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dlfivefifty committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent e27d89b commit 1d39704
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Showing 4 changed files with 131 additions and 6 deletions.
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions ext/InfiniteArraysBandedMatricesExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ const TriPertToeplitz{T} = Tridiagonal{T,Vcat{T,1,Tuple{Vector{T},Fill{T,1,Tuple
const AdjTriPertToeplitz{T} = Adjoint{T,Tridiagonal{T,Vcat{T,1,Tuple{Vector{T},Fill{T,1,Tuple{OneToInf{Int}}}}}}}
const InfBandedMatrix{T,V<:AbstractMatrix{T}} = BandedMatrix{T,V,OneToInf{Int}}

_prepad(p, a) = Vcat(Zeros(max(p,0)), a)
_prepad(p, a) = Vcat(Zeros{eltype(a)}(max(p,0)), a)
_prepad(p, a::Zeros{T,1}) where T = Zeros{T}(length(a)+p)
_prepad(p, a::Ones{T,1}) where T = Ones{T}(length(a)+p)
_prepad(p, a::AbstractFill{T,1}) where T = Fill{T}(getindex_value(a), length(a)+p)

Check warning on line 69 in ext/InfiniteArraysBandedMatricesExt.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L66 - L69 were not covered by tests
Expand All @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ function BandedMatrix{T}(kv::Tuple{Vararg{Pair{<:Integer,<:AbstractVector}}},
(l,u)::NTuple{2,Integer}) where T
ks = getproperty.(kv, :first)
l,u = -minimum(ks),maximum(ks)
rws = Vcat(permutedims.(_prepad.(ks,getproperty.(kv, :second)))...)
c = zeros(T, l+u+1, length(ks))
for (k,j) in zip(u .- ks .+ 1,1:length(ks))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,8 +424,8 @@ _default_banded_broadcast(bc::Broadcasted, ::Tuple{<:OneToInf,<:Any}) = copy(Bro
# Banded * Banded

BandedMatrix{T}(::UndefInitializer, axes::Tuple{OneToInf{Int},OneTo{Int}}, lu::NTuple{2,Integer}) where T =
BandedMatrix{T}(undef, map(length,axes), lu)
BandedMatrix{T}(::UndefInitializer, axes::Tuple{OneToInf{Int},OneTo{Int}}, lu::NTuple{2,Integer}) where T = BandedMatrix{T}(undef, map(length,axes), lu)
BandedMatrix{T}(::UndefInitializer, (m,n)::Tuple{Infinity,Int}, lu::NTuple{2,Integer}) where T = BandedMatrix{T}(undef, (ℵ₀,n), lu)

Check warning on line 428 in ext/InfiniteArraysBandedMatricesExt.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L427 - L428 were not covered by tests

similar(M::MulAdd{<:AbstractBandedLayout,<:AbstractBandedLayout}, ::Type{T}, axes::Tuple{OneTo{Int},OneToInf{Int}}) where T =

Check warning on line 430 in ext/InfiniteArraysBandedMatricesExt.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L430 was not covered by tests
transpose(BandedMatrix{T}(undef, reverse(axes), reverse(bandwidths(M))))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/reshapedarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

using Base.MultiplicativeInverses: SignedMultiplicativeInverse

struct ReshapedArray{T,N,P<:AbstractArray,DIMS<:Tuple,MI<:Tuple{Vararg{SignedMultiplicativeInverse{Int}}}} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
struct ReshapedArray{T,N,P<:AbstractArray,DIMS<:Tuple,MI<:Tuple{Vararg{SignedMultiplicativeInverse{Int}}}} <: LayoutArray{T,N}
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1260,7 +1260,8 @@ end
A = a * Ones{Complex{Int}}(1,∞)
@test A[:,1:5] == a * ones(1,5)

@test (a*permutedims(1:∞))[:,1:5] == a*(1:5)'
@test (a*Hcat(Zeros(1,2), permutedims(1:∞)))[1,1:5] == (a*Vcat(Hcat(Zeros(1,2), permutedims(1:∞))))[1,1:5]

