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"1bc43ea1-30af-5bc8-a9d4-c018457e6e3e" +version = "2.8.0+0" + +[[deps.unzip_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] +git-tree-sha1 = "5d543463432c2e25027d88f5a314d40d44488391" +uuid = "88f77b66-78eb-5ed0-bc16-ebba0796830d" +version = "6.0.2+0" diff --git a/src/Dialects/14/ArmNeon.jl b/src/Dialects/14/ArmNeon.jl index 7fafa0f7..d6d30af9 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/14/ArmNeon.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/14/ArmNeon.jl @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function intr_smull(a::Value, b::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) end """ -`2d_sdot` +`_2d_sdot` The two input vectors `b` and `c` have a 2D shape, consisting of either 2 or 4 rows, each row having length 4. This operation computes the pair-wise @@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ corresponding entry of `a`: res[i] := a[i] + dot_product(b[i, ...], c[i, ...]) ``` """ -# function 2d_sdot(a::Value, b::Value, c::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[res, ] -# operands = Value[a, b, c, ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[] +function _2d_sdot(a::Value, b::Value, c::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[res, ] + operands = Value[a, b, c, ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[] -# create_operation( -# "arm_neon.2d.sdot", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "arm_neon.2d.sdot", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `intr_sdot` diff --git a/src/Dialects/14/SPIRV.jl b/src/Dialects/14/SPIRV.jl index c980f7dc..bf327901 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/14/SPIRV.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/14/SPIRV.jl @@ -4502,14 +4502,14 @@ spv.GlobalVariable @var2 bind(1, 2) : !spv.ptr spv.GlobalVariable @var3 built_in(\"GlobalInvocationId\") : !spv.ptr, Input> ``` """ -function GlobalVariable(; type, sym_name, initializer=nothing, binding=nothing, descriptorSet=nothing, builtin=nothing, location=Location()) +function GlobalVariable(; type, sym_name, initializer=nothing, location_=nothing, binding=nothing, descriptorSet=nothing, builtin=nothing, location=Location()) results = MLIRType[] operands = Value[] owned_regions = Region[] successors = Block[] attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("type", type), namedattribute("sym_name", sym_name), ] (initializer != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("initializer", initializer)) - (location != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("location", location)) + (location != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("location", location_)) (binding != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("binding", binding)) (descriptorSet != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("descriptorSet", descriptorSet)) (builtin != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("builtin", builtin)) diff --git a/src/Dialects/15/ArmNeon.jl b/src/Dialects/15/ArmNeon.jl index 7fafa0f7..d6d30af9 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/15/ArmNeon.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/15/ArmNeon.jl @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function intr_smull(a::Value, b::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) end """ -`2d_sdot` +`_2d_sdot` The two input vectors `b` and `c` have a 2D shape, consisting of either 2 or 4 rows, each row having length 4. This operation computes the pair-wise @@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ corresponding entry of `a`: res[i] := a[i] + dot_product(b[i, ...], c[i, ...]) ``` """ -# function 2d_sdot(a::Value, b::Value, c::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[res, ] -# operands = Value[a, b, c, ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[] +function _2d_sdot(a::Value, b::Value, c::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[res, ] + operands = Value[a, b, c, ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[] -# create_operation( -# "arm_neon.2d.sdot", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "arm_neon.2d.sdot", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `intr_sdot` diff --git a/src/Dialects/15/Func.jl b/src/Dialects/15/Func.jl index b500c189..fded22a2 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/15/Func.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/15/Func.jl @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ function constant(; result_0::MLIRType, value, location=Location()) end """ -`func_` +`func` Operations within the function cannot implicitly capture values defined outside of the function, i.e. Functions are `IsolatedFromAbove`. All @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func.func @example_fn_result() -> (f64 {dialectName.attrName = 0 : i64}) func.func @example_fn_attr() attributes {dialectName.attrName = false} ``` """ -function func_(; sym_name, function_type, sym_visibility=nothing, body::Region, location=Location()) +function func(; sym_name, function_type, sym_visibility=nothing, body::Region, location=Location()) results = MLIRType[] operands = Value[] owned_regions = Region[body, ] diff --git a/src/Dialects/15/MLProgram.jl b/src/Dialects/15/MLProgram.jl index 59f540e2..a9509cb2 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/15/MLProgram.