This recipe shows how to use codec
and codec-argonaut
to write value-based bidirectional JSON codecs to encode and decode examples written in "meta-language."
The JSON we'll be encoding and decoding is:
"string":"string value",
"boolean": true,
"int": 4,
"number": 42.0,
"array": [
"elem 1",
"elem 2",
"elem 3"
"record": {
"foo": "bar",
"baz": 8
"sumTypesNoTags": [
"Just 1"
"sumTypeWithTags": [
{"tag": "Noting"},
{"tag": "Just", "value": 1}
"productTypesNoLabels": [
"productTypesWithLabels": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
Prints the following to the console:
Verify codec is bidirectional
Rountrip 1: decode (encode x) == x:
Rountrip 2: encode (decode x) == x
Decoding the example JSON
{ array: ["elem 1","elem 2","elem 3"], boolean: true, int: 4, number: 42.0, productTypesNoLabels: IntBooleanString(1 true "stuff"), productTypesWithLabels: IntBooleanString(1 true "stuff"), record: { baz: 8, foo: "bar" }, string: "string value", sumTypeWithTags: [Nothing,(Just 1)], sumTypesNoTags: [Nothing,(Just 1)] }
Encoding the example value:
{"array":["elem 1","elem 2","elem 3"],"boolean":true,"int":4,"number":42,"productTypesNoLabels":[1,true,"stuff"],"productTypesWithLabels":{"key1":1,"key2":true,"key3":"stuff"},"record":{"baz":8,"foo":"bar"},"string":"string value","sumTypeWithTags":[{"tag":"Nothing"},{"tag":"Just","value":1}],"sumTypesNoTags":["Nothing","Just 1"]}
If running this code in the Browser environment, make sure to open the console with dev tools first, then reload/refresh the page.