ColorScheme objects
When you start using ColorSchemes
, it loads a set of pre-defined ColorSchemes in a dictionary called colorschemes
A ColorScheme is a Julia object which contains:
- an ordered array of colors (see Colors.jl)
- a string defining a category
- a string containing descriptive notes
To access one of the built-in colorschemes, use its symbol:
The display depends on your working environment. If you’re using a notebook or IDE environment, the colors in the colorscheme should appear as a swatch in a cell or in a Plots window. Otherwise, you’ll see the colors listed as RGB values:
32-element Array{RGB{Float64},1}:
+ RGB{Float64}(0.0548203,0.016509,0.0193152)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.0750816,0.0341102,0.0397083)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.10885,0.0336675,0.0261204)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.100251,0.0534243,0.0497594)
+ ...
+ RGB{Float64}(0.620187,0.522792,0.216707)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.692905,0.56631,0.185515)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.681411,0.58149,0.270391)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.85004,0.540122,0.136212)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.757552,0.633425,0.251451)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.816472,0.697015,0.322421)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.933027,0.665164,0.198652)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.972441,0.790701,0.285136)
You can access the array of colors as:
By default, the names of the built-in colorschemes aren’t imported. You can import the ones that you want:
julia> import ColorSchemes.leonardo
+julia> leonardo
+32-element Array{RGB{Float64},1}:
+ RGB{Float64}(0.0548203,0.016509,0.0193152)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.0750816,0.0341102,0.0397083)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.10885,0.0336675,0.0261204)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.100251,0.0534243,0.0497594)
+ ...
+ RGB{Float64}(0.757552,0.633425,0.251451)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.816472,0.697015,0.322421)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.933027,0.665164,0.198652)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.972441,0.790701,0.285136)
You can reference a single color in a scheme:
+-> RGB{Float64}(0.10884977211887092,0.033667530751245296,0.026120424375656533)
Or you can ‘sample’ the scheme at any point between 0 and 1 using get
or getindex
get(leonardo, 0.5)
+-> RGB{Float64}(0.42637271063618504,0.28028983973265065,0.11258024276603132)
+-> RGB{Float64}(0.42637271063618504,0.28028983973265065,0.11258024276603132)
With get
you can resample an existing colorscheme, by passing a range:
get(ColorSchemes.darkrainbow, range(0.0, 1.0, length=14))
+-> RGB{Float64}[
+ RGB{Float64}(0.237736, 0.340215, 0.575113),
+ RGB{Float64}(0.249978, 0.343813, 0.5620657),
+ RGB{Float64}(0.259452, 0.386963, 0.464862),
+ RGB{Float64}(0.272746, 0.439684, 0.3499807),
+ ...
+ RGB{Float64}(0.72987,0.239399,0.230961),
+ RGB{Float64}(0.72987,0.239399,0.230961)]
and you can make a new scheme from this:
ndr = ColorScheme(get(ColorSchemes.darkrainbow, range(0.0, 1.0, length=14)))
See below for more possibilities.
The colorschemes dictionary
The ColorSchemes module automatically provides a number of predefined schemes. All the colorschemes are stored in an exported dictionary, called colorschemes
colorschemes[:summer] |> show
+ ColorScheme(
+ ColorTypes.RGB{Float64}[
+ RGB{Float64}(0.0,0.5,0.4),
+ RGB{Float64}(0.01,0.505,0.4),
+ RGB{Float64}(0.02,0.51,0.4),
+ RGB{Float64}(0.03,0.515,0.4),
+ ...
+ RGB{Float64}(1.0,1.0,0.4)],
+ "matplotlib",
+ "sampled color schemes, sequential linearly-increasing shades of green-yellow")
Finding colorschemes
Use the findcolorscheme function to search through the pre-defined colorschemes. The string you provide can occur in the colorscheme’s name, in the category, or (optionally) in the notes. It’s interpreted as a case-insensitive regular expression.
julia> findcolorscheme("ice")
+colorschemes containing "ice"
+ seaborn_icefire_gradient
+ seaborn_icefire_gradient (notes) sequential, ice fire gradient...