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/15/MLProgram.jl @@ -55,20 +55,20 @@ such a load can be considered to have no side effects. %0 = ml_program.global_load_const @foobar : tensor ``` """ -# function global_load_const(; result::MLIRType, global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[result, ] -# operands = Value[] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_load_const(; result::MLIRType, global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[result, ] + operands = Value[] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_load_const", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_load_const", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `global_load_graph` @@ -90,20 +90,20 @@ without additional consideration to evaluation order constraints. ordering (%token -> !ml_program.token) : tensor ``` """ -# function global_load_graph(consumeTokens::Vector{Value}; result::MLIRType, produceToken::MLIRType, global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[result, produceToken, ] -# operands = Value[consumeTokens..., ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_load_graph(consumeTokens::Vector{Value}; result::MLIRType, produceToken::MLIRType, global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[result, produceToken, ] + operands = Value[consumeTokens..., ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_load_graph", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_load_graph", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `global_load` @@ -125,20 +125,20 @@ without additional consideration to evaluation order constraints. See %0 = ml_program.global_load @foobar : tensor ``` """ -# function global_load(; result::MLIRType, global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[result, ] -# operands = Value[] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_load(; result::MLIRType, global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[result, ] + operands = Value[] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_load", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_load", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `global_` @@ -208,20 +208,20 @@ without additional consideration to evaluation order constraints. ordering (%in_token -> !ml_program.token) : tensor ``` """ -# function global_store_graph(value::Value, consumeTokens::Vector{Value}; produceToken::MLIRType, global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[produceToken, ] -# operands = Value[value, consumeTokens..., ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_store_graph(value::Value, consumeTokens::Vector{Value}; produceToken::MLIRType, global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[produceToken, ] + operands = Value[value, consumeTokens..., ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_store_graph", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_store_graph", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `global_store` @@ -243,20 +243,20 @@ without additional consideration to evaluation order constraints. See ml_program.global_store @foobar = %0 : tensor ``` """ -# function global_store(value::Value; global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[] -# operands = Value[value, ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_store(value::Value; global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[] + operands = Value[value, ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_store", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_store", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `output` diff --git a/src/Dialects/15/SPIRV.jl b/src/Dialects/15/SPIRV.jl index eec360dc..ba00ef77 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/15/SPIRV.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/15/SPIRV.jl @@ -5201,14 +5201,14 @@ spv.GlobalVariable @var2 bind(1, 2) : !spv.ptr spv.GlobalVariable @var3 built_in(\"GlobalInvocationId\") : !spv.ptr, Input> ``` """ -function GlobalVariable(; type, sym_name, initializer=nothing, binding=nothing, descriptor_set=nothing, builtin=nothing, location=Location()) +function GlobalVariable(; type, sym_name, initializer=nothing, location_=nothing, binding=nothing, descriptor_set=nothing, builtin=nothing, location=Location()) results = MLIRType[] operands = Value[] owned_regions = Region[] successors = Block[] attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("type", type), namedattribute("sym_name", sym_name), ] (initializer != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("initializer", initializer)) - (location != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("location", location)) + (location != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("location", location_)) (binding != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("binding", binding)) (descriptor_set != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("descriptor_set", descriptor_set)) (builtin != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("builtin", builtin)) diff --git a/src/Dialects/16/ArmNeon.jl b/src/Dialects/16/ArmNeon.jl index 7fafa0f7..d6d30af9 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/16/ArmNeon.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/16/ArmNeon.jl @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function intr_smull(a::Value, b::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) end """ -`2d_sdot` +`_2d_sdot` The two input vectors `b` and `c` have a 2D shape, consisting of either 2 or 4 rows, each row having length 4. This operation computes the pair-wise @@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ corresponding entry of `a`: res[i] := a[i] + dot_product(b[i, ...], c[i, ...]) ``` """ -# function 2d_sdot(a::Value, b::Value, c::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[res, ] -# operands = Value[a, b, c, ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[] +function _2d_sdot(a::Value, b::Value, c::Value; res::MLIRType, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[res, ] + operands = Value[a, b, c, ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[] -# create_operation( -# "arm_neon.2d.sdot", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "arm_neon.2d.sdot", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `intr_sdot` diff --git a/src/Dialects/16/Func.jl b/src/Dialects/16/Func.jl index 26a2c59a..f169624c 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/16/Func.