It is only when they lean forward to touch her arm gently that the women see that the blood has settled in her face. She has been dead for many hours.|The Power|Naomi Alderman|unknown
06:00|six|Sammy was bright awake at six, giddy with excitement, Daddy was coming, and no settling him to anything. By late morning he was climbing the walls; I suggested we go for a walk, take a little picnic. He didn’t want to leave in case Daddy came while we were gone.<br>“How ’bout we head up the hill? We can look out for him from there. Like pirates.”<br>And that did the trick.|The Body Lies|Jo Baker|unknown
06:00|six|Monday morning. I woke at six with my head pillowed on Patrick’s chest, my knee over his thigh. I’d slept all night without surfacing once. I don’t know when I had last slept like that.<br>He got up to make coffee and we drank it in bed.|The Body Lies|Jo Baker|unknown
06:00|six|Dan lay awake until six. Then he dressed and once more made the trek to the Red Apple. This time he did not hesitate, only instead of extracting two bottles of Bird from the cooler, he took three. What was it they used to say? Go big or go home.|Doctor Sleep|Stephen King|unknown
06:00|six in the morning|The day after Olga was released from the hospital she commenced making shoes again. At six in the morning she is at her bench; she knocks out two pairs of shoes a day. Eugene complains that Olga is a burden, but the truth is that Olga is supporting Eugene and his wife with her two pairs of shoes a day. If Olga doesn’t work there is no food. So everyone endeavors to pull Olga to bed on time, to give her enough food to keep going, etc.|Tropic of Cancer|Henry Miller|unknown
06:00|Six o’clock|Ursula invites me into the wardrobe. “You haven’t aged a day, Timbo, and neither has 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 snaky fellow!” Her furry fawn rubs up against my Narnian-sized lamppost and mothballs . . . but then, as ever, I awoke, my swollen appendage as welcome as a swollen appendix, and as useful. Six o’clock. The heating systems composed works in the style of John Cage. Chillblains burned my toe knuckles. I thought about Christmases gone, so many more gone than lay ahead.|Cloud Atlas|David Mitchell|unknown
06:00|six|Amazingly, the routines of everyday life lurched along as spring dissolved into flamboyant summer. Holly rose every morning at six, walked and fed Buster, roused her children, made sure the youngest dressed appropriately for school, fed them, nestled lunch boxes into their backpacks, waited at the corner for the bus, waved them off.|Behind the Lie|Emilya Naymark|unknown
06:00|six AM|When she woke up, the inarguably sane light of six AM was streaming through the windows. There were things that needed to be done and decisions that needed to be made, but for the moment it was enough to be alive and in her own bed instead of stuffed into a culvert.|Full Dark, No Stars|Stephen King|unknown
06:00|six o’clock|“Well, good night, Pooh,” said Piglet, when they had got to Pooh’s house. “And we meet at six o’clock tomorrow morning by the Pine Trees, and see how many Heffalumps we’ve got in our Trap.”|Winnie|A.A. Milne|unknown
06:00|6:00 a.m.|Lars watched from his living room window as the family, who must’ve left Iowa around 6:00 a.m. to arrive here so early, trudged through the snow toward the lobby of his building.|Kitchens of the Great Midwest|J. Ryan Stradal|unknown
06:00|six A.M.|On Sunday morning he was woken at six A.M. by the telephone. It was Major Heathcote, and he got straight to the point. “What do you know about this mob at the cathedral?”|The Wedding Officer|Anthony Capella|unknown
06:00|six o’clock|"And ever since that," the Hatter went on in a mournful tone, "he won’t do a thing I ask! It’s always six o’clock now."|Alice in Wonderland|Lewis Carroll|unknown
06:00|six o’clock|"What’s the time?" I ask, and telling him so that he knows, "My mother likes 'peace and quiet' to sleep late on Saturday mornings."<br/>"She does, does she? It’s six o’clock. I couldn’t sleep," he says wearily, like an afterthought, as if it’s what he expects. "Why are you up so early?"<br/>"I woke up and needed my panda. I can’t find him."|The Saints|Patsy Hickman|unknown
06:00|six|But every morning, even if there's been a nighttime session and he has only slept two hours, he gets up at six and reads his paper while he drinks a strong cup of coffee. In this way Papa constructs himself every day.|The Elegance of the Hedgehog|Muriel Barbery|unknown
06:00|six a.m.|I had risen half-an-hour before her entrance, and had washed my face, and put on my clothes by the light of a half-moon just setting, whose rays streamed through the narrow window near my crib. I was to leave Gateshead that day by a coach which passed the lodge gates at six a.m.|Jane Eyre|Charlotte Brontë|unknown
06:00|six|Lying awake in my attic room, I hear a clock strike six downstairs. It was fairly light and people were beginning to walk up and down the stairs.|Hunger|Knut Hamsun|unknown
06:00|six o'clock|On the 15th of September 1840, about six o'clock in the morning, the Ville-de-Montereau, ready to depart, pouring out great whirls of smoke by the quai Saint-Bernard.|L'Education sentimentale|Gustave Flaubert|unknown
06:00|six|The ball went on for a long time, until six in the morning; all were exhausted and wishing they had been in bed for at least three hours; but to leave early was like proclaiming the party a failure and offending the host and hostess who had taken such a lot of trouble, poor dears.|The Leopard|Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa|unknown
06:01|06:01|In the image, he was looking straight up at the camera, holding a disposable cup in his hand. The time signature on the bottom right corner of the screen said that it was 06:01 on the same morning the two of them had come to the convent.|The Passage|Justin Cronin|sfw
06:02|6.02|Bimingham New Street 5.25. Walsall 5.55. This train does not stop at Birchills, for reasons George has never been able to ascertain. Then it is Bloxwich 6.02, Wyrley & Churchbridge 6.09. At 6.10 he nods to Mr. Merriman the stationmaster.|Arthur and George|Julian Barnes|unknown
06:03|three minutes past six|It was still quite dark outside, and only the lower edge of the window-frame was white with snow. She could hear a low, mellow chime of bells; it was not the parish church, but somewhere further away. The watch on the little table showed three minutes past six.|The Party and Other Stories|Anton Pavlovich Chekhov|sfw
06:04|four minutes past six in the morning|It was four minutes past six in the morning. She shivered. She waited. She stretched because she had sat in her car for three and a half hours before the milk float had turned into the street.|Heart of Danger|Gerald Seymour|sfw
06:05|five minutes past six|A second man went in and found the shop empty, as he thought, at five minutes past six. That puts the time at between 5:30 and 6:05.|The ABC Murders|Agatha Christie|unknown
06:06|6:06|At 6:06, every toilet on Merit Street suddenly exploded in a geyser of shit and raw sewage as some unimaginable reversal took place in the pipes which fed the holding tanks of the new waste-treatment plant in the Barrens.|IT|Stephen King|nsfw