+ ice
+ flag_is (notes) The flag of Iceland...
+ botticelli
+ botticelli (notes) palette from artist Sandro Bot...
+ ...found 6 results for "ice"
The function returns a list of matching colorscheme names as symbols.
— Functionfindcolorscheme(str;
+ search_notes=true)
Find all colorschemes matching str
. str
is interpreted as a regular expression (case-insensitive).
This returns an array of symbols which are the names of matching schemes in the colorschemes
julia> findcolorscheme("ice")
+colorschemes containing "ice"
+ seaborn_icefire_gradient
+ seaborn_icefire_gradient (notes) sequential, ice fire gradient...
+ ice
+ flag_is (notes) The flag of Iceland...
+ botticelli
+ botticelli (notes) palette from artist Sandro Bot...
+ ...found 6 results for "ice"
To read the notes of a built-in colorscheme cscheme
If you prefer, you can ‘roll your own’ search.
[k for (k, v) in ColorSchemes.colorschemes if occursin(r"colorbrew"i, v.category)]
+265-element Array{Symbol,1}:
+ :BuPu_6
+ :Spectral_4
+ :RdYlGn_5
+ ⋮
+ :BrBG_8
+ :Oranges_4
Make your own colorscheme
Using Colors.jl, you can use the ColorScheme
constructor to make a range of colors into a colorscheme.
Using Colors.jl's range()
cs1 = ColorScheme(range(colorant"red", colorant"green", length=5))
Using get()
cs1 = ColorScheme(get(ColorSchemes.darkrainbow, range(0.3, 0.7, length=10)))
Converting from a sequential palette:
cs1 = ColorScheme(reverse(Colors.sequential_palette(300, 100, logscale=true)))
From an array comprehension:
mygrays = ColorScheme([RGB{Float64}(i, i, i) for i in 0:0.1:1.0])
A logarithmic scheme:
ColorScheme(get(ColorSchemes.darkrainbow, 10 .^ range(-2, stop=0, length=50)))
Give it a category or some added notes if you want:
mygrays = ColorScheme([RGB{Float64}(i, i, i) for i in 0:0.1:1.0],
+ "my useful schemes", "just some dull grey shades")
although this scheme won’t be stored in the supplied colorschemes
Another example: start with a two-color scheme, then building a gradient from the first color to the other.
myscheme = ColorScheme([Colors.RGB(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), Colors.RGB(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)],
+ "custom", "twotone, red and green")
+ColorScheme([get(myscheme, i) for i in 0.0:0.01:1.0])
Another way is to use the loadcolorscheme function used to build the colorschemes dictionary when the package is loaded:
using Colors, ColorSchemes
+loadcolorscheme(:mygrays, [RGB{Float64}(i, i, i) for i in 0:0.1:1.0],
+ "useful schemes", "just some dull grey shades")
and that will be added (temporarily) to the built-in dictionary.
julia> findcolorscheme("dull")
+colorschemes containing "dull"
+ mygrays (notes) just some dull grey shades...
+ ...found 1 result for "dull"
If you want to make more advanced ColorSchemes, use linear-segment dictionaries or indexed lists, and use functions to generate color values, see the make_colorscheme()
function in the ColorSchemeTools.jl package.
For CVD (color-vision deficient or "color-blind") users
This package contains a number of colorschemes that are designed to be helpful for people with some deficiencies in their perception of color:
deuteranomaly (where green looks more red)
protanomaly (where red looks more green and less bright)
tritanomaly (difficult to tell the difference between blue and green, and between yellow and red)
tritanopia (difficult to tell the difference between blue and green, purple and red, and yellow and pink)
+colorschemes containing "cvd"
+ tol_light (category) cvd
+ tol_muted (category) cvd
+ tol_bright (category) cvd
+ okabe_ito (category) cvd
+ mk_8 (category) cvd
+ mk_12 (category) cvd
+ mk_15 (category) cvd
Also, it's possible to generate schemes using Colors.distinguishable_colors()
using Colors, ColorSchemes
+ColorScheme(distinguishable_colors(10, transform=protanopic))
The resample()
Use resample()
to make a new colorscheme by resampling an existing one:
resample(ColorSchemes.turbo, 9)
You can pass a function to resample()
to control the alpha opacity of each color in the color scheme.