125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions test/test_infbanded.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -186,5 +186,130 @@ using LazyArrays: simplifiable
@testset "SubArray broadcasting" begin
A = BandedMatrix(2 => 1:∞)
@test exp.(A[1:2:∞,1:2:∞])[1:10,1:10] exp.(A[1:2:20,1:2:20])
@test A[band(2)][1:5] == 1:5
@test _BandedMatrix((1:∞)', ∞, -1,1)[band(1)][1:5] == 2:6
@test exp.(view(A,band(2)))[1:10] exp.(1:10)

@test BandedMatrices.banded_similar(Int, (∞,5), (1,1)) isa BandedMatrix
@test BandedMatrices.banded_similar(Int, (5,∞), (1,1)) isa Adjoint{<:Any,<:BandedMatrix}

A = BandedMatrix{Int}((2 => 1:∞,), (∞,∞), (0,2))
@test eltype(A) == Int
@test bandwidths(A) == (0,2)

A = BandedMatrix{Int}((2 => Vcat([1,2], Fill(2,∞)),), (∞,∞), (0,2))
@test A[band(2)][1:5] == [1; fill(2,4)]

@testset "Algebra" begin
A = BandedMatrix(-3 => Fill(7 / 10, ∞), -2 => 1:∞, 1 => Fill(2im, ∞))
@test A isa BandedMatrix{ComplexF64}
@test A[1:10, 1:10] == diagm(-3 => Fill(7 / 10, 7), -2 => 1:8, 1 => Fill(2im, 9))

A = BandedMatrix(0 => Vcat([1, 2, 3], Zeros(∞)), 1 => Vcat(1, Zeros(∞)))
@test A[1, 2] == 1

A = BandedMatrix(-3 => Fill(7 / 10, ∞), -2 => Fill(1, ∞), 1 => Fill(2im, ∞))
Ac = BandedMatrix(A')
At = BandedMatrix(transpose(A))
@test Ac[1:10, 1:10] (A')[1:10, 1:10] A[1:10, 1:10]'
@test At[1:10, 1:10] transpose(A)[1:10, 1:10] transpose(A[1:10, 1:10])

A = BandedMatrix(-1 => Vcat(Float64[], Fill(1 / 4, ∞)), 0 => Vcat([1.0 + im], Fill(0, ∞)), 1 => Vcat(Float64[], Fill(1, ∞)))
@test MemoryLayout(typeof(view(, :, 1:10))) == ApplyLayout{typeof(hcat)}()
Ac = BandedMatrix(A')
At = BandedMatrix(transpose(A))
@test Ac[1:10, 1:10] (A')[1:10, 1:10] A[1:10, 1:10]'
@test At[1:10, 1:10] transpose(A)[1:10, 1:10] transpose(A[1:10, 1:10])

A = BandedMatrix(-2 => Vcat(Float64[], Fill(1 / 4, ∞)), 0 => Vcat([1.0 + im, 2, 3], Fill(0, ∞)), 1 => Vcat(Float64[], Fill(1, ∞)))
Ac = BandedMatrix(A')
At = BandedMatrix(transpose(A))
@test Ac[1:10, 1:10] (A')[1:10, 1:10] A[1:10, 1:10]'
@test At[1:10, 1:10] transpose(A)[1:10, 1:10] transpose(A[1:10, 1:10])

A = _BandedMatrix(Fill(1, 4, ∞), ℵ₀, 1, 2)
@test A^2 isa BandedMatrix
@test (A^2)[1:10, 1:10] == (A*A)[1:10, 1:10] == (A[1:100, 1:100]^2)[1:10, 1:10]
@test A^3 isa ApplyMatrix{<:Any,typeof(*)}
@test (A^3)[1:10, 1:10] == (A*A*A)[1:10, 1:10] == ((A*A)*A)[1:10, 1:10] == (A*(A*A))[1:10, 1:10] == (A[1:100, 1:100]^3)[1:10, 1:10]