06:08|six oh-eight a.m.|At six oh-eight a.m. two men wearing ragged trench coats approached the Casino. The shorter of the men burst into flames.|Magic Bleeds|Ilona Andrews|unknown
06:09|06:09 CET|06:09 CET<br/>"Why didn't you wake me at four?" demanded Monti. He glared down at William, who was the same color as his soaking sheet, and was still sweating.|Nothing Ventured|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:09|6.09|Bimingham New Street 5.25. Walsall 5.55. This train does not stop at Birchills, for reasons George has never been able to ascertain. Then it is Bloxwich 6.02, Wyrley & Churchbridge 6.09. At 6.10 he nods to Mr. Merriman the stationmaster.|Arthur and George|Julian Barnes|unknown
06:10|6:10|The Chairman got out of bed at 7:20 and lit his first cigarette. He couldn’t remember exactly when he had woken. At 6:10 he had phoned Tony, who was already up and waiting for his call.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:10|ten past six|The bus left the station at ten past six - and she sat proud, like an accustomed traveller, apart from her father, John Henry, and Berenice. But after a while a serious doubt came in her, which even the answers of the bus-driver could not quite satisfy.|The Member of the Wedding|Carson McCullers|unknown
06:11|6:11|“La Guardia,” said Dexter and then thanked the agent for sitting up half the night. Scott looked between the two front seats as the digital clock changed from 6:11 to 6:12.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:11|6:11 a.m.|I looked at the clock: 6:11 a.m. Brittany had been gone for five hours. Time was racing forward.|The Good Neighbor|Cathryn Grant|unknown
06:12|6:12 in the morning|"Doc Kerrison?" The interrogation was surely unnecessary. Who else in this half-empty, echoing house would be answering at 6:12 in the morning? He made no reply and the voice went on.|Death of an Expert Witness|P.D. James|sfw
06:13|06:13|It's 06:13. Ma says I ought to be wrapped up in Rug already, Old Nick might possibly come.|Room|Emma Donoghue|unknown
06:14|06:14|Virtual curtains mirrored her movement, sliding across the screen and dimming the room lighting. The red numbers 06:14 faded but showed in the top right hand corner.|Mother Moon|Bob Goddard|sfw
06:15|quarter past six|Father expected his shaving-water to be ready at a quarter past six. Just seven minutes late, Dorothy took the can upstairs and knocked at her father's door.|A Clergyman's Daughter|George Orwell|unknown
06:15|6.15 am|It was 6.15 am. Just starting to get light. A small knot of older teenagers were leaning against a nearby wall. They looked as though they had been out all night.Two of the guys stared at us. Their eyes hard and threatening.|Girl Missing|Sophie McKenzie|unknown
06:16|06:16|And, as they boarded the 06:16 to Mittelsteine, Erika toyed with the notion that although every metre of this journey took her further from her mother it would also bring her closer to the possibility of seeing Max again and the blossoming of their new little family.|Fifteen Words|Monika Jephcott Thomas|sfw
06:17|6:17 a.m.|I woke to the rain pattering at the window. I heard Josephine in the shower, the pipes clanging through the walls. The clock radio read 6:17 a.m. That was when I saw our fern. It was sitting right where Josephine had first placed it, but now—it was glorious and alive. New, glossy leaves spilled up and over the pot, the front tips reaching, touching the telephone.|Here Lies|Olivia Claire Friedman|unknown
06:17|six-seventeen|"Dizzy, come on." He turned slowly, coaxing the animal down on to the pillow. The clock read six-seventeen. A second cat, Miles, purred on contentedly from the patch in the covers where Resnick's legs had made a deep V.|Lonely Hearts|John Harvey|unknown
06:19|6.19 am|6.19 am, 8th June 2004, the jet of your pupil set in the gold of your eye.|Venus|Carol Ann Duffy|unknown
06:20|6:20 a.m.|It was 6:20 a.m., and my parents and I were standing, stunned and half-awake, in the parking lot of a Howard Johnson's in Iowa.|Soon I Will Be Invincible|Austin Grossman|unknown
06:20|twenty past six|Because when that clock said twenty past six it was really only five minutes past, and at five minutes past I don't suppose Colonel Protheroe had even arrived at the house.|The murder at the Vicarage|Agatha Christie|sfw
06:21|twenty-one past six|The whipped mules dragged the wagon on through a flooded branch that submerged thirty yards of the road and stood up around the bushes and tree-trunks on either side so that they had no rootage, and I watched where and how deep the wheels went while I idled the motor and lighter Gudger's and my own cigarette. It was twenty-one past six.|Let Us Now Praise Famous Men|James Agee and Walker Evans|sfw
06:22|Twenty-two minutes past six|Clock overturned when he fell forward. That'll give us the time of the crime. Twenty-two minutes past six.|The Murder at the Vicarage|Agatha Christie|unknown
06:23|twenty-three minutes past six|It was twenty-three minutes past six. He actually thought about driving round and round Islington, with the radio on, shouting at it.|It Had to Be You|David Nobbs|sfw
06:24|06:24|Eventually I track the phone down by the green light on top. Notice that the time display reads 06:24 before I answer. It's Mum.|Simply Heaven|Serena Mackesy|sfw
06:25|6:25 a.m.|He woke with a start at 6:25 a.m., a single frame in his mind.|Be Careful What You Wish For|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:25|6.25|Simon is happy to travel scum class when he's on his own and even sometimes deliberately aims for the 6.25. But today the .25 is delayed to 6.44.|The Deaths|Mark Lawson|unknown
06:25|Six-twenty-five|"Still, it's your consciousness that's created it. Not somethin' just anyone could do. Others could be wanderin' around forever in who-knows-what contradictory chaos of a world. You're different. You seem t'be the immortal type."<br />"When's the turnover into that world going to take place?" asked the chubby girl. The Professor looked at his watch. I looked at my watch. Six-twenty-five. Well past daybreak. Morning papers delivered.|Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World|Haruki Murakami|unknown
06:26|0626 hours|No lights were on in the master bedroom at this time but it is noted that the official time of sunrise for this date is 0626 hours. Victim is quite clear that sufficient light was entering via the large picture window to allow good visibility.|Roulette|Don and Linda Pendleton|sfw
06:26|6:26 A.M.|6:26 A.M.<br/>"All right," Armont declared, "we make the insert here." He tapped his finger on the blueprint. "We hit the nerve center of Launch with flash-bangs and tear gas, and take it down. If we're lucky, Ramirez will still be there, and that should be the end of it."|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|nsfw
06:27|6:27 A.M.|6:27 A.M.<br/> Eventually Mark could stand it no longer and at 6:30 A.M. he rose, showered, and put on a clean shirt and a fresh suit.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:27|6:27|It was 6:27. In Frances Peverell's flat the phone rang. As soon as James spoke her name she knew that something was wrong.|Original Sin|P.D. James|sfw
