diff --git a/lib/package/config.coffee b/lib/package/config.coffee
index 7c1ab069..ceafd0ad 100644
--- a/lib/package/config.coffee
+++ b/lib/package/config.coffee
@@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ config =
           {value:'block', description:'Display results under code'}
           {value:'console', description:'Display results in the REPL'}
-        order: 1
+        order: 0
         title: 'Scroll to Inline Results'
         type: 'boolean'
         default: false
-        order: 2
+        order: 1
         title: 'Documentation Display Mode'
         type: 'string'
@@ -166,6 +166,12 @@ config =
           {value: 'inline', description: 'Show documentation in the editor'}
           {value: 'pane', description: 'Show documentation in the documentation pane'}
+        order: 2
+      notifications:
+        title: 'Notifications'
+        type: 'boolean'
+        default: true
+        description: 'Enable notifications for evaluation.'
         order: 3
         title: 'Error Notifications'
diff --git a/lib/ui/notifications.coffee b/lib/ui/notifications.coffee
index 78dc11ac..27fcafb7 100644
--- a/lib/ui/notifications.coffee
+++ b/lib/ui/notifications.coffee
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 remote = require 'remote'
 module.exports =
-  # notes: []
-  # window: remote.getCurrentWindow()
+  notes: []
+  window: remote.getCurrentWindow()
   activate: ->
-    # document.addEventListener 'focusin', =>
-    #   @clear()
+    document.addEventListener 'focusin', =>
+      @clear()
   enabled: -> atom.config.get('julia-client.uiOptions.notifications')
   show: (msg, force) ->
-    # return unless force or (@enabled() and not document.hasFocus())
-    # n = new Notification "Julia Client",
-    #   body: msg
-    # n.onclick = =>
-    #   @window.focus()
-    # @notes.push(n)
+    return unless force or (@enabled() and not document.hasFocus())
+    n = new Notification "Julia Client",
+      body: msg
+    n.onclick = =>
+      @window.focus()
+    @notes.push(n)
-  # clear: ->
-  #   for note in @notes
-  #     note.close()
-  #   @notes = []
+  clear: ->
+    for note in @notes
+      note.close()
+    @notes = []