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/16/Func.jl @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ function constant(; result_0::MLIRType, value, location=Location()) end """ -`func_` +`func` Operations within the function cannot implicitly capture values defined outside of the function, i.e. Functions are `IsolatedFromAbove`. All @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func.func @example_fn_result() -> (f64 {dialectName.attrName = 0 : i64}) func.func @example_fn_attr() attributes {dialectName.attrName = false} ``` """ -function func_(; sym_name, function_type, sym_visibility=nothing, arg_attrs=nothing, res_attrs=nothing, body::Region, location=Location()) +function func(; sym_name, function_type, sym_visibility=nothing, arg_attrs=nothing, res_attrs=nothing, body::Region, location=Location()) results = MLIRType[] operands = Value[] owned_regions = Region[body, ] diff --git a/src/Dialects/16/MLProgram.jl b/src/Dialects/16/MLProgram.jl index 105b9b7c..94b9c32d 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/16/MLProgram.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/16/MLProgram.jl @@ -57,20 +57,20 @@ such a load can be considered to have no side effects. %0 = ml_program.global_load_const @foobar : tensor ``` """ -# function global_load_const(; result::MLIRType, global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[result, ] -# operands = Value[] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_load_const(; result::MLIRType, global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[result, ] + operands = Value[] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_load_const", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_load_const", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `global_load_graph` @@ -92,20 +92,20 @@ without additional consideration to evaluation order constraints. ordering (%token -> !ml_program.token) : tensor ``` """ -# function global_load_graph(consumeTokens::Vector{Value}; result::MLIRType, produceToken::MLIRType, global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[result, produceToken, ] -# operands = Value[consumeTokens..., ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_load_graph(consumeTokens::Vector{Value}; result::MLIRType, produceToken::MLIRType, global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[result, produceToken, ] + operands = Value[consumeTokens..., ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_load_graph", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_load_graph", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `global_load` @@ -127,20 +127,20 @@ without additional consideration to evaluation order constraints. See %0 = ml_program.global_load @foobar : tensor ``` """ -# function global_load(; result::MLIRType, global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[result, ] -# operands = Value[] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_load(; result::MLIRType, global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[result, ] + operands = Value[] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_load", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_load", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `global_` @@ -210,20 +210,20 @@ without additional consideration to evaluation order constraints. ordering (%in_token -> !ml_program.token) : tensor ``` """ -# function global_store_graph(value::Value, consumeTokens::Vector{Value}; produceToken::MLIRType, global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[produceToken, ] -# operands = Value[value, consumeTokens..., ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_store_graph(value::Value, consumeTokens::Vector{Value}; produceToken::MLIRType, global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[produceToken, ] + operands = Value[value, consumeTokens..., ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_store_graph", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_store_graph", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `global_store` @@ -245,20 +245,20 @@ without additional consideration to evaluation order constraints. See ml_program.global_store @foobar = %0 : tensor ``` """ -# function global_store(value::Value; global, location=Location()) -# results = MLIRType[] -# operands = Value[value, ] -# owned_regions = Region[] -# successors = Block[] -# attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global), ] +function global_store(value::Value; global_, location=Location()) + results = MLIRType[] + operands = Value[value, ] + owned_regions = Region[] + successors = Block[] + attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("global", global_), ] -# create_operation( -# "ml_program.global_store", location; -# operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, -# results=results, -# result_inference=false -# ) -# end + create_operation( + "ml_program.global_store", location; + operands, owned_regions, successors, attributes, + results=results, + result_inference=false + ) +end """ `output` diff --git a/src/Dialects/16/SPIRV.jl b/src/Dialects/16/SPIRV.jl index bddaf5ac..2d88c28c 100644 --- a/src/Dialects/16/SPIRV.jl +++ b/src/Dialects/16/SPIRV.jl @@ -5354,14 +5354,14 @@ spirv.GlobalVariable @var2 bind(1, 2) : !spirv.ptr spirv.GlobalVariable @var3 built_in(\"GlobalInvocationId\") : !spirv.ptr, Input> ``` """ -function GlobalVariable(; type, sym_name, initializer=nothing, binding=nothing, descriptor_set=nothing, builtin=nothing, location=Location()) +function GlobalVariable(; type, sym_name, initializer=nothing, location_=nothing, binding=nothing, descriptor_set=nothing, builtin=nothing, location=Location()) results = MLIRType[] operands = Value[] owned_regions = Region[] successors = Block[] attributes = NamedAttribute[namedattribute("type", type), namedattribute("sym_name", sym_name), ] (initializer != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("initializer", initializer)) - (location != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("location", location)) + (location != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("location", location_)) (binding != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("binding", binding)) (descriptor_set != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("descriptor_set", descriptor_set)) (builtin != nothing) && push!(attributes, namedattribute("builtin", builtin))