06:27|06:27|06:27:52 by the chip in her optic nerve; Case had been following her progress through Villa Straylight for over an hour, letting the endorphin analogue she'd taken blot out his hangover.|Neuromancer|William Gibson|unknown
06:27|0627 hours|Early in the morning, late in the century, Cricklewood Broadway. At 0627 hours on January 1, 1975, Alfred Archibald Jones was dressed in corduroy and sat in a fume-filled Cavalier Musketeer Estate, facedown on the steering wheel, hoping the judgment would not be too heavy upon him.|White Teeth|Zadie Smith|unknown
06:28|6:28 A.M.|Thursday 6:28 A.M.<br/>The morning air was sharp and she wished she'd grabbed one of Adriana's black knit shawls before going out. Could she pass for one of those stooped Greek peasant women? she wondered. Not likely. She shivered and pulled her thin coat around her.|Project Daedalus|Thomas Hoover|sfw
06:29|6:29|For the next fifteen minutes he lugged the cases of wine and beer up the stairs, constantly stopping to check his watch, and at 6:29 he opened the back door to find the German corporal jumping up and down and slapping his sides in an effort to keep warm.|The Sins of the Father|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:29|a minute short of six-thirty|I sat up. There was a rug over me. I threw that off and got my feet on the floor. I scowled at a clock. The clock said a minute short of six-thirty.|The Big Sleep|Raymond Chandler|unknown
06:30|six-thirty|Two whores on their way down from Portland to take us deep sea fishing in a boat! It made it tough to stay in bed until the dorm lights came on at six-thirty.|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|nsfw
06:30|six-thirty|Tony gets up at six-thirty, as she always does. West sleeps on, groaning a little. Probably in his dreams he’s shouting; sounds in dreams are always louder.|The Robber Bride|Margaret Atwood|unknown
06:30|six-thirty in the morning|But when you shave 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 breakfast like she has me do some mornings— six-thirty in the morning in a room all white walls and white basins, and long-tube-lights in the ceiling making sure there aren’t any shadows, and faces all round you trapped screaming behind the mirrors—then what chance you got against one of their machines?|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|unknown
06:30|six-thirty|At the beginning of each day the properly dated OD card is inserted in a slot in the steel door and the walls hum up: Lights flash on in the dorm at six-thirty: the Acutes up out of bed quick as the black boys can prod them out, get them to work buffing the floor, emptying ash trays, polishing the scratch marks off the wall where one old fellow shorted out a day ago, went down in an awful twist of smoke and smell of burned rubber.|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|nsfw
06:30|6.30 am.|"Inside now", MJ ordered. She pushed the three of us into the hotel room, then shut the door. I glanced at the clock by the bed. 6.30 am. Why were they waking Mum and Dad up this early?|Girl Missing|Sophie McKenzie|unknown
06:30|six-thirty|Daniel and the FBI men listened to the sounds of his mother waking up his father. Daniel still held the door-knob. He was ready to close the door the second he was told to.<br/>"What time is it?" said his father in a drugged voice. <br/>"Oh my God, it's six-thirty," his mother said.|The Book of Daniel|E.L. Doctorow|unknown
06:30|six-thirty|It was six-thirty. When the baby's cry came, they could not pick it out, and Sam, eagerly thrusting his face amongst their ears, said, "Listen, there, there, that's the new baby." He was red with delight and success.|The Man Who Loved Children|Christina Stead|unknown
06:30|six-thirty|It was very cold sitting in the truck and after a while he got out and walked around and flailed at himself with his arms and stamped his boots. Then he got back in the truck. The bar clock said six-thirty...By eight-thirty he’d decided that it that was it would take to make the cab arrive then that’s what he would do and he started the engine.|Cities of the Plain|Cormac McCarthy|unknown
06:30|half-past six|Nervously she jumped up and listened; the house itself was as still as ever; the footsteps had retreated. Through her wide-open window the brilliant rays of the morning sun were flooding her room with light. She looked up at the clock; it was half-past six—too early for any of the household to be already astir.|The Scarlet Pimpernel|Baroness Orczy|unknown
06:30|six-thirty|Six-thirty was clearly a preposterous time and he, the client, obviously hadn't meant it seriously. A civilised six-thirty for twelve noon was almost certainly what he had in mind, and if he wanted to cut up rough about it, Dirk would have no option but to start handing out some serious statistics. Nobody got murdered before lunch. But nobody. People weren't up to it. You needed a good lunch to get both the blood-sugar and blood-lust levels up. Dirk had the figures to prove it.|The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul|Douglas Adams|unknown
06:30|6.30|Sometimes they were hooded carts, sometimes they were just open carts, with planks for seats, on which sat twelve cloaked and bonneted women, six a side, squeezed together, for the interminable journey. As late as 1914 I knew the carrier of Croydon-cum-Clopton, twelve miles from Cambridge; his cart started at 6.30 in the morning and got back at about ten at night. Though he was not old, he could neither read nor write; but he took commissions all along the road - a packet of needles for Mrs. This, and a new teapot for Mrs. That - and delivered them all correctly on the way back.|Period Piece|Gwen Raverat|unknown
06:31|6:31 A.M.|6:31 A.M.<br/>"Alpha Leader, this is SEAL One. I think we've spotted some hostiles."|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|sfw
06:32|6:32 A.M.|6:32 A.M.<br/>Mark had awoken, but he wasn’t awake. His head was swimming with incoherent thoughts. The first vision to flash across his mind was Elizabeth; he smiled.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:32|6:32 a.m.|He had been parked there for seven minutes already; he could only afford a few more before someone might become suspicious. <br/> "C'mon. . . c'mon," he was muttering. "Let's get this over with."<br/>He checked his watch: 6:32 a.m.|The Ambition|Lee Strobel|sfw
06:32|6:32 A.M.|BURBANK AIRPORT<br>6:32 A.M.<br>Rush hour traffic crept forward in the pale morning light. Casey twisted her rearview mirror, and leaned over to check her makeup.|Airframe|Michael Crichton|unknown
06:32|twenty-eight minutes to seven|The familiar radium numerals on my left wrist confirmed the clock tower. It was twenty-eight minutes to seven. I seemed to be filling a set of loud maroon pajamas which were certainly not mine. My vis-a-vis was wearing a little number in yellow.|Too Like the Lightning|Dana Chambers|unknown
06:33|6.33 a.m.|Woke 6.33 a.m. Last session with Anderson. He made it plain he's seen enough of me, and from now on I'm better alone. To sleep 8:00? (These count-downs terrify me.) He paused, then added: Goodbye, Eniwetok.|The Voices of Time|J.G. Ballard|unknown