resample(ColorSchemes.turbo, 9, (alpha) -> 0.5)
This sets the alpha value of every color to 0.5.
resample(ColorSchemes.turbo, 30, (alpha) -> sin(alpha * π))
This example varies the alpha from 0 (at 0.0), 1 (at 0.5), and 0 (at 1.0).
More about color sampling
You can access the specific colors of a colorscheme by indexing (eg leonardo[2]
or leonardo[5:end]
). Or you can sample a ColorScheme at a point between 0.0 and 1.0 as if it were a continuous range of colors:
get(leonardo, 0.5)
The colors in the predefined ColorSchemes are usually sorted by LUV luminance, so this often makes sense.
You can use get()
with index data in arrays to return arrays of colors:
julia> get(leonardo, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0])
+3-element Array{RGB{Float64},1} with eltype ColorTypes.RGB{Float64}:
+ RGB{Float64}(0.05482025926320272,0.016508952654741622,0.019315160361063788)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.42637271063618504,0.28028983973265065,0.11258024276603132)
+ RGB{Float64}(0.9724409077178674,0.7907008712807734,0.2851364857083522)
julia> simg = get(leonardo, rand(10, 16));
+julia> using FileIO
+julia> save("mosaic.png", simg)
Matplotlib compatibility
Most of the color schemes in Matplotlib are available. The following code example gives a general picture.
using ColorSchemes
+matplotlibcmaps = Dict(
+ :perceptuallyuniformsequential => [
+ :viridis, :plasma, :inferno, :magma],
+ :sequential => [
+ :Greys_9, :Purples_9, :Blues_9, :Greens_9, :Oranges_9, :Reds_9,
+ :YlOrBr_9, :YlOrRd_9, :OrRd_9, :PuRd_9, :RdPu_9, :BuPu_9,
+ :GnBu_9, :PuBu_9, :YlGnBu_9, :PuBuGn_9, :BuGn_9, :YlGn_9],
+ :sequential2 => [
+ :binary, :gist_yarg, :gist_gray, :gray, :bone, :pink,
+ :spring, :summer, :autumn, :winter, :cool, :Wistia,
+ :hot, :afmhot, :gist_heat, :copper],
+ :diverging => [
+ :PiYG_11, :PRGn_11, :BrBG_11, :PuOr_11, :RdGy_11, :RdBu_11,
+ :RdYlBu_11, :RdYlGn_11, :Spectral_11, :coolwarm, :bwr, :seismic],
+ :cyclical => [
+ :twilight, :twilight_shifted, :hsv],
+ :qualitative => [
+ :Pastel1_9, :Pastel2_8, :Paired_11, :Accent_8,
+ :Dark2_8, :Set1_9, :Set2_8, :Set3_12,
+ :tab10, :tab20, :tab20b, :tab20c],
+ :miscellaneous => [
+ :flag, :prism, :ocean, :gist_earth, :terrain, :gist_stern,
+ :gnuplot, :gnuplot2, :CMRmap, :cubehelix, :brg, :hsv,
+ :gist_rainbow, :rainbow, :jet, :nipy_spectral, :gist_ncar]
+ )
+for (k, v) in matplotlibcmaps
+ println("$(rpad(k, 12)) $(length(v))")
+ for cs in v
+ try
+ c = ColorSchemes.colorschemes[cs]
+ catch
+ println("\t$(rpad(cs, 12)) not currently in stock")
+ end
+ end
cyclical 3
+ twilight_shifted not currently in stock
+sequential 18
+qualitative 12
+sequential2 16
+ gray not currently in stock
+perceptuallyuniformsequential 4
+diverging 12
+miscellaneous 17