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162 lines (125 loc) · 4.11 KB

File metadata and controls

162 lines (125 loc) · 4.11 KB


Swift, Combine, IT Book Store, pagination, image cache
Standalone Application without third party library
Local Swift Package Manager

For the API used, see here (IT Bookstore API)


Works Standalone without 3rd party libraries.
Combine based MVVM application.

Understanding Search, SearchResult View controller hierarchies.
Smooth pagination scrollview (tableview, collectionview)
Completly seperated Core Module. (using Swift Pakage Manager)


It is a collection of core functions with little change
such as communication and utility.
Local Swift Package Manager (SPM)

ViewModelStream, ViewModelType

Based on the kicstater MVVM Style.

points of better then original style.

less typing and changes then original style.
completly separation of interfaces.
still using unidirectional data flow
and enhanced access control.
more extendable easier.

sample code

Class SomeClass {
  class ViewModel {
      // MARK: - Lazy properties
      lazy var inputs: Inputs = { Inputs(base: self) }()
      lazy var outputs: Outputs = { Outputs(base: self) }()

extension SomeController.ViewModel: ViewModelStream {
    typealias ViewModel = BookShlefViewController.ViewModel
    /// Implement only functions, if possible
    struct Inputs: ViewModelStreamInternals {
        private unowned var base: ViewModel
        init(base: ViewModel) { self.base = base }
    /// Implement only functions, if possible
    struct Outputs: ViewModelStreamInternals {
        private unowned var base: ViewModel
        init(base: ViewModel) { self.base = base }

fileprivate typealias Inputs = SomeController.ViewModel.Inputs
fileprivate typealias Outputs = SomeController.ViewModel.Outputs

extension Inputs {
    /// event binder, these property types must not be relay and subject
    var someValueObservable: SomeObservable { base.someValue }
    func fetchSomething() { base.fetchSomething() }
    func configureSomeDepandancy(_ depandancy: Depandancy) { base.depandancy = depandancy }

extension Outputs {
    var item: SomeObservable { base.item }
    var error: SomeObservable<Error, Never> { base.error }
    var someValue: String { base.someValue }

1. HTTP module based on Combine framework.

sample code

Remote<Some Codable>.somefunction().asObservable()
.compactMap({ $0 })
.sink(receiveCompletion: { [unowned self] in
    switch $0 {
        case .failure(let error):
            // handle someerror
        case .finished: print($0)
            // handle finished event
}, receiveValue: { [unowned self] in
    handle receiveValue



The ViewController used as the base and
BaseCell Protocol to configure TableView Cell
(View-based feature of MVVM)


This feature is a category of the MVVM model. By extending Core Modular's HTTP module (Remote) Each transaction instance can be create. The model conforms the Codable protocol.

protocol BookShelf: Codable {
    var total: String { get }
    var error: String { get }
    var books: [Model.Book] { get }

protocol BookInfo: Codable & Equatable {
    var title: String { get }
    var subtitle: String { get }
    var isbn13: String { get }
    var price: String { get }
    var image: String { get }
    var url: String { get }

    struct Book: BookInfo, Equatable {
        var title: String
        var subtitle: String
        var isbn13: String
        var price: String
        var image: String 
        var url: String

Common View protocol

conforms MVVM View's protocol


  1. If there is no book that the user has searched for,
    a new book list is called and displayed.
  2. If the book the user has searched for is saved,
    the list is called and displayed.
  3. The image is provided as a URL string for each item,
    and the image is asynchronously processed.
    (Using ImageCache related functions belonging to CoreModular)
  4. Provides book search function

Search Result

Book Detail


ETC Extensions