06:34|6:34 A.M.|6:34 A.M.<br/>The leader of the SEALs, Lieutenant Devon Robbins, spoke into his thin microphone. "Can you see them? We could use an IR scope." The SEALs had split into two teams, as was their practice, and he was leading the first.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|sfw
06:35|6:35|Mark woke with a start and sat up, trying to focus his eyes on his watch. All he could see was the second hand moving: 6:35. Hell. He shot up from the chair, his stiff neck and back hurting him; he was still dressed.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|nsfw
06:35|twenty-five minutes to seven|My watch lay on the dressing-table close by; glancing at it, I saw that the time was twenty-five minutes to seven. I had been told that the family breakfasted at nine, so I had nearly two-and-a-half hours of leisure. Of course, I would go out, and enjoy the freshness of the morning.|Ravensdene Court|J.S. Fletcher|unknown
06:36|6:36|Kaldren pursues me like luminescent shadow. He has chalked up on the gateway '96,688,365,498,702'. Should confuse the mail man. Woke 9:05. To sleep 6:36.|The Voices of Time|J.G. Ballard|unknown
06:37|06:37 GMT|06:37 GMT<br/>Jackie didn't need a wake-up call that morning. She was already on her way to Waterloo station by the time William was speeding down the M4.|Nothing Ventured|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:37|6.37 am|The dashboard clock said 6.37 am. Town frowned, and checked his wristwatch, which blinked that it was 1.58 pm. Great, he thought. I was either up on that tree for eight hours, or for minus a minute.|American Gods|Neil Gaiman|unknown
06:38|6.38 am|The clock on the dashboard said it was 6.38 am. He left the keys in the car, and walked toward the tree.|American Gods|Neil Gaiman|unknown
06:39|0639|He fired another torpedo at 0639 hours from a distance of 500 metres. Again it missed its intended target, but exploded seven minutes later. The torpedos would only detonate on contact with a solid object.|Goldfinder|Keith Jessop and Neil Hanson|sfw
06:39|6:39 A.M.|6:39 A.M.<br/>"Hold your fire! Goddammit, hold your fire." The SEAL leader, Lieutenant Devon Robbins, was pressing in his earpiece, incredulous at what he was hearing.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|nsfw
06:40|twenty to seven|At eleven o'clock the phone rang, and still the figure did not respond, any more than it has responded when the phone had rung at twenty-five to seven in the morning, and again at twenty to seven|The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul|Douglas Adams|unknown
06:41|nineteen minutes to seven|A car drove past at a crawl, its driver eyeing her curiously through the slow-moving windscreen wipers, and she pretended to rummage for something in her pocket, trying to look like a normal person, on her way to a normal day. It was nineteen minutes to seven.|The Horse Dancer|Jojo Moyes|sfw
06:42|06:42|It was 06:42 and he had just finished his solo morning workout: three circuits of Ring 7 - the second-longest ring in the hab-disk - followed by a half hour pushing and pulling against resistance channels in the gym.|Marine Cadet|Tim C. Taylor|sfw
06:43|6:43 a.m.|Perhaps the insistent metallic sound was just part of his dream. He reluctantly turned over and blinked at the little phosphorescent green hands on the bedside clock: 6:43 a.m.|Be Careful What You Wish For|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:43|6:43|At 6:43 the driver pulled off the highway and followed the signs for La Guardia. No one spoke until the car came to a halt at the curb opposite the Marine Air terminal entrance.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:43|6:43|After throwing the lather on his face, he shaved too quickly, mowing down the stubble on his chin. Damn it, three nicks; the aftershave lotion stung viciously: 6:43.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|nsfw
06:43|6.43 am|To London on the 6.43 am. Jessica is back from her holiday. Things are looking up, she called me Chris, instead of Minister, when we talked on the phone this afternoon.|A View From the Foothills|Chris Mullin|unknown
06:44|6.44|Simon is happy to travel scum class when he's on his own and even sometimes deliberately aims for the 6.25. But today the .25 is delayed to 6.44.|The Deaths|Mark Lawson|unknown
06:45|Six-forty-five|Six-forty-five the shavers buzz and the Acutes line up in alphabetical order at the mirrors, A, B, C, D. . . . The walking Chronics like me walk in when the Acutes are done, then the Wheelers are wheeled in.|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|nsfw
06:45|six-forty-five|The black boy’s dwarf head swivels and comes nose to knuckle with that hand. He frowns at it, then takes a quick check where’s the other two black boys just in case, and tells McMurphy they don’t open the cabinet till six-forty-five. “It’s a policy,” he says.|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|nsfw
06:45|quarter to seven|As the clock pointed to a quarter to seven, the dog woke and shook himself. After waiting in vain for the footman, who was accustomed to let him out, the animal wandered restlessly from one closed door to another on the ground floor; and, returning to his mat in great perplexity, appealed to the sleeping family, with a long and melancholy howl.|No Name|Wilkie Collins|unknown
06:45|quarter to seven|He was still hurriedly thinking all this through, unable to decide to get out of the bed, when the clock struck quarter to seven. There was a cautious knock at the door near his head. "Gregor", somebody called - it was his mother - "it's quarter to seven. Didn't you want to go somewhere?"|Metamorphosis|Franz Kafka|unknown
06:45|six forty-five|'It's six forty-five.' She stands in the doorway, keeping both of her feet neatly aligned just behind the flaking red line from all those years ago.|Before I fall|Lauren Oliver|sfw
06:46|6:46|He bundled the papers on his desk into his briefcase and ran for the elevator. First piece of luck, it was on the top floor. Downstairs: 6:46.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:46|one minute after the quarter to seven|At one minute after the quarter to seven I heard the rattle of the cans outside. I opened the front door, and there was my man, singling out my cans from a bunch he carried and whistling through his teeth.|The Thirty-Nine Steps|John Buchan|unknown
06:47|thirteen minutes to seven|“Morning, Mark. Hell, man, is it eight o’clock already?”<br/>“No, thirteen minutes to seven.”|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|nsfw
06:47|6:47|The time was 6:47. Jeremy glanced at the alarm clocks to make sure they were right, then pulled his dressing gown around him and hurried downstairs.|Thief of Time|Terry Pratchett|sfw
06:48|6:48|Car starts first time. Reliable Mercedes. Moves on the road: 6:48. Must stay below speed limit. Never embarrass the Bureau.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:48|6:48 A.M.|Big Al stretched and began to walk slowly around the car. He knew they planned to leave long before first light, which was at 6:48 A.M. He checked his watch: 4:17. They both looked up when a plane flew overhead, the first to land at Heathrow that morning.|A Prisoner of Birth|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:48|6:48 A.M.|His jet had touched down on the facility's runway at 6:48 A.M. and been promptly towed into the hangar. Tanzan Mino intended to be in personal command when Daedalus I went hypersonic, in just nineteen hours.|Project Daedalus|Thomas Hoover|sfw