@testset "∞ x finite" begin
A = BandedMatrix(1 => 1:∞) + BandedMatrix(-1 => Fill(2, ∞))
B = _BandedMatrix(randn(3, 5), ℵ₀, 1, 1)

@test lmul!(2.0, copy(B)')[:, 1:10] == (2B')[:, 1:10]

@test_throws ArgumentError BandedMatrix(A)
@test A * B isa MulMatrix
@test B'A isa MulMatrix

@test all(diag(A[1:6, 1:6]) .=== zeros(6))

@test (A*B)[1:7, 1:5] A[1:7, 1:6] * B[1:6, 1:5]
@test (B'A)[1:5, 1:7] (B')[1:5, 1:6] * A[1:6, 1:7]

@testset "Fill" begin
A = _BandedMatrix(Ones(1, ∞), ℵ₀, -1, 1)
@test 1.0 .* A isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Fill}
@test Zeros(∞) .* A Zeros(∞, ∞) .* A A .* Zeros(1, ∞) A .* Zeros(∞, ∞) Zeros(∞, ∞)
@test Ones(∞) .* A isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Ones}
@test A .* Ones(1, ∞) isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Ones}
@test 2.0 .* A isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Fill}
@test A .* 2.0 isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Fill}
@test Eye(∞) * A isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Ones}
@test A * Eye(∞) isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Ones}

@test A * A isa BandedMatrix
@test (A*A)[1:10, 1:10] == BandedMatrix(2 => Ones(8))

= _BandedMatrix(Fill(1, 1, ∞), ℵ₀, -1, 1)
@test A *isa BandedMatrix
@test* A isa BandedMatrix
@test*isa BandedMatrix

B = _BandedMatrix(Ones(1, 10), ℵ₀, -1, 1)
C = _BandedMatrix(Ones(1, 10), 10, -1, 1)
D = _BandedMatrix(Ones(1, ∞), 10, -1, 1)

@test (A*B)[1:10, 1:10] == (B*C)[1:10, 1:10] == (D*A)[1:10, 1:10] == D * B == (C*D)[1:10, 1:10] == BandedMatrix(2 => Ones(8))

@testset "Banded Broadcast" begin
A = _BandedMatrix((1:∞)', ℵ₀, -1, 1)
@test 2.0 .* A isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Adjoint}
@test A .* 2.0 isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Adjoint}
@test Eye(∞) * A isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Adjoint}
@test A * Eye(∞) isa BandedMatrix{Float64,<:Adjoint}
A = _BandedMatrix(Vcat((1:∞)', Ones(1, ∞)), ℵ₀, 0, 1)
@test 2.0 .* A isa BandedMatrix
@test A .* 2.0 isa BandedMatrix
@test Eye(∞) * A isa BandedMatrix
@test A * Eye(∞) isa BandedMatrix
b = 1:
@test bandwidths(b .* A) == (0, 1)

@test colsupport(b .* A, 1) == 1:1
@test Base.replace_in_print_matrix(b .* A, 2, 1, "0.0") == ""
@test bandwidths(A .* b) == (0, 1)
@test A .* b' isa BroadcastArray
@test bandwidths(A .* b') == bandwidths(A .* b')
@test colsupport(A .* b', 3) == 2:3

A = _BandedMatrix(Ones{Int}(1, ∞), ℵ₀, 0, 0)'
B = _BandedMatrix((-2:-2:-∞)', ℵ₀, -1, 1)
C = Diagonal(2 ./ (1:2:∞))
@test bandwidths(A * (B * C)) == (-1, 1)
@test bandwidths((A * B) * C) == (-1, 1)

A = _BandedMatrix(Ones{Int}(1, ∞), ℵ₀, 0, 0)'
B = _BandedMatrix((-2:-2:-∞)', ℵ₀, -1, 1)
@test MemoryLayout(A + B) isa BroadcastBandedLayout{typeof(+)}
@test MemoryLayout(2 * (A + B)) isa BroadcastBandedLayout{typeof(*)}
@test bandwidths(A + B) == (0, 1)
@test bandwidths(2 * (A + B)) == (0, 1)


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