06:49|6:49|Night ends, 6:49. Meet in the coffee shop at 7:30; press conference at 10:00.|Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72|Hunter S. Thompson|unknown
06:50|six fifty|That night I lay in my jangling single bed across from Sammy’s and I watched him sleep, and then I stared at the ceiling. I got up and took a blanket and went and made a cup of tea, and lay on the sofa and tried to read one of the wrinkled paperbacks. I blinked my way through a hallucinatory half chapter, set it aside and closed my eyes. I woke and it was six fifty, and I winced my way upstairs and lay down in my bed, to be there when Sammy woke up again.|The Body Lies|Jo Baker|unknown
06:50|six-fifty|Will, my fiancé, was coming from Boston on the six-fifty train - the dawn train, the only train that still stopped in the small Ohio city where I lived.|Pretty Ice|Mary Robison|unknown
06:51|6.51 a.m.|Moon Hartnell opened her eyes and reached for her phone. The screen said 6.51 a.m. on 14 February, Valentine's Day. Most mornings, she would stay in bed until her alarm went off. Usually for a while after that, too - as long as it took Mum to bang on her door.|Kill Your Brother|Jack Heath|unknown
06:52|6:52|Sasha and Charlie caught the 6:52 from Victoria to Merrifield the following morning, and arrived at the local Labour Party headquarters just before 8 a.m.|Heads You Win|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:52|06.52|Having lied to Mum, I realised that my only option was to take the 06.52 to London as if I hadn't been dismissed at all.|The Hunger and the Howling of Killian Lone|Will Storr|sfw
06:53|seven minutes to seven|So that was the key to asking my questions, to wait exactly 77 minutes before seven minutes to seven and I would then get my answer.|The Quarter Moon|Stephanie Hudson|sfw
06:54|six minutes before seven in the morning|And to see if maybe - just maybe - she might have answered him, even though it was now six minutes before seven in the morning.|Her Billionaires|Julia Kent|sfw
06:55|five minutes to seven|It was five minutes to seven the next morning. Sergeant Masterson and Detective Constable Greeson were in the kitchen at Nightingale House with Miss Collins and Mr. Muncie. It seemed like the middle of the night to Masterson, dark and cold.|Shroud for a Nightingale|P.D. James|sfw
06:55|6:55 am|At 6:55 am Lisa parked and took the lift from the frozen underground car park up to level 1 of Green Oaks Shopping Centre.|What Was Lost|Catherine O'Flynn|sfw
06:56|four minutes to seven|"Well, I've only to say I'm sorry to cause all this fuss, y'know - and, well, yes, I would like a smoke," replied the condemned man, and added hastily: "Don't think I want to delay things for a moment though - but if there is time. . ."<br/>"It is four minutes to seven," said Major Ranald, "and tobacco and matches are not supposed to be found in a government jail."|Driftwood Spars|Percival Christopher Wren|sfw
06:57|6:57|Down ramp, park, show FBI pass to garage guard, run for elevator: 6:57;|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:57|three minutes to seven|That meant that Helen must run and get the table set as quickly as possible as it was three minutes to seven.|The Carter Girls' Mysterious Neighbors|Neil Speed|sfw
06:58|two minutes to seven|They waited. At exactly two minutes to seven, a white car came into view and pulled into the employee's parking lot behind the building.|Small Sacrifices|Ann Rule|sfw
06:58|6:58 A.M.|6:58 A.M.<br/>Hugo Voorst was lying propped against a rock, his shoulder bandaged with white strips of gauze from the first-aid kit. Now that the flow of blood had been staunched, Marcel was injecting him with a shot of morphine to quell the looming pain.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|nsfw
06:59|6:59|She barely glances up; knock on door of Director’s office; no reply; go in as instructed. No Director: 6:59; sink into easy chair. Director going to be late; smile of satisfaction.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:59|one minute to seven|At one minute to seven, Lieutenant Colonel Robertson marched up on to the stage, and everyone else in the room quickly fell silent and sprang to attention. He stopped in the center of the stage and waved the men down.|The Sins of the Father|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
06:59|6.59 a.m.|It was 6.59 a.m. on Maundy Thursday as Blomkvist and Berger let themselves into the "Millennium" offices.|The Girl Who Played with Fire|Stieg Larsson|unknown
06:59|6:59|There was a row of alarm clocks on the table by Jeremy’s bed. He did not need them, because he woke up when he wanted to. They were there for testing. He set them for seven, and woke up at 6:59 to check that they went off on time.|Thief of Time|Terry Pratchett|sfw
07:00|seven|Moist groaned. It was the crack of seven and he was allergic to the concept of two seven o’clocks in one day.|Raising Steam|Terry Pratchett|unknown
07:00|seven o’clock|By the time the sun peered over the hills east of Rome, the city was a raucous symphony of clattering carts, hammer blows, and screaming babies. Some in the leisure class allowed themselves the luxury of slumbering on till seven o’clock, but only those who had wined to excess would rise any later.|Pontius Pilate|Paul L. Maier|unknown
07:00|seven|"And we on for a video chat tonight? I mean, in the morning? Your morning?" Charlie asked.<br/>"Yeah, do you have a time in mind so I can be sure to be up and showered first?"<br/>"Sure you can't video chat from the shower?" he asked.<br/>"Not so much. No."<br/>"Then I guess I'll settle for seven."|Soldier On|Vanessa Rasanen|nsfw
07:00|seven o’clock|It was about seven o’clock and so still I felt that, if someone had spoken a mile away, I could have answered him.|A Month in the Country|J.L. Carr|unknown
07:00|seven|At seven the next morning the telephone rang. <br>Slowly I swam up from the bottom of a black sleep. I already had a telegram from Jay Cee stuck in my mirror, telling me not to bother to come in to work but to rest for a day and get completely well, and how sorry she was about the bad crabmeat, so I couldn’t imagine who would be calling.|The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath|unknown
07:00|seven o’clock|Anne made her way across the dooryard, trailing a steadying hand along the side of Bobbi’s truck. When she had passed the truck, she reached at once for the porch railing. She looked up, and in the slanting light of seven o’clock, Gardener thought the woman looked both aged and ageless.|The Tommyknockers|Stephen King|unknown
07:00|seven o’clock in the morning|Grant immediately understood the advantages. It was now seven o’clock in the morning. They had at least eight miles to go. If they could take a raft along the river, they would make much faster progress than going overland.|Jurassic Park|Michael Crichton|unknown
07:00|seven in the morning|Through September and right into October, the North Carolina skies were clear and the air was warm even at seven in the morning, when I left my second-floor apartment by the outside stairs. If I started with a light jacket on, I was wearing it tied around my waist before I’d finished half of the three miles between the town and the amusement park.|Joyland|Stephen King|unknown
07:00|seven AM|The call was early: seven AM, two hours before the park opened its doors on another summer. The three of us walked down the beach together. Tom talked most of the way. He always talked. It would have been wearisome if he hadn’t been so amusing and relentlessly cheerful.|Joyland|Stephen King|unknown
07:00|seven A.M.|Thirty-seven times my mother and I woke up together, bleary and exhausted at seven A.M., tried to get up, but fell back into bed and slept on while cartoons flashed from the small television on her bedside table.|My Year of Rest and Relaxation|Ottessa Moshfegh|unknown
07:00|seven o’clock|In his hotel room at the Bon Voyage, Dr. Rufus Sixsmith reads a sheaf of letters written to him nearly half a century ago by his friend Robert Frobisher. Sixsmith knows them by heart, but their texture, rustle, and his friend’s faded handwriting calm his nerves. These letters are what he would save from a burning building. At seven o’clock precisely, he washes, changes his shirt, and sandwiches the nine read letters in the Gideon’s Bible—this he replaces in the bedside cabinet. Sixsmith slips the unread letters into his jacket pocket for the restaurant.|Cloud Atlas|David Mitchell|unknown
07:00|seven a.m.|This morning everything is clean; the storm has left branches strewn around the yard, which I will presently go out and pick up: all the beach’s sand has been redistributed and laid down fresh in an even blanket pocked with impressions of rain, and the daylilies bend and glisten in the white seven a.m. light.|The Time Traveler’s Wife|Audrey Niffenegger|unknown
07:00|7:00 A.M.|By 7:00 A.M., the coastline of Malibu was engulfed in flames. Because, just as it is in Malibu’s nature to burn, so was it in one particular person’s nature to set fire and walk away.|Malibu Rising|Taylor Jenkins Reid|unknown
07:00|7 a.m.|“Which means we finish around 7 a.m.,” she added. “Still enough time to get to work.”<br/>I was surprised. “Work?”<br/>“You must work tomorrow, yes?”<br/>“I figured I’d write the day off.”<br/>“Then you do not need to worry.”|The Catacombs|Jeremy Bates|unknown
07:00|Seven o’clock|Seven o’clock the mess hall opens and the order of line-up reverses: the Wheelers first, then the Walkers, then Acutes pick up trays, corn flakes, bacon and eggs, toast—and this morning a canned peach on a piece of green, torn lettuce.|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|unknown
07:00|seven|“What? No. I mean, yeah, that’s when we have to be in the lot, but there’s a bunch of stuff before, you know, costumes, makeup, all that. I usually get there at seven. I can’t believe nobody told you any of this.”|Reprieve|James Han Mattson|unknown
07:00|seven a.m.|It was seven a.m. on the day before her eleventh birthday, and Eva was on her knees in her favorite stretchy blue jeans, hard at work in her closet. She was checking the dryness of her hydroponic chile plants when her mom knocked on her door.|Kitchens of the Great Midwest|J. Ryan Stradal|unknown
07:00|7:00 a.m.|Why was this woman here? They would have a glass of wine and then Cindy would say that she had a 7:00 a.m. yoga class (which was true) and boy, was she tired.|Kitchens of the Great Midwest|J. Ryan Stradal|unknown
07:00|seven o’clock|At seven o’clock precisely, a tiny Italian man entered James’s office. He was wearing a very ancient tuxedo and a white bow tie, which was almost exactly the same size and shape as the mustache on his upper lip.|The Wedding Officer|Anthony Capella|unknown
07:00|seven o'clock|"Seven o'clock, already", he said to himself when the clock struck again, "seven o'clock, and there's still a fog like this."|Metamorphosis|Franz Kafka|unknown
07:00|seven o’clock|At seven o’clock in the morning, Rubashov was awakened by a bugle, but he did not get up. Soon he heard sounds in the corridor. He imagined that someone was to be tortured, and he dreaded hearing the first screams of pain. When the footsteps reached his own section, he saw through the eye hole that guards were serving breakfast. Rubashov did not receive any breakfast because he had reported himself ill. He began to pace up and down the cell, six and a half steps to the window, six and a half steps back.|Darkness at Noon|Arthur Koestler|unknown
07:00|seven|I had left directions that I was to be called at seven; for it was plain that I must see Wemmick before seeing any one else, and equally plain that this was a case in which his Walworth sentiments, only, could be taken. It was a relief to get out of the room where the night had been so miserable, and I needed no second knocking at the door to startle me from my uneasy bed.|Great Expectations|Charles Dickens|unknown
07:00|seven o'clock|She locked herself in, made no reply to my bonjour through the door; she was up at seven o'clock, the samovar was taken in to her from the kitchen.|Crime and Punishment|Fyodor Dostoyevsky|unknown
07:00|7 A.M|He approved of the milkman, because he was regular and punctual and had the bottles at the doorstep every morning on the stroke of 7 A.M|Thief of Time|Terry Pratchett|sfw
07:01|one minute past seven|I took the first tentative step towards finding out at one minute past seven the next morning, in Fort Bird's mortuary.|The Enemy|Lee Child|sfw
07:02|07:02|07:02:18 One and a half hours. "Case," she said, "I wanna favour."|Neuromancer|William Gibson|sfw
07:03|7:03 a.m.|7:03 a.m. Return to bed in sulk over weight. Head-state bad. Sleeping or getting up equally out of question. Think about Daniel.|Bridget Jones's Diary|Helen Fielding|sfw
07:03|three minutes past seven|There was trouble with the track. No one could give any idea when it would be put right. The train arriving at three minutes past seven had been the last one in. Were all the gods of travel conspiring to thwart him?|The Murder Room|P.D. James|sfw
07:03|three minutes after 7 am|And hitherto it had decreed that someone should begin to wash and tidy me up at exactly three minutes after 7 am.|The Day of the Triffids|John Wyndham|sfw
07:03|7:03 am|7:03 am General Tanz woke up as though aroused by a mental alarm-clock.|The Night of the Generals|Hans Hellmut Kirst|sfw
07:04|7:04 A.M.|7:04 A.M.<br/>Stone felt his consciousness returning as the blast of an engine cut through his sedative‑induced reverie. Where was he? There were vibrations all around him and a deafening roar that was slowly spiraling upward in frequency and volume.|Syndrome|Thomas Hoover|sfw
07:05|five minutes after seven o'clock|He really couldn't believe that the old woman who'd phoned him last night would show up this morning, as she'd said she would. He decided he'd wait until five minutes after seven o'clock, and then he'd call in, take the day off, and make every effort in the book to locate someone reliable.|Where I'm Calling From|Raymond Carver|unknown
07:05|five after seven|Outside my window the sky hung low and gray. It looked like snow, which added to my malaise. The clock read five after seven. I punched the remote control and watched the morning news as I lay in bed.|Dance Dance Dance|Haruki Murakami|unknown
07:05|7:05 A.M.|Ryan missed the dawn. He boarded a TWA 747 that left Dulles on time, at 7:05 A.M. The sky was overcast, and when the aircraft burst through the cloud layer into sunlight, Ryan did something he had never done before. For the first time in his life, Jack Ryan fell asleep on an airplane.|The Hunt for Red October|Tom Clancy|unknown
07:06|six minutes past seven|Percy subscribed to that old axiom about how you should get right back on the horse that had thrown you, because here he came through the door at six minutes past seven, resplendent in his blue uniform with his sidearm on one hip and his hickory stick in its ridiculous custom-made holster on the other.|The Green Mile|Stephen King|unknown
07:07|seven minutes past seven|Qantas Flight 102 touched down at Melbourne Airport at seven minutes past seven. Charlie was the first off the aircraft, running as fast as he could, but having to lug Cathy’s picture under one arm slowed him down and made it possible for several other passengers, who obviously had the same idea, to overtake him.|As the Crow Flies|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:07|seven minutes past seven|When Joubert walked into the parade room at seven minutes past seven on the first of January, forty detectives were already seated on the blue-gray government-issue chairs placed in a large rectangle against the four walls.|Dead Before Dying|Deon Meyer|sfw
07:08|7:08 A.M.|7:08 A.M.<br/>"Team Two CQ," came Hans' voice on the walkie-talkie. He and Marcel were in the overhead ventilation duct above Command, which had been depicted in great detail in the blueprints.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|sfw
07:08|between eight and nine minutes after seven o'clock|Reacher had no watch but he figured when he saw Gregory it must have been between eight and nine minutes after seven o'clock.|The Hard Way|Lee Child|unknown
07:09|07:09|We wake up and the air is shiverier. Watch says 07:09, he has a battery, that’s his own little power hidden inside.|Room|Emma Donoghue|unknown
07:09|seven-nine|The morning house lay empty. The clock ticked on, repeating and repeating its sounds into the emptiness. Seven-nine, breakfast time, seven-nine!|There Will Come Soft Rains|Ray Bradbury|unknown
07:10|7:10|“Get me the head of the Secret Service at the White House.”<br/>“Yes, sir.”<br/> The Director glanced at his watch: 7:10. Andrews was due at 8:15. The phone rang.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:10|7:10 a.m.|When he woke, he jumped out of bed and pulled back the curtains to see the first rays of sunlight bathing the city. He checked the time. It was 7:10 a.m. He felt grubby, and smiled at the thought of a long, hot bath.|Best Kept Secret|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:10|7.10|A search in Bradshaw informed me that a train left St. Pancras at 7.10, which would land me at any Galloway station in the late afternoon.|The Thirty-Nine Steps|John Buchan|unknown
07:10|7:10|There were many others waiting to execute the same operation, so she would have to move fast, elbow her way to the front so that she emerged first. The time was 7:10 in the morning. The manoeuvre would start at 7:12. She looked apprehensively at the giant clock at the railway station.|The Fourth Passenger|Mini Nair|unknown
07:11|eleven minutes past seven|"Anyway, every morning at eleven minutes past seven he'd slam the door and rev the engine like he was starting a grand prix, ruining my beauty sleep, especially if I'd just come off nights."|Limestone Cowboy|Stuart Pawson|sfw
07:11|7:11 a.m.|7:11 a.m.<br/>It could have been the sound of a single explosion, even though it had taken place at the two opposite entries to Command. Then, as one, Team One and Team Three were inside, just behind the harmless explosions of flash grenades and charges of CS they had blasted into the room.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|sfw
07:12|twelve minutes past seven|At twelve minutes past seven, in the kitchen, Kimberly was becoming anxious. She had been told by Sister Holland that Miss Gradwyn had asked for her early-morning tea tray to be brought up at seven o'clock.|The Private Patient|P.D. James|sfw
07:12|7:12|He taught me that if I had to meet someone for an appointment, I must refuse to follow the "stupid human habit" of arbitrarily choosing a time based on fifteen-minute intervals. "Never meet people at 7:45 or 6:30, Jasper, but pick times like 7:12 and 8:03!"|A Fraction of the Whole|Steve Toltz|unknown
07:13|seven-thirteen|It was all the more surprising and indeed alarming a little later, said Austerlitz, when I looked out of the corridor window of my carriage just before the train left at seven-thirteen, to find it dawning upon me with perfect certainty that I had seen the pattern of glass and steel roof above the platforms before.|Austerlitz|WG Sebald|unknown
07:14|07:14|07:14 GMT<br/>William spotted him the moment he entered the terminal. A dark blue double-breasted blazer, white shirt, and striped tie. The commander probably slept in double-breasted pajamas.|Nothing Ventured|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:14|07:14|I jump onto Rocker to look at Watch, he says 07:14. I can skateboard on Rocker without holding on to her, then I whee back onto Duvet and I’m snowboarding instead.|Room|Emma Donoghue|unknown
07:14|7.14|At 7.14 Harry knew he was alive. He knew that because the pain could be felt in every nerve fibre.|The Redeemer|Jo Nesbo|unknown
07:15|fifteen minutes past seven|The raft drifted steadily north. “There must be a current.” The current was carrying them north, toward the hotel. He looked at his watch and was astonished to see it was fifteen minutes past seven. Only fifteen minutes had passed since he had last looked at his watch. It seemed like two hours.|Jurassic Park|Michael Crichton|unknown
07:15|7:15 A.M.|At 7:15 A.M., January 25th, we started flying northwestward under McTighe's pilotage with ten men, seven dogs, a sledge, a fuel and food supply, and other items including the plane's wireless outfit.|At the Mountains of Madness|H.P. Lovecraft|unknown
07:15|7.15|Gough again knocked on Mr. and Mrs. Kent's bedroom door. This time it was opened - Mary Kent had got out of bed and put on her dressing gown, having just checked her husband's watch: it was 7.15. A confused conversation ensued, in which each woman seemed to assume Saville was with the other.|The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher|Kate Summerscale|unknown
07:15|quarter-past seven|It was early in April in the year ’83 that I woke one morning to find Sherlock Holmes standing, fully dressed, by the side of my bed. He was a late riser, as a rule, and as the clock on the mantelpiece showed me that it was only a quarter-past seven, I blinked up at him in some surprise, and perhaps just a little resentment, for I was myself regular in my habits.|The Adventure of the Speckled Band|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle|unknown
07:15|7.15|This strange loop has a curious effect on causality. We get up in the morning and leave the house at 7.15 because we have to get to work by 9 o'clock. Scientifically, this is a very bizarre form of causality: the future is affecting the past.|The Globe|Terry Pratchett|sfw
07:16|07.16|The Zombie SmartGuide works much harder to construct these fictional, time-travel tooth-brushing scenarios than it ever did on normal tooth-brushing scenarios when it was alive. It literally does this all day long. Lately it's taken to showing the transition from 07.16 to 07.17 quite frequently.|The Seed Collectors|Scarlett Thomas|sfw
07:17|7.17 am|As of 7.17 am local time on 30 June 1908, Padzhitnoff had been working for nearly a year as a contract employee of the Okhrana, receiving five hundred rubles a month, a sum which hovered at the exorbitant end of spy-budget outlays for those years.|Against the Day|Thomas Pynchon|unknown
07:18|7:18 A.M.|7:18 A.M.<br/>"Ulysses to Sirene. Do you read me?"<br/>When his radio crackled, Armont was in the medical facility of the Bates Motel, watching as a plasma IV was attached to Dimitri's arm. He immediately grabbed for it.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|sfw
07:19|7.19 am|I opened the sunroof and turned up the CD player volume to combat fatigue, and at 7.19 am on Saturday, with the caffeine still running all around my brain, Jackson Browne and I pulled into Moree.|The Rosie Project|Graeme Simsion|unknown
07:20|twenty past seven|The two policemen arrived at the Hotel Monarche at twenty past seven that Thursday morning. They were tired, discontent, and hungry. Since midnight they had visited forty-three hotels on the west side of the city, on each occasion with no success.|A Matter of Honor|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:20|7:20|The Chairman got out of bed at 7:20 and lit his first cigarette. He couldn’t remember exactly when he had woken. At 6:10 he had phoned Tony, who was already up and waiting for his call.|Shall We Tell the President?|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:20|7:20|At 7:20, the door swung open and Anne reappeared to carry out her most important function of the day. “Time to take you through to the studio, Harry.”|Cometh the Hour|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:20|7.20 a.m.|And this was my timetable when I lived at home with Father and I thought that Mother was dead from a heart attack (this was the timetable for a Monday and also it is an approximation). 7.20 a.m. Wake up|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|unknown
07:20|seven-twenty|He who had been a boy very credulous of life was no longer greatly interested in the possible and improbable adventures of each new day. He escaped from reality till the alarm-clock rang, at seven-twenty.|Babbitt|Sinclair Lewis|unknown
07:21|7.21 a.m.|Why it felt important to know the time she didn’t know, other than to try and root herself in the midst of this chaos. 7.21 a.m. So many people would have been eating breakfast, getting ready for work or the Passover holiday.|The Little Wartime Library|KateThompson|unknown
07:22|7:22 A.M.|7:22 A.M.<br/>"Do you know how to handle this?" Vance handed Cally the MP5 he was carrying. He had brought it up the hill to try to take out Ramirez, but after the fiasco with the flash grenades, he hadn't fired a shot.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|nsfw
07:23|7:23 A.M.|7:23 A.M. <br/> The transmit seemed to be working, and he was getting out everything he knew—the location of the Hind, the fake nationality, the attack on the frigate. But was anybody picking it up? The heavy Soviet radio was rapidly drawing down its batteries, but he figured it was now or never.|Project Cyclops|Thomas Hoover|sfw
07:23|7:23|Sebastian had to borrow his mother’s alarm clock to make sure he was up in time to catch the 7:23 to Paddington. Emma was waiting for him in the hall and offered to drive him to Temple Meads. It soon became clear why.|Best Kept Secret|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:24|7:24 a.m.|All three morning shows had offered him their highest rated spot, at 7:24 a.m. Six minutes didn’t sound like a long time, but in television terms, only ex-presidents and Oscar winners could take it for granted.|Cometh the Hour|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:24|7:24 a.m.|There was a brief murmur of voices; then Stephen Courtney-Brigs followed her into the sitting-room. Glancing at the clock, Dalgliesh saw that the hands stood at 7:24 a.m. The working day had almost begun.|Shroud for a Nightingale|P.D. James|sfw
07:25|7:25 a.m.|After taking several phone calls during breakfast, she still hadn’t had a chance to consider the arguments for and against Lord Samuels’s proposal before her driver pulled up outside the front door at 7:25 a.m.|This Was a Man|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:25|twenty-five minutes past seven|At twenty-five minutes past seven: Ker Karraje, Engineer Serko and Captain Spade advance to the extermity of the point, where they sweep the north-western horizon with their telescopes.|Facing the Flag|Jules Verne|sfw
07:25|7:25|He tried one more time at 7:25, and nothing had changed. It ran and ran, eleven, twelve, thirteen times. <br>He threw his guitar in his dad’s car and drove south toward Prescott. The Built to Spill tape was still in the tape deck, and he just let it keep going; it might as well be the damn soundtrack to everything.|Kitchens of the Great Midwest|J. Ryan Stradal|nsfw
07:25|7.25 a.m.|7.25 a.m. Clean teeth and wash face|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|sfw
07:26|twenty-six minutes past seven|Chuck was on deck at twenty-six minutes past seven when marines in helmets and backpacks began to swarm down the rope nets hanging over the sides of the ship and jump into the high-sided landing craft.|Winter of the World|Ken Follett|sfw
07:27|7:27|The pilot welcomed them aboard and warned them there might be a slight delay. Dexter checked his watch: 7:27. He began drumming his fingers on the armrest that divided him from Scott.|Honor Among Thieves|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:27|7.27|His appointment with the doctor was for 8.45. It was 7.27.|The Return of the Dancing Master|Henning Mankell|unknown
07:28|seven twenty-eight|"As you know, we're on twenty-four hour call and I got here at seven twenty-eight. We decided to start the investigation at once. The undertakers will collect the body as soon as you've finished."|The Murder Room|P.D. James|sfw
07:29|7:29|Lamont was waiting for her on platform 11, and they boarded the 7:29 to Guildford, second class. On arrival they were met by Superintendent Wall, the only man from the Surrey Constabulary who'd been fully briefed on what they had planned for the rest of the day.|Nothing Ventured|Jeffrey Archer|sfw
07:29|minute before seven-thirty|Everybody turns in his chair and watches that butter sneak on down the wall, starting, hanging still, shooting ahead and leaving a shiny trail behind it on the pane. Nobody says a word. They look at the butter, then at the clock, then back at the butter. The clock’s moving now.<br>The butter makes it down to the floor about a half minute before seven-thirty, and McMurphy gets back all the money he lost.|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest|Ken Kesey